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Messages - patrickm

Saw episode 1 of the new season and thought it was pretty good. They wrapped up a loose end from the first season and seamlessly introduced 2 new characters who purchased the town's hotel. After initial skepticism, they proved to be legit and we're accepted by the group. Unfortunately, the premiere butted heads with the world series and took a pretty bad licking in the ratings.  While even Hawaii Five 0 slipped from its usual, Midnight's ratings were awful. Would hate to see the Dark Shadows NBC timeslot claim another victim.

For those of you who still receive Decades, they will be airing her Thriller episode  Man in the Cage during the Thriller binge on Sunday afternoon October 21 at 12 noon.

wake me up early, so could you leave me a 7 am bellow please?

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1215
« on: October 13, 2018, 10:24:37 PM »
Nobody tells Carrie that's a brassiere on her head, nor a bonnet.

look like Little Bo Peep and you sure lost your sheep

Decades just posted its schedule for the 29th. It is true, they will be airing 1 episode a weeknight at midnight. Ironically, Dark Shadows will follow The Abbott and Costello Show. Talk about your odd couples...Bud and Lou and Barnabas and Willie. LOL.

On an unrelated note, Decades will be running a binge this weekend of the 1972 Ghost Story series...aka Circle of Fear. I've never seen it myself but have heard it is quite good. Will have to check it out.

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1213
« on: September 28, 2018, 11:49:32 PM »
This is how the Collins family stuffed the ballot box for William Henry Harrison in 1840.

Would think this rates at least a mention from Shadowgram by now.

We still have Decades here, so that is most cool.  I will get the word out to our club members. [blackbat]

buying from the same Lisa Douglas Collection catalog.

open breeches using my teeth

go commando

Liberace Collins - but the marriage didn't work out because he wore sequins better than I did.

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1212
« on: September 24, 2018, 01:16:36 AM »
C: Is it your turn to tell Gabriel about his b o or is it mine?

When I first glanced at this post, I thought Midnight was getting a 19 episode order. Then I clicked the link and see it is for 9 episodes. Oh well, 9 is better than none, which is what I thought it was going to be when it took NBC so long to decide on renewal.