Author Topic: ShadowGram Update #170  (Read 22166 times)

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2007, 12:29:49 AM »
The fan events you are talking about normally do not take place at the abbreviated festival or weekend events so I do not understand the disappointment to the extent you believe something was taken from the fans.  I don't understand your feelings about "convenient" when this August event was to be a one day only thing for the east coast crowd.  That's where it stood last fall before Jonathan Frid indicated he would like to come to a more intimate event.

I use to side with other fans in hoping fests or fan events continued for awhile but in reading this thread I don't think I would much blame Jim for not having any more at all. It's damned if you and damned if you don't and a smack of belief that somehow there was a conspiracy to rip fans off by eliminating the presence of other actors from the west coast (who normally don't come to small east coast events anyway).

I don't blame Jim if he wanted to end it period after this one.  Maybe all this negative reaction will be enough to let go altogether and not try anymore.  I certainly would not encourage him.  The grief isn't worth it.


Well, from where I sit, it seems very convenient to fall back on this as an "event" as opposed to a full-fledged festival so that the fans can accept getting short-shrift where other actors' attendance is concerned, as well as the few fan participation events that normally take place being eliminated. Still, I realize that there are only so many hours in a day, so shortening this "event," or whatever one wishes to call it, to a day and a half really did the trick.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2007, 12:47:29 AM »
I think that we should be greatful that there still are events. It is great that JF is coming to this one! I regret that I can't go. But I will be there in spirit. I know that we think that DS is eternal, because many character were. To bad they can't do a simalcast on line. I know that I am dreaming.  ::)

How many shows do they still have conventions or events for that are 40+ years old???
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2007, 01:27:28 AM »
I don't blame Jim if he wanted to end it period after this one.  Maybe all this negative reaction will be enough to let go altogether and not try anymore.  I certainly would not encourage him.  The grief isn't worth it.

I do blame Jim Pearson and everybody else that has not had the insight to invite John to participate. I understand, however, that this "event" belongs to Mr. Frid and I'm glad of it for his sake. I am pleased and privaledged to hob nob with the vampire star. But I want to hob nob with John and Mr. Selby and it's a danm shame that neither wil be in attendence! My rant for the day. Thank you very much!
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2007, 02:31:33 AM »
While I can understand the feeling that you're "damned if you do and damned if you don't," remember that this event was long in coming and being announced. That alone got people speculating that, perhaps, all this was coming to an end. And, lest you misunderstand, Nancy, I'm happy to have the opportunity to see Jonathan Frid, whatever this is being called, and I'm happy to reconnect with friends I only see once a year for the most part. However, there is and has been disappointment that it's an abbreviated event and limited in guest stars.

If you look at it from a different perspective, that should be enough to let Jim know that the festivals are very much appreciated and highly-anticipated events. If there are so many people disappointed that it's shorter this year and just an "event," well, it's a tribute to what's gone on in the past, wouldn't you say?

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2007, 03:14:52 AM »
i think i read on this board that jim pearson's personal feelings about this event are somewhat irrevelvent.

he is an employee of dan curtis productions and the event's continuation depends on it's viability more than what mr.pearson personally "wants" to do.

is that not correct?

p.s. a bit of bickering on a message board is pretty light "grief" when one considers what else is going on in the world today.
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2007, 04:26:26 AM »
They are very relevant.  He runs the marketing and licensing of Dan Curtis Productions and pretty much can do what he wishes regarding the festivals.  If they aren't cost effective (break even or whatever) and not worth it to him or DCP he he can pull the plug, absolutely.  He has nearly done so several times in the past.


i think i read on this board that jim pearson's personal feelings about this event are somewhat irrevelvent.

he is an employee of dan curtis productions and the event's continuation depends on it's viability more than what mr.pearson personally "wants" to do.

is that not correct?

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2007, 04:30:24 AM »
While I can understand the feeling that you're "damned if you do and damned if you don't," remember that this event was long in coming and being announced.

Yes, because of Jonathan's illness/injury the very long delay in the announcement occurred. There was concern he might not be able to do anything, let alone make an appearance at a DS function.  If you recall, I said previously on this board that there was a reason for the delayed announcement.  That was the reason.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2007, 04:46:48 AM »
It is an event because Jonathan Frid is going to be there. This is super exciting and I am so looking forward to it. I know it is disapointing if your favorite isn't there.

As I've posted in the past, it's been my observation throughout my many years in fandom that there seems to be two major camps of DS fans: those who are attracted to DS because of Barnabas and seemingly only (or at least chiefly) because of Barnabas - and those who seem to be attracted to the whole package. When it comes to the first group, this year's gathering is nothing short of a spectacular realization of a dream come true (and the organizers should be commended for making that dream happen for them). But to the second group it may not be. Sure, most will definitely say they enjoy Barn/Frid - but a gathering organized with Barn/Frid as the primary focus is not necessarily as spectacular as it is for the diehard Barn/Frid fans. And, of course, that would probably be the case for this second group should any sort of DS gathering be centered around any one DS character/actor because they're attracted to the whole package that is DS. I can see where this second group might be upset upon learning this year has its primary focus on only one character/actor and that many of the other activities featured at most yearly DS gatherings will be missing because those other activities are what they've come to expect and are possibly what chiefly attracts them to attend each year. Would it have been better had it been made 100% clear from the outset in every announcement that this year's gathering was going to feature an abbreviated schedule of events in favor of the primary focus being on Barn/Frid instead of it being presented in many corners as a Fest which happens to feature Frid as the "special guest" but not necessarily the primary guest? Probably. After all, even though this is the 40th anniversary of Barn's/Frid's first DS appearance, such a gathering would still not be to everyone's taste. But hindsight is always 20/20 - and one assumes the organizers of this Fridcentric gathering would have handled things very differently had they possibly stepped back to think of that angle. However, one can't completely fault them for being ecstatic that Frid would be returning to the DS fold after such a long absence. Though at the same time, they probably might have also realized that not every DS fan is going to be as naturally excited as they are.  ;)  And most probably this year will go down as a major learning experience for any future DS gatherings that might not feature all the regular Fest activities and take as their primary focus one aspect or other of DS... (Such as possibly a 40th anniversary of Quentin/Selby in 2009.  :D  Though I'm still hoping for that 40th anniversary of Amanda gathering.  ;D)

(And, of course, there's also that third group that I mentioned: the fans who enjoy DS in spite of Barnabas. And though they tend to be in the minority, I do indeed know of several DS fans who will be attending this year's gathering despite the fact that Barn/Frid is the main attraction.  ;)  But then, they're mostly going to simply get together with friends - the focus is pretty much immaterial to them.  :D)

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #23 on: May 24, 2007, 05:53:29 AM »
How many shows do they still have conventions or events for that are 40+ years old???

Oh my goodness, loads of them.  Seriously.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #24 on: May 24, 2007, 02:09:41 PM »
However, there is and has been disappointment that it's an abbreviated event and limited in guest stars.

Actually, it was originally a one day event expanded into a day and a half with additional activities, not a three day festival cut short. That's where the different perceptions rest.


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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2007, 02:18:13 PM »
Thing is, MB, this whole thing has been made far more complicated ONLY BECAUSE Jonathan Frid is making an appearance after a decade hiatus from DS events of any kind.  If the guest had been Terry Crawford (who has been absent from fests for awhile too) there would not have been such a big deal at all.  I know I am repeating myself by saying a one day event had been the plan as far back as last fall with local DS actors and fans doing something in New York and now because Jonathan Frid is coming, many seem to think that event is really a festival and an abbreviated one at that.  The reality is this has long been a one day thing in the works and expanded by half a day.  Frid got involved only because he found out this one day thing was being thought of and it seemed like the perfect setting and environment for him to get his DS feet wet again, so to speak. ;D  And, yes, it is the 40th year since the introduction of the character of Barnabas but that was not the reason he decided to come.  Since he is coming, of course the anniversary is being highlighted more than it would have had he not attended.


As I've posted in the past, it's been my observation throughout my many years in fandom that there seems to be two major camps of DS fans: those who are attracted to DS because of Barnabas and seemingly only (or at least chiefly) because of Barnabas - and those who seem to be attracted to the whole package. When it comes to the first group, this year's gathering is nothing short of a spectacular realization of a dream come true (and the organizers should be commended for making that dream happen for them). But to the second group it may not be. Sure, most will definitely say they enjoy Barn/Frid - but a gathering organized with Barn/Frid as the primary focus is not necessarily as spectacular as it is for the diehard Barn/Frid fans. And, of course, that would probably be the case for this second group should any sort of DS gathering be centered around any one DS character/actor because they're attracted to the whole package that is DS. I can see where this second group might be upset upon learning this year has its primary focus on only one character/actor and that many of the other activities featured at most yearly DS gatherings will be missing because those other activities are what they've come to expect and are possibly what chiefly attracts them to attend each year. Would it have been better had it been made 100% clear from the outset in every announcement that this year's gathering was going to feature an abbreviated schedule of events in favor of the primary focus being on Barn/Frid instead of it being presented in many corners as a Fest which happens to feature Frid as the "special guest" but not necessarily the primary guest? Probably. After all, even though this is the 40th anniversary of Barn's/Frid's first DS appearance, such a gathering would still not be to everyone's taste. But hindsight is always 20/20 - and one assumes the organizers of this Fridcentric gathering would have handled things very differently had they possibly stepped back to think of that angle. However, one can't completely fault them for being ecstatic that Frid would be returning to the DS fold after such a long absence. Though at the same time, they probably might have also realized that not every DS fan is going to be as naturally excited as they are.  ;)  And most probably this year will go down as a major learning experience for any future DS gatherings that might not feature all the regular Fest activities and take as their primary focus one aspect or other of DS... (Such as possibly a 40th anniversary of Quentin/Selby in 2009.  :D  Though I'm still hoping for that 40th anniversary of Amanda gathering.  ;D)

(And, of course, there's also that third group that I mentioned: the fans who enjoy DS in spite of Barnabas. And though they tend to be in the minority, I do indeed know of several DS fans who will be attending this year's gathering despite the fact that Barn/Frid is the main attraction.  ;)  But then, they're mostly going to simply get together with friends - the focus is pretty much immaterial to them.  :D)

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« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2007, 03:39:02 PM »
Well, bottom line for me is, I'm glad there is an event at all. I was worried there wouldn't be anything at all any more since we'd discussed on another thread that last year's festival in Brooklyn was a financial disappointment. Am I disappointed it's not an all-out fest? Sure, but that doesn't mean I won't attend or not enjoy myself. When it was announced that Frid was the mystery guest, I was ecstatic, and I'm not a rabid Barnabas fan as some others are. I guess I fall into the category MB pegged as a general DS fan -- the whole magilla, so to speak. However, since he hasn't been to a festival in over a decade, this truly is a mega-event, and it's thanks to him there's a Dark Shadows to commemorate in the first place!

As for Jim Pierson's personal feelings, I don't know the man intimately and have only met him in passing at festivals. I would hope, though, that were he to make any decision regarding these festivals/events continuing, it WOULDN'T be based on personal feelings but on practical considerations.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2007, 04:29:17 PM »
I agree totally with MB that there are two camps in the DS world: Those who love the show in general, and those who love a particular character (in the instance MB was speaking of, it was Barnabas).

Fortunately for me, I belong to the former. I like the show in general. I love each character differently, because you can't measure them all by the same standards. Different people brought them to life, and each character had his or her own motivations throughout the series.

The REAL draw for me this year, was, of course Jon Frid. As I mentioned in another (or perhaps this) thread, my mind was completely made up without a doubt once Frid was announced as a guest. Like I said before, I was *thinking* about going, kind of hemming and hawing about it.

But, what made me want to go to the fest was not the allure of meeting "Barnabas". No, no. It was the allure of meeting "Frid" the actual PERSON. Because I've watched numerous fest videos on You Tube, as well as the vid that Mr. Frid sent to the last fest, not to mention numerous stories and other Frid-oriented videos on You Tube that have nothing to do with an actual fest, and this is a wonderful man, and I would be sorry to have never met him. Sure, he portrayed a great character on a amazing television show, but for me, Frid trumps Barnabas.
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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2007, 04:43:46 PM »
I agree with you, Brandon -- I'm looking forward to meeting the amazing man who is Jonathan Frid. Sure, I'm a Dark Shadows fan, but it's not about "Barnabas," to me, and as you point out, Frid has had an amazing career outside of DS.

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Re: ShadowGram Update #170
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2007, 06:06:04 PM »
Personally I'm hoping that the woman who claims to be Jonathan's long lost daughter shows up!   :o  That might make going to his Q&A worth it!    >:D

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