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Messages - Charles_Ellis

I saw The Lake House on Saturday, and the main reason why I went to see it was precisely because of the time travel thing.  Very much like DS, the characters wind up changing their destinies and tragedies that had previously occurred are diverted .  Also, the film also reminded me of An Affair To Remember with the idea of separated lovers trying to meet.  I think in time it will become a beloved cult classic through cable and DVD, like Somewhere In Time and The Shawshank Redemption.

What a birthday surprise- I finally got my mailing today!!! 

That's right- ME !!!  All I will say is that I'm "40 and holding"! [blob7] [occasion18] [occasion16] [cheerleader] [cheer] [91a2]

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: New DS Audio Dramas on CD
« on: June 06, 2006, 02:56:17 PM »
Well, I do hope that more original cast members are invited.  Also, I'd love to see some of the actors from the 1991 series and the WB pilot involved, too.  It would be great to include people like Marie Wallace, Jerry Lacy, Donna Wandrey, Terry Crawford, Chris Pennock, James Storm, Kate Jackson, Denise Nickerson, Lysette Anthony, Michael T. Weiss, Eddie Jones, Michael Cavaaugh, Blair Brown, et al.  If people from the various Star Trek shows can work together, why not the various eras of DS?

Donna dear, great minds think alike! That's what I've done over the years with some of my DS items and other articles after learning a painful lesson: do not store things in cardboard boxes, especially in damp basements which are prone to mildew!  Well, my DS items weren't affected, but a lot of other books, magazines and clothing were!

Do you have a listing of what was lost DS-wise?  Maybe some of us can donate duplicate items from our own collections to give to you- I know I'm game!  I can only imagine how many DS fans were affected by last year's hurricanes.  Thank God you and your family are safe.

I'm willing to give her a try, although she was horribly miscast in the role- I mean it's right up there with Emma Samms replacing Pamela Sue Martin on "Dynasty" and Sofia Coppola replacing Winona Ryder for "Godfather III".  We must respect her for coming to the Festival, unlike those stars who have yet to appear like Alexandra, Kate, and David Henesy. I just found out that Donna McKechnie will show up- Quentin & Amanda together again.  If my dear Terry Crawford shows up as well, it'll be back to the Beth-Quentin-Amanda triangle of 1897- what joy!  And Chris Pennock is always fun- he once told me the most amazing piece of DS backstage gossip that I can't repeat it here! 

Here's my take on the badge situation:

Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!

As someone who has attended every East Coast DS Festival since 1984, I do feel insulted that I still haven't received my mailing- they know where I live and I should have been among the first people to receive a mailing as a longtime attendee.  For each of the Festivals I have been to I received mailings prior to paying, and have always sent SASEs.  You mean to tell me the Festival can't cough up TWO CENTS to cover the postal rate increase and use the leftover SASEs from 2004??

The Brooklyn fest is only 3 months away, and STILL no official mailing or membership rate announcements yet?  What gives?  Has there been an unaviodable delay due to Dan Curtis' passing?   No official word from Jim Pierson or Ann Wilson.  I think that EVERY DS FAN should be concerned....

Now everyone can see one of Katie's most memorable TV appearances on DVD in a few months!  All 6 episodes of the classic sitcom  starring Leslie Nielsen are coming to DVD!   [thewave]

Current Talk '06 I / Re: Why Did Some of the Actors Leave the Show?
« on: May 26, 2006, 05:53:24 PM »
Some other departures and their reasons:

Diana Millay- pregnancy (1967)

Donna MacKechnie- left for B'way musical "Company" (1969-70)

John Karlen (1970PT)- left to film "Daughters of Darkness" in Belgium

Conard Fowkes- left for "Edge of Night" (1967)

Don Briscoe- physical/mental breakdown (1970) :(

Roger Davis- left for Hollywood and 'pilot season' (1970)

David Selby- was unable to do the last weeks of DS as he was in the hospital with appendicitis (1971)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 I / Re: About B&W Kinescopes
« on: May 20, 2006, 09:59:56 AM »
And I'm still convinced that there are master tapes that have yet to be found, lying in some tape vaults.  It has happened before:  an early 1795 episode that was syndicated in B/W kinescope form has since had its color master tape found.  It's episode #367, which is on DVD in color.  I do know that Jim Pierson has spent many an hour going through various vaults for better source material.  Perhaps somewhere there's the video master to #1219, the 'lost' episode from 1841PT.  On the other hand, we should be grateful that practically all of DS has been archived.  Miost daytime dramas from the 60s either aired live or pretaped their shows and reused the videotape after a few months- that's why you don't see reruns of say, "As The World Turns" from that time period. There are some exceptions- both "Days of our Lives" and "Strange Paradise" were indepenently produced on color tape, and are all accounted for.  Sony has every "Days" episode since its 1965 debut in its vaults, and for its 40th Anniversary last November, SoapNet aired the first two episodes, both half-hour color episodes.

Here's a big cheer, Marie!!   [cheer] [cheerleader]

Indeed they have!  I remember buying (and watching!) Dream Curse episodes on Beta tape "on the black market" in the early '80s before I got to see 1795 on PBS!