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Messages - CallieWL

Inspired by Lydia's above caption above:

While examining Adam's body, Julia was perplexed to notice a Mattel logo on the back of his neck.

Maggie: I'm afraid you're wasting your time, Professor Stokes.  My father would never do a portrait of you because he's dead!

Wow, Magnus, I had to do some research to figure this one out, but once I did--Lol!

... personal hygiene.

... toilet training.

... the birds and the bees.

Though she was extremely embarrassed about doing so, Mrs. Johnson felt the time had certainly come when she could no longer avoid asking Dr. Hoffman not to perform autopsies in her room because it was much too much to expect Mrs. Johnson to clean up afterward.

Willie's opinion of Maggie completely changed for the worse after he was stunned to overhear her and Joe joyfully reminiscing about how they'd just knocked over a liquor store for their first time and how fantastic it had been!!

Many was the time that Liz would sneak away from Collinwood to indulge her secret desire to rappel down Widow's Hill.

Well, they're all new to me.  There are like 54 pages of Year 2 eps, and I'm only on page 10!  I've been laughing my butt off since I got started back. [lghy]  (Enjoying every minute and not answering any emails, shame on me....)

...the 12-megaton nuclear warhead...

There are now masticated bits of apple on my monitor--thank you very much Magnus!

I knew there was something wrong with that post the minute I hit Post.  Sorry Midnight!  Didn't mean to get you and MB mixed up!!!  My fingers just don't listen to my brain sometimes.

Adam would often become extremely frustrated whenever practicing his clean and jerk didn't live up to his expectations.

 [laughing4]  Both of those are so funny!  (I loved that old movie, The Tingler, btw.)

Willie: I wish Barnabas were a vampire again!  Fumigating the coffin every night was bad enough, but now he expects me to go into his bedroom every day and that damn planet Saturn is always waiting for me outside his door!

(Continuing a theme from earlier hilarious captions by Magnus & Lydia on this ep #502.)

Adam tried to relieve the tension of Carolyn's captivity by attempting to entertain her with his sing-mumbling renditions of various selections from Rocky Horror Picture Show.