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Messages - patrickm

docked your dinghy in a foreign port?

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1223
« on: January 13, 2019, 01:07:20 AM »
M: You were expecting Gerard? Some psychic you are...

prove his "Little Morgan" wasn't really little.

name their first born son Lesswell

the ghost of Naomi Collins was sitting in this chair and she said "I wouldn't be caught dead in an outfit that color..."

blame everything on Bramwell.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Midnight, Texas
« on: January 11, 2019, 10:20:55 PM »
I fell behind on several Midnight episodes but finally finished them off on demand. There certainly was a lot going on in only 9 episodes - perhaps too much to fully absorb - but it definitely took on a Dark Shadows esque feel near the end. Imagine the head of Judah storyline on steroids plus a Mr Best Paul Stoddard season 3 teaser story. I do hope it finds a home on some cable network where the ratings bar would be much lower or best of all HBO where it could really go all out like it's sister show True Blood. We'll see.

that "We're loud, We're proud"  won't mean anything for 150 years.

be a friend without benefits.

Butterflies should be seen and not worn.

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1193
« on: January 03, 2019, 07:16:40 PM »
G H: Sam told me I'd get to let my hair down in this storyline .... but I didn't think this is what he meant.

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1218
« on: January 03, 2019, 06:58:48 PM »
Carrie not catching on to Daphne's Macarena lessons.

How will we tell the difference?

to get in there and make up the bed.

Oh, I did email them about the incorrect time for DS in their promo. Somebody must have finally noticed because it's been corrected. However The Fugitive is still listed as am Pacific time. LOL.