Author Topic: ShadowGram Update #170  (Read 22418 times)

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #105 on: May 29, 2007, 08:02:12 AM »
I don't know specifics outside of what I have been told by the people directly involved with the fests who deal with fan correspondence all year long.  If there isn't any show on the air, I don't see where there would be flexible income to market the show via festival.  At any rate, there is always the hope DS will be picked up elsewhere and that type of gatherings will be planned at least once a year - small or large.   Let's just  hope the show gets picked up on the airwaves again.

Market the show via Festival -- is that all the Fest is?  Just a marketing ploy for DCP?  That's just wrong.  (Yeah, I know I'm being naive and unrealistic, but it's still wrong.)  The Fest is supposed to be about celebrating the show and getting together with friends.   Back in the '80s when the Fest was first organized (and I've read this story over and over again in Shadowgram) it was organized by fans to celebrate the show, not to make money for DCP.  How did the organizers finance it back then before DCP took it over?  Why couldn't whatever they did to finance it then work today?  Maybe there are legitimate reasons; I'm just asking.  Maybe if DCP can't finance it then DCP should let Marcy and the people who originally ran it take it back over.  Or am I looking at this all backwards and DCP took it over in the first place to help finance it?  That hasn't been my understanding, but I want to get the facts straight.  I agree it would be very cool if DS got picked up by a network like Chiller or wherever and got back on the air again to attract new fans.     

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #106 on: May 29, 2007, 01:50:35 PM »
I am sorry this topic has gotten so difficult, but I am with Housefly Cameo that it is near a miracle to see Jonathan and Lara (and yes, the third member of the core triangle, KLS)  back on stage together, and if I am able to come to the Fest it will be lovely to see, and it is really that that is having me interested in coming...

Good for you Adamsgirl, that the Collinsport Players will be doing a skit, those are always fun, though I think I did mention that I did get upset at the 1993 Fest when a then unseen 1841PT episode got bumped in favor of a Players skit as things were running behind....but this many years later I am sure most fans have seen most of the episodes several times.

I do have to respond on the idea of the show being a nice escape from the everyday cares of life, that is very true, the show does provide that, and is in some ways very addicting, but one needs to be careful to keep that in balance, and I say that as someone who became VERY addicted to DS during its original run, not good..

I do have one question, Jonathan says on his website that he will be around Friday evening to greet his fellow costars who are there, does that mean he will indeed make a brief appearance on Friday night, or will he just be appearing on Saturday as SG announced??   We will probably get a more detailed schedule closer to the Fest and if I come it looks like I will be with family members who don't want to be anywhere near Fest events, so I will probably pick and choose the Friday night stuff for me, Saturday I know I will be glued to Jonathan's events Saturday afternoon!!

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #107 on: May 29, 2007, 02:00:27 PM »
Sorry Midnight, I just felt that good people were getting a little over sensitive. I'll keep my mouth shut.

Quote from: Midnite
Cynicism and attempts by posters to stifle discussion, however, are NOT welcome.  If the debate in this topic is too upsetting for any visitors, perhaps it's best to skip it.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #108 on: May 29, 2007, 06:16:48 PM »
Okay, show of hands here -- I'm all for asking Nancy to please reconsider her position on the fandom. After all, if it weren't for her tireless work behind the scenes, we wouldn't be treated to seeing Jonathan Frid at all this year, fest or otherwise.

Nancy, we are a cantankerous bunch, myself among those who groused about this not being an actual "festival." That doesn't mean, though, that we're unappreciative. When I first heard Frid was going to be the "mystery" guest, I was ecstatic. I'd long ago given up hope that he'd ever attend anything DS-related and that I'd ever get to see him. Thanks to you, that is exactly what's going to happen! My sincere gratitude!

Believe me, when Jonathan stands on that stage, and you see the fans cheering and doing a standing ovation, I think you'll be more than pleased with what your efforts brought and how much delight and joy you've given us fans. I do hope so!

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #109 on: May 29, 2007, 07:00:46 PM »
Adamsgirl, thank you for sharing the news about the Collinsport Players!  Their skits are always a Fest highlight for me.

I hope I am not misunderstanding your post, Midnite and thus respond in an appropriate way -

I think making fun of what fans look like and how they dress is indeed judgmental.  Ignorant may be a better word.

I brought up the middle-aged, moderate income issue for two reasons: (1) it isn't as easy to bunk down on the floor or fit into a bed with four other people as it was when we were in our twenties.  Middle-aged backs don't tend to like hard floors for a night's sleep.  (2)  Middle-aged people with moderate incomes also have children and mortgages.  That means less disposable cash for Mom and Dad.  I don't consider have moderate income and working as many jobs as it takes to make ends meet anything but noble and far too many people have to live that way.

Entertainment, particularly that on the fantasy side, has a great appeal for people who have their nose to the grindstone day in and day out and truly struggle to have any extra money.  It's a wonderful world to escape into it this fantasy we all enjoy here and all the others out there.  Sometimes that is the only thing that keeps someone in an unhappy work situation or life situation sane.

I think you might have misunderstood.  But first, I have to say I was joking about the middle-aged reference... well, a little.  ;)  Anyway, I understood the context of your original comment from a few days ago, and it seems we're in agreement that Pierson takes into consideration what fans can afford to pay.  One has only to attend a Fest to notice that there are fans who are quite possibly on disability income.  However, and where I suspect things went awry, is that there are also attendees that splurge during these events, and many fans also fall somewhere in the middle, yet when a focus is put on one end of the spectrum, even with the best of intentions, feelings can get ruffled.  My discomfort was in seeing posters begin to defend, vehemently in at least one case, their own financial situation and that of their peers.  I realize you were not asking them to when you introduced the subject of fans who cannot afford their own room-- it was their choice to respond-- but my belief is that no one has to justify their decision to share vacation expenses.  Or for that matter, to explain the importance of Fests in their lives.  Ever.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #110 on: May 29, 2007, 10:11:46 PM »
Well, after reading all of the posts, I have finally decided to reply.  I'm really pissed right now, though, because I spent a lot of time writing this big, long reply - and just before I was ready to post it, Safari quit!  Now I have to write it all over again! [angryf]  I'm going to copy this into a document before I post it to make sure I don't lose it again.   I hope I can remember all that I was going to say.

I have attended the DS Fest every year since 2003 (the one that was supposed to be the last one).  I always stay in a hotel room alone, because that's how I prefer it.  Don't get me wrong, I like meeting up with the fans, but it's not my major focus at the Fest.  Sometimes, I spend time alone, and sometimes with fans - and that's ok.  I still love to get autographs from the stars, even though I do it every year.  (Too bad I have to wait in those looooooong lines, though!) [sadg] I didn't spend much time in the Dealer's Room, but I still managed to spend too much money! [winkg]

Although I was disappointed when I found out that this year's event would be  shorter (by half) than the previous DS  Fests, I am exstatic to be able to finally meet Jonathan Frid!  I am very grateful to Nancy for her diligence in getting him to come!  [bigok]  This is really exciting!  [cheer]

I consider myself to be a "General Dark Shadows Fan" - except for the fact that Quentin (of course) and Barnabas, respectively, are my favorite characters. [luv] I am disappointed that David Selby won't be attending, but I understand the reasoning behind it.  It's a major coup to get JF to attend!  If having a small affair is what will get him to come, so be it.  It's not like I didn't get to meet the other DS stars before.  I'm glad that Lara Parker, KLS, and Marie Wallace will be there.  It's too bad John Karlen can't come, but I'm glad he's ok with that.  Frankly, I don't expect any more stars to attend, but that's ok - it's a much shorter event, and there wouldn't be enough time for more.  Getting to see JF is worth it! [cheesyg]

I also have attended the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention every year since 2003.  I will stop going there this year, however, due to the high cost and my feeling of  "Been there, done that."  I still want to go to the DS Fests (or whatever they are called) as long as I can, though.  I like being able to hob-nob with the stars and my DS friends.  (I don't have ST friends - never got into that.)   DS Fest is much cheaper than the ST Con.  ST Con charges for everything!  I have shelled out big bucks for some autographs of the major stars, which were exciting, but it was like an assembly line, and I couldn't converse with them.  Some of the minor stars were more accessible in the Dealer's Room, but even they charged $20 per autograph.  The autographs of DS stars are FREE!!! [cheerleader]

Gee, I guess I gave more than two cents worth - more like two dollars or more! [winkg]  I am really excited about going to the DS Special Event this year!  I look forward to meeting Jonathan Frid, seeing the other stars again, and meeting up with DS friends.  I hope this post isn't too long.

----- Sally -----
----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #111 on: May 29, 2007, 10:20:43 PM »
A few things I forgot... I'm glad that the Collinsport Players will perform.  It's unfortunate that there won't be a Costume Gala, but when would there be time? [idontknow]

The DS Fest is the highlight of my year.  I don't plan a vacation around it, though, since it costs a lot for me to travel there.  I just stay the minimum time - I arrive the night before, and leave the day after the Fest.  This year, actually, will be good for me, because I will save money on the hotel. [winkg]

Ok, that's it.  I've spent enough time with this.  I need to get on with my day. [cheesyg]  Peace!  [hippy2]

----- Sally -----
----- Sally -----
[snow_bigglass] [hippy2]

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170/Two points
« Reply #112 on: May 30, 2007, 04:38:26 PM »
The second thing is, in answer to Midnite's previous question about The Collinsport Players, I found out today that we will, indeed, be putting on a skit on Friday night. Woo-hoo! I was really shocked since I figured if there was no Costume Gala, there would be no skit for us because we usually go on (I say, usually, but it's not set in stone) before the gala.

Hurray! That's excellent news, adamsgirl!  The Players are a staple of the Fest; I'm glad they were retained for this event. :)


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #113 on: May 30, 2007, 05:14:07 PM »
I use to side with other fans in hoping fests or fan events continued for awhile but in reading this thread I don't think I would much blame Jim for not having any more at all. It's damned if you and damned if you don't and a smack of belief that somehow there was a conspiracy to rip fans off by eliminating the presence of other actors from the west coast (who normally don't come to small east coast events anyway).

I don't blame Jim if he wanted to end it period after this one.  Maybe all this negative reaction will be enough to let go altogether and not try anymore.  I certainly would not encourage him.  The grief isn't worth it.

For my part though, I do want you to enjoy the August event because after all this stuff  going on here, I can honestly say "never again" on my part.  This upcoming August even will end my involvement with the behind the scenes machinations in making certain things happen.  No one is irreplaceable and I''m sure some equally irritating people will come along in my place. >:D

Much of what I've seen in this thread is not ingratitude, but rather legitimate confusion and concern regarding the format of this year's event (e.g. why is it shorter? why is fan participation being cut back? why aren't all the regular actors coming? is the Fest out of money? can't DCP help? etc.) and indignation that beloved actors may have been treated with something less than full respect. It would be nice if the DS Festival had a representative on this board, the way MPI does, to respond to questions and suggestions from concerned fans and patrons.  Unfortunately they do not, and in their stead, that burden has fallen on you, Nancy.  Even though you are not in charge of the event, you are the person among us who is in the best position to know what's going on behind the scenes, so most of the questions and concerns have been directed to you, however fair or unfair that may be.  As adamsgirl pointed out, the fact that so many people are so vocal goes to show how much we value the continuance of the weekend Festivals. I don't think anyone meant to offend you, and I hope you will reconsider your decision to give up your involvement in Fest activities.  Your efforts in getting Jonathan Frid to this event are extremely appreciated, and so is your participation as a volunteer at previous Fests.  I thank you too for your willingness in addressing our queries about behind-the-scenes issues.

I'm sure everyone who is able to attend this year's event will have a lovely time.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #114 on: May 30, 2007, 08:56:50 PM »
Thanks for that, ProfStokes.  I usually de-snit (or is that un-snit).  I don't pretend to represent DCP's views or interests; what I know is based on what I am told by reliable sources and my own involvement with "putting on a show" so to speak. I must admit my mood was considerably altered when I discovered something else I didn't know but I won't revisit that. No point. The August event is what it is and people can make their feelings known to the organizer(s) at said event or via mail.  I'm putting my pouty face away, picking up my crayons and looking for greener pastures until more concrete things are known or announced.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #115 on: May 31, 2007, 01:23:31 AM »
well put prof,

a message board is sort of the one outlet for fan's to kvetch with one another in real time.we fire off our thoughts and feelings,hit the post key,and there it is forever even as one cools off(and this board is particularly calm and well-mannered compared to what goes on elsewhere).


there has been considerable confusion and misunderstanding about the nature of this year's event and because you have had more involvement in it's planning than the rest of us you were on the receiving end of alot of prof said no one from d.c.p. or the fest is represented on this board so there is always alot of speculation.

if you were key in getting jonathan frid on board thanks.
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #116 on: May 31, 2007, 02:11:29 AM »
this board is particularly calm and well-mannered compared to what goes on elsewhere

Thanks.  :)  Obviously there are always going to be disagreements. They're inevitable because no two people will always think exactly alike or approach situations in the same way. But we've tried our best to create and maintain a calm and safe environment for DS fans in which disagreements can be kept civil. And not to tout ourselves, but I don't even want to contemplate what levels this discussion might have sunk to in certain other corners of cyberspace.  :-

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #117 on: May 31, 2007, 03:20:23 AM »
well put prof,

a message board is sort of the one outlet for fan's to kvetch with one another in real time.we fire off our thoughts and feelings,hit the post key,and there it is forever even as one cools off(and this board is particularly calm and well-mannered compared to what goes on elsewhere).

This is a great forum, absolutely.  I would not be bothered otherwise.  More work goes into maintaining this site and towards making members (and guests) comfortable and feel welcome than we probably realize.

Okay, now that I did my kissing up . . . ^-^


there has been considerable confusion and misunderstanding about the nature of this year's event and because you have had more involvement in it's planning than the rest of us you were on the receiving end of alot of prof said no one from d.c.p. or the fest is represented on this board so there is always alot of speculation.

Seriously, let me say this about that - since the fests were nearly discontinued a few years ago, I would not expect anything to be the same each year at this point.  A thought occurred to me while reading your post and Amanda's and that is much like the fanzines were encouraged before the show was ever in syndicated, small gatherings on one coast and then the other might be more the norm to keep an established fan base somewhat happy and connected until the show finds a new home on television.

There is a widespread belief that all production companies (and production staff) make lots of money especially if that company has a "name" product we recognize. That's not always the case either.  I have worked for television and video production companies (some with heavy involvement in shows and "products" we recognize) and money isn't always right there and available to be used. It's not usually a matter of "won't" as much as "can't."  I do not know the ins and outs of DCP's financial status but make no mistake about it - the festival is part of its marketing arm but more than anything else, the fest is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to entertain and donate proceeds to charity.   There is a tendency to believe that because something is legendary there is all kinds of money surrounding that name in terms of licensing, etc.  I have been as guilty as anyone as to speculating about what DCP can and can't do or will or won't do.  I simply do not know for certain.  i am making an educated guess, is all.

But really, after the fest was nearly cancelled altogether, it makes sense to just hope for something each year.  A small event takes a lot of work once it's decided, never mind a lot of work in terms of finding the right space, getting the right price and those logistical things in place.

We are lucky to have the kind of annual or bi-annual celebrations where the show and its fans really are the stars.  Try attending other TV show conventions and you will be charged for the air you breathe.  The only person I would pay $75.00 to be photographed with is Jesus.  We are a lucky bunch: a good forum to do what friends and acquaintances do  - share thoughts, ideas and brainstorm and not be afraid to be wrong or misinformed.

It's gonna be cool to have Barnabas at a DS gathering again. >:D  Please be gentle with him.

And that's my proclamation for the evening.   ;D


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #118 on: May 31, 2007, 06:54:42 PM »
It's gonna be cool to have Barnabas at a DS gathering again. >:D  Please be gentle with him.

Hmmm - of all people, would Frid be happy with you referring to him as Barnabas - even jokingly - especially when he has frequently gone out of his way in interviews and public appearances to point out in as many words to DS fans and others and make them understand that he is "not Barnabas"?  :tsk:

I just hope he doesn't see that post.  [sad1]

 [b003]  >:D  [lghy]

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #119 on: May 31, 2007, 07:11:22 PM »
MB, when I deign to telephone Mr. Frid and he answers the phone, frequently I say, "Hello, may I speak with Barnabas, please?"

It's true.  I'm a menace. ;D
