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Messages - Robot_Quentin

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: Twin Peaks
« on: May 25, 2017, 08:41:06 PM »
Bottom line MB, is if you've ONLY seen the old show, and nothing else Lynch has done; those people definitely won't like this new version... It's really much closer to Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive than it is to the 90's TP show.

Very slow, inexplicable and surreal most of the time so far, but this is an 18hr Lynch-fest that is just getting started. I am very intrigued as to where it's going to go. The path is slowly forming.

One comment I saw said that he has created his own new (wholly other) version of "quirkiness" for 2017.

salute the entire population of the Earth for voting him as "Most Annoying Human on the Planet", again!

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: Twin Peaks
« on: May 10, 2017, 12:24:55 AM »
Thanks so much for the updates MB!!! 

Wow, I can't believe it is actually happening...   [easter_grin] [easter_grin]

I'm trying my best to not get my hopes up too high! (But it's very hard not to...)

Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: May 09, 2017, 09:00:50 PM »
In case anyone was looking for any DS episodes on apparently you must only use a regular Google search of video content for a particular episode... Then you will see them come up for that site.

If you search on the actual site, your search will not find anything for some reason.

That sounds like an awesome souvenir!!!  [easter_grin] [easter_grin]

And Happy (belated) Birthday!!!!! [thewave]

Exactly MB!! One for the record books I imagine!  [easter_wink] [easter_wink]

Come to think of it, maybe Barn is the sexual master??  [easter_wink] That's why Ang went crazy over him!!

Thank you kind sirs. [salute]

Current Talk '17 I / Re: He's So Mean
« on: May 02, 2017, 08:49:17 PM »
Exactly MB... Not counting his induced Leviathan lapse, you'd be best not to cross him!!  [easter_shocked]

Current Talk '17 I / Re: He's So Mean
« on: May 02, 2017, 07:16:06 PM »
I recently have introduced DS to one of my younger relatives, having talked about it (mostly) my whole life to her... You know, being a Mister know-it-all with this younger generation and their Twilight vamps and such!! Ha! But essentially saying Barn was the first vampire who felt guilty about what he did to survive, etc.

I talked to her the other day after getting thru Vol. 2 (skipping Pre-B era) and she asked me, "I thought this Barnabas guy was a good vampire?" Hahaha... 

I explained that's what I refer to as the "A-Hole Barnabas era".  He's MUCH nicer later on in the show!!  [easter_wink] [easter_wink]

Okay then! I thank y'all immensely!! (As we say down here in Texas)  [coolbrows]

Ya, whew MB! But it must've been worth it at the time...  [easter_rolleyes]

But with any soap I guess, you can't have interesting story-lines without heartache. (However misguided)

Current Talk '17 I / Re: DS episodes online
« on: April 27, 2017, 12:45:52 AM »
On that same note, shopping for a new laptop (another dying thing it seems), but you really have to look VERY hard to find one with a DVD-R/Rom drive built in... Strange indeed...

I do foresee a time when everything will be streaming or digital download with our own personal "cloud drive" that will be unlocked by the government upon our passing.

jumping in, himself

maybe sex with Angelique in Martinique wasn't worth it after all

do I annoy you quite so bad in 1968? [easter_rolleyes]