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Messages - Connie

Current Talk '03 II / Re:What will we do?
« on: December 24, 2003, 11:02:58 AM »
Hmm, from today's eps:

QUENTIN (discussing Gabriel): "I've been to every sleazy boarding house on the waterfront.  Nothing.  No one's given him any semen papers..."

Or something like that.  [wink2]

Dress Rehearsal
(Last minute script changes were made before the final tape)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:What will we do?
« on: December 23, 2003, 02:48:09 AM »
Oh no!!    ROFL    Help!  Save me!!!

I LOVE you.  I absolutely LOVE you to pieces!  [9341]

:) Merry Christmas!  :)

(Email me, baby!)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:What will we do?
« on: December 22, 2003, 11:09:18 PM »
....But we all know that no one can be as good as johnathan frid when he played barnabas. Which he made his own and no one else can come half as good as he did,


Oh, I dunno.  I would imagine David Selby can come just as good as JF did, if not better.  [winkb]


[supergrin] [supergrin] [supergrin]


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / OT:Linux question
« on: December 21, 2003, 06:05:38 AM »
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can you use Linux on your system if you also have Win 98 on there??  I mean, oh hell, I don't know WHAT I mean.  Can you have both operating systems on your computer and switch back and forth between them?  Also, obviously all my software runs under Windows - would it run under Linux?


Current Talk '03 II / Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« on: December 20, 2003, 01:30:08 PM »
I guess I'm in the minority - either that, or those who feel as I do aren't posting in this topic - but I can't envision a remake or a "new" Dark Shadows at all.  I don't think the magic and the uniqueness of the show could ever be recaptured - not in a million years.  If this new show comes to pass, and they manage to come up with something people like, then more power to 'em.  But it won't be Dark Shadows.  It'll be something else, which I guess, is why I have no interest in it.
The ONLY concept I can imagine having any sort of appeal to me at all would be a show which has the original cast members in their roles as they would now be in 2003.  Problem is, we're missing a few key people and Frid is retired.  I mean, REALLY....anyone else playing Barnabas....I can't get with the program.  LOL
Jonathan Frid was Barnabas - he created him.  Same with Quentin.  The idea of anyone other than Selby playing him is sacrilege in my humble opinion.

Actually, if they could come up with something interesting casting the available original actors in their roles, utilizing flashbacks here and there might prove interesting - particularly for those who have never seen Dark Shadows.  Think about it.  Has something like that ever been done?  Being able to have the real people NOW and being able to show them 35 years ago (and not having to use younger people to play them)?

I dunno.  Maybe I'm way out in left field.   8)

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Barnabas - and - Bramwell
« on: December 19, 2003, 01:50:12 PM »
...when he was talking to Catherine, I was suddenly aware of how very different a character Bramwell seemed.  His whole attitude and manner of speech were so different from Barnabas - it was really wonderful having a chance to watch him in a different part!

THAT scene was definitely the highlight for me of both those shows yesterday.  JF was so hot.  VERY provocative.  What a good performance!  And that face - and the expressions!  So handsome.

Jeez....the dumb things that go on around here because of DS!!
After we watched the tape (and that particular scene more than once) LAFB was in her room and I barged in there to borrow a pillow.  She immediately asked (in a slightly accusatory tone) if I was planning on lying on her bed - which she did NOT want.
I told her no as I grabbed the pillow and said, "You just want me off your property 'cause your jealous that Bramwell wants ME, and not YOU!"  And we proceeded to argue over him.  LOL  Oy vey.
(She claims he wants her 'cause she's a "sweet young thing.")

What a load of crap!!!

(Am I ever gonna grow up?  Nope, probably not)   ;D


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Calling Cousin Castlebee
« on: December 18, 2003, 09:29:05 AM »
Dearest....I hope you have a great birthday.
I always think of you, as it was my mom's birthday.
My goodness - birthdays, birthdays!  It's also my sister's birthday.  I'll have to send her an e-card.  lol
(Well, I'm certainly not going to phone the little b...... oh nevermind)

           ;D  Happy Birthday, Castlebee  ;D

                                         Have a lovely day!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:Roger Davis Threat Level
« on: December 18, 2003, 08:38:23 AM »
In all seriousness, it hardly seems appropriate on a DS forum to assail the man's reputation as a businessman.  Let's stick to the topic at hand, which I believe is his public appearances and performances.

Well, I suppose the only difficulty with this is the fact that during his public appearances he talks about his real estate ventures and his success as a businessman.  LOL

But seriously folks.....his performances.....hmm......
Maybe I'm crazy, but from where I was sitting during Return To Collinwood, I could have sworn I saw a cell phone attached to the waistband of his pants.  Did anyone else see that, or was it something else?  ROTFL  (really added to that "Collinwood aura")
Actually, although I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to him (I think y'all probably know who I was focusing on  ;) ), I recall his performance as pretty damned good.  I also noticed that his voice has not changed at all and it helped add to the DS realism.

Ya know, I had a little bit of a problem with that - the realism.  I think maybe because of all the humor in the play and DS was played straight.  BUT, something hit me maybe around 3/4ths of the way through.  All of a sudden I'm there watching Selby, Parker, Pennock, KLS, Karlen, et al, playing their characters after 35 years and tears started coming to my eyes.  Kinda corny huh?  Did that happen to anyone else?  I sort of had to get control of myself for a minute.  I dunno....maybe because unlike some folks, I didn't start re-watching until about 1999 - didn't even know it had been on throughout most of the 90's.  Dark Shadows was just a fond memory from waaaaay back a couple of lifetimes ago, buried somewhere in the recesses.  I still haven't seen about the first half of the series since it originally aired.  So it was like this huge nostalgic rush or something.   :'(

But ANYWAY, I've drifted way off the topic at hand.
Mr. Davis.  LOL
It seems like he brings out the "I don't know WHAT" in people.   ::)
This is the silliest thing:
I mean, I don't even know this guy, have never met or spoken to him, BUT.....On Sunday at the Fest, I was on my way out, sort of strolling down the hall with my kids, and Roger Davis was coming down the hall in in our direction - moving very quickly, looking like he was going somewhere real important.  Anyway, when he was almost upon us, I blurted out, "Oh my!  It's Roger Davis," for no apparent reason.  [lghy]  (And in a sort of a sarcastically, bored voice)
He said "hi" very quickly and kept moving.  LOL
(I dunno.....LAFB seemed to find it slightly amusing)
I was sort of scratching my head afterwards, thinking, "What the....why in HELL did I do THAT?"  I would never do that at someone I don't know - especially any of the actors!  [hdscrt]

Yes, Roger Davis is indeed special.  Only he could elicit something like that from me.  I don't's all a mystery to me.  A baffling mystery.

 ;D  ;D  ;D

Current Talk '03 II / Re:Horrible...just horrible
« on: December 17, 2003, 06:44:59 PM »
Or chalk it up to the fact that when I was young I had a situation in my life that required me to try to come up with a rational understanding of it or otherwise surrender my sanity (hence the fascination with psychology and the therapy)ยท

Uh oh....I've stumbled across a contradiction or sorts.  We haven't surrendered our sanity, yet our sig line eludes to a diagnosis of insanity.  (Maybe it was the last psychology course in a string of many, that pushed him over the edge.)

Analyze me baby!

Wyndcliffe Reject  [roll3] [rollb] [nut]  [book2]
Class of '71

Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / Re:OUR SWEETHEART!!!
« on: December 15, 2003, 01:16:03 PM »
My son treated me to my favorite restaurant, which was gorgeously decorated for Christmas, as well as a complete spa treatment (hourlong massage, too) and my husband, who gave me a dainty diamond tennis bracelet, drove us through whiteout snow conditions!

Wow.  Now that's a NICE birthday.  (Especially the massage!)
It's nice to be reminded you're cherished, isn't it.
Happy Birthday, Robin


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 II / DVD Collection Price
« on: December 14, 2003, 02:18:45 PM »
Just thought I'd pass along some info.  I was doing some Christmas shopping online at
Out of curiosity I typed in Dark Shadows and found that they're selling the DVD Collections at $43.19 - and shipping is free.  Don't think I've heard of a better deal.
Yes?  No?


Current Talk '03 II / Re:My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: December 13, 2003, 10:02:21 PM »
How do we know that it wasn't written yet?

The thing about Parallel Time is that  many things may be identical to our own band of time, but many will also be different. Who's to say when a particular piece of music was written or even by whom?

Well, I happen to be very familiar with that particular piece.  The small snippet we hear is from a Chopin Ballade, Opus 52 No. 4.
He wrote it during the summer of 1842 and it wasn't published until 1843.   ;)  (Hey, but who's counting.)  LOL

According to the timeline provided by (URL), he didn't begin writing it until 1841-1842.  More's the pity that it doesn't state if this is RT or PT. ;)

Wow.  Can you imagine if there really were a whole body of work written in parallel time as well??  Chopin died at such a young age that I've always wondered what wonderful stuff we could have had, had he lived longer.
(Oh, but wait.....ya never know.  His parallel counterpart might have ended up being someone like Bruno Hess or something)

 :o  :o  :o  :o

Current Talk '03 II / Re:My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: December 13, 2003, 10:51:26 AM »
I know what I enjoy about 1841 pt -----

Bramwell's hair!  It's so sexy without all the usual Vitalis in it.  I think JF looks quite handsome AND he's doing a much better job with lines, emotion, etc.

What I find rather thought-provoking about this parallel time is how Melanie can be playing a piece of music that hadn't even been written yet!  LOL  Now THAT'S magical.
Just goes to prove that the laws of physics are different in this time-band.  AND it proves that 1840 Quentin was right in his theories on time which he wrote about in his journal - that there IS no such thing as time...only space.
(He was way ahead of Einstein in this regard.)


Current Talk '03 II / Re:A DS Milestone
« on: December 13, 2003, 08:46:21 AM »
...That's like saying my parents had.....well, you know.  They would've never've done that!

I know what you mean.  MINE would never have done that either.  I CAHN'T see it.   ???

Footnote:  Years ago I asked my mother how she managed to "have 4 children with that man."  (Nosy, aren't I!)
She shook her head with a rather dazed look and said, "I don't know."


Current Talk '03 II / Re:A DS Milestone
« on: December 13, 2003, 08:31:26 AM »
I seem to recall watching that scene somewhat open-mouthed, more or less thinking "did what I think just happened ... happen"?

Ya know what else is astounding?  They didn't even mess up the bed.  (Could they have done it on the floor?)   :o