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Messages - Robot_Quentin

...blow something up while singing "Light My Fire".

...getting fitted for a Batman suit.

...doing field sobriety tests on each other for hours whilst giggling and taking breaks to throw up occasionally.

1549 your partner in the clogging contest!!

...drink some warm snake-oil martinis until the wee hours of the morning!!

...learn the timeless art of quilting!!

...failed your urine test!"

 [laughing4] My money's on Rikki-Tikki-Tavi...

...the Arby's logo...

...18th century ivory nose-picker...

...velvet Elvis...

1554 favorite pair of hot pants with the flames on the rear. (I apologize in advance for that one!) recipe for a divine jalapeno ranch dip. "Dianetics" book I'm reading. Sudoku puzzle book. (All solutions add up to 666) bags of hot air!

...four time world champion of BOGGLE. unemployed housekeeper.

...creating a so-called "modern art" literal representation of a "Hitchcock" chair in the shop's display window. (Donkeys, naked men and a plow were included in this depiction...)

...asking at the monthly meeting that he understood that Art Deco was to be a guest speaker this month.

1557 use it to ONLY to store my costume jewelry!! over it with my VW van.

...paint it tie-dye and send off to tour with The Greatful Dead.

1558 VERY large tablespoon...

...the entire floor of the bar soaked with beer from the Duff Man party that had just ended...

...tasted strangely like barbecued baby-back ribs. (Which he disliked intensely!)

Thanks and Thanks!!!