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Messages - B.Collins

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Current Talk '10 II / Re: DS DVD Sale At
« on: July 25, 2010, 06:46:10 AM »
thank you soo much, for letting me know it ends on Monday. i was curious as to when this GREAT sale was ending. where does it say this?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 11:53:29 PM »
the mystery continues. well i don't know about the other film but Willy Wonka was film at some point in (1970) & her part was pretty big. other than "Dark Shadows" making her a star did doing films ever do that for her? to be honest i've only ever see her in 'Willy Wonka" so that's why i ask. i'd love to see her other work to be honest. & when i 1st saw her on "DS"

it took me a LONG TIME to get used to the idea really cause i have Littery seen "Willy Wonka" at least almost a thousand times i'm guessing. or close to it.  he he. i don't know the number. so seeing her in something else before that film was made or released took me some getting used to. & really the only films i've seen with any cast member Of "DS" is a few with "Joan Bennet" who hasn't?   'David Selby" i think a bit with "Kate Jackson" & that's all i can think of for now. oh & a couple with "Lara Parker" in short there hasn't been many films i've seen with actors from DS.

anyways you beat me to the punch. i was just going to ask why she left the show? one actor that i wish did the show even for a short time like "Abe Vigoda" did who looks EXACTLY the same as he did back than. he he. is "Christopher Lee" or "Vincent Price" one question though, i've seen places online that  say "Harvey Keitel" did the show as an extra at the blue Whale" i've seen the entire show a few time completly through & looked for him too. i just can't see him. "IMBD" i think lists him doing 2 or 3 in episods #35 or something like that, did he in fact do the show?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:15:52 PM »
thank you for your kind words Darren. i'm Stimpy25 on that site if ya ever see me on it. anyways, i apologized cause i didn't want to appear like i  knew everything cause i admit freely, that i don't.  i'm sure you've had to deal with people who think they DO know everything. who hasn't? he he. ya know? anyways, i think i recall DN saying it was during the party Sequence.

it's kinda funny how we can't trust 100% somone who did the show!  & sad at the same time. cause she doesn't seem to appear to me anyways like she thinks knows everything either. i wish i could have met Dan Curtis to ask him about it. oh well i guess.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 05:09:55 PM »
that's right, i believe i read that in 2 places, the trivia section on 'IMDB" which i admit freely can sometimes be wrong, & i also read that somewhere else as well, in an interview that she did herself. i even think it may have been on her offical site a couple years back. before it was closed. so that's where i think i read it. i dunno where else it was stated though. but i DO recall that's where i read it 1st. i can't recall if she said anything about a 3rd film. i wish Dan Curtis would have done one. but

oh well i guess. he he. & thanx you both for the info. i'm going to TRY & sleep some more. it's one of those days where you keep waking up every couple of hrs. don't you HATE THAT?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:24:15 PM »
i forgot to mention & again i'm sorry i didn't realize it until after i posted it. that about the interview it was an interview you had done somewhere. they didn't give a link. so it may have been to some site, NOT IMDB.  in short i dunno where they got the link from the interview you gave. but someone found it online & cut & pasted it on the IMDB boards. to correct a fan who was asking about the films. that's what i meant  to say. but i didn't do so very well.

please know that i haven't gotten much sleep so bear with me. as my attention span at the moment isn't all there. he he. i just wanted to add that. & thank you for your reply. i was just curious if the interview that you did was real. & i guess it was.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:18:35 PM »
You misunderstood me. 1stly i personally thought you had found some of the deleted scenes for both films. i thought i had read that somewhere. maybe your old site. but than bear in mind it's been awhile. so i can't really remember. i do recall you looking for QUITE A LONG TIME!  anyways, i didn't say you did an interview for 'IMDB" someone posted one you did

when another fan was asking about it. i was just curious if the interview was real cause as everyone here knows, it's not always easy to get things right when it comes to the internet. you could be misquoted in any interview online or off. i do find it awefully sad & dissapointing that you were unable to find any scenes for "HODS" i honestly thought you had. 

i was dying to see at some least of the footage inserted back in. cause the film itself doesn't seem like Dan Curtis did a very good job at cutting it. he cut too much out of it. i believe i read somewhere that even Denise Nickerson was in the "HODS" but her scenes got cut. it would have been nice to see those scenes. i have "HODS" on VHS actually. i've been unable to find in any stores "NODS" that's another film that too much got cut & isn't very good. i can't wait until thee footage is back in so the film can be watchable! at least to me. & by the way. if i confused you. my apologies man.

actually i saw on "IMDB" not to long ago that the year was (2012) they have since upped it a year. so who knows?
"The Talisman" has been on it like forever. so has the 4th "Re-Animator" film & all i've ever heard about that film is that it's NOT getting made. so who knows ya know? my point is, i think it's just a guess cause just in case it takes that long for him to write the script. i do hope & pray that Johnny Depp who i've been a die hard fan of since "21 Jump Street"  premiered in (1987) anyways i hope & Pray that if the film DOES get made. he doesn't play it weird like he did as Willy Wonka. but plays it straight. it wouldn't bother me if they made it into a horror/Drama/romance film.   kinda how the original film is, at least somewhat. the 2nd one is anyways. anyways there's my 2 cents he he

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 22, 2010, 09:19:49 AM »
i was reading posts that people made on "IMDB" i sometimes read them just for fun. sometimes for a good laugh as we all do here. anyways, someone on one the movie boards of the films, i forget which one, they may have posted it on both of them. anyways, they were talking about the deleted scenes & such.  & if they did in fact exist.

anyways, they posted an interview that Darren Gross here did a few months. no they didn't say the source. i read it & it sounded real. from what i remember he said that the reason he closed the site down was i think folks at WB who own the film. i believe the article said. i guess felt put on the spot or something. bear in mind i forget what the article on this actually said so i'm just going from memory here.  so please don't hold that against me. anyways,

than the article went on & said that there is footage for the 2nd "DS" film but that there is no deleted scenes that exist anymore. & that "Dan Curtis" destroyed them all a few years later after he made the film. & he told "Darren Gross" himself this. now i'm not sure if that is indeed true. but i used to read that website of his so him closing it down for the reason that was stated sounded true. to me anyways. & made sense. but if memory serves me right the article could be wrong.

cause to my knowledge he did find footage. my question here after all this typing is, is the article indeed true? if you guys & gals want to read the article that i mention here. that someone posted it's on the movie boards for the "DS" films i'm not sure about the boards for the tv show. the only part i remember fully in that article is the part about the deleted scenes.

the rest i could be wrong about it. cause i read it a few days ago. so bear with me if i'm wrong. he he.

as you have noticed my last post here was awhile back. so i didn't know these have already been released. he he

i also can't wait until i hear these. i'm a HUGE David Warner fan as well. 1st thing i ever saw him in was in if ya can believe it he he. "TMNT 2: The Secret of the Ooze"  in (1991)  i had never heard of him before that. & seeing in that role just made me want to see his other work. & i think Alec Newman is also doing an amazing job as well. it's to bad that the updated version didn't get picked up. he would have made a great Barnabas. as i said in another post i haven't seen the pilot yet.

anyways, only thing i've ever seen him in actually is "Dune" & he was amazing in that. anyways i've rambled on long enough he he.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The 2004 WB Pilot
« on: July 20, 2010, 10:12:49 AM »
1stly it's been awhile since i last popped up in here. so my apologies for being away so long. i accidently deleted the bookmark awhile back. plus i didn't have a computer for quite a long time. anyways, so 2ndly they have the "Lost In Space" pilot  on You tube? i've gotta watch that tomorrow IF it's still there!

that's my favorite show of ALL time. "DS" is my 2nd favorite show of all time. anyways, i still have yet to see the DS pilot though. maybe someday. by the time i make it to a convention the entire cast & crew will prolly be passed on unfortunally.

so i hope it won't be THAT long from me. oh well anyways, i was just reading on the discussion Boards on 'IMDB" & people were talking about the johny Depp film & all that. since this thread isn't about that film i don't need to ramble on what was said. my point is it got me thinking about this site. & it said which i did forget about was about the original show, they are going to repackage it? how ? i didn't see a thread here about it so i ask here, it's also 5 am & i came home from work not to long ago so i'm a bit tired & that's why i didn't start a new thread.  my point in asking about that in this thread is simply this,

i noticed someone posted my talk about this thread on another thread. which i found quite funny since i haven't been here for awhile. anyways, also reading this thread it got me wondering if they are going to repackage them for some reason?
if anyone knew if the pilot that is talked about in this thread is perhaps going to be on it? anyways thanxs for your help ahead of time. & i hope to talk to you all soon. i have to go to bed you see.  so nite for now.

thank you for letting me know. i was just to lazy to try & look that's all. he he. hey i at least admit it. well i'm glad the site i saw it at was wrong. & no it wasn't  the offical website i saw it at. i forget which site i saw it at actauly. i just was stunned at the news that's all. NOW I'm EXTREMLY Relieved that that particular person was WRONG! when i read it i thought to myself HOW DARE THEY! he he. buut anyways thank you again for the update.

i dunno if this is answered already & if it has i'm deeply sorry, i just don't feel like going through 22 pages.

buut i heard that they aren't finished the cliff hanger in the 1st set of the 1st season i think it's called?  or rather it got cancelled is this true?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:30:18 AM »
 man do i wish they'd put these on dvd already. hopefully the uncut versions. i know we all wish that. buut i hope they'd put the remake pilot on it as well as a bonus. & really Itunes has the flix on it?

well if i angered anyone here i'm deeply sorry about that. i do understand where you are coming from. i'm just short on cash that's all. & you guys have done a WONDERFUL job too. also no disrepect either. one question though do you sell your product in stores? around where i live i don't see it in any bookstores around me. at some point i do plan on buying them though

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