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Messages - patrickm

Speaking of Mitch,  Ive been rewatching NYPD Blue on Amazon Prime and saw Mitch in an early Season 1 episode I had forgot about. In Emission Accomplished, he played a racist retired cop who was a super in a rent controlled apartment building where Martinez brother lived. Mitch's character took extreme measures such as beatings for overdo rent and even unscrewed the banister which resulted in a fall and death of one of the tenants. It reminded me a lot of the tough cop he played in Magnum Force. It wasn't a likeable character fsure but Mitch sold it beautiful. He was a terrific and intense actor.

Succeeded in Business Without Really Trying.

look you straight in the eye ... Man to monster.

Sam gave up on his portrait of Burke when it came out looking like he was Frankenstein.

M: Happy flashing!

Russian agent attempts to involve Bill in a vodka smuggling operation using the cannery fleet.

Burke:  I guess we're the first ones here for the Collinsport Trenchcoat Society meeting.

R: "There's no business like tuna business like no business I know...."

Bill can't decide what's worse ... today's Blue Plate Special or Mrs. Johnson's Sauerkraut Souffle

Maggie gets so involved telling Bill about Sam's latest bender that she doesn't notice todays special catching fire.

R: Don't worry Miss Winters .... I'll have Matthew dispose of David's pet rat Damien and tell him we haven't seen him.

S: Yeah kid, you gotta learn...Leave drinking to professionals.

C: Well Joe, I'm glad you're finally up... but I was hoping for a different kind of up...

D: And this is one I took of Vicki in the shower ...pretty sneeky huh.

B: Yeah you're right Davey ..those are Carolyns. She left in kind of a hurry you know.