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Topics - Uncle Roger

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It hasn't been posted on the Lyndhurst site yet but Kathryn Leigh Scott announced via Facebook that she would be appearing at Lyndhurst this October. Not too much information has been posted, other than the date, Sunday October 30th, from 12 noon to 5pm. But I imagine that the details will be similar to her appearance last year.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Kathryn Leigh Scott and Ethel
« on: March 22, 2022, 10:53:50 PM »
No, not Ethel Mertz. Or Ethel Merman. The Ethel is an offshoot of AARP, a newsletter that is to "champion older women owning their age." The site can be accessed at These are freelance articles, published on a semi regular basis.
KLS has three columns available for reading. Two of them cover extremely familiar territory. Her experience as a Playboy bunny. And her experiences on DS. The third is why Women and Men love The Hallmark Channel. I'm not entirely sure that we all do but it's a lighthearted piece.

Back to Barnes and Noble again and I picked the new issue of Scary Monsters, with the legendary Ingrid Pitt on the cover. The magazine contains a lovely interview with Nina Wayne. Nina is the sister of the late Carol Wayne and has had a long career as an actress. Nina was cast as Charisma Beauty in The Night Strangler, the second Kolchak MOTW. She ended up with a larger part than she expected, due to the antics of Jo Ann Pflug. Pflug held up production by staying too long in the make-up room. DC, Mr. Time Is Money, got tired of waiting for her and gave some her lines to Nina. This did not go over well with Pflug. She went out of her way to cast shadows on Nina's face. And, during one scene where the ladies were side by side, she stepped on Nina's foot with her spiked heel and drove it in. Nina was a professional and did not ruin a take.
She was asked about any conflict between DC and Darren McGavin and said that she wasn't on set long enough to notice and that she had her own concerns with Pflug.

Kathryn Leigh Scott announced via her Facebook page that a new Dark Shadows book is on its way in late April/early May. It's entitled Running Home To Shadows and will contain memories from different people about the series. While it sounds quite similar to other projects, these memories are supposed to be from professional writers. I've heard of a few of them, Ed Gross, Mark Rainey, Elizabeth Massie and Jeff Thompson but the rest are unknown to me.
The book will be published by Becky Books, rather than Pomegranate Press, although KLS will be writing the forward. The editors are Jim Beard (not the actor) and Charles Rutledge. No price as yet but it will be sold through Amazon.

I was doing some shopping at the local Ollie's, a discount chain where you can find some interesting and unusual stuff. I decided to pick up a copy of The Contender, a biography of the late Marlon Brando. Brando certainly led an interesting life and crossed paths with many actors. He made two films with Jean Simmons.
The story about his declining the Academy Award has been told numerous times but the book has some interesting information from her perspective. He sent her to the ceremony with a long speech that went on for several pages. Once she got on stage, she knew that she would never be able to read Brando's speech as written and basically had to ad lib. The audience was dumbstruck initially. Unsurprisingly, John Wayne was furious and he had to physically "restrained by six security guards" from confronting her.
The book also provides some new information on her status as the winner of The Miss American Vampire contest. She had entered the contest to bring attention to the situation at Alcatraz. What being selected Miss American Vampire would have done to aid the situation is unclear. But she did win. Littlefeather declined the prize of a guest appearance on DS. Brando survived the situation. Littlefeather returned to obscurity.
There's another DS connection as well. The author, William J. Mann, has written quite a few other books, including an excellent biography of Katharine Hepburn. But he is also one of us! He wrote a pretty good DS serial, an 1872 flashback, that appeared in the fanzine Inside The Old House.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Upcoming Adrian Paul Appearance
« on: February 09, 2022, 02:50:01 AM »
Adrian Paul will be making an appearance at The Heroes and Villains Convention in Cortland, New York on April 2nd. Appropriately enough, it will be held at The Heroes and Villains Comic Book Store. It's described as a "sword experience" and an epic day of Hollywood action. The prices aren't cheap. $50 allows you to be a spectator. There are several more expensive packages that can be purchased, which include photos, autographs, various souvenirs and your very own bokken. Just what I've always wanted.

If you're interested:

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Adrian Paul Joins Cameo
« on: February 08, 2022, 05:29:46 AM »
Adrian Paul is now on Cameo. If you wish to have him record a video, the cost is $120.00. If you want  him to record a business video, it's $170.00

The January 2022 issue of Retro Fan, with Barbara Eden on the cover, is currently available at Barnes and Noble. No feedback from the earlier issue with Lara Parker but there is some DS content in the issue.

There's a lighthearted piece about celebrity crushes, where a woman recalls her adolescent fixation on Barnabas Collins, through the gum cards and comic books. Her other crushes include George Harrison, Cousin Itt and The Banana Man from Captain Kangaroo. I wonder if she's still single.

There is also an extremely good article about the Roy Thinnes series The Invaders. The series started off with a bang but very quickly burnt out after two abbreviated seasons and a mere 43 episodes. The show had a great premise. Aliens from an unspecified planet had landed on Earth, had somehow taken human form and were plotting to, of course, take over the planet. David Vincent, as played by Thinnes, somehow stumbled onto the aliens and would thwart their plans on a weekly basis. The premise was also a limited one that didn't allow for much variation. The aliens would come up with a scheme. Vincent would put an end to it. Some of the aliens would be killed off but there would be another nefarious plan next week. They would try to discredit Vincent but to no avail. But Vincent could never really convince most people that there had been an invasion. He would have occasional allies but not very many continuing characters. And a move to a 10pm time slot didn't help matters.
Another DS connection: one of the episodes was written by Art Wallace.

There are other good articles in the issue, including the feature story on Barbara Eden, who still manages to be amazingly perky at 90. It's definitely a good read, though the $9.95 price tag may put off some readers.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Scream 2022, Semi Off Topic
« on: January 19, 2022, 03:02:53 AM »
I just saw the latest installment of Scream. It will be of interest to fans of the 2004 pilot as Marley Shelton reprises her role as Judy Hicks from the last movie. Judy is now a sheriff, a single mom with a young son. The boy is named Wes, no doubt in homage to Scream's creator, the late Wes Craven.
No spoilers on the story but it's a pretty decent slasher with a few interesting twists.
But it does address the toxicity of extreme fandom. Specifically how bent out of space hard-core fans can get when someone  does something to their fandom that they don't like. Scream singles out the "Knives Out Guy" for whatever he did to the last Star Wars movie. It could also apply to those screaming Release The Snyder Cut and the drama that followed the Justice League movie. Or, closer to home, the Tim Burton DS movie.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / New Barbara Steele Book
« on: January 15, 2022, 02:35:16 PM »
There's a new book on the career of Barbara Steele. It sounds like a must have for the serious Steele fan. 376 pages, with lots of rare photos. Special limited edition, with all copies numbered. Unfortunately, the website is entirely written in Italian. It is available through PayPal but there's no way to convert the price in Euros into America money. If interested, the website is

For international orders:

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / A KLS Christmas TLATKLS
« on: November 29, 2021, 05:16:50 PM »
TLATKLS has announced her latest Christmas bundle packages of assorted Pomegranate Press releases, with a signed holiday card included with each order. She reiterates that she no longer has the rights to publish the DS music book. She adds that her inventory of DS books is "dwindling" and that she has no plans to reprint any of them.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Airport 1975--Not Off Topic
« on: November 15, 2021, 02:59:37 AM »
I think that a lot of us have seen the very campy 1970's "disaster" movie where cross-eyed stewardess Karen Black has to land a huge airplane after a freak accident kills or disables the entire flight crew, including future DS actor Roy Thinnes. The movie is a source for a lot of the goofiness in Airplane, though Airport 1975 is not without its own laughs.
But look closely at the background players, specifically the other stewardesses. Not future Trapper John nurse, Christopher Norris. Pay close attention and you'll see Lara Parker! It's not much of a part. She doesn't have much to do. She does standard stewardess stuff early on and pretty much reacts the same way every one else does once the chaos hits.
Her character doesn't have a name, according to the imdb listing. Nor does she receive screen credit. She's not alone in that. Established performers like Bob Hastings, Judy Lewis and Virginia Gregg also go uncredited.
I know that Lara also went uncredited for her part as Mrs. David Banner in The Incredible Hulk. She gets a fair amount of screen time and is definitely recognizable. But I was completely unaware that she was in Airport 1975. I've never heard her mention it during any of the Q and A sessions at the festivals. I'm not sure that it's even on her resume. It's not a huge part. But it's a mainstream successful movie. I'm sure that there's a story to be told.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Lara Parker's Retrofan Interview
« on: November 03, 2021, 05:34:55 PM »
Lara Parker's interview in Retrofan #17 is currently on sale at Barnes and Noble and other outlets.

It's a fairly long interview, conducted by Rod Labbe, who used to post here back in the day. Her time on the series is glossed over for the most part. While the story of how Lara got on the show, her characterization of Angelique is certainly well known to most, if not all, hard-core DS fans, I don't know how interested new or casual readers are going to be that interested in her writing career but that's what a lot of the interview is about. She states that she intentionally chose to downplay the horror aspect of DS in her books because she regarded it as "a mysterious, supernatural romance." As long as she doesn't go too far from the established canon, the arrangement with the Dan Curtis estate allows her to create new characters and new locations. But she would "never" do anything to damage the show's reputation.
She said that Angelique's Descent was the most successful of her books in terms of sales. But The Salem Branch, which she feels is her best work, sold the least.
The topic of the Burton movie is addressed. She and the others were eager to do the film but ultimately disappointed that they weren't used more. This may well have something to do with Jonathan's health at the time. She says that he was having difficulty standing and there's probably some truth to that. KLS seems to be holding him up at the door. Still, it would have been nice if they had a little more to do. Maybe even some dialog.
She's less than complimentary about the movie itself. Lara felt that the film spent too much time on Barnabas being a fish out of water and not enough time on other things. She cites the lack of a connecting story, instead of a "series of elaborate set pieces."
She seems to have mellowed considerably on Darren McGavin. While she does state that he was less than amiable, she seems more understanding about the pressure of being the lead actor on a show that was not doing well.
To summarize, it's a decent interview. There are some excellent articles in the issue on Mad Monster Party, The Haunting and George of the Jungle. Retrofan costs $9.95, which I guess is the norm for genre magazines these days.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Blair Brown on stage
« on: October 25, 2021, 07:01:09 PM »
Blair Brown, who played Elizabeth in the 2004 DS pilot is currently appearing on stage in NYC with Edie Falco in a new play called Morning Sun. It's currently in previews, with a projected opening date of November 3rd. It is scheduled to run through December 19th. For more information and tickets, go to

 [EvilWitch] [8_1_214] [EvilWitch]

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Donna McKechnie Joins Cameo
« on: October 04, 2021, 12:33:14 AM »
Donna McKechnie has joined Cameo, following the lead of KLS. If you wish to have Donna record a personalized video for you, it will cost $50.00. A video for a business related purpose will cost $1,000.00

Any guesses as to who the next DS person on Cameo might be?

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