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Messages - CallieWL

So sorry!  I was trying to be so careful, and I forgot about the extra zero.

'S no problem.  Both topics were fixed.

Oh, and my word at the top was not meant to be a caption.  I discovered I had to put something up there or it wouldn't load, so I just put what I always think of when I see that, (more of a name than a caption, if you will).

I think you ought to check out the 2nd part of MB's quote.    :)

I did, and I understand.  It was inadvertant, I promise you!  Won't happen again, either.  Thanks for fixing them!

I discovered I had to put something up there or it wouldn't load, so I just put what I always think of when I see that, (more of a name than a caption, if you will).

Hey Callie, all you need to do is put a smiley face in the text area and the pic will load.  ;)

Good to know.  Thanks!   :)

You know...if I didn't know any better CallieWL, I would say that what you are suggesting here is that, um, that Adam, well that Adam...I mean...which jewels are you talking about, exactly?

I prefer to let the reader imagine whatever jewels he or she might want to imagine!

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1064
« on: November 14, 2006, 05:51:35 PM »
Nearly all???!!!   ;D

Sometimes it's just a snort or a guffaw!

Please follow these simple rules for adding new screen captures to this board:
  • Create a new topic and use as its subject the number of the DS episode from which your capture has come (i.e. "Episode #0217" or "Episode #0007" - and please DON'T FORGET TO ADD THE PRECEDING ZEROS because we'd like to make it possible for people to sort the topics by episode number (rather than the date the captures were last captioned) in case they'd like to read this board chronologically within the DS storylines). In the cases where an episode has multiple numbers, simply post the subject as follows: "Episode #0801/0802".
  • The text of the screen capture post need only consist of one character, such as an asterisk (*), though if you'd like, certainly feel free to provide an explanation of what prompted you to post that particular capture. However, DON'T INCLUDE ANY CAPTIONS in this topic creation post. Captions should ONLY appear as the FIRST AND ANY SUBSEQUENT REPLIES.


So sorry!  I was trying to be so careful, and I forgot about the extra zero.  Oh, and my word at the top was not meant to be a caption.  I discovered I had to put something up there or it wouldn't load, so I just put what I always think of when I see that, (more of a name than a caption, if you will).

Adam was pleased when Barnabas' family jewels turned out to be a lot prettier than he was expecting.

I had a caption for this, but don't remember it!   [scratch]

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1064
« on: November 14, 2006, 01:43:11 AM »
congrats on 100 (102) posts!

Hear, hear!  Always good to crack that first 100!  I myself am nearly up to 2600!  Geez, I REALLY need to get out more, LOL!   >:D

Thanks!  You gotta know, Buzz, I get a laugh out of nearly all your captions!

Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1064
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:38:59 PM »
Thanks Callie, and congrats on 100 (102) posts!

Thank you, Magnus!  I never thought I'd ever come up with a single thing, but you and the rest are quite inspiring.

And I finally got through reading ALL 50 pages (some 1000 or so pictures with untold numbers of captions)!  Kudos to the lot of you who kept me laughing!


Caption This! - 1995-Gerard and Daphne-Summer of '70 / Re: Episode #1064
« on: November 13, 2006, 08:59:13 PM »
Grayson's answer to the challenge of creating a facial expression for which no appropriate emotion exists.

LOL!  Perfect!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0667
« on: November 13, 2006, 07:41:40 PM »
Amy:  All right, all right!  You can be Nora the next time we play The Game!

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Re: Episode #0665
« on: November 13, 2006, 07:01:11 PM »
Off-track betting in its infancy.

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0963
« on: November 13, 2006, 06:56:20 PM »
Barnabas:  You say Willie has a big stash of these?

Lang:  "I pledge allegiance to the flag...."