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Messages - B.Collins

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Current Talk '08 II / Re: New Big Finish Dramas
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:46:41 AM »
I've got one question, & i admit i asked in the wrong place. well the wrong thread i mean. sorry about that. anywys, my questions rather are, is it free to join Big Finish's website? & if i wanted to download something from there may it be an audio play of doctor who or "DS" do i have to pay to get that? meaning do i have to buy something 1st before i am allowed to download it? or not? & thank you for your help ahead of time.

sorry about that.

ya know what would be perfect? if he had something to do with the NEW nightmare on elm street remake. i don't mean he should reprise the role that he did when he was what 19? but maybe have a cameo like he did in part 6. IF they  MUST have a remake of it. i was reading somewhere on a forum that they NEED to remake it & how Craven is a bad director but a good writer. while i disagree on what they said he's both a good director & a good writer. even if he hasn't done a good film in quite a few yrs. anyways that's a film they should just leave well enough alone ya know?

[Admin Note: The rest of this post has been quoted, split, and merged with "Dark Shadows: New Audio Dramas from Big Finish" on "Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I".]

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Mitch Ryan
« on: January 14, 2009, 11:14:28 PM »
 yes he does. & he's also aged well. he's a fine actor as well. i think a better actor than the guy who replaced him on the show. i forget his name at the moment. but bear with me i'm also half asleep.  so please forgive me.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday to Mitch Ryan
« on: January 12, 2009, 07:17:38 AM »
i agree Happy Belated b-day! & he's 75? WOW! i STILL Think he's a better burke. & it's a shame he got fired from the show. anyways happy 75 Mitch. if ya read this.  [snow_bigglass]

ya know what? i just can't wait until this film comes out! i have a feeling it's going to be good. i just HOPE THAT Tim Burton does by it right. & NOT make it a 90 minute movie like "Dan Curtis' did with the Orginal Films. & it's a damn shame that he's since passed on soo he can't see the finished product. i also hope that they make sequels to it. there really hasn't been any crappy films of Tim burton's that i haven't enjoyed of his. some are better than others granted but he's basically done MOSTLY GREAT films. plus i'm dying to see Johnny Depp  pull this thing off, IF anyone can do it he can. i was watching Nightmare on elm street the original & it's just simply amazing that was his 1st film. & that to me that will at least until the DS film comes out, his BEST FILM! i know he's done a LOT WONDERFUL movies since than. but Nightmare On elm street for me is my favorite of his. by the way i see you changed the color to a nice color, the board i mean & i like it VERY much.  [snow_wow]

well thank you.  & sweet

has any of the old cast members that are still with us of course, been asked to reprise their roles? cause if you really think about it MOST of them aren't really doing anything anymore.  at least that i know of. it'd be great ya know?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 31, 2008, 11:54:35 PM »
or cause he was just completely taken aback when he heard Sam coming & it surprised the hell out of him & he didn't have time to think or react. soo he just bailed. i also viewed that episode the last nite i think? that you pointed out Lydia. & you would be correct. he just wanted to kill burke, & he had forgotten that Jason was a nobody that nobody could care less if he was killed or never returned EVER again. well maybe the law on the killing part had they decided to have "Sheriff Patterson" find out he was killed. but other than that nobody really cared about him. except maybe Willie to a degree. anyways, Burke was a rich man & that has always bugged me on how did he make his millions? & [spoiler]why did they kill the character off?[/spoiler] i know why the actors left. maybe they just ran out of story for him & for things for him to do? anyways, Barnabas did forget that Burke was a well known & liked man by MANY &  a rich man & people would look for him IF He all of a sudden Vanished!

screw that i ain't paying that. according to IMDB the film comes out in (2011) isn't that a bit TOO FAR OFF? or is this just me? i hope they are wrong though. & that's just a guess date.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 28, 2008, 09:44:08 AM »
i agree, buut i wasn't refering to the storyline or the writers. buut just barnabas in particular. story wise & writers wise i agree. & i'm also THRILLED that he didn't kill them. i was just saying like the 1st poster of this thread that since Barnabas has strength & can take the two of them to kill them. why didn't he?  i don't think he was starting to really be humanized yet. i'm in the middle of episode #286 i think? which actually just ended. & he's already started to i guess you could say Court Vicki Winters & he's just starting to look a tiny bit humanized well towards her anyways.  he hasn't stopped being evil yet. that's not for awhile in this era of the show.
anyways that's what i think the original poster meant.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: So... why'd they kick James Hall?
« on: December 28, 2008, 09:33:55 AM »
really? he finally lost weight? well good for him. maybe since he's what 75 his doctor told him he has to slim down, & it may affect his heart. & no i don't wish no ill will towards him. if he just wanted to lose weight that's a better thought i think. wouldn't you say? buut good for him  though. you have any pics?

Current Talk '08 II / Re: So... why'd they kick James Hall?
« on: December 27, 2008, 11:50:19 PM »
i heard somewhere no i don't know where i had i think read it? heard in an interview? i forget.well i hadn't heard anything about him drinking too much. "Mitch Ryan" yes that's why he got fired. too bad though he's a damn fine actor. who could have been good for the show much LONGER than his character was on the show afterword. anyways, the reason i heard about james hall leaving was cuz he had trouble reading the monitor. & that's why they said david ford left. he had trouble reading it which is why the made him blind & why his ghost has the glasses on too. so he could read the monitor. i think they said Karlen had trouble with it at some point to. buut i forget it i heard that. soo bear with me on that one i could be wrong. yes he wasn't that GREAT of an actor buut he was no Johnny Karlen. who is i agree a by far MUCH better choice. but the actors do like a tad alike if ya have noticed. well at least back than anyways, i don't think they would NOW cause Karlen is the size of a house now. hehe

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Maggie Escapes
« on: December 27, 2008, 04:25:31 AM »
i just watched this episode last night in fact, or was it today? no last nite, late last nite which is why i had trouble remembering. anyways, i don't think he was trying to make her forget, if you remember he didn't know sarah was around than. if my memory serves me right, he did know there was a little girl around the area buut NOT his little sister. i admit i forget this part so i may be wrong. please correct me if i am indeed incorrect. anyways,

as for him not killing Sam, i don't think he had a reason TO kill him. yes he had earlyier threatned to kill him if she made any noise. buut that was than, also if you look at "David Ford" he's not a skinny little thing for him to pick up. maybe if Willie was with him he may have killed him soo than he can have help moving both the bodies.

another guess is simply this, he was debating on what to do with her, he was one minute threatening her.

& he hadn't yet decided on HOW to kill her. if you remember Barnabas had told her he'd kill her slowly. or something along the lines of that. or he just didn't want to bodies to have to have removed. cause for one thing   "Maggie" was in a way considered dead by the police.  buut "Sam" will be missed. killing Jason later on was a guy that nobody would miss. he was to leave town anyways.  well i'm out of guessing for the time being. everyon here has good idea's on why he just didn't kill them both.

i just got the first 4 stories tonight, buut i haven't had the time to start listening to the 1st one. & i would also have LOVED seeing "Alec Newman" a VERY Gifted actor to boot. i don't know if anyone has seen him in the tv version of "Dune" a few yrs. back but he was Fantastic as "Paul" that's really the ONLY thing i've seen him do unfortunally. buut i am looking forward to hearing him play "Barnabas" in this format even IF we can't have him on tv as it SHOULD BE!  [angry9] [angry8] anyways as for "Marley Shelton" i don't think she'll have the time since she's doing "The Elventh Hour" here in the states now. which i think is a "GREAT SHOW! buut who knows maybe

she might do it, ya NEVER know i guess.

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