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Messages - CallieWL

"...plot the demise of your enemies!"
"...practice your yodeling!"
"...get out those girlie mags I gave you!"

...extent of Jeb's ambition...

...a fire...

'Easily possessed.  You might not be talking to David.'

[pointing-up] :::snort:::

- - - - -

...Barnabas' Enormous Ego...

1506 run away with his cane!

"...The Amazing Kreskin, are you?!"

...that this box was going to be Barnabas' new coffin if he refused to cooperate.

...a much-used set of crayolas...

"...want to pretend you'll have some privacy."

...had taken it out.


ROFL!  Those were all so funny!

Thanks for all those responses, y'all.  I'm one of those completionist people, so it's tough to just leave something half done.  (Though I have several projects in that state!)

Anyway, I understand your logic, and it's cool.  I know it must be a lot of work!  I'll just do what I've been doing and just check some here and there, usually ones with posts, unless I'm in a set-up mood.  (Been too busy and not very creative the last few weeks, but I think the creativity is coming back.  I can usually tell if I have some song stuck in my head non-stop.)

Thanks, Magnus, too, for missing me!  I've no intention of leaving the board.  It's where my breaks at work usually go.  I'm sorry to hear about your eye troubles.  That must make the computer work, and any computer recreation so not fun.  Without knowing your condition, I can only recommend something I know is great for macular degeneration.  (It reversed the condition in my mother's eyes.)  A good carotenoid complex and natural vitamin E, three times a day for three months.  Worked wonders for her.

Okay, I'm off to check the latest....  :)

I may be the only one who thinks this, but I wish y'all would slow down with putting in new pictures.  There are so many I can't possibly keep up or see them all.  And the ones that do have replies don't stay at the top long enough for everyone to have a shot before they've disappeared onto page 2 and so on.  It's just overwhelming!

But it's your forum, and I respect that completely.  I've just become a little frustrated that I have no hope of keeping up.  I quit trying, actually.