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Messages - Julia99

A new documentary was released here in NYC this week about the stage and film production of the iconic The Boys in the Band which ran on stage for 5 years before being made into a feature film directed by William Friedkin (The French Connection & The Exorcist).
As many here know this landmark production had the participation of several DS cast members, Joel Crothers, Chris Bernau, Keith Prentice and Don Briscoe all at one time appeared on the stage version.  Only Prentice went on to be in the film.

There isn't much personal information about Keith but lots of shots of him in rehearsal, production and filming and a discussion of the film's reception and then fall from grace after Stonewall.

The film also contains vintage footage of Roddy MacDowell's Malibu beach house parties with Lauren Bacall, Natalie Wood (close friend of the playwright), Robert Wagner, Tuesday Weld, Judy Garland, Rock Hudson, etc.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Sam Hall turns 90 today
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:04:14 PM »
DS head writer, Sam Hall's 90th Birthday is today.

Interesting that a google news alert I had set for Grayson came up with this today.

AND she has repeatedly said she hasn't even been asked to be in the film. But perhaps they know more than HBC has been letting on. Or they're convinced that she will eventually be asked and that she will agree to be Julia...

Actors are like politicians...i mean if they can cry at a sham Golden Globe award win, they can say and do whatever is expedient.  No disrespect to HBC but maybe her agent is advising her to play tough with hubby to get more $$ or a part in another film..who knows.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Lara Parker's teaching career
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:43:43 AM »
Roger Davis told me he taught also. One assignment he gave involved his taking off his shoe and placing it on the podium. He told his students to write about it.  I wonder what it would have been like to be in his class!!!

Well if there was a hole on the top, we could all write about how it arrived there.."one day an actress, p*ssed off by a young actor, ground her high heel into the top of a shoe as a camera ran...bringing tears to the eyes of the hapless young man~~"

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Lara Parker's teaching career
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:41:08 AM »
Slightly off topic, but I'd heard that Margaret Hamilton was a kindergarten teacher before she became famous as a certain witch from Oz. I always wondered what her kids thought of her.
While not as a teacher, I know someone here in NYC who's family owned a restaurant MH used to frequent in the Village.  He says she was always so nice, you'd  never have known she was the WWW.

After Gerard woke up with the hangover of all hangovers, he suddenly remembered the terrible fact that he'd tipped more than a few cows the night before!!!"

that is sooo wrong but yes it did elicit a loud chuckle this a.m.

Barnabas:  Julia, why wont the upstairs maid OR you __________________??

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Magda Scenes
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:52:50 PM »
It's just a darned shame that Magda and Sandor were, apparently, never "blessed" with any children. [snow_rolleyes] [snow_laugh]

IIRC Sandor and Magda were the only happily married couple on the whole show and then they killed him.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: David Henesy's Website
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:10:21 AM »
The article isn't very clear on when it ran in Panama, only that David decided to quit acting at age 12--which isn't quite right.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Another New Slideshow
« on: January 25, 2011, 01:59:10 AM »
[lghy]  But particularly in later scenes in the film.

So know I actually think that is her real hair (though fans joke about her bad wig)...obviously  Edith did catch Grayson after after she awoke from catnaps.

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Magda Scenes
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:56:48 PM »
Lol.  That's another good one. I wish Julia had been allowed to exhibit a sense of humor like that. Throughout the 1897 story, it's plain to see how much fun Grayson was having with Magda.

Julia did have a few quips that I fondly recall..her inquiry on the new "Divine" antiques shop with Carolyn during Leviathan and was it the Adam storyline where she asks if she should just make herself available all night for Barnabas?  [noted recently on another topic list.]

Current Talk '11 I / Re: laura and julia
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:52:31 PM »
I always find myself wondering whether Grayson had a card-sharp streak from how deftly she handles those cards.  Must've been what she learned at the knee of one of Daddy's Atlantic City showgirl buddies...

Daddy was a gambler amongst many other things,  his idea of "weekend" time with his only child probably involved hours in a card parlor.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Lolita My Love
« on: January 16, 2011, 02:49:03 PM »
Found this link to a musical Denise Nickerson was in back in '71 that was Broadway bound but didn't make it.

Who would've recognized Denise as Lolita on this album cover?