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Messages - B.Collins

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Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: November 06, 2010, 10:09:21 PM »
the episode the other nite was actually pretty damn good, don't you think? i didn't expect that dude to come back to life after being staked, well until the camera zoomed back on him i didn't expect it. than i saw it coming. plus it was nice to see Stefan & Damon to get along better.

i hope that continues throught the season at least. hopefully the series but since it's just the 2nd season i say season.
what do you think?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: November 06, 2010, 04:40:47 AM »
i agree, i don't think it'll be on dvd/ or blue-ray until the film is released. than my guess they will reissue the dvd of the original series. my guess also is they will maybe do spurts or something of the show that may continue until & even after for awhle at least the film gets released on dvd & blue-ray. i'm just guessing of course.

i have no way of knowing or any proof this is what's going to go down.

stupid question but why in the hell  does he keep signing on to do this film or that film, if he hasn't even started "DS' yet?

funny thing  is if you look at IMDB which i realize can be wrong a LOT of the time. & has posted stuff wrong on a number of ocassions. johnny deep already has plenty of films in his schedule why does he keep signing on to do a film that won't be may until say maybe 5 years from now? i'm not referring to the movie that Marky Mark as i still know him as

in replacing him i mean. i'm referring to just roles in general. if you look at "Will Smith" films he has like 30 films or so in the line according to IMDB that he has yet to do any thing with. yet he also keeps signing on to do more roles. will smith most of the time only does what 1 film a year if that? sometimes 2 so you see my point. at least with Johnny Depp he sometimes releases 3 or 4 films a year.

i just read about this on "IMDB" & with news they are pretty good at reporting it. & if it's wrong they actually apologize about it. it doesn't happen often but it DOES happen. anyways "April" huh?

that's i think reasonable cause no one else in the cast has been announced & since it's NOW November that makes sense ya know? anyways, i think everyone here will agree with me when i say this, i'll believe it when i see it.

or rather hear it offically announced that it's started filming.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Why Dark Shadows Scared the Hell Out of Us
« on: November 02, 2010, 06:30:57 AM »
you mention shape shifting eh? how about the various different shape shifting "Sherrif Patterson" went thorugh!  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Why Dark Shadows Scared the Hell Out of Us
« on: November 01, 2010, 07:04:51 AM »
you know i am thrilled NOT to have seen an Evil Vicki. but i also think had she stayed on the show she would have prolly played another character as well. pretty much all the main cast played different roles.

 i DO  think if they brought show show back today as a day time soap i mean. it prolly would be made scarier than it was back than. & again i say this in the year (2010) i'm not denying that back in the 60's & early 70's the show was scary. it's just that since the show went off the air a LOT of movies & tv shows that have been made since than are MORE Scarier than anything DS ever did.

like "Supernatural" for example or even "Vampire Diaries" at times anyways. for kids it may be thought of that way at least in some episodes. that's the only shows on the air i can think of at the moment.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: October 19, 2010, 09:53:22 PM »
oh i know in fact i tend to over use them on some sites i am a member of. he he [hall2_grin]

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: October 19, 2010, 02:48:32 AM »
actually i didn't see that cause it's so small. i was just make a comment that's all. actually i think the season is starting a tad slower so far but than it is just the start of the season. but it's at a good pace as well.

the thing about Kevin Williamson is that he loves to keep you guessing on anything he writes. i've been a HUGE fan of his since he wrote the 1st "Scream" film back in (1996) & most of his stuff has been good. weather he does a drama like "Dawson's Creek" which i loved until the ending. even if i didn't like the end of the show. i still am a fan of his.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: October 17, 2010, 09:24:43 PM »
i'm not denying that, they started to do that last season if ya noticed man. it became less storywise at school. which i have no problem with to be honest, but it just seems false that they would have these kids, & i know Stefan isn't a kid. but he's suppose to be so he can stay in the town longer. that's what i meant that's all

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:28:25 AM »
to be honest, during the 1st season it took some time before i really could get into the show. because it started out really slow. yes it did speed up after awhile but i of course am referring to the early episodes. also

has anyone noticed how they have pretty much stopped having them in high school? or is this just me?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: October 14, 2010, 06:24:27 AM »
 I have Seen "Crowhaven Farm"  i downloaded it a couple years ago cause it's just such a RARE film. or so i hear. i did it for really one reason & one reason only 'John Carradine" i'm a HUGE fan of his. & to be honest that's a guy who SHOULD have done a few episodes of "DS" or any of the films for that matter.

he would have been perfect! at the time i was watching the film i didn't really think about the differences but NOW that you mention it. you guys & gals are right it is Similar to the "DS" film. the film itself i thought was well acted & well made. i just didn't like the ending of it. that's all. i think the film itself dragged a bit though. but what's even more Surprising is it's an "A. Spelling" film! now i'm NOT

a HUGE fan of his. like many people are. but there are some shows of his i enjoy & grew up on. so it is nice that he also dabbled in the horror genre. it's also hard to believe that tv movies back than took chances & were actually scary! the horror ones i mean. some of them were anyways. i wasn't born until (1978) so i wasn't around to see them 1st hand. but the storyline of DS the show anyways

where the pirates tear Colilnwood apart was actually pretty scary. i think a few years ago it even gave me nightmare. odd uh? i was watching it late at nite i think with the lights off so bear wtih me. anyways. as for the films of DS. i'm guessing if the DS film comes out in 2 years than that's my guess the dvd will come out. at least by what they say anyways

Current Talk '10 II / Re: DS DVD Sale At
« on: October 06, 2010, 04:43:52 AM »
thanxs for the news

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: The Vampire Diaries
« on: October 04, 2010, 09:45:25 PM »
 I love how they changed her hairstyle so the audience can tell the difference which character she's playing during the show.

 i think Zachary Q. or however ya spell his last name. is a damn fine actor as well. i agree he SHOULD be part of "D.S." but the thing is, i can' t see him play the part of " Barnabas" i'm sorry i just can't. another role yes i can see that. i honestly don't know who though. maybe Peter Bradford if they use that character? or i dunno maybe Professor Stokes?

to be honest i haven't really given it much though. but he would be GREAT to have in the film. in my eyes the right people just seem to be working on it at the moment. cause Tim Burton has i dunno the right persona for it. he's got this Gothic Personality kinda like "Grayson Hall" in real life they say did. but are also both very nice people in real life. or so i've read.

there really hasn't been that many of his films i haven't liked. i did enjoy the "Willy Wonka" remake i'd say what it's flaws were but i believe i've already have here. he he. some people say he's lost his touch, but i honestly dunno if he has, &

that i have thought about. but i also haven't seen all of his movies either. so i can't really comment on them until i watch all of them. i have yet to watch 'Alice In Wonderland" & i  bought the Blue-Ray back in June for it. i just haven't gotten

around to watch it to be honest. & from the roles i have seen "Johny Depp" play & there's many i've been a fan of his since (1987)  when "21 Jump Street" 1st came out. & i also recall being pissed off when he left the show in (1990) when his movie Career took off. with "Edward Scissorhands" i recall thinking what the hell kind of role did he take on?

cause he hadn't done anything like that at the time before. now it's standard for him to play every kind of role there is.
 but back than & for many years really i was like HUH? the show was really never the same after he left it. unfortunally.

anyways, since he has the ability to play any role which NOT all actors or actresses in any decade since they 1st started doing movies in (1894) i believe when the 1st film with sound i think was of someone Sneezing or that may have been in (1896) in either case (1894) is when they 1st started making films in some way. anyways, my point is of all the actors &

actress's going back to when the 1st came out that had story. not many of them have the abilty to play any character like Johnny Depp has.  Lon Chaney Sr. had it. so did Boris Karloff.  all actors who did every genere there. so that's why i can see Johnny Depp play "Barnabas' & sorry about my ramblings on as well he he.

ya right, i also NEVER did think about that either. a DS game HELL YEAH! i'd LOVE to see that. just as long as we can get it on all the systems. such as the "DS" & the "PS2" cause i don't have any of the other systems. & it also wouldn't surprise me if they re-issued the dvd's of the original show either.

honestly i never did think of all the merchandise we will get. i don't think anyone here has either. cause ya are the 1st poster i've seen that has brought it up. damn i hope this film actually gets made.

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