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Topics - Mark Rainey

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Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Many birthday wishes...
« on: August 07, 2004, 04:51:51 PM »
I've missed wishing a lot of people happy birthday, since I haven't had the opportunity to check in as often or as long as I'd like to. I, for one, really appreciate it when someone takes the time to recognize my birthday, so here's a great big Harpy Barfday to everyone who has just turned or is turning another corner on that hopefully long and winding road toward your final resting place.

OK, so it's a little morbid, but that's what we horror writers do. ;)


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / OT: The Lebo Coven released
« on: July 16, 2004, 03:12:11 AM »
Hi y'all,

My newest novel, The Lebo Coven, has just been released by Five Star books in hardback; fabulous packaging, with cover art by Alan Clark. Advance reviews have been very good; even got one from Romance Reviews Today, of all places, and Publishers Weekly was generally kind to it. It's been picked up by, so starting August 2, subscribers through various libraries around the country will receive the first few chapters each week via email as a sampler. Although the novel isn't directly Dark Shadows related, if you enjoyed Dreams of the Dark, this is rather in the same vein.

Info and ordering information can be found at my Web site. is currently offering a substantial discount on the cover price.[/color]


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / 1966 Season Topic locked?
« on: May 29, 2004, 03:12:22 PM »
Did I miss something? The reply option for the 1966 Season thread in General Discussion has gone wayward.


Current Talk '04 I / Sort of OT: The Innocents
« on: May 01, 2004, 02:52:20 PM »
I broke my own rule of not watching AMC last night to check out The Innocents, which for some reason I have managed to never see in all these years. It's based on Henry James' "The Turn of the Screw," and it's a wonderful movie; very eerie, and featuring excellent performances by Deborah Kerr and particularly Martin Stephens as the little boy. This movie really drove home how much the introductions of Quentin and Daphne in Dark Shadows were based on the James story. And the opening of the movie looks as if it might have inspired the beginning of Night of Dark Shadows as well, with the long approach to the house and beautiful views of the estate grounds.

If you haven't seen The Innocents, check it out. I think it just became one of my favorite spooky movies. There are several scenes that honest to God gave me a little case of the creeps. I shudder to think what today's generation of moviemakers would've done to the slow pacing, subtle chills, and haunting atmosphere of the house.


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / OT: The Lebo Coven
« on: April 12, 2004, 04:29:24 AM »
For you readers of scary books, my new novel, The Lebo Coven[/color] has been listed for pre-order at It's a hardcover and copies ordered through Shocklines will be autographed. The cover art is up on the Web site, although it does not yet feature the title and author logos. The book is due to be released in July.

DS fans will find a few oblique nods to our favorite show in
The Lebo Coven (none of which I'll give away here); it has a sort of a southern gothic flavor rather than the ol' New England gothic, but if you enjoyed Dreams of the Dark, I think you'll find plenty to run screaming from... er... enjoy in this one. ;)

P.S. My anthology, Deathrealms, also due in July, can be ordered through Shocklines at

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / OT: New Book(s) Coming Out
« on: February 04, 2004, 06:34:34 AM »
In case any of you have more money than sense, here's just the thing for you.

Some of you know I used to edit the magazine Deathrealm (in fact, it included a Dark Shadows piece by Marcy Robin, back in 92), which ran from 1987 to 1997. I've edited a new anthology for Delirium Books called Deathrealms: Selected Tales From the Land Where Horror Dwells, featuring 15 stories from the magazine (including one by Elizabeth Massie, co-author of Dreams of the Dark). It's due for a July release as a signed and limited hardback. More details and ordering info can be found on my Web site ( and at the Delirium Books site ( It's not a cheap book, but on the other hand, it's a very nice book, and it would go well on any twisted person's coffee table.

Also in July, my novel The Lebo Coven is due out from Five-Star books, also a hardcover (and therefore not inexpensive; it too is nice for twisted people's tables). Don't have ordering info on it yet, but will pass it on whenever it's available. This one is sort of a southern gothic horror romance with a touch of pathos and black comedy, and a few only slightly oblique Dark Shadows references that the astute reader is sure to detect. ;)

Oh, and remember: If you're going out, or going on holiday, or see anything strange involving people from other galaxies, just get round to your local police station and tell the sergeant on duty (or his wife) of your suspicions.

G'night, God bless, look after yourselves.


Most of y'all know that Bobubas's famous round-robin Christmas saga is a regular attraction, and the 2003 adventure has just begun. It's titled Dark Shadows: Through the Eye of Madness, and my prologue has been posted at



Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / OT: New Book Deal
« on: November 08, 2003, 06:20:15 PM »

Perhaps this will be of interest to some of you here: Delirium Books will be putting out a collection of stories from my old magazine, DEATHREALM, probably early next year, as a signed and limited edition hardcover. It will be called DEATHREALMS: Selections From the Land Where Horror Dwells. I've finished editing it and have turned it in to the publisher as of last night.

Stories include the following:

"Now You Know" by Donald Burleson
"Celeste, of the Chosen," by Douglas Clegg
"Embarrassment and Revenge" by Rick Kleffel
"Bloodbone" by D. F. Lewis
"Smoothpicks" by Elizabeth Massie
"Don't Clean the Aquarium" by Jeff Osier
"Bite of Conscience" by Hank Parnell
"Cool Mist" by Wilum Pugmire
"Blind and Blue" by Wayne Allen Sallee
"Numhed" by James Robert Smith
"Foreign Bodies" by Jeffrey Thomas
"Photos of a Leg" by Scott Thomas
"A Pinch of Snuff" by William R. Trotter
"Welcome to the Masque" by Jeff VanderMeer
"From My Reflection, Darkly" by David Niall Wilson
"On the Side of the Road" by Ken Wisman

Future volumes may follow, at the discretion of the publisher. I've been pitching this book for ages, both independently and through my agent. At long last, it looks like it's actually going to happen. DEATHREALM had a ten-year run, won numerous awards, and featured fiction by some of the most influential writers in the business. I'm hoping for more of these books to happen--and they may--both to showcase some of the best work from existing issues and possibly even run new short fiction.

The only downside is that Delirium Books caters largely to collectors, so the volumes, while beautifully packaged, are not the least bit inexpensive. However, if you're interested in checking them out, the Web site is


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Marilyn Ross DARK SHADOWS Books
« on: November 04, 2003, 01:36:38 AM »
I'm putting up a couple of duplicate Marilyn Ross DS novels I have on Ebay, if anyone's looking for them. Real cheap.


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / OT: The Lebo Coven
« on: September 23, 2003, 11:37:05 PM »
I've just received a contract for my novel, The Lebo Coven, from Five-Star Books. It'll be a hardback release. The publisher specializes in books for libraries -- for you librarians out there ;) -- but it'll be available from all online dealers, such as on, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, etc., most major retail chains, and by order from any bookstore. But it's still a long ways off -- could be as much as a year. But anyway, it's going to be a book.

As with most of my novels, there are subtle tributes to DS here and there. If you enjoyed Dreams of the Dark, and/or The Labyrinth of Souls, it's in a comparable vein, with touches of the supernatural and perhaps a dash of romance, though it's a southern gothic -- as opposed to a New England gothic. ;)


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Quick Time assembler starting when I enter
« on: March 11, 2003, 05:28:16 AM »
MB -- When I come to the main page with the photo and lyrics, Quick Time Task Assembler apparently starts up--and tries to load itself into my startup routine, thus setting off The Cleaner (anti-trojan software) alarm. I am forced to go The Cleaner, shut off the alarm, then go to msconfig and unmark the start-up file. This doesn't indicate a trojan, only that a registry entry is being changed without my permission. Using QT for the music file must be starting it, but running QT generally does not cause QTTask.exe to load in the registry. Now, using RealPlayer will do a similar thing; it always tries to load a start-up file if you use the player. But I've never seen a Web page start up QTTask.exe before. Know what's up?


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Checking New Messages
« on: March 01, 2003, 06:39:35 PM »
If this was addressed elsewhere, I haven't seen it--for the very reason I'm asking the question: will we be getting back the feature for checking new messages? I found it most handy and the least time-consuming. It's the best way to get through the most messages on the board without having to plough through each "new" topic on the list.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / DS LABYRINTH Ch. 20: Grand Finale
« on: November 24, 2002, 08:40:07 AM »
Well, here it is... the final chapter of DARK SHADOWS: THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS.

I'm grateful to all who have read and commented on these chapters. Since this is not a professionally commissioned writing project, there are basically two things that have made the time I've spent on it worthwhile:

1) The satisfaction that a select number of DS fans have had the opportunity to read and hopefully enjoy it. I'd certainly appreciate hearing from anyone who wants to share his or her opinion on the piece as a whole--and if you're not comfortable posting remarks here, feel free to write me privately. If there are aspects that you think ought to have been done better or differently, I'd like to know that too.

2) In a way, this novel has been an excellent exercise for my own professional skills; it's all been one draft, with no outside editorial input (apart from a couple of dedicated readers who have been kind enough to offer their proofreading expertise and caught numerous typographic blunders), and in the case of many chapters, written in record speed to clear the schedule for other, paying projects. The experience I've put myself through here will pay off in dividends for other projects.

Some of the comments that have meant most to me were about my treatment of the characters. Well, I tell you; this is as much a credit to the stars and creators of the original characters, especially the former, for having made them living, breathing people, making it easy to get a handle on who they are and how (to my mind) they would think, speak, and handle themselves.

It would be great to have the opportunity to write another fully commissioned and licensed DARK SHADOWS novel. But if it never happens, I can at least say that I had fun doing one as contract work; and another one that I worked hard on just to have fun.

NEW! Chapter 20

I've now set up a main page from which you can easily access any chapter you wish:

Main Page

In a few cases, I have made corrections or revisions on chapters that have been previously posted. Everything now posted is the latest (and almost certainly final) version.

Please enjoy.


OK, the penultimate chapter of DARK SHADOWS: THE LABYRINTH OF SOULS has been posted. Things are getting hairy. ;)

One more to go. Look for it next week.

Chapter 19:

Chapter 18:

Chapter 17:

Be afraid... be slightly afraid.


Well, here's Chapter 18; roughly two more to go in this saga. Jeez, the excitement is killin me.

Chapter 18:

Chapter 17:

Chapter 16:

Please enjoy.... ;)


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