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Topics - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 I / Your own dream curse
« on: May 15, 2002, 06:30:06 AM »
What is the worst one you ever had? As a young adult I had this one. I was riding with my friend Grant in his old Galaxy, as we often did in reality. We were going through a neighborhood and started seeing dead bodies laying in the yards and on the sidewalks. We kept going and there were more and more. I vividly remember a child on a tricycle that was tipped over. Finally, the bodies were so many and in the street that we couldn't drive anymore. As we were sitting there bemused, (not horrified, as you would think) a person I recognized walked up and said "Do you know Grant? Tell him they are all DEAD."  I woke up.

The main thing I remember is the clarity and detail, it was like a movie. I had not seen Night of the Living Dead yet, or any movie that looked like that, and this dream was definately in color.

Current Talk '02 I / Say, what?!!!
« on: May 14, 2002, 06:51:08 AM »
Dr. Lang: " Do you want her to marry this young man and live a life of unending joy?

Ummm, I think we can safely conclude that Lang is a lifelong bachelor!

Hate to be too cynical, but methinks even those who are married much more successfully than I was would hardly describe it in that way.

Didn't you just love the tone in Doc Hoffman's voice when Barney told her that he had called her there to save Jeff's life. "You di-id?" ("Oh Barney, you're my HERO!") He was actually being most gallant with her too. Would more thrilling if it wasn't such a case of don't want her, don't want to lose her.

Current Talk '02 I / Roger Superstar Collins
« on: May 10, 2002, 04:34:27 AM »
I realized yesterday that poor Roger has never been loved by a real woman. Until now. I have elected myself to fulfill this need in his life. I am not  a supernatural creature, in fact, I'm almost certain I'm quite human. That may be difficult for him at first, but then again, he may find it refreshing and love me all the more for it!

He is about the right age for me. (Unfortunately. ) We can use sarcasm on each other to our heart's delight. I will develop an affinity for smoking jackets and playing the snob. I will like his sister, and as long as Carolyn doesn't play incestuous flirt, we should do fine too. I have a behaviorally challenged son who should fit RIGHT in at Collinwood. He could make David look good! Actually, I have two young sons, so the "boys" will be a little trio. I'm sure there will be a difficult time of adjustment,  but true love shall conquer all. Vicky may actually have to WORK for a change, but I am looking forward to having a nanny. I think I'm going to like it here.....


Current Talk '02 I / It was the best of times,
« on: May 08, 2002, 05:41:26 AM »
it was the worst of times. On one hand you have the beginning of the Barney and Julia mighty duo, fighting crimes against Collinses. BUT, then you have Dr. Lang saying "I'm a man of science, I can't believe in witchcraft! Would you like Jeff Clark's face with those fries, Mr. Vampire patient o'mine?!"

Or the Roger and Lang comedy stylings. "I thought I might have a stroke." Oh? Has your heart bothered you before, Mr. Collins?" Bada bing, bada boom.

Vickie "AIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" OK, THAT one was understandable. (Sorry, Cheryl, I couldn't resist. I will admit he seems a wee bit improved as Harry).

Oh, and why oh why was Elizabeth attacked by an insane leprechan? Or did she go through a time warp herself and thinks she is sweet sixteen again?

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / The new DVD
« on: May 04, 2002, 07:14:41 AM »
I tried to find out, but the website info is rather skimpy. I understand the first episode is Barnabas coming out of the coffin. With forty episodes on the set, where does that make it end with?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Midnite???
« on: May 01, 2002, 01:26:58 AM »
Did you send me an email w/attachment? I am more than a little paranoid! Given all the problems, I've been deleting most that I don't expect.

Current Talk '02 I / New Game Show
« on: April 25, 2002, 02:47:38 AM »
OK, we're all here to play "Who Can Be As Stupid As Vicky and Daniel?"

No need to even recount the MANY ways that Vicky got the show named after her! And Daniel, well, telling Nathan Forbes that he has all Millicent's money was just the BEGINNING! Nothing like making an enemy and then telling the enemy exactly what you will do against him! Now, Daniel does telling Nathan that you plan to ask Naomi to adopt you sound familiar?

But here comes our first contestant, it's PETEEERRRRR BRADFORD. (Yay, rah, go for it Peter!)

Peter, you definately earned your spot when you decided that it would be a good idea to have Vicky use being from the future as a trial defense!

Peter: "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time."

AND NOW, who's our next contestant????

Current Talk '02 I / Another non-timely question
« on: March 29, 2002, 07:58:21 AM »
I noticed Josette was rather cavalier about Joshua's son's death being kept secret. Since Vicky knows now that Barney died, how do they wrap that up? Obviously, the Barney she knows can't be the descendant of the guy who DIDN'T go to England after all. And I think even she can figure that one out.

I feel so sorry for Alexandra Moltke, she must have gotten pregnant just to get out of this role! Vicky has degenerated into a veritable twit and it couldn't have been fun for her as an actress. I went from just loving Vicky to being glad to see her go. [rollr]

Current Talk '02 I / Question from the other day
« on: March 28, 2002, 03:43:21 AM »
BTW. did anyone catch Josette the other day saying that she and Barney met in America? Huh? Wasn't it supposed to be on his trip to Martinique? Or did they meet in America and then he went there to see her?

If so, long way to go, then sleep with her maid!

Current Talk '02 I / Memories
« on: March 26, 2002, 07:52:49 AM »
It hasn't been that long since these episodes last aired and I did watch them. It isn't happening at all like I thought I remembered! I didn't remember Angelique trying to save Barney's life or trying to reverse the curse. The girl does have a quick temper, one little shot to the torso and she curses him forever! Ah well, the course of love never did run smooth....

One thing I can't help but notice is that for all Barney's talk about being better off with a stake in his heart, he never really means it. I always wondered, when he was chained in his coffin-would he have been awake and conscious each night? Now, that might explain his bad mood when Willie first freed him!

One good thing about senility, the show is always new and fresh to me! How you others can keep track of each detail is beyond me.  ?!?

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Wasn't there a web site?
« on: March 22, 2002, 04:51:40 AM »
for requesting movies to be placed on DVD?  :-*

Current Talk '02 I / So close,
« on: March 21, 2002, 03:43:17 AM »
I haven't watched Wed's ep yet, this comment is on Tuesday's. Watching Barney with Angie was excruciating in its possibilities. IF he hadn't been so unbending and IF she wasn't so obsessed, they were so close to having been able to make it as a couple!

Think of it, she had hurt him and Sarah, but neither was permanently harmed, yet.  I think I can say that nothing was done at that time that couldn't be forgiven. Josette and Jeremiah? All's fair in love and war. I could almost see Barney making a deal that she give up her witchcraft and stop making trouble, in exchange for his real love.  And then the Collins family could have lived happily ever after, probably even in parallel universes!

OK, I admit finding out that your wife had sabotaged your own true love and marriage, injured you and your young sister, as well as maliciously casting the blame on an innocent person would have to be disheartening at best. Trusting her in the future would be a little, hmmm, tentative? (Ya think?) And we all know that Ang would never really give up her jealousy and powers of darkness, and that what she calls love isn't.

But still, it coulda been a contender!


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / I don't understand!
« on: March 06, 2002, 06:16:52 AM »
The new site is so fabulous in MANY ways, I hate to say anything negative. But, maybe it is just my own ignorance and you can set me straight. I see something that says mark main topic as read, or similar meaning. But, I can't get that to happen.

Right now, it seems that main topics get all jumbled up and old posts get put back on top when they have the most recent reply. And they don't change color or anything after reading them. This is making it very hard to quickly scan the board for new topics. Man, I hate to be picky, but this is so important for me in a site.  So many new posts get put up here, and I really want to be able to see them without scrolling through all the pages. Can I format it for this? :'(

Current Talk '02 I / cough, cough
« on: March 02, 2002, 10:57:41 PM »
I really felt for Grayson in yesterday's episode and had to greatly admire how she handled a non-stop coughing fit. That is so uncomfortable and impossible to get over while using one's voice! Actually, her discreet coughing and eye dabbing made her character seem so much more real! I'm surprised this problem didn't occur all the time for everyone considering the amount of smoking done by the cast....

Current Talk '02 I / Hmmm....
« on: February 27, 2002, 02:34:29 AM »
Originally posted by kuanyin on the Dark Shadows: General Discussion Forum February 26, 2002 at 20:34:29:

Is it just me, or did I actually see Anthony George seem to enjoy a scene with Alexandra Moltke??? How odd that their chemistry could so improve by his playing a different character. Makes me wonder if the main source of his ickyness as Burke was discomfort in taking over a role so well done by someone else. Which is ALWAYS a thankless task for an actor.

Regardless, he seems much more relaxed as Jeremiah. Don'tcha think?

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