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Messages - patrickm

C: All right Vicky, ready for our Collinsport flashing competition? Let's roll...

She's not That Girl ...

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Innovation's '91 DS Comic, Book 3
« on: January 09, 2020, 05:23:19 PM »
Yeah, I realize the end was near for Innovation and they were cutting corners but I think the artwork is horrible. Reminds me of the old Sci Fi caption board on a day when they had technical problems and everything looked hazy. People would post captions like Willie must be burning leaves in the backyard or really Dark Shadows...Lol.

E: David, did you sneak out to watch the naked ladies mud wrestle again?

D: No Aunt Elizabeth, I didn't I swear... Why doesn't anybody ever believe me?

Burke to himself: Man, she's already unzipping and she hasn't even had my Burke Special yet.

C: Somebody here order the girlfriend experience with a happy ending?

B: All right Miss Stoddard, let's see what you can do. 3, 2, 1....GO!

She did kind of a high pitch but the answers were all yes or no. Fooled them for a little while but once they narrowed it down to movies and daytime tv, Soupy pretty much figured it out and clinched it with did you used to be a blonde and became a brunette.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Joan Bennett on What's My Line
« on: January 01, 2020, 05:50:16 PM »
I happened to be flipping thru channels this morning and settled on What's My Line on Buzzr. Who did the mystery guest turn out to be but Joan Bennett. It took a little while but Soupy Sales was able to figure out who she was. There was no mention of Dark Shadows but believe the show was taped a couple years after its cancellation. Wish I had known ahead of time and would have posted a heads up. Pretty cool way to start 2020 though.

David practicing his new dance... The Funky Robot

V: I know you wouldn't believe this ...but it's a real turn on to get undressed with the ladies on the wall watching. You ought to try it sometime.  [bootyshake]

Roger: I should have just bought him the box...

C: Congratulations Vicki....You've been here a week. That's longer than the last 3 governesses combined. I salute you. [salute]