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Messages - B.Collins

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well yeah and Tim Burton is a fan as well. though i looked up what his next film is, and i was shocked it's going to be an original idea. something he hasn't done in about 10 years! not counting his claymation films.

anyways, i just hope we don't have to wait another 40 years for the next film.

 i dunno, if they want to keep Johnny Depp or pick someone else i'm ok with that.

but leave out the comedy. and keep the darkness, the gothic that should have been the film. Barnabas doesn't have to go around killing loads of people. he didn't in the series. and if he did it was only like 1 or 2 people at a time. if they keep it with the same cast i'd like to be a new story maybe take place a year or two later ? i can't think of a plot sorry that's all i got.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:13:57 AM »
i've heard mixed things, that it was both good and bad. so i dunno i'll at some point watch it. i don't mind the original show from the 50's. and i never saw the apparent (1981) film. but i heard that was dreadful as well.

i agree and well said. if they go back and re-do those stories. or if they do something new as well i wouldn't mind that either. not everything has to be repeats of stuff already done. the film though had some nice ideas it was just pretty much Burke Devlin taking over Collinwood. and all they did change who it was and unlike Burke who never was able to take over the whole town. they just upped the ante where Angelique did.

i'd still love to see the guy who's name escapes me at the moment he play Barnabas in the unaired pilot and he plays him in the audio plays. he's fantastic. i loved him in the Dune films. i'd love to see him get a crack at playing him in a film. Barnabas never was given an age during the show's run. which i find rather funny if you think about it.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Dark Shadows at 47
« on: July 01, 2013, 03:20:42 AM »
my mistake it was in (1999) i just know cause i was in high school at the time and i still have my notebook i used in school somewhere. my mistake. i was a year off no big deal. and yes syfy is a terrible channel. it recently i dunno when even stopped airing the monster of the week films on saturdays! did they change days? or just cancel it altogether ?  only show i watch on it right now is just Haven.  back in the day all i would watch is The Sci-fi channel non stop it would be on the entire night. and weekends as well. we've had it since (1997)  and it was great back than. now it's pure crap.

yes i know how old the cast ages are now. but a guy can dream can't he ? anyways, people always say how older actors don't get much work but some do. look at Christopher Lee he's 91 years old now. and though he doesn't take big roles anymore it isn't cause he doesn't want to it's that he physically can't do it anymore.

he tires to easily and even sitting down wears him out, in short i think after he fell 2 years ago i think it was? age it's affected him and that's why he takes cameo's now. anyways sorry for going off topic i just meant that we do have some older actors go still work.

and also yes i do think that IF given to the right writer and the right director who really do love the series and they are faithful to the show than yes it can be done. and don't make it a comedy either. if they want to say certain characters in the film if it's a villian of course and depending on who it is than if it's done right.

i can live with that. just as long as they give some of the original cast members from the show not just walk on roles but roles who actually speak. and are part of the film. i'm sure they'd love to come back to do another DS film. and even invite some cast that weren't in last years film.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Dark Shadows at 47
« on: June 30, 2013, 07:54:47 AM »
well i wasn't around when it was 1st on so i don't have a great story like that. my 1st taste for the show was when the show was on the air in (1991) i can't remember if i watched the pilot in (1990) or not with my dad.  but him and me watched the (1991) revival together. and though now that i think about it, i don't think he watched it when it was 1st on back in the 60's/70's. my guess is that nothing else was on at the time and so he put it on. and i watched it with him. and fell in love with it. and than i would get pretty pissed about how it was scheduled. i was 12 at the time. i turned 13 a few months later. and than i was furious when it was cancelled. fast forward to a few years later in (1996) when i was visting my brother at Kent State i spent i think it was a week with him there?

which is really strange now cause i have really no relationship with him now. anyways, by than i was 18 and
when he was in class i would watch it on the Sc-fi channel. to this day i can't remember what era it was in.

it was i think in the late 60's and they were color episodes that i DO remember. i was hooked and yes i had heard by than of the original show and i was curious. but no place aired it. and we didn't have the channel at the time. the sci-fi channel and when we got it a year later. the show wasn't airing anymore. i was pissed.

yet again. anyways, thankfully we got it in (1998) and the 1st one that aired was episode #188 and i had no idea it was that episode until a couple years later when i found the right place to look. and it took me forever to get into the show. cause it hadn't started from episode #1 and it wasn't until a couple episodes after we got our vampire that i fell in love with it. and here i am almost 15 years later.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: ** BIG CHANGES COMING FOR THE NEW YEAR **
« on: June 24, 2013, 04:06:48 AM »
i was just thinking the same thing i love it.

it's been awhile since i was last on here. so i hope this is the right area. but i watched the film for the 1st time last night. and i went in knowing it wasn't anything like show. and with pretty much had no expectations well they were pretty low. after watching a review on how a mix bag it is. and before i say it is. i do admit other than Liz who i thought kicked ass in the film. that at least stayed true to the show. her being the head of the house. well they Ruined Roger for one, and pretty much all the characters cept for Liz.
with our favourite Evil Witch they i think stayed true on how evil she is. though they made her even more evil which i liked. Johnny Depp did a far better job than i thought he would have done. i went in thinking he would have ruined him like he did with Willy Wonka where he pretty much played Michael Jackson. that's my take on it anyways. and he was pretty good and that i think was a plus. the film was beautiful to look at. everything about it was nice to look it. the cast looked really good. it stayed true to the show for that at least.

the  downside. uh why the comedy route? WHY? the film didn't know weather to be a gothic film/horror film where they had Barnabas killing groups of people. not something he ever did on the show. him walking around with blood on him i didn't mind that. the CGI FX i didn't mind that. it didn't look like it used that to often.

some of the fx did look like standard FX. i actually liked the ending. cept what they did with Caroline. she was pretty useless. so was pretty much everyone else cept for barnabas. and Liz. of the family.  and Maggie WTF ? so yes the film is all over the place. and oddly looking at it in the way where i knew ahead of time that it wasn't nothing like that and how Tim Burton is. leaving thoughts of the show behind and thinking of it as a stand alone film i enjoyed it. now if i had went in and expected it to be true to the show like many did when it came out i would i think have hated it.

that took me by surprise. if only the film would have kept the same tone as the start of the film and the end of it it would have been the perfect film.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:45:28 AM »
i really doubt they will ever put out Darren's Version. but i of course hope i am wrong. i'm curious & this may sound like a stupid question but how well did the Depp version do anyways? i wasn't really following it. it of course didn't do business like say "Batman' did back in (1989) for example. or "Edward Scissorhands' both are
i think classic in their own right.

but is there going to be a sequel to the Depp film? i thought i heard somewhere that it was greenlight for one. but the thing is though i have heard that. i haven't heard anything since if that is still going to even happen. if they do make one & by the trailers it looks like they added comedy? in it they should remove that in the next film. maybe have someone who will do it better since i haven't heard the greatest things about the film. & honestly i don't always get the spelling of "J.Frids's name right either. but than i don't often type or write his name anyways it's only on a rare occassion so that's my excuse. what's theirs?

i think with them using "Joan Bennet's name on the front makes sense actually. no her part isn't big in the film but she is  a name actress. kind how like some films that "John Carradine" did through the years when he only had a cameo in it, he was billed on the front.  & in some of the 'Christopher Lee" films where he's only has a cameo or just a small role or just even hell a narrator. he gets sometimes top billing. even though

he wasn't used that much. that's prolly the same reason on why "Joan's B.' name is on the front.
i dunno why Kate Jackson's name isn't on the cover she's i think still a name. just from "Charlie's Angel's itself. unless the current moron's running that department hasn't even taken a look at the film.

i don't mean the people who did restore it a few years ago at the Warners. anyways if the Depp Version did flop maybe they just don't want to tie it in together? or something? i dunno it'll prolly say something mentioning it though. no doubt they will stick a trailer on for the film before the film starts. or i dunno they may think that people will get confused on which film they are buying. i may have said this in the past here. where some people are pretty damn stupid. back when my brother was manager at various video stores through the years. people would rent say "Malcom X' sorry about my spelling. when that was out in the theatre. & when they saw a video in the video store called that. they thought it was the actual film.

than they'd rent it & watch it & than complain that it wasn't the film but the actual documentary! they didn't carry porn so it wouldn't surprise me if someone would even get those titles confused. well the paradoy's anyways. there are some pretty stupid people out there. i'm not calling anyone here stupid but you all know someone like this. or are related to at least one person. my point is maybe that's WB reasoning on putting them release wise apart?

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 10, 2012, 10:38:40 PM »
sorry i forgot to add this, it's NOT cause people download films. it's cause people see crap & don't want to pay for it. it's really that simple. hollywood has run out of ideas. original ones. but again sorry for going off topic here. my point is really this either way if they can afford those kind of films & all that. they can afford to fix our films. & Darren & Dan Curtis'  & everyone else who worked hard on that film, during the making of it & during the restoration that Darren spent nearly 20 years putting together.

there's no doubt i'm sure he's angry about it as well. well i'm done rambling again sorry for going on so long

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 10, 2012, 10:35:53 PM »
well said well said. & you too Cousin Barnabas. honestly not to be Mean it didn't even occur me to how much Jim Pearson put his hard work into as well. as well as the cast. you would think that with the cast members who were involved & who support it. plus the man who Run DS Jim Pearson they'd reconsider & realize there's a market for it. hell they did put out the whole series on dvd. yes i know that MPI originally put those out. but they sold well enough to do the whole show.

i forget who's since re-released the show but that has to be doing well. & those big box sets of the whole series you'd think they'd look at the numbers if Warner's didn't put those out they could have at least picked up the phone. i doubt they did but it would have been nice. i haven't seen the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton Film yet to be honest. i never got around to see it in the theatre. but i have heard it wasn't good. so i'll prolly buy that on blu-ray. since it's DS & i'll go in with an open mind. like i always do when it comes to watching a film. or tv show etc..

honestly i dunno if refusing to buy the films as they are going to put them out will help our cause. i don't think dvd is done yet to be honest. we prolly still got a few years left of it i'm sure. but i do see your point though. i'd say i wish MGM would help us out. but they have been having money problems for years!
cause didn't they release the films? way back when? i know my VHS copy of the 1st film was put out by them at least. or does Warner own them now? i lose track who owns MGM since it's been sold countless times through the past 20-25 years to be honest.  even though MGM is my favorite movie company. well that & New Line. this kinda reminds me of Paramount with the Friday the 13th Series well the films i mean.

on how for years they denied having ANY deleted scenes for any of the films. than in (2004) they put out that dvd box set. & what do you know it's got deleted scenes!  now they are saying that's all there was.

which i doubt. the original uncut versions for those from what i hear the MPAA prolly has their own copies. but Paramount isn't putting those out. nor seeking them out either. same thing isn't it? sorry for going off topic a bit. i've been watching that series a little bit in the past few days. he he.

granted that's NOT based off a tv series. but they drag their feet on those as well. it did later become a great tv series though. anyways. back on topic. i also thank Darren & everyone who has worked on getting the intended film out as it was meant to be. i was also a follower of his website for a long time as well. & i missed it & still miss it a great deal but i do understand why he closed it. as you can tell i've calmed down a LOT. it just sickens me HOW cheap these movie companies are yet they can afford these stars with these stupid pay checks. & these over priced films that most of time these days anyways suck. sure we get some good ones. but movies honestly have sucked ass in the past few years.  that's why the lose money.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 10, 2012, 08:05:59 AM »
oh that's total BS Darren. i don't mean i don't believe what you say isn't true. there's no doubt you are telling the truth. it's just BS that they can spend money on movies that don't need restoration & fill those with extra's. yet they are to damn cheap to give us Loyal fans the actual versions of DS. well the films i mean.

they can afford it. an example would be & granted MGM owns this film. the film "The Wizard of Oz' as much as i love that film cause it's a film that is part of my child hood as it is most of us here i'm sure. they've remastered that damn film at least a dozen times & i wouldn't be surprised if they do it one time & the film breaks on how much it's actually been restored.  yes that's a beloved film but you'd think that they'd just say ok we've done it enough. other films that's got countless releases through the years" uh "Re-Animator"

i dunno how many times that's been remasterd but it's been released at least 20 times onto dvd. at least. 'Army of Darkness' is another one for example & well "The Evil Dead' as well. those from different companies granted but still.  there have been films that they'd put out other than the ones i've mentioned that

have gone the same route. cause they are too damn cheap. yet if it was an oscar winning film it'd be done in a heartbeat. ok if they'd want to put the films out in time for the "Tim Burton' release the video release mind you. ok fine i can live with that. since the whole series did get put out again. but the films really needed remastered regardless. i know i haven't seen the print that you made so i don't know how bad the print was. but i could have lived with saying gee we need more time to work on this. instead of saying screw it let's put out the crappy version. it just bugs me how much these studio's don't listen to us fans. or you who work their asses off to put all this together. i don't know how much money you've spent on putting all of that together. but i have no doubt that it's a LOT of money. sorry for the ramblings

it's just these people in charge wonder why some people don't buy their product it's cause they don't listen to the fans. when a show's creators ask the fans what they want on this or that set. some listen & give us fans what they want. those are people i really respect. & there's no doubt that they'd make a TON of money if they'd put out the uncut version you put together. more so than the cut version they are putting out no doubt. ok rant done sorry about the length.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: hoDS/NoDS DVD Release?
« on: July 10, 2012, 06:47:17 AM »
i'll prolly buy them just to have them. but oh this pisses me off. since Darren was unable to find footage for the 1st film ok that makes me sad. but that's not his fault. i know he did try for quite a long time. & he worked quite hard to find all the cut scenes for the 2nd film. i'm to lazy to put the titles.

sorry this just makes me mad. he worked his ass off working on that one. so not only does this i'm sure upset him. but the rest of us as well. as you can tell i am mad about this.  i'm sorry i don't care about the theatrical cut for the 2nd film. that film well that cut makes no sense to me & it was cut in a way that the film makes NO SENSE to me. it's boring as well. i was dying to see the uncut version so that the film would explain more of the story for not only me but the rest of us here. oh there's no doubt that i prolly would have enjoyed that cut MUCH better than the theatrical cut.

since it was the version that "Dan Curtis" wanted to put out but was as we all know was pretty much forced to cut. i'm sure i'm not alone in this either. sorry folks i just had to vent.

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