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Messages - B.Collins

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i haven't seen The Stand Remake but a lot of people told me it sucked

i do hope this sequel show is made i hadn't heard anything about it since before Covid Hit to be honest. i just assumed it was still in Development and still in finding the right script to use but that's my own guess cause last i heard the CW was gonna do it

Current Talk '24 I / Re: 'Terror at Collinwood' - my new DS podcast!
« on: October 06, 2021, 10:53:48 PM »
congrats on the new podcast i haven't listened to a podcast any podcast in ages maybe i'll check yours out

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Creepshow Season 3
« on: October 06, 2021, 08:29:41 AM »
i still need to see season 1

Donald Trump, ya know it would really be  funny to honestly hear Roger do an impression of him

i just want to know if they are actually going to do it and if what cast will be in it etc.. the usual stuff it really breaks my heart that John Karlen won't be part of it as i'm sure he would have loved to be in it. i would not be surprised at all if he did want to do it.

have they even put out a cast announcement for the sequel series at all?  let alone who's even writing it?

i love the married couple who created this show so i had to give this show a chance when it first came out. i love the good wife and i haven't really watched the good fight just yet, but i love this show it took a few episodes for me to get into it as it started out pretty weak at least i think so or rather i just could not make up my mind on the show.  but i am loving it so far,  it's  just a shame they only are doing 13 this season i wonder how many episodes they are doing next season as it's already been renewed shockingly for season 2.

i say it like that cause most of the time when i want a new show to get renewed it just gets Cancelled.

i saw an interview where he said that and it's both creepy and kinda adorable too. i wonder how she'll react when she's older? lol

this got me excited as well a sequel to the Original show, i do wonder how many of the Original cast is going to do it? i know David Henesy doesn't act anymore but i think it would be really a lot of fun to see him on the new show if and when it does happen. among others who no longer act like Nancy Barrett, well i believe she still does plays but i mean film work or tv work and she hasn't done any since the 80's. 

i used to call them previews as well but that was before i knew what they were really called, than you have the ones that are on tv which are just called TV spots for example. anyways i'm 40 and i still love these books i may not be a kid anymore sadly, but some books i read back than and i think you have this too we will always love to read,

as for DS well i do think honestly it was the 1st film and it's been awhile since i last saw the trailer for it, but i do think honestly that it was the parents who took their kids to see the film and they said to each other look if the film is like this the tv show must be like this, i wasn't around during DS's Original run i wasn't born until (1978) so it was off the air nearly a decade before i was born.   

but i do think the ratings declined because of that and because parents instead of watching the tv show an saying to each other Gee this isn't as bad as the film was i think that did happen but not enough so it hurt the show and that's why it was cancelled i also think the other reason was cause they really ran out of ideas and were starting to repeat themselves at the end and they've admitted this too. had they never done either film it wouldn't surprise me if the show lasted at least a few years longer. now i dunno if it'd still be on for

example but i doubt it because i do think them running out of ideas would have helped them decide to end the show anyways. but who knows what would have happened had the films not been made ya know?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: July 21, 2019, 01:43:40 PM »
i'm still shocked they didn't do a Dark Shadows video game when the film came out i thought they would have and in fact i was hoping for it, cause there are times when a good one does come out not all video games based off movies are crap.

i dunno about that she could be right of course but i dunno there's other films that i've seen and i haven't seen that have used quite a lot of blood. but if it is true color me impressed that they actually used real fake blood instead of using CGI like they seem to these days unlike it's a B film of course and this one clearly isn't.

i wonder if that is true though? i forget how much Theater of Death you know that old Vincent Price film from (1973) also you MUST see it if you haven't seen it before. they use quite a lot of blood in that one but i don't recall hearing them still taking it out the next day after it was shot to be fair.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: John Karlen in HIDDEN FACES
« on: July 20, 2019, 01:32:19 AM »
i was just reading this thread and If IMDB is right there were #127 episodes made and that's it  that's how short that run was. i am curious to see it now though who knows maybe someday some will be found i mean they have found some Doctor Who in recent years why not this show as well? also with those Avengers episodes found a year or two ago wasn't it?

i saw this yesterday  and here is the thing i love and adore the series and i did love the last one however the characters would really stupid i mean that one kid who was killed he just stands waiting to be killed and than is shocked that he was killed go figure ya know?

having said that they should have 100% ended the series years ago we have too many of them now i think. just end them for good, there are still plenty of people who buy them on dvd/blu-ray VHS, Laserdisc well pretty much every format there is known to man they aren't losing money by not makin gone is my point.

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