Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of) [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #60,#82,#116,#138,#157,#180,#224,#240,#280,#372,#526**]  (Read 130217 times)

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Thank you, thank you, thank you MB for those gorgeous shots of Carlotta from that scene!


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Oops, I forgot to mention yesterday that both DC and Grayson made notes in their scripts, although, as is sometimes the case, not all of them were followed through on in the film. For example DC writes at length about how he's going to shoot Quentin in profile as Alex exits - didn't happen, or at least it wasn't used in the final edit - and he's going to use a zoom and a whip pan while shooting Alex' exit - also didn't happen, and considering how the exit plays in the film, it's hard to imagine that it was shot that way but not used. And when it comes to Grayson, she writes once again that Carlotta has won, and also adds that Gerard takes all his order from Carlotta.

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LOVE Grayson's dress!

Yes, that's one of my favorites, too.  [hall2_smiley]

[spoiler]And just think, if Carlotta's ghost ever appeared at Collinwood, and considering that for some reason ghosts seem to appear in the last thing they were wearing in life, Carlotta could wear it for all eternity.  [hall2_grin][/spoiler]

Thank you, thank you, thank you MB for those gorgeous shots of Carlotta from that scene!

Glad you liked them - I thought you might.  [hall2_wink]

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Beginning the next scene:

192    INT - CARD ROOM - NIGHT                            192

       as Carlotta crosses to Quentin.  Gerard, unnoticed in
       the B.G., can be seen moving off down the hall.  As
       Quentin lifts his glass to drink, he suddenly reacts
       to the sight of his hand.


       Raw scratch marks can be seen on his wrist and the
       back of his hand.  WIDEN as he quickly puts down the
       glass and pulls his sleeve up, revealing the same
       kind of scratches on the other arm.


       as he stares at the raw marks.

                 He was telling the truth, wasn't

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 92/Scene 192 - Carlotta: 'You did it for her -- for Angelique.'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 92/Scene 192 - Quentin (as it sinks in): 'I tried to kill my wife --'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, believe it or not, everything covered is delivered as scripted.

However, when it comes to the descriptions and directions, of course there are differences. Apparently the script means that Gerard goes unnoticed by Quentin as he can be seen moving off down the hall because Carlotta -

- certainly notices him (but you know what's funny - despite the fact that Carlotta looks right at him, I don't know if I ever noticed that Gerard can be seen at the outset of Scene 192, and it could be because my attention is normally fixed on Quentin) - and Quentin actually reacts to the sight of scratches on his wrist, and only one -

- at that because, as can be seen in the top capture directly above, there are no scratches on the back of Quentin's hand, and unlike what's scripted, Quentin doesn't quickly put down his glass, nor does he pull his sleeve up to reveal the same kind of scratches on the other arm - and after he notices the scratches on his right wrist, he turns to Carlotta -

- before he actually puts his glass down and then declares to Carlotta that Alex was telling the truth - and Carlotta nods in the affirmative before she tells Quentin that he did it for Angelique.

Also, there's one note in Grayson's script in which she writes that Quentin shouldn't be upset because he did a good thing for Angelique. And there's another in which she says Carlotta will touch the scratches and stroke them, but as we know, she doesn't actually do that...

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Continuing Scene 192:

       He turns away and then slowly crosses to the other
       end of the room.  Suddenly, he realizes that some-
       thing is happening.

And that's when the first part of today's first quote -

Page 92/Scene 192 - Quentin: 'Where's Gerard?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

She hesitates.

And that's when the second part of today's first quote -

Page 92/Scene 192 - Quentin: 'Where is he?'

- comes up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 92/Scene 192 - Carlotta: 'Doing what you know must be done.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

Oh, no!

And when it comes to what's different with the dialogue, Carlotta actually says "Doing what you know has to be done" - to which Quentin only reacts with "No!".

And when it comes to the differences in the descriptions and directions, rather than Quentin turning away from Carlotta, Carlotta actually turns away from Quentin -

- and looks down before Quentin moves past her to the other end of the room. And I do love how David Selby plays Quentin's anguish after realizing he tried to kill Tracy -

- and before Quentin notices Gerard is gone.

And once again there are notes in Grayson's script. This time she writes that Carlotta does so with pride when she tells Quentin that Gerard is doing what has to be done - and that Carlotta can be strong enough for the both of them

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Concluding the current scene, beginning with Quentin's next reaction to Carlotta telling him that Gerard is doing what has to be done:

       Quickly, he starts toward the hall, where he suddenly
       stops, looking up at the first floor landing.  WHIP
       PAN to reveal Angelique, now more real than ever, as
       she stares down at him.

192    CONTD                                       CONTD  192

And that's when today's quote -

Page 93/Scene 192 - Quentin: 'I am not Charles Collins. I will not allow them to be hurt.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       They stare at each other for a minute and then Quentin
       turns and runs out.

And when it comes to differences in the dialogue, Quentin actually says "I am not Charles Collins. And I'm not going to allow them to be hurt."

And when it comes to differences in the descriptions and directions, there is no whip pan to reveal Angelique because the camera simply cuts to her on the landing  (and it's very interesting that the script makes a point of saying that Angelique is now more real than ever) - and after Quentin tells Angelique that he's not going to allow Tracy, Alex, and Claire to be hurt, he and Angelique are not seen staring at each other for a minute, nor does Quentin turn and run out, though it does seem as if Quentin might have been about to run out after he warns Angelique, but things actually cut to Scene 193...

Also, as an aside, for the original slideshow for NoDS, I actually used the following shot of Angelique -

NoDS: Scene #192 - Quentin: 'I am not Charles Collins. And
I'm not going to allow them to be hurt.'

- for today's lines because she is actually on screen during the "I am not Charles" portion of Quentin's lines.

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Before we get into today's quote, we have several other scenes to deal with:

193    EXT - ROAD - COLLINWOOD GROUNDS - NIGHT            193

       As Alex' car comes ROARING TOWARD CAMERA.

194    INT - ALEX' CAR - NIGHT                            194

       The anxiety shows in his face as he recklessly pushes
       the car in an effort to get home as quickly as possible.
       Suddenly he hits the brake and swerves out of control
       as he is blinded by enormous lights on the road ahead.

195    EXT - ROAD - NIGHT                                 195

       Gerard sits in his jeep, parked in the middle of the
       road.  Alex' car can be seen in the B.G. careening
       through the underbrush by the side of the road.


       as Gerard, throwing the jeep into gear, ROARS OFF
       after him.

196    SERIES OF SHOTS                                    196

       As Gerard proceeds to constantly harass Alex by ramming
       the rear of his car and sideswiping him.


       as the two cars come careening TOWARD CAMERA, Gerard's
       jeep finally pulls alongside Alex' car.  Then, with
       one quick move, viciously side-swiping him, sending
       Alex' car off the road through the trees, down the
       rocky ravine.

End of sequence.

And even though there is no scripted dialogue, during what's presumably Scene 195, Alex ad libs -

"Son of a bitch."

And as far as differences in the descriptions and directions go, in the film we actually see Gerard earlier than in the script because after we see Alex in his car, in what could presumably be a Scene 194A, we see that, unlike how Scene 195 describes his first appearance in the sequence, Gerard has hidden his truck -

- by the side of a building and is lying in wait for Alex -

- with a devilish smile on his face - and when it comes to Scene 195, Alex' car doesn't actually go off into the underbrush at the side of the road because Alex is able to swerve out of Gerard's way and remain -

- on the road - however, after that, Gerard does manage to pull out in front of Alex (which is what prompts Alex to call Gerard a son of a bitch) and -

- force Alex' car off of the road - but Alex does manage to get back on the road, and after that is when, in Scene 196, Gerard pulls up behind him to ram the rear of Alex car, to sideswipe (and, yes, the script does indeed misspell sideswipe once by making it hyphenated) him, and then eventually to force him off the road, though not into a rocky ravine -

- but to crash into a tree.

And finally, I wonder if we should read anything into the fact that Gerard couldn't seem to keep his hand off his gearshift during these scenes?  [cheesyb]

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Moving on to the current scene:

                                              CUT TO:
197    INT - COTTAGE LIVING ROOM - NIGHT                  197

       Tracy sits nearest the fire, still somewhat wet from
       her pool experience.  Claire is nervously pacing about.

                 Oh, God, when is he coming back?

197    CONTD                                       CONTD  197

       She suddenly stops and listens.  Tracy looks up, is
       about to say something.  Claire raises her hand.

                 Sh --

       Tracy gets up, crosses to her.

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 94/Scene 197 - Claire: 'I heard something outside.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

      Claire crosses to the desk, quietly opens the drawer,
      removes a pistol, as Tracy looks at her.

                What are you going to do?

And that's when today's quote -

Page 94/Scene 197 - Claire: 'Alex told me to shoot anyone who came through that door.'

- comes up.

And as far as the differences in the dialogue go, Claire drops the "Oh" from the "Oh, God" part of her first line - and then in some bits of unscripted dialogue, Claire asks Tracy -

"How are you feeling?"

- to which Tracy replies -

"Well, I'm better... Still a little cold."

- and when Tracy begins to say -

"Claire, do--?"

 -but Claire shushes her, Tracy whispers -

"What's the matter?"

- and rather than delivering the second quote, Claire actually says "Alex told me to shoot anyone that tries to come in here."

And as far as differences in the descriptions and directions go, rather than seeing Claire pacing the cottage's Living Room, we see her enter the Living Room -

- from the direction of the Bedroom - and we don't see that Tracy is sitting near the fire until after Claire gets further into the Living Room - and after Claire shushes Tracy, as we can see in the captures above, Tracy remains sitting on the arm of the chair - it isn't until after Claire says that she heard something and begins to move closer to the front of the cottage that Tracy stands -

- and follows somewhat behind Claire until Claire goes to retrieve the pistol from the desk and then returns, whereupon, as we can see in today's second capture -

- Tracy comes over to her.

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I forgot to mention that in DC's script he's written in an establishing shot of the exterior of the cottage with Claire able to be seen at the window. But as we know, there's no such scene in the film as it currently stands. And considering that the way things play in the film, Claire is first seen entering the Living Room from the direction of the Bedroom and she's not seen pacing the Living Room as scripted, chances might be good that the establishing scene was never shot, or at least was never in the film because it wouldn't have made much sense...

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Picking up Scene 197 where we left off:

They both stand stock-still and listen.

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 94/Scene 197 - Tracy: 'What did you hear?'

- comes up, followed by today's quote -

Page 94/Scene 197 - Claire: 'I know someone's out there.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

       They tiptoe toward the window where the curtains are
       drawn against the night.  TRUCK WITH THEM.  As they
       reach the window, they stop.  Then working up her
       nerve, Tracy gingerly reaches for the drapes and
       very slowly pulls them apart.  FAST ZOOM TO EXTREME
       CLOSE-UP OF GERARD STILES, who leers evilly through
       the window.

End of scene - though certainly not the end of sequence...

And as far as the differences in the dialogue go, Tracy actually says "Wait a minute. Claire, what did you hear?"

And as far as differences in the descriptions and directions go, the camera doesn't actually truck with Claire and Tracy as they move toward the window because we see them from the front as they begin to move toward it and then we see them from the back practically there - and Tracy and Claire exchange a look right after they -

- reach the window - and it's Claire, not Tracy, who reaches out slowly to grab the drapes, but she actually quickly pulls only one side back -

- to reveal Gerard - and there's no zoom in on Gerard, nor does he have any sort of evil look on his face because he actually -

- looks shocked and surprised.

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Scene 198 plays differently in the film from they way it's scripted, so first we're going to deal with it completely as scripted:

198    CLAIRE - TRACY                                     198

       As they scream with shock, Claire suddenly raises the
       pistol, fires point blank into Gerard's face.


       Screaming with pain, he grabs his face and falls from

                 Oh, God, I've killed him.

198    CONTD                                       CONTD  198

                 We've...we've got to make sure.

       They look at each other, both knowing that they don't
       want to leave the comparative safety of the cottage.

                 We can't...we can't.

                 If he's just wounded...

                      (pulling herself
                 I know...all right...let's go.

End of scene. But as we'll see when we deal with today's quote/capture in the slideshow, and as is already apparent given today's slideshow, some of the lines were actually used in upcoming Scene 199. And as we'll also see, other's were dropped entirely...

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When it comes to the dialogue as scripted for Scene 198, Claire's "Oh, God, I've killed him", "We can't...we can't", and "I know...all right...let's go" were all dropped and were not moved to upcoming Scene 199, mostly because, as we'll see, two out three of the lines wouldn't have made sense there. On the other hand, Tracy's "We've...we've got to make sure" and "If he's just wounded..." were moved to Scene 199, and we'll get into how they play there when we get into Scene 199.

But first up we're going to deal with how Scene 198 actually concludes, and much of it is basically similar to how it was scripted to start:

While the camera doesn't switch to a shot of Claire and Tracy because it remains on Gerard in the same way as reply #504's last capture, showing Gerard's look of shock and surprise, we do hear Claire scream at the sight of Gerard, we do see Claire's hand reach up with the pistol and shoot -

- but we also see an unscripted shot of Claire quickly begin to move away from the window and Tracy in shock -

- and while we do see Gerard grab his bloody face -

- we don't hear him scream, and we don't see him fall because the drapes close as soon as Claire lets go of them - and the scene actually closes with an unscripted shot of Tracy comforting Claire -

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Moving on to how the portion of Scene 199 is scripted before we reach today's quote:

199    EXT - GROUNDS OUTSIDE COTTAGE - NIGHT              199

Yup, that's all we can get into because the beginning of the scene is so different from the way it's scripted to begin.

So, when it comes to the differences in the dialogue, the description and the directions, in the film Scene 199 actually begins with what we saw in yesterday's installment of the slideshow, with Claire and Tracy exiting the cottage and Tracy saying -

"If he's just wounded..."

- which we've already pointed out came from Scene 198 - and then in more dialogue taken from Scene 198, as Claire and Tracy make their way across the bridge from the cottage to the grounds, Tracy then actually says -

"We've gotta be sure."

- and then they make their way to the side of the cottage where Gerard should be -

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Wrapping up Scene 199, starting with how it was scripted to begin:

       They are at the spot where Gerard should have been if
       Claire killed him.  He is not there.

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 95/Scene 199 - Tracy: 'But I know we hit him.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

They look around, knowing he has to be nearby.

And that's when today's quote -

Page 95/Scene 199 - Claire: 'Quick. We've got to get back inside.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       They quickly move to the front of the house.


       as the two girls run into the SHOT and come toward the
       front door.  It is open and the security of the well-
       lit interior awaits them.

And when it comes to any differences in the dialogue, Claire actually says "Quick. We'd better get back inside."

And when it comes to any differences in the directions and descriptions, Tracy actually looks around before -

- she delivers her line - and they basically stand in place after that - though as we can see in today's capture, Tracy does give a look behind her -

 - as she begins to move with Claire to get back to the house - however, when they reach the house, the door is not open -

- as Tracy has to reach for it.

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Before we get to the scene that's come up in today's slideshow, we have one other scene to deal with first:

200    INT - COTTAGE - NIGHT                              200

       as the two girls ENTER, Claire SLAMS and BOLTS the
       door.  Suddenly, the CAMERA is BLOCKED OUT by someone
       stepping between the girls and the LENS.


       Blood running down his face, he leers evilly at them.
       They SCREAM as we

                                               CUT TO:

End of scene as scripted - though it doesn't quite play out entirely that way.

There is no scripted dialogue, but dialogue is featured in the film. After Claire is heard bolting the door and they begin to come into the cottage, Tracy asks -

"What do you think we should do?"

- to which Claire replies -

"I don't know. I know we hit him."

And when it comes to the differences in the descriptions and directions, I love how the first shot of the inside of the cottage makes it appear as if the clothes hanging on the coat rack are actually a person -

- when I saw NoDS at an indoor theater (I first saw it at an outdoor) some people in the audience visibly jumped at the shot, which is what I'm sure DC hoped -  and unlike how the script says that the camera would be blocked out by someone stepping between the girls and the camera's lens, Gerard is actually first glimpsed as Claire walks by him -

-without seeing him at first - and once Claire has completely passed by is when we hear Tracy and Claire scream and the camera moves in on -

- Gerard's bloody face - and it's worth noting that in the 97 and 129 minute versions on the film, the screams and the shot of Gerard last longer...

One thing I don't remember exactly, though, is if in the missing footage Gerard actually lunges at them, as in the following publicity still:

I'm 99% percent sure he doesn't - but...