Author Topic: And Now The Return of Another New Slideshow (Sort of), Part 2 [**Now featuring alternate versions of scenes - see replies #18,#21,#23,#49,#64,#69,#76,#88,#90,#100,#105,#107,#115**]  (Read 97161 times)

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Before we get to the next scene in the slideshow, we need to deal with two other scenes in the script:

83     INT:  DRAWING ROOM - NIGHT                         83

       Barnabas stands in the doorway, looking around the

84     INT:  ORGAN ROOM - NIGHT                           84

       Barnabas enters, crosses to the organ, remembering.

However, that's not entirely how things play in the film. For example, as Barnabas moves toward the organ room, he turns to look down the hallway that Mrs. Johnson just went down and he sees her -

- reach the stairs and begin to go up them -  then Barnabas goes right into the organ room with no looking into the drawing room whatsoever, and given the way things are shot entirely from his P.O.V., it would certainly seem that there was no intent to ever check out the drawing room - and as his checking out of the room gets to the organ, he reaches out and -

- presses one of the keys as the sound of the note seems to fill not only the organ room but the surrounding rooms as well.

And that's still not the end of the sequence...

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Setting up the current scene:

85     INT:  FOYER - NIGHT                                85

       Barnabas comes from the organ room.  Roger enters the
       shot, coming down the hall as camera tightens on him.

And that when today's quote -

Page 28/Scene 85 - Barnabas (OS): 'Good evening, I am --'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, the descriptions and the directions, things play somewhat differently in the film because the scene actually begins with Roger being seen coming off the stairs and -

- into the hallway - and as the sound of the organ's note continues to be heard, a puzzled Roger makes his way -

- down the hallway - but his expression begins to change as he first lays eyes on Barnabas -

- and particularly, as can be seen in today's capture, as the still mostly off screen and completely out of focus Barnabas actually greets him with -

- "Good evening", dropping the "I am --"

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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I was just checking out the hoDS novel to see how it compares to the last two posts I've made and it's extremely close to what's in the script with the exception of one oddity:

  Left alone, the man moved across the entrance hall and
stood gazing into it, as if taking stock of all its furnishings.
After standing there a moment he turned and went to
the door to the organ room. He entered it and crossed to
the organ, touching it as if it were familiar and had
memories for him. He lingered in the organ room no
longer than he had in the drawing room but moved on in
the silence of the old house like a restless phantom.

Hmmm - we know that Scene 83 exists in the script, but how could Barnabas in the novel have "lingered in the organ room no longer than he had in the drawing room" when there's no mention in the novel whatsoever of him going anywhere near the drawing room prior to going to the organ room?  [hdscrt]

Actually, if it wasn't for that reference to the drawing room being in the novel, things in the novel would play close to the way they do in the film. But because the novel was written without access to the film, there's no way Dan "Marilyn" Ross would have known that, so the omission of any prior mention of the drawing room comes off as somewhat of a goof more than anything else. But then, what would any sort of DS material be without at least one goof?  [b003]

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And wrapping up Scene 85:

85     CONTD                                        CONTD 85

And that when today's quote -

Page 29/Scene 85 - Roger: 'There's no need for you to say. If I weren't seeing you with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.'

- comes up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, what Roger actually says is "If I didn't see you with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it", with the "There's no need for you to say" part dropped.

And though there aren't any descriptions or directions for this part of the scene, what actually happens is that after Roger delivers his line with Barnabas still out of focus, as can be seen in today's capture -

- the camera racks focus and it's Roger who goes out of focus while Barnabas' hand/ring and his cane (which we never saw at the Collinsport Inn*) comes into focus -

(* The scene at the Collinsport Inn was shot almost three weeks after Scene 85, so more than likely they had no idea that the cane wouldn't be seen as scripted in Scene 79 for whatever reason. Who knows, maybe they just forgot to bring it...)

Offline Mysterious Benefactor

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Something that's interesting when it comes to the novelization's version of Scene 85 is that Roger's lines are: "There's no need for you to say. If I weren't seeing you with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. Come with me and meet the others!" Other than that, the dialogue plays just like DC's script. However, before Barnabas delivers yesterday's quote starting to introduce himself, the novelization says he bows - but as we know that's neither in DC's script nor the actual film.

But what I think is ever more interesting than any of the above is that the Fest's 1999 Movie Calendar includes four lines from Scene 85 that are nowhere to be seen in any versions of the scene that I have:

For February 2nd:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #85 - Roger: 'But
there...there is no Barnabas Collins.'

For February 3rd:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #85 - Barnabas: 'I shall
have to tell my friends in England that.'

For February 4th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #85 - Roger: 'For a
moment I thought the portrait had come to life.'

and for February 5th:

hoDS: Alternate Version of Scene #85 - Barnabas: 'I feel as
if I've come home.'

Though when I put together the original hoDS slideshow, I replaced the calendar's quote for February 4th with today's quote in the current slideshow...

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Setting up today's scene:

86     INT:  GALLERY - NIGHT                              86

       The portrait of Barnabas Collins hanging on the wall.
       The CAMERA PULLS BACK.  Barnabas is standing near the
       portrait.  We see his face for the first time.  Liz
       is staring at him, then at the portrait.

And that when today's first quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Liz: 'The likeness is extraordinary, isn't it, Carolyn?'

- is scripted to come up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Carolyn: 'Yes --'

- as it's scripted to come up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, in the film things don't play quite like they're scripted, but we'll get into that after tomorrow's quote comes up in the slideshow...

And when it comes to the descriptions and the directions, I'm a bit surprised that DC didn't cut from the shot of Barnabas' hand/ring and cane in Scene 85 to a similar opening shot of Barnabas' hand/ring and cane in the portrait in Scene 86 and then pull back. It seems like what he would do. But he opens the scene with just a simple shot of the portrait -

- and we do not see Liz at all, not staring at Barnabas or staring at the portrait.

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And we continue Scene 86 with today's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Liz: 'It's as if the portrait had come to life.'

- as it was scripted to come up.

But as I alluded to yesterday, in the film things at this point don't play quite like they're scripted. And that's because this is how things appear in this section of DC's script:

                 The likeness is extraordinary, (She X)
                 isn't it, Carolyn?
       The CAMERA PULLS FURTHER BACK to include them all.

                 Yes --

                 It's as if the portrait had come
                 to life. -  IS'N it  Carolyn
      Carolyn ------------------>

So, the way all that actually plays in the film is that off screen Liz says "The likeness is extraordinary" while the audience see Barnabas standing by the portrait -

- and then she adds the part that been added to the script -

"I've never seen anything like it"

- while Barnabas simply stands there, but the camera does not pull back to reveal everyone else in the room as Liz actually does cross to him -

- to deliver today's quote before Liz turns to Carolyn -

- to actually add the "isn't is Carolyn?" and then for Carolyn -

- to actually answer "Yes --" - and as the captures clearly show, unlike as scripted, the only people we've seen in the room so far are Barnabas, Liz, Carolyn, and an out of focus Julia.

And as I mentioned back when we were running the original hoDS slideshow, I can understand why Roger's "For a moment I thought the portrait had come to life" was dropped from Scene 85. If it and Liz' line from Scene 86 had stayed in, it would have made Liz' comment repetitious. Of course, it's more likely possible that it was deliberately dropped from Scene 85 and that scene was reworked so that a slight variation of the line could be given to Liz in Scene 86. Having Liz say "It's as if the portrait had come to life" while the audience sees a shot of Barnabas standing beside the portrait is much more effective than having Roger refer to a portrait that the audience hasn't even seen yet.

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Continuing with Scene 86, beginning with yesterday's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Roger: 'We had no idea we still had family in England --'

- coming up - and as we could see in yesterday's capture -

- it's the first we see of Stokes and Roger in the scene and there is still no shot that has shown everyone at once - and that quote is followed by today's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'I am the last, I'm afraid.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue, with the exception of Roger adding a "that", as in "We had no idea that we...", both quotes are delivered in the film exactly as scripted. However, once again the 1999 Movie Calendar contains bits of dialogue from this scene that don't appear in any version of the scene that I have. But we'll get into all that once we conclude with this scene...

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Continuing with Scene 86, beginning with Monday's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Roger: 'We knew of course that the original Barnabas Collins had gone to England in 1797 --'

- coming up, followed by Tuesday's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Julia: 'I've been trying to find out what he did there. But there's no further mention of him in any of the family journals --'

- coming up, followed by yesterday's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Liz: 'Doctor Hoffman has taken a sabbatical from her practice to write a history of our family.'

- coming up, followed by today's quote -

Page 29/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'I shall be glad to help you, Doctor. If I can.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to any differences in all that dialogue, the first change is that in his line Roger says "went" instead of "had gone" - and the second is that Julia adds a "been", as in "there's been no" -  and the third is that Liz changes "a sabbatical from her practice to write a" to "a sabbatical from her practice and has been writing a". But believe it or not, Barnabas' lines are delivered in the film exactly as scripted. However, after Barnabas offers his help, Julia replies with an unscripted -

"Thank you."

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I just love Roger's disdainful chin-tilt in today's photograph.

Gosh, I miss Big Lou...

Thanks again for everything, MB.


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Continuing with Scene 86:

86.    CONTD                                                 

And that's when Friday's quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Stokes: 'Do you come from London, Mr. Collins?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

    Yes, Professor Stokes.

And that's when yesterday's first quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Stokes: 'A city I remember with great relish. Where did you live there?'

- comes up, followed by yesterday's second quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'Cadogan Square.'

- coming up, followed by today's first quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Stokes: 'Do you by any chance know the Bromwells? They're at 33, I believe.'

- coming up, followed by today's second quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'Excuse me.'

- coming up.

And when it comes to the dialogue there are a few minor changes. When Barnabas answers Stokes' question about London, he actually says "Yes, I do, Professor Stokes" - and in Stokes next line he changes "did" to "do", as in "do you live" - and then after Barnabas replies with Cadogan Square, Stokes actually asks "Do you, by chance, know the Bromwells? They're at number 33, I believe."

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Picking up Scene 86 where we left off with Barnabas excusing himself to avoid Prof. Stokes' question about possibly knowing the Bromwells:

       He crosses to a portrait on the other side of the room. 

And that's when Monday's first quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'Naomi Collins, isn't it?'

- comes up, followed by Monday's second quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Liz: 'Yes. The first Barnabas's mother.'

- coming up, followed in the script by:

       From his pocket, he takes a small velvet box.           

And that's when yesterday's quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'I so hoped there would be someone like you to wear this.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       He hands it to Liz.

                      Why, thank you.

                      What is it, Mother?                       

And that's when today's first quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Liz: 'Look at this. Isn't it beautiful?'

- comes up, followed in the script by:

       She holds up the necklace.  It is the same one that Naomi
       wears in the portrait.

And that's when today's second quote -

Page 30/Scene 86 - Carolyn: 'I've never seen anything like it.'

- comes up, followed in the script by:


However, when it comes to the dialogue, the directions and the descriptions, things don't quite play like that in the film. Barnabas does indeed cross to the portrait and ask if it's Naomi - but then in an unscripted move Liz crosses over to him as she answers exactly as scripted - though as we've seen all along, Barnabas has been holding a box -

- and one quite obviously too large to have ever fit in his pocket - and while the only change to Barnabas' next line is that he changes "there would" to "there'd", he doesn't actually hand the box to Liz because, as we can see in yesterday's capture -

- he simply begins to open it in front of her - and Liz' "Why, thank you" is dropped because her first reaction upon seeing the necklace inside the box is actually a reworked and startled "Oh, it's beautiful" as she reaches -

- to take it out of the box - and then Carolyn begins to come over behind Liz as -

- she actually asks "Mother, what is it?" - and then Liz holds up the necklace as she says an unscripted -

"Roger, Carolyn, look."

 - (though in the script DC has a note that the camera would pan up to a close-up of Liz - but that doesn't happen) and Julia gets up and moves closer for a better look as she let's out an equally astonished -


- and then Carolyn actually replies with -

"Oh, it's exquisite."

- rather than the scripted "I've never seen anything like it" - (though in the script DC has a note that the camera would rack focus to Carolyn - but that doesn't happen either).

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Things get interesting in DC's script when it comes to the contuation of Scene 86 because there are two different versions in his script.

The beginning of the first version:

86.    (CONT'D)

                              ROGER                               PAN TO
                      The missing jewels!  Naomi's necklace.      C U Rog
                      Barnabas, where did you find them?           PAN SLOW
                      There's a legend that they were lost          PAST JULIA
                      during the Revolutionary war.                TO  C U
                                                                  PROFILE BARN
                      It's absolutely magnificent.

And the beginning of the second version:

Rev. 4/14                                                                    Rve. 4/14/70

 86     CONTD

                             ROGER                            PAN TO
                   The missing jewels.  Naomi's necklace.      CU Rog
                   Barnabas, where did you find them.          SLOW PAN
                                                               PAST  JULIA
                             LIZ                                TO   CU
                   It's absolutely magnificent.                  PROFILE BARN

                   Legend had it they were buried in
                   the revolutionary War and never
                   found again.

And so far as what was chosen for quotes, this is today's first quote:

Page 31/Scene 86 - Roger: 'The missing jewels! Naomi's necklace. Barnabas, where did you find them?'

And this is today's second quote:

Page 31/Scene 86 - Roger: 'There's a legend that they were lost during the Revolutionary War.'

However, when it comes to how the dialogue plays in the film, things are almost entirely identical to the 4/14 revision because the only difference is that Liz says "They're" rather than "It's".

And when it comes to DC's notation, that's exactly how the camera moves.

And incidentally, Scene 86 was originally scheduled to shoot on the 14th day of filming, which was April 9th - but considering that the revision wasn't done until the 14th, obviously that wasn't the case - well, at least not for the entire scene...

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And DC's script contains two versions of today's quote.

The first version:

                      History is so much more romantic
                      than reality.  Naomi gave them to
                      my ancestor when he left Collinwood.
                      For she knew she would never see him
                      again.  They were his share of the

And the second version:

                   Legend is so much more romantic than
                   reality.  Naomi gave them to my ancestor when
                   he left Collinwood.  They were his share of the

The latter version is the one used as today's quote:

Page 31(A)/Scene 86 - Barnabas: 'Legend is so much more romantic than reality. Naomi gave them to my ancestor when he left Collinwood. They were his share of the estate.'

And when it comes to how the dialogue plays in the film, things are more similar to the second version with Barnabas actually saying "Well, legend is always more romantic than the truth. Actually, Naomi gave them to my ancestor when he left Collinwood. They were his share of the estate."