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Messages - patrickm

Jasmine posted a couple of videos on her Facebook page. One in transit from bringing Denise home from the rehab center and one with Denise after arriving home. Both were devastating. They pretty much confirmed Denise has full blown dementia. Despite attempts to reason and communicate with her, all she did was yell incoherently, hit and be totally uncooperative. You can see how crushed Jasmine and Josh are and both are at their wits end. I think they both realize Denise will have to be institutionalized very soon when her insurance is worked out. Jasmine has posted along the way about her recoveries and various setbacks since her massive stroke but seeing is believing. She definitely has regressed a lot since surviving the stroke. I most recently saw Denise at a Willie Wonka reunion at a convention here in Orlando 3 years ago. While I was taken aback by her appearance ( she was in a wheelchair and had lost a lot of weight), she was still the Denise we all knew and saw at previous festivals. To see her now it's just plain heartbreaking. You may or may not want to look at the videos Jasmine posted.

mopping the floors

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1229
« on: February 25, 2019, 04:29:00 AM »
Mornac: Cracked, Crocked and Croaked...

Julia: Cracked, Crocked and Croaked

Mornac:: This vase, Gabriel and Justin...

Julia Hi yo

J: take out all the life insurance on Daphne you can lay your hands on


pretend I can't hear him until he starts bellowing.

you don't understand much of anything.

tell him "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a haircut like that..."

Felix the Cat

getting a paranormal hernia exam

discovering the world thru Encyclopedia Britanica

open a theme park called Collin World.

posing like that down by the docks.

increase my bust.