Author Topic: ShadowGram Update #170  (Read 22446 times)

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170/Two points
« Reply #90 on: May 28, 2007, 11:39:07 PM »
I had mentioned this on another thread, but Chiller Network is actively seeking input from its viewers on what they'd like to see aired. By far, Dark Shadows has received the most votes and posts on that board. If Chiller is really serious about giving viewers what they want, Dark Shadows will be back on the air soon, thus affecting (one hopes!) the festival attendance. Now, I realize this will involve negotiations, etc., but it's a strong possibility from what I've seen.

The second thing is, in answer to Midnite's previous question about The Collinsport Players, I found out today that we will, indeed, be putting on a skit on Friday night. Woo-hoo! I was really shocked since I figured if there was no Costume Gala, there would be no skit for us because we usually go on (I say, usually, but it's not set in stone) before the gala.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #91 on: May 29, 2007, 12:56:22 AM »
it's nice that they want to keep the costs down
for me it is the timing of the fests the summer
doesn't work for me most times because i've planned a summer vacation
and it has fallen most times when the event is
i would love to go this year because i fear JF won't do another one
but i will visit his web site and wish everyone going a great time
we are the champions!!!!
 2007 Boston Red Sox

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #92 on: May 29, 2007, 01:53:02 AM »
Nancy's comment about fest attendees not spending money in hotels is in general quite true, and not confined to DS fandom. There's a large horror con near my house, and I know many many folks (including vendors!) who balance the cost of just GETTING to the fest by being frugal in other areas.  In my experience at other gatherings, it's often been difficult to get fellow fans to hit a restaurant that doesn't have a dollar menu, or to patronize the hotel bar any other time than happy hour. I kind of take for granted that I can drive to these places and am not incurring the expenses that other fans are. If I had to buy a plane ticket, it'd be another story.

I attended my first DS fest last year, and was frankly ASTONISHED at how many cast members were there. I guess it's expected by some of the veteran fans, but coming from other areas of fandom and being new to DS fests, it really was kind of amazing to me that you guys get to see practically the ENTIRE surviving cast every year. The phone call from Frid last year was really something to me, and at the time I assumed it was the closest I'd get to seeing him at one of these shows. I feel very fortunate that Frid is appearing at an event at all, let alone after 14 years of declining.

So whether I'm less jaded, more easily impressed, or in general just not that bitter at any of the entities involved, I think it's close to a damn miracle that I'll get to see the "core" love triangle of the show appearing together in person, and I think it's important to keep the rarity of such an occasion in mind. I'm grateful to be attending, thankful to those who orchestrated it, and really excited for a fun weekend. My only disappointment is the absence of dealers' tables, but if I'm itching to buy stuff, there's always the internet... :)

"It's not Star Trek, there's not a convention every week. If I miss this, it's a three year dry spell." - Patton Oswalt on DS

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2007, 01:53:58 AM »
I don't know specifics outside of what I have been told by the people directly involved with the fests who deal with fan correspondence all year long.  If there isn't any show on the air, I don't see where there would be flexible income to market the show via festival.  At any rate, there is always the hope DS will be picked up elsewhere and that type of gatherings will be planned at least once a year - small or large.   Let's just  hope the show gets picked up on the airwaves again.


Are you saying that Pierson/DCP used to have more money to put on a Fest back in the '90s than they do now?  If that is the case, then instead of just not having a Fest, could they do something like have a special fundraiser or take up a collection at this year's event, or have a special auction or a 50/50 drawing or some other idea -- I'm sure most other people are more creative than I am -- to make up the difference or raise money for the next Fest?

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170/Two points
« Reply #94 on: May 29, 2007, 02:00:13 AM »
The second thing is, in answer to Midnite's previous question about The Collinsport Players, I found out today that we will, indeed, be putting on a skit on Friday night. Woo-hoo! I was really shocked since I figured if there was no Costume Gala, there would be no skit for us because we usually go on (I say, usually, but it's not set in stone) before the gala.

I am SOOO very happy to hear that, Adamsgirl!  I will miss the big dealer's room as I just love poking and prodding about there.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #95 on: May 29, 2007, 02:05:01 AM »
MB, this scenario you offer is totally news to me but I don't doubt you or your sources.  I was told long before Frid got involved that a day event was being planned in New York, that's it.  I'm glad you posted this in detail as I am beginning to understand other expressed views better. Thanks.


One supposes that financial reasoning could be why the Fest might say it's unable to pay West Coast actors' transportation. But one has a much harder time believing it was why, as I'd originally said, according to multiple and very reputable sources, some stars who inquired as to whether there was going to be an event this year were told that there wasn't - and this was despite the fact that, at the time of the stars' inquiries, negotiations for the Frid event had been in progress for months and were nearing completion, AND if the Frid event fell through, there was a backup plan to have an event in Brooklyn again. It wasn't until those same stars got wind that something was actually in the works (and after it was looking pretty good that this year was going to be the Frid event because it was gelling) that it was finally admitted that an event was indeed taking place - though they were then told that this year is simply a "fan event," not a Fest, and then politely told their services would not be needed. Regardless of whether or not an event was going to be Fridcentric or not, some sort of event was being planned, and the inquiring actors should have been told that from the outset - and if it was financial constraints that were going to prevent their participation, the inquiring West Coast actors should have been told that from the outset and that their services weren't going to be required no matter what shape the East Coast event took.

Though, as I also said, certain people may choose to deny all this - but one seriously doubts they would ever attempt to deny it in the presence of the actors who were given that story...

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #96 on: May 29, 2007, 02:18:50 AM »
Nancy I have to disagree with your position defending DCP in that " it does not make sense to finance something that appeals to a limited audience and stands to lose money".  I just think that is very unfortunate that you support DCP's turning its back on the Festival and its fans.

Is that what has happened? Or are "they" trying to make a go with what they have?  I speak from that of someone who has financed and produced hundreds of events and I could not convert cash from an associated entity if I wanted in order to pay expenses from a production that was not doing as well as I hoped.

I'm very surprised that you have accused me of supporting DCP turning its backs on fans.  I'm not happy about it but I'll deal.  You have misrepresented my views in coming to this conclusion.

(I did not even include the income earned from DCP's entire cataloge of movies). I just wish that DCP took some initiative in financially supporting the Fest. It certainly has the means to do so and it should want to support the continuation of the Fests. DCP can donate money to the Festival if it wanted to do as the Festival is allegedly a not for profit entity-as MB recently pointed out and DCP could use its donation as a tax write- off.  Does DCP have any interest in watching the Festival come to an end? I feel that DCP should be morally obligated to see the Fest thrive as an reward to us fans supporting the franchise throught the years. DCP should not just settle for getting DS back on cable. MGM is releasing straight to DVD new remakes of movies like Stigmata announced today and Audrey Rose. Is a straight to DVD new Dark Shadows movie a possibility that DCP is exploring? I had believed that the new leadership at DCP stood a better chance of getting a new DS project off the ground in any format. The 2004 WB's pilot was a fluke and not based on any DCP creative initiative.

Then go for it, make it happen.  Or start putting together a fundraising campaign to get a new DS convention going run by those who are fed up with the up and down of the fest fortune.

I am put off with you, Jimbo, for implying that I am all for turning backs on fans.  I definitely did not deserve that at all. My behind the scenes role represents anything but.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #97 on: May 29, 2007, 02:30:31 AM »
I hope I am not misunderstanding your post, Midnite and thus respond in an appropriate way -

I think making fun of what fans look like and how they dress is indeed judgmental.  Ignorant may be a better word.

I brought up the middle-aged, moderate income issue for two reasons: (1) it isn't as easy to bunk down on the floor or fit into a bed with four other people as it was when we were in our twenties.  Middle-aged backs don't tend to like hard floors for a night's sleep.  (2)  Middle-aged people with moderate incomes also have children and mortgages.  That means less disposable cash for Mom and Dad.  I don't consider have moderate income and working as many jobs as it takes to make ends meet anything but noble and far too many people have to live that way.

Entertainment, particularly that on the fantasy side, has a great appeal for people who have their nose to the grindstone day in and day out and truly struggle to have any extra money.  It's a wonderful world to escape into it this fantasy we all enjoy here and all the others out there.  Sometimes that is the only thing that keeps someone in an unhappy work situation or life situation sane.


Switching reels, and speaking for the moment as a fan and not a moderator, the discussion of how middle-aged fans (we won't even get into my sudden realization that the term refers to my own age group  [eek]) may or may not make ends meet in order to attend reminds me of a discussion elsewhere from years ago that poked fun at how some DS fans dress (and beyond that) for these events-- it smacks of judgment and, in other words, makes me very uncomfortable.  I've said my share of negative things about the Fest organizer, and I can't know what's in his heart, but that he embraces the economic and social diversity of DS fans when making Festival plans, I think, speaks well for him.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #98 on: May 29, 2007, 02:38:57 AM »
MB, this scenario you offer is totally news to me

Well, as I said in the other topic on this issue, chances were good that the organizers of the Frid event were totally unaware of it...

Changing reels entirely, back in the mid-'90s there was a well intentioned non-Fest entity that tried to do fundraising, but due to too many issues to go into here, unfortunately, it fell flat on its face. That's not to say that another attempt couldn't work. But I suspect it's a lot harder to organize and execute than it might appear to many of us.  :-   Perhaps if the Fest itself attempted it, it could work better. But I strongly suspect that the Fest's not for profit status would prevent it from doing any sort of fundrising that would go towards producing DS product.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #99 on: May 29, 2007, 02:39:58 AM »
HouseFly, this is a great post.  For my part though, I do want you to enjoy the August event because after all this stuff  going on here, I can honestly say "never again" on my part.  This upcoming August even will end my involvement with the behind the scenes machinations in making certain things happen.  No one is irreplaceable and I''m sure some equally irritating people will come along in my place. >:D


I attended my first DS fest last year, and was frankly ASTONISHED at how many cast members were there. I guess it's expected by some of the veteran fans, but coming from other areas of fandom and being new to DS fests, it really was kind of amazing to me that you guys get to see practically the ENTIRE surviving cast every year. The phone call from Frid last year was really something to me, and at the time I assumed it was the closest I'd get to seeing him at one of these shows. I feel very fortunate that Frid is appearing at an event at all, let alone after 14 years of declining.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #100 on: May 29, 2007, 02:50:56 AM »
Aw, don't get dark on me, Nancy. I haven't seen a single fan-centric event that didn't lead to PAGES of internet grousing. Drama makes the day go by, I guess.  Let's see how many fans show up pouting, arms folded, unhappy with the event at hand.

First drink's on me; you've earned it.  :-*
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #101 on: May 29, 2007, 03:03:56 AM »
Hey Guys, who cares. Lets just be happy that the fest is continuing.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #102 on: May 29, 2007, 03:48:55 AM »
Nancy I have to disagree with your position defending DCP in that " it does not make sense to finance something that appeals to a limited audience and stands to lose money".  I just think that is very unfortunate that you support DCP's turning its back on the Festival and its fans.

Is that what has happened? Or are "they" trying to make a go with what they have?  I speak from that of someone who has financed and produced hundreds of events and I could not convert cash from an associated entity if I wanted in order to pay expenses from a production that was not doing as well as I hoped.

I'm very surprised that you have accused me of supporting DCP turning its backs on fans.  I'm not happy about it but I'll deal.  You have misrepresented my views in coming to this conclusion.

(I did not even include the income earned from DCP's entire cataloge of movies). I just wish that DCP took some initiative in financially supporting the Fest. It certainly has the means to do so and it should want to support the continuation of the Fests. DCP can donate money to the Festival if it wanted to do as the Festival is allegedly a not for profit entity-as MB recently pointed out and DCP could use its donation as a tax write- off.  Does DCP have any interest in watching the Festival come to an end? I feel that DCP should be morally obligated to see the Fest thrive as an reward to us fans supporting the franchise throught the years. DCP should not just settle for getting DS back on cable. MGM is releasing straight to DVD new remakes of movies like Stigmata announced today and Audrey Rose. Is a straight to DVD new Dark Shadows movie a possibility that DCP is exploring? I had believed that the new leadership at DCP stood a better chance of getting a new DS project off the ground in any format. The 2004 WB's pilot was a fluke and not based on any DCP creative initiative.

Then go for it, make it happen.  Or start putting together a fundraising campaign to get a new DS convention going run by those who are fed up with the up and down of the fest fortune.

I am put off with you, Jimbo, for implying that I am all for turning backs on fans.  I definitely did not deserve that at all. My behind the scenes role represents anything but.

Nancy I think you took my words out of context. My position was simply that DCP could and should financially support the Fests and it is my understanding that your position is that DCP should not financially support the Fest because it would lose money and not return a profit for DCP. It is my opinion that by not supporting the Fest that DCP is turning its back on its fans when we need its support the most. I do disagree with your position but I do not believe for a second that you personally would turn your back on the fans. I don't believe I said that. I do apologize if I did not word my last post more precisely. On the other hand I do not appreciate your response. I think we are both just showing how strong our feelings are for our beloved show.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #103 on: May 29, 2007, 04:48:28 AM »
Hey Guys, who cares. Lets just be happy that the fest is continuing.

Two thumbs up! Totally agree.
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #104 on: May 29, 2007, 05:46:29 AM »
Without question, Nancy was instrumental in bringing JF to the 2007 event.  She's also generously sharing her thoughts on certain on-topic issues and has chosen to respond to comments, but in doing so, her position on these issues becomes open to debate-- same as for any other poster-- and I'm sure Nancy never had the idea that her accomplishments make her opinions immune to challenge from others. The bottom line is that debate is encouraged on this discussion forum, and I seriously doubt that any of us would bother to discuss these issues at great length if we didn't care so much.

Cynicism and attempts by posters to stifle discussion, however, are NOT welcome.  If the debate in this topic is too upsetting for any visitors, perhaps it's best to skip it.