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Messages - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 I / Roger Superstar Collins
« on: May 10, 2002, 04:34:27 AM »
I realized yesterday that poor Roger has never been loved by a real woman. Until now. I have elected myself to fulfill this need in his life. I am not  a supernatural creature, in fact, I'm almost certain I'm quite human. That may be difficult for him at first, but then again, he may find it refreshing and love me all the more for it!

He is about the right age for me. (Unfortunately. ) We can use sarcasm on each other to our heart's delight. I will develop an affinity for smoking jackets and playing the snob. I will like his sister, and as long as Carolyn doesn't play incestuous flirt, we should do fine too. I have a behaviorally challenged son who should fit RIGHT in at Collinwood. He could make David look good! Actually, I have two young sons, so the "boys" will be a little trio. I'm sure there will be a difficult time of adjustment,  but true love shall conquer all. Vicky may actually have to WORK for a change, but I am looking forward to having a nanny. I think I'm going to like it here.....


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: DS 1968 Avatars - Part 1
« on: May 10, 2002, 03:59:53 AM »
Ok, Ok, I finally made up my mind. For now. I think.

I am still looking forward to those in the future, but am I right that no one else picked Carolyn yet?

Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Kitty" Cassandra
« on: May 10, 2002, 03:02:12 AM »
-- though I was too little to realize (until another kid pointed it out) that this scary new lady was really Angelique.

Cassandra seems to have an even more single-mindedly evil streak than Angelique, if that's possible.  There's an intensity about her that surpasses Angelique, a conniving manner that ripples barely beneath the surface at every moment.  Her movements are catlike.  In her scene with Elizabeth, she seemed like a tigress eyeing her prey and barely restraining herself from pouncing.

Well, you seem to have been in keeping with the characters in Collinswood! Though, in fairness, it is the ones who have only seen the portrait that don't recognize Angie. And it would be harder to be sure if you hadn't met her face to face.

I agree that the way she ripped into Liz was incredible, especially after her sweety sweet entrance. And for what? Surely, Liz could have been an ally if she had only handled it differently!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Angelique's return
« on: May 10, 2002, 02:48:32 AM »
I thought it odd yesterday, to be noticing her mouth all of a sudden. I didn't remember her having a bucky beaver look before at all, it seemed distinct yesterday. Maybe she was just holding it differently, to accentuate the change in the role.

As for trying to follow all of the "deaths" "resurrections" and "beginnings" of Angelique, I gave that up a long time ago. She was child in Martinique, with a mother there, she was a human in New England long before that (what year was it? I forget), she was dead, she wasn't. Ahhhh fooey with it. I just enjoy watching her! [spin]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: whats with this board
« on: May 10, 2002, 02:37:31 AM »
I may be wrong, it wouldn't be a first, but my guess is that you are a new fan? You really go through stages with the DS experience. Everytime I watch the series through, (this is the first time through for the WHOLE series for me, but I have seen what we are watching now at least 3 times) I see something different and experience it a different way.

Believe me, it takes a lot of love to watch a show when you are in junior high, rediscover it as an adult and start watching it again over and over. Since we are mostly regulars here, it would be kind of boring to only say "Great show!" Though actually, we do say those things or how pretty someone looked today. You will hear it all though, if someone else doesn't agree.

And, a big part of the appeal of DS is that it was rushed through, mistakes and all. I don't think it an insult to say that it was frequently cheesy, that's a fact. That's what we love! We could watch reruns of "Murder She Wrote" if we wanted a more professional production.  So, please, don't be put off by our gleeful appreciation of what we love to "hate" about Dark Shadows!

[skull] [ghost] [fangs] [liteye] [spidr]

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Vexing Questions from Yesterday's Eps
« on: May 10, 2002, 02:20:18 AM »
I don't think that Barney especially wants to look like Jeff Clark, he just wants Vicky to love him. If she is in love with Jeff, then pull the ol' switcheroo on her....

It is kind of funny how we give Barney such a hard time for his preference of nubile youth and assume that the girls in question won't be interested. Which they pretty much aren't. BUT, when this show was originally on, many of us WERE sweet young things and we were MADLY in love with him!

I'm happy to disagree about Angie's portrait. I don't know why she is dressed like a maid, but I think it captures her personality. The eyes follow you and the smirk says it all. Granted the 1970PT portrait is much better, it is sensational, but that doesn't make me dislike this one.

Now the painting of the "first" Barnabas, that one I do hate. The interview copied here recently explains why it looks so wrong. It was of someone else and they just painted Frid's face in at the last minute. His face seems puffy and fat and he looks like he is suffering from hemorrhoids! (Wasn't he supposed to be a happy young man in it? I guess that got written in too late). I guess we also have that stupid portrait to thank for that hairstyle, which I had never quite understood.

Thanks, I'll be looking forward to seeing it and thinking of that! I decided to put off Spiderman until Star Wars comes out, so I won't have to fight the crowd. (Although that might not work, since you have to stand in the SAME line to get tix!)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PLEASING PLOT
« on: May 10, 2002, 01:55:08 AM »
I hate to agree with EVERYONE, or almost, but I do. Adam/Eve: ehhh; the dream curse: pathetic to the point of being barely watchable; return to 1796: ok, but confusing. There is no way that those can compete with the introduction of Don Brisco and David Selby! The ghosts of Quentin and Beth actually were rather creepy and scarier than most of the "supernatural" we watch on DS.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: It was the best of times,
« on: May 09, 2002, 01:41:48 AM »

I honestly couldn't understand why Vicky screamed. She's been back from the past over a week now. We went through this whole bit of "recognizing" everyone when she went to the past. Don't tell me we have to go through it all again now that she's back. Geesh, you'd think she'd know the difference by now! ::)

I have to agree! I was really referring to Craig Slocum. And didn't you just LOVE how in front of a perfect (?) stranger, Vicky turns to Elizabeth and starts talking about when she was back in the past? The girl is more than one taco short of a combo plate. He could have been from Wyndcliffe to evaluate her, for all she knew!

I can relate. I think there is more than one reason they call it the web....

Current Talk '02 I / It was the best of times,
« on: May 08, 2002, 05:41:26 AM »
it was the worst of times. On one hand you have the beginning of the Barney and Julia mighty duo, fighting crimes against Collinses. BUT, then you have Dr. Lang saying "I'm a man of science, I can't believe in witchcraft! Would you like Jeff Clark's face with those fries, Mr. Vampire patient o'mine?!"

Or the Roger and Lang comedy stylings. "I thought I might have a stroke." Oh? Has your heart bothered you before, Mr. Collins?" Bada bing, bada boom.

Vickie "AIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" OK, THAT one was understandable. (Sorry, Cheryl, I couldn't resist. I will admit he seems a wee bit improved as Harry).

Oh, and why oh why was Elizabeth attacked by an insane leprechan? Or did she go through a time warp herself and thinks she is sweet sixteen again?

« on: May 08, 2002, 01:13:16 AM »
How about Dr. Lang and Jeff Clark being the 2 heads on a bat? Then they could do their duo schtick all the time and it could actually amuse!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: May 06, 2002, 04:46:04 AM »
Oh, I have to give credit where it is due. If it hadn't been for Jonathon Frid, most of us would have never have even HEARD of DS, much less be able to watch it now. Barney is the man.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Converted Characters!
« on: May 05, 2002, 04:36:41 AM »
I'm too late for the most obvious ones. I always thought Quentin's was an amazing transformation, AND the way it was handled, you could actually believe it. Quite an accomplishment.

What about Roger and David? Roger never made a complete turnaround, but he certainly didn't remain a villain. And David actually became a regular bratty kid, instead of the spawn of Satan as he started off.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: FILLING THEIR  SHOES
« on: May 05, 2002, 04:20:44 AM »
Hmmmm....interesting thought. How about Robert Rodan (Adam) instead of Anthony George as Burke #2? I would have liked to see Sharon Smyth come back, she could have done either of the Kathy Cody roles, Hallie or Carrie Stokes. And having seen a picture of Clarice Blackburn as she really looked, I think she could have filled in for Julia in a pinch.

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