Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of), Part 2 [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #18,#21,#23,#49,#64,#69,#76,#88,#90,#100,#105,#107,#115**]  (Read 97266 times)

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Before we move on to today's scene in the slideshow, I want to share the novelization of Scene 118 because the version of the scene in the script used for the novel is somewhat different/longer than what appears in DC's script:

  The funeral over, the mourning group broke up rather
quickly. They left the cemetery with sober faces and
made their way to their respective cars, which had been
parked along the driveway. Julia Hoffman and Professor
Stokes were in the vanguard of the group as they headed
to her car.
  Professor Stokes seemed concerned as he told her, "I
must speak to you alone."
  Julia said, "You sound upset."
  "I am," he agreed. "I must speak to you at once."
  "Why not in the car on the way into town?" she sug-
gested, studying his troubled countenance. "I have to go
to the lab."
  "That won't do," Stokes said unhappily.
  "I asked Sheriff Patterson if I could drive in with him. I
hesitate to change my plans at the last minute. He might
  Julia raised her eyebrows. "About what."
  "I'll explain that later," Professor Stokes said. "I'll
come to the lab shortly."
  "I'll expect you."
  He frowned. "I suspect the police and I may have two
entirely different theories."
  Julia stared at him curiously. "Really?"
  "I'll go into it in detail at our meeting."
  "I'm interested in hearing what you think," the woman
doctor said, standing by the open door to her car.
  Stokes gave her a sharp glance. "Oh, by the way. Do
you happen to know why Barnabas Collins didn't attend
the funeral?"
  She said, "He doesn't know about Carolyn."
  "Doesn't know?"
  "He's out of town," she explained.
  "I see," he said with a veiled expression on his face
as he helped her into the car and closed the door for
her. His tone suggested that he had some other thoughts
on the subject.

To me it seems like some of the best moments from the scene were dropped from the script along the way - particularly moments like Julia raised eyebrows and her curiosity at Stokes' theory. But I suppose that doesn't matter because ultimately the scene wasn't going to get shot anyway.

None of the dialogue from this longer version of the scene made it to the Fest's 1999 Move Calendar. On the other hand, the calendar contains several quotes from an earlier version of upcoming Scene 119, the same version that was used for the novelization. And we'll get into all of those after we've dealt with DC's script's version of Scene 119...

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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I've been told by a couple of people who knew her well that Grayson was a REALLY aggressive driver. I'm just imagining the out-takes if they had attempted to do a scene where Julia was driving Stokes through Collinsport and the language that might have been heard from the respectable, scholarly Dr. Hoffman. LOL!

Another reason it's a shame nothing like that was ever shot!!  [easter_wink]  [easter_grin]

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Setting up today's new scene:

119    INT:  HOSPITAL LAB - DAY                           119

       Julia removes a tray of blood samples from inside a
       refrigerator, carries them to a work table, begins
       examining them under a microscope.  After a moment

119    CONTD                                        CONTD 119

       she looks up with a frown.  She begins to re-examine
       those she's already looked at.  There is a KNOCK AT
       THE DOOR.O.S    Door  opens -  Stokes  enters

                             JULIA        Stokes
                 Come in.                           it
                                          looks like that storm
       as the door opens, Stokes enters.        will never end
                                                      I'm still chilled
                             JULIA                    from the cemetery
                 I'll be with you in a minute, Eliot.

       He crosses to the table and looks at the labeled blood
       samples in the box.

                             STOKES x to end of table
                 Do you have blood samples of all
                 the victims?


                 Have they revealed anything to you?


                      (a puzzled frown)
                 Yes, but I don't know what to make
                 of it.  |_______________________PROFILE PAN
                                                  HIM TO HER

                             STOKES (OS)
                 What do you mean?     x ____ and
                                      Table to her

       as he CROSSES to her.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 49/Scene 119 - Julia: 'I've discovered a cell in these samples that I've never seen before. It obviously must have entered the bloodstreams of the victims while they were being attacked.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions for this scene, it would be fascinating to know if the main reason DC didn't shoot Scene 118 was because he'd already envisioned shifting in editing from the blackness at the end of Scene 117 -

- to the blackness of the interior of the refrigerator before Julia opens it to retrieve the blood samples -

- (a transition he ripped off, er, paid homage to in the 3rd hour of the '91 DS when the action shifted from Daphne's funeral to Julia at the lab - but in that case the transition was specifically written into the script with no scene in between) - and there's actually the sound of thunder as Julia carries the blood samples to her work table - and we don't actually see Julia frown after first looking at the blood samples or her going right back to them again because she doesn't actually look up until Stokes arrives - but before all that what we do see is Julia check a file and frown -

-at it - and we see Julia check a few other things -

-around the lab before she actually settles down at the microscope -

- to begin work - and as we can see in the script, Stokes' knock, Julia's "Come in" and her "I'll be with you in a minute, Eliot" were all dropped in favor of Stokes letting himself into -

-the lab - and soon what he actually says is "Doesn't look like that storm will ever end", to which -

- Julia smiles and then goes back -

- to looking through the microscope before Stokes then says "I'm still chilled from that cemetery" - and after that Stokes actually says "I see you're still working on the blood samples of the victims", and Julia answers "Yes" - and it isn't until after that that Stokes walks over to her at the lab table -

- where he does indeed ask "Have they revealed anything to you?" - but Julia's extreme close-up, her "Yes, but I don't know what to make of it", delivered with a puzzled frown, and Stokes' "What do you mean?" are dropped in favor of the camera, as we can see in today's capture, never leaving -

- their 2 shot and Julia going directly into today's quote, which she delivers the first part exactly as scripted but the second part as "It obviously must have entered the body of the victims when they were being attacked."

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I really love today's capture.  Great choice!

Thanks - I like it much better than what I had to use for the original slideshow. This time around Midnite was able to provide me with the entire quote so I was able to show Julia's face. For the original slideshow I wasn't able to do that because the quote on the Fest's 1999 Movie Calendar for March 10th was simply:

hoDS: Scene #119 - Julia: 'I've discovered a cell in these
samples that I've never seen before.'

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Continuing Scene 119:

       She puts her eyes back to the microscope.  Stokes
       pauses deliberately.

                                                       CU Stokes

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 49/Scene 119 - Stokes: 'Julia -- do you believe in the existence of vampires?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

REV.  4/13/70

119.   CONTD.

       JULIA - ZOOM IN CLOSE UP                                 

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 50/Scene 119 - Julia (jarred, looking at him): 'You're not -- really serious --'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations for this scene, we don't actually see Julia go back to looking through the microscope after completing her quote from yesterday because what I neglected to mention is that the camera has already shifted to Stokes' close-up when she says "when they were being attacked" - and while it is indeed a close-up, as we can see in today's first capture, Stokes' close-up is -

- more of a medium version - and it seems odd that DC would add a notation to the script that Stokes would be seen in close-up when the script already indicates that to be the case, but I suppose he wanted to be doubly sure that is how it would be shot  ;) - though what is interesting is that Stokes doesn't really deliberately pause before her asks today's first quote - and the camera does not zoom in to Julia's close-up, nor does she appear jarred because she actually looks quite amused when -

- she asks her quote more as "You're not really serious?", as if he might be joking - and when we come to Julia's quote, we're at the start of yet another revision to the script...

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Continuing with more of Scene 119:


                             STOKES You  know  there are many                   
                 I am.  I'm familiar with many
                 documented case histories -- some
                 even in the Twentieth Century.

       TWO SHOT

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 50/Scene 119 - Julia: 'Eliot, I'm familiar with certain legends about vampires -- supposedly they can only exist at night -- and they have no reflection in a mirror --'

- comes up, though in the script it appears as:

                           J  Well   know  the
                 Eliot, I'm familiar with certain
                 legends about vampires -- supposedly about                   
                 they can only exist at night -- and
                 they have no reflectionsin a mirrors--

And then that's followed by today's second quote -

Page 50/Scene 119 - Stokes: 'We are not dealing with legend, Julia! Carolyn's body was almost completely drained of blood. There are no animals in this area that attack people for their blood!'

- coming up, though in the script it appears as:

                 We are not dealing with legend, Julia! In Carolyn's
                 Carolyn's body was almost completely --->    death +
                 drained of blood.  There are no animals     the other
                 in this area that attack people for         like were
                 their blood! or strangled -                       at no!
                                                           the bodies
                                                             were almost     

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations for this scene, the camera doesn't switch to a close-up of Stokes because it remains -

- in the same 2 shot as Stokes actually says "I am. You know, there are many documented case histories -- some even in the Twentieth Century", as indicated in the script with DC's notations - and, as we can see with today's first capture, the shot remains in the same 2 shot rather than -

-  switching to a 2 shot when Julia actually delivers today's first quote as "Well, I know about the legends -- that they exist only at night and -- they have no reflections in a mirror", very similar to how it was changed in the script - and in that same 2 shot, as can be seen in today's second capture -

- there's more thunder as a variation of today's second quotes comes up with Stokes actually getting so far as saying is "We're not dealing with legend, Julia! In Carolyn's death and the other, the bodies were" before the camera switches to a close-up of Julia in deep thought -

- as Stokes actually continues with "almost entirely drained of blood" and then the camera switches to a close-up of Stokes as -

- he actually continues with "There's no animal in this area that attacks people for their blood!" before switching back to Julia's close-up with her still in thought and then turning -

- to him before returning to Stoke's closeup for him to -

- actually conclude with "There's no animal that strangles its victims", all of which is sort of what DC changed things to in his script.

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I love this scene and I love these two in anything. Thanks for the great images!


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Moving on with more of Scene 119:


She gives him a very disturbed look.               

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 50/Scene 119 - Julia: 'What do the police think of this theory of yours?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

BACK TO TWO SHOT                                   

And that's when the first part of today's second quote -

Page 50/Scene 119 - Stokes: 'If I told the police that the creature they're looking for lives by night and sleeps in a coffin' (MORE)

- comes up, followed in the script by:


119    CONTD (3)                                    (3) CONTD 119

And that's when the second part of today's second quote -

Page 51/Scene 119 - Stokes (Contd): 'during the day, they might question my sanity.

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions, the camera does indeed give Julia a close-up as she actually delivers the first quote as "And what do the police think about this theory of yours?" - and after the camera does indeed go back to a 2 shot, in reply Stokes turns away from Julia, moves away from her down the table, and stares down at the table while actually offering as an answer "If I told the police that the creature they are looking for lives by night and sleeps in a coffin by day, they would question my sanity", as he also fiddles with his hands, most of which can be seen in today's second capture -

- though he turns to look back at Julia while delivering the last phrase.

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And moving on with even more of Scene 119:

Julia turns back to microscope, thinking.         

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 51/Scene 119 - Julia: 'Assuming that you're right, the cell I've discovered would indicate to me that this creature, whoever it is, might be curable.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions, the camera actually switches back to Julia's close-up (though from a small amount of distance back than previous close-ups) when she does indeed look to -

- the microscope before she delivers today's quote - and she actually delivers the quote as "Assuming that you're right, this cell that I've discovered would indicate that this creature, whoever it is, might be curable", as she nods her head in the affirmative at the end - but what the script doesn't indicate in any way and as today's capture shows as the end result is that the camera pushes in on Julia as she delivers the quote -

- and I've always loved the expression on her face once she realizes she might be able to cure the "creature."

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Wrapping up Scene 119, beginning with today's quote, Stokes' declaration to Julia's notion that the "creature" might be curable -

Page 51/Scene 119 - Stokes: 'Vampirism isn't a disease, Julia. Vampires are the living dead.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

                 How could you possibly prove such
                 a thing?

                 I expect the proof will be forth-
                 coming very soon.
                                                       High - Wide
       She looks at him, having no idea what he means.   Shot

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, the directions, and the notations, Stokes actually delivers today's quote as "Vampirism is not a disease, Julia. Vampires are icky" - oh, no, wait, that's on a different board on the forum - what he actually says in the film is "Vampirism is not a disease, Julia. Vampires are the living dead", and next to that quote DC has a notation that Stokes goes back into close-up when he delivers it, though as can be seen in today's capture -

- unlike Julia's most recent close-up, the camera goes in no closer on Stokes than it has been for the entire scene so far - and then when Julia actually asks "How in the world are you going to prove that?", Julia's close-up reverts back to -

- its original distance - and when Stokes actually replies "I'm afraid the proof with be forthcoming very soon", once again the camera goes back to -

- Stokes' close-up - however, afterward we do not see Julia looking at him, having no idea what he means, because the shot almost immediately begins the slow dissolve into the opening shot of Scene 120 -

- and unlike what the script indicates, beginning with Julia question about how Stokes will prove his theory and right through to the final fade-out of Scene 119, instead of a ball being bounced against a wall starting to filter in, we slowly become aware of the first iteration of tomorrow's quote from Scene 120 - but more on that tomorrow...

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And now I want to share the novelization of Scene 119 because, as I brought up previously, some of the dialogue in the version of the scene in the script that was used for the novel is different - and as was the case with the novelization of Scene 118, the scene is also a bit longer due to dialogue that was eventually dropped somewhere along the way and does not appear in DC's script:

When she returned to her lab after the funeral she at
once went back to work on a problem which had been bother
-ing her. From a refrigerator she removed a tray of blood
samples, which she carried to a lab table. Then she be-
gan to carefully check each sample under a microscope.
She took her time with this. After a while she looked
up with a thoughtful frown, then began to re-examine all
the specimens once more.
  She was busily engaged in this task when there was a
knock on the lab door. She called out, "Come in."
  The door opened and Professor Stokes entered. He
said, "I got here as soon as I could."
  "I'm glad," she said.
  He crossed to the table and stared at the labeled blood
samples in a box. "I'm not interrupting you?"
  "It's all right," she said, staring into the microscope.
"I'll be able to give you my full attention in a minute,
  "Do you have blood samples of all the victims?"
  She raised her head and looked at him. "Yes."
  His eyes met hers. "Have they revealed anything to
  A puzzled frown shown on her attractive face. "Yes,
but I don't know what to make of it."
  "What do you mean?" he asked, coming over to her.
  She sighed and gestured toward the samples. "I've dis-
covered a cell in these samples that I've never seen
before. It obviously must have entered the bloodstreams
of the victims while they were being attacked." And she
put her eyes back to the microscope.
  There was a pertinent pause between them before Pro-
fessor Stokes asked warily, "Julia, do you believe in the
existence of vampires?"
  She gave him a startled look. "You're not really seri-
  Stokes nodded gravely. "I am."
  "And you think?"
  "I'll tell you what I think in due time," he said, his
expression serious. "I'm familiar with many documented
case histories--some even in the twentieth century."
  "I too am familiar with the legend of vampires."
  "Then you'll realize all of the classic symptoms are
present in the attacks that have occurred here."
  "Julia heard him with widened eyes. She knew all about
the vampire theories. But here in this white-walled
modern hospital lab they seemed to have no place. She
found it difficult to believe that this mystery facing them
had its roots in the murky world of ancient witchcraft.
  Swallowing hard, she said, "But, Eliot, vampires are only
  Professor Stokes stared at her grimly. "Julia, Carolyn
Stoddard's body was almost completely drained of blood.
Isn't that correct?"
  "Do you know of any animals in this area that attack
people for their blood?"
  She stared at him with a disturbed expression on her
attractive face. "Professor, this theory of yours will sound
utterly fantastic to most people."
  "I know it."
  "What do the police think of it?"
  He looked bleak. "If I told the police that the creature
they're looking for lives by night and sleeps in a coffin
during the day, they might question my sanity."
  "There's no question about that," Julia agreed.
  "Yet I believe it true."
  Julia turned back to her microscope, thinking. "Assum-
ing that you're right, the cell I've discovered would in-
dicate to me that this creature, whatever it is, might be
  Stokes frowned. "Vampirism isn't a disease, Julia. Vam-
pires are the living dead."
  "How could you possibly prove such a thing?"
  "I expect the proof will be forthcoming very soon,"
he said enigmatically.
  Julia stared at him, having no idea what he meant.

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And something else that I alluded to earlier is that once again the Fest's 1999 Movie Calendar includes dialogue for a scene that aren't in any other version of the scene that I have other than the novelization - and one isn't even in that in its entirety. So without further ado, here are those sorts of entries on the calendar for Scene 119:

For March 13th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #119 - Stokes: 'All of the
classic symptoms are present in the attacks that have
occurred here.'

For March 14th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #119 - Julia: 'But, Eliot,
vampires are only legend.'

For March 15th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #119 - Stokes: 'Do you
know of any animals in this area that attack people for their

For March 17th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #119 - Stokes:
'Impossible. Vampirism isn't a disease, Julia. Vampires are
the living dead.'

Though when I put together the original hoDS slideshow, I replaced the calendar's quotes for March 13h, 14th, 15th and 17th with their comparable quotes from what appears in DC's script:

For March 13th:

hoDS: Scene #119 - Stokes: 'You know, there are many
well documented cases for it -- some from the Twentieth

For March 14th:

hoDS: Scene #119 - Julia: 'Well, I know about the legends.'

For March 15th:

hoDS: Scene #119 - Stokes: 'There's no animal in this area
that attacks people for their blood.'

For March 17th:

hoDS: Scene #119 - Stokes: 'Vampirism isn't a disease,
Julia. Vampires are the living dead.'

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Before we completely leave Scene 199 and move on to today's scene, I have to say that this time around is probably the first time I ever noticed something in Julia's lab - and it's a complete hoot and a half that it's there:

But then, with two powerhouse actors like Grayson Hall and Thayer David doing the scene, it really didn't come as a surprise to me that it took 47 years for me to notice the skull watching the proceedings from the counter behind them!  [ghost_nowink]  Normally 110% of my attention is completely on them!

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Dealing with today's new scene:


       It is late afternoon, just before dinner.  The storm
       has ended.  David is bouncing a ball in the empty
       pool.  This is a place he comes to often to play, but
       the sadness of this day still has him in its grip and
       his heart really isn't in what he's doing.  Almost
       subconsciously, he begins to chant as he bounces the
       ball up against the wall.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 51/Scene 120 - David (sing-songy): 'If I catch this one, Carolyn isn't dead -- if I catch this one, Carolyn isn't dead --'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       He bounces the ball again and this time, instead of
       hitting the wall it catches a corner, makes a high
       bounce.  It bounces out of the pool, into foyer.
       David HEAVES A SIGH and goes out after it.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions, and the directions for this scene, the beginning of the scene plays pretty much exactly as scripted, however, David's chant is not only sing-songy, but it echos throughout the empty swimming pool building, and he repeats it 5 times before he loses control of the ball - and after that happens we see a close-up of David as he watches the ball fly over his head -

- but in this scene we don't yet see completely where the ball goes because it's still bouncing, nor does David heave a sigh - though we do see David turn and run in the direction of where he sees the ball is going.

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And now here's a chart with the available info regarding when Scenes 101 through 120 were scheduled to shoot on the original shooting schedule:

||||Day of||
Scs. #s:|Location:|Pages:|Description:|Shoot:|Date:|Cast:
101|Int. 2nd. Floor Landing|3/8 Pg.|Carolyn asks if|10th|Fri. 4/3|CAROLYN
|& 1st. Floor Hall (N)||Barnabas is|||DAVID
102 - 106|Int. Card & Organ|3 Pgs.|The party-|11th|Mon. 4/6|BARNABAS
|Rooms (N)||Barnabas meets|||JULIA
||||||Mrs. Johnson
||||||Mrs. Pettibone
107|Int. Foyer (N)|4/8 Pg.|David asks|11th|Mon. 4/6|BARNABAS
|||Maggie to|||JULIA
108|Int. Foyer (N)|5/8 Pg.|Julia wants to|11th|Mon. 4/6|BARNABAS
|||meet with|||JULIA
108A|Int. Organ Room (N)|6/8 Pg.|Barnabas thanks|11th|Mon. 4/6|BARNABAS
|||Elizabeth for|||JULIA
|||the party|||MAGGIE
109|Int. Library (N)|6/8 Pg.|Barnabas talks|7th|Tue. 3/31|BARNABAS
|||to Maggie|||MAGGIE
110|Int. Card Room (N)|2/8 Pg.|Carolyn spots|7th|Tue. 3/31|BARNABAS
111 - 112|Int. Library (N)|2 Pgs.|Banabas|18th|Wed. 4/15|BARNABAS
|||Maggie to stay|||CAROLYN
113 - 114|Int. Josette's Room (N)|2 &|Barnabas|   ??? |   ???   ??? |BARNABAS
||5/8 Pgs.|explains /|||CAROLYN
115|Ext. Collinwood Drive|4/8 Pg.|Willie brings|3rd|Wed. 3/25|CAROLYN
|(N)||Carolyn home|||WILLIE
116|Int. Foyer (N)|4/8 Pg.|Carolyn dies|9th|Thu. 4/2|CAROLYN
||||||Mrs. Johnson
117|Ext. Cemetery (D)|1 &|The funeral|1st|Mon. 3/23|JULIA
||1/8 Pgs.||||MAGGIE
||||||Mrs. Johnson
118|Ext. Cemetery (D)|1 Pg.|Stokes wants to|1st|Mon. 3/23|JULIA
|||meet with Julia|||STOKES
119|Int. Lab (D)|3 Pgs.|They discuss|16th|Mon. 4/13|JULIA
120|Ext. Pool (D)|3/8 Pg.|David plays|2nd|Tue. 3/24|DAVID

Thanks to KLS diary we know that one thing is definitely different from the shooting schedule because at least some part of Scenes 109 though 112 were actually shot on the 11th day of shooting, April 6th. And we have no idea when Scenes 113 and 114 were shot because they were done at Lockwood Mathews and none of those days are on the shooting schedule that I have. And I'd completely forgotten how "Mourner" is listed among the characters slated to appear in the funeral scene. We know, of course, that Michael Stroka played the Pallbearer, but the Mourner isn't listed in the credits. I wonder if it was intended to be one of the DS actors/crew but that person couldn't make to the cemetery that day? But I guess we'll probably never know. And it's very interesting that even though it wasn't shot, Scene 118 is listed on the schedule, so obviously at the point the shooting schedule that I have was put together DC hasn't already  the decision to skip it so as to shift in the editing from the blackness at the end of Scene 117 to the blackness of the inside of the refrigerator in the opening of Scene 119...