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Messages - Connie

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Vampire Survival Puzzlement
« on: November 27, 2005, 10:04:43 AM »
I think that most of the stories say that a vampire needs to drink blood in order to stay rational...

Well, it sure didn't seem to help Barnabas stay rational.   ::)

Ha ha hee hee ho ho.........ahem


Ya know, I've been watching some 1897 lately -- around the time Julia arrives to aid Barnabas in saving the day for Quentin and the future generation.  He is SO on my nerves.  What a bossy, Mr. Know-It-All Fop!  Here Julia's risked her life to help him once again, and all he does is order her around in his usual obnoxious way, your can't tell him ANYTHING, he's telling Quentin how and why everything's been happening in this superior, knowing way......AND to add insult to injury, he's reading it all off the damned teleprompter!!   I wanna kick him in the head!  LOL
Oh yeah, and if that's not enough, he's about to go chasing after the latest Josette incarnation and the hell with everything else!

Just once I would have loved to have had Julia say, "I'm sick and tired of your crap, Barnabas.  Get STUFFED!"
[furious3]      [5363]      [furious3]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: When do you watch / How many?
« on: November 26, 2005, 07:42:26 AM »
I don't have any sort of pattern.  I can go weeks and weeks and never watch (get tired of it).
When the mood slugs me, I have it on late in the evening while I'm doing something else.  Can't just sit in front of the TV and watch.  I'll put it on while doing something like sewing, or needlepoint, or knitting, and put headphones on.  I REALLY like having the headphones on -- it's more intimate and you can hear a lot more -- nuance, studio noise, etc.

It was fun when it was running on Sci Fi 'cause it would tape in the morning, then later that evening my daughter and I would watch together.  That was nice.


Polls Archive / Re: DS characters as trial lawyers
« on: November 22, 2005, 05:21:08 PM »
Well, Quentin might have had a very long wait for that to happen because women weren't allowed on juries in 1897.  ;)

Wow - that never even occurred to me.  [knockwood]
So much for Quentin and women jurors.

Speaking of the tribunal in 1840....what a bunch of inept, incompetent, sickening fools.  I get worked up just thinking about it. 

Polls Archive / Re: DS characters as trial lawyers
« on: November 21, 2005, 11:30:46 PM »
I think Desmond was a lousy lawyer.
Barnabas started out very well during Quentin's trial but somehow seemed to whimper out towards the end.  Disheartening.


If you want to go with the negative stereotypical lawyer traits -- sleazy, under-handed, money-grubbing, etc., then maybe 1897 Quentin might do well in the courtroom.
Plus, if all else fails, he might at least win over the female jurors.   ::)

Current Talk '05 II / Re: room 24...and the price a' drapes
« on: November 20, 2005, 05:04:55 AM »
We could convince our daughters that college is a waste, and then raid the tuition funds...... >:D

THIS is the best damned idea I've heard all week.

Me and my big mouth.....
"Don't worry about the money.....apply wherever you want to go and just get in."   [7385]

I could get EVERY DVD set - the entire series, for what off-campus housing at Penn State will be costing just for the upcoming spring semester.

Thanks for the info.  I remember the room where Paul Stoddard was in shock and Julia and Prof. Stokes were trying to help him.(Wait...was that Stokes' place?) it the room where he was first staying when he arrived back in Collinsport?  (Leviathan)

Don't remember/don't have earlier eps with Burke Devlin, Tony Peterson, et al.  Now see??  See?  I need all this stuff!  LOL
[sad1] [vryangg] [sad1]

Current Talk '05 II / Re: room 24...and the price a' drapes
« on: November 19, 2005, 11:54:13 PM »
What is 'room 24' ??
I remember Tim Shaw's room in 1897 but it didn't strike a bell.  What else was it used for - what other rooms?

PS  Ya know, I'm really getting jealous - everyone referring to this DVD set and that DVD set.  I don't have ONE measly DVD set.  Have no idea what DS looks like on DVD.   :'(

Polls Archive / Re: The life of the party.
« on: November 19, 2005, 11:38:03 PM »
No landslide for Q?   He's the life of the party even when there is no party.   Even when he's the only one partying.
Yeah!  [clap]
Finally someone I can vote for with conviction.  Hands down. [laughing7]
He's certainly the life of MY party.  (If I had one)                                                                [a_monkey]

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 18, 2005, 08:53:40 PM »
I can't agree with the idea of Angelique as a one-man woman.  I think she took her relationships with both Quentin and, subsequently, Sky, quite seriously.

I don't think she took her "relationship" with Quentin seriously.  She used him.
I think she did take her marriage to Sky seriously though.  (why, I don't know - doesn't seem like her type)



..."Such associations seem to come naturally to people upon seeing aye-ayes, who despite their nightmarish appearance are comparatively docile.

"They could bite your finger off if they wanted to," Yoder said."...

Barnabas:  "Then of course, there's Angelique, who despite her relatively docile appearance, is a total nightmare."

Ben:  "Aye!  She'll bite your finger off if she wants to."


Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 16, 2005, 09:02:28 AM »
 [laughing7]    [laughing6]    [laughing7]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: MISS-information...KLS
« on: November 15, 2005, 07:41:47 PM »
She sure looks good for 104 years of age.  [lghy]

Once I asked her what she used on her skin 'cause it's always looked so great.  She told me she was a "soap and water gal".

LOL  hee hee hee hee.........ahem.

Polls Archive / Re: DS women as lovemakers.
« on: November 14, 2005, 04:42:40 PM »
if Angelique were really after you, if you were Barnabas in other words, well, she'd... really make that moment count, don't you think?!

You betcha!  LOL

But anyway.......Eh!  I don't find asking which female character would make the best lover sexist.  It's kind of an interesting topic (somehow).  What I find slightly disturbing is the glaring omission of some of the older, more "mature" characters on the show.  Jeez - what about Julia, or maybe Flora Collins? (Now, THERE'S someone!  A romance novelist.)  And hey - what about poor Mrs. Johnson?  Behind that repressed exterior lies......etc.[lghy]

Anyway, I'm with Gothick.  It's Julia all the way.


PS  Though not qualified to judge, I can't imagine anyone on the list as being great in the sack or whatever.  Maybe Angelique, if anyone.

PPS  Don't have the list in front of me but don't remember seeing Samantha Collins.  Also, BETH!
       Actually, I think I might change my vote to Magda!  Firey......uninhibited......

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Grass is Always Bloodier
« on: November 11, 2005, 01:37:11 PM »

Yes, I couldn't resist and clicked the damned pants.
I was right -- Veterans Day.  It must be Nathan Forbes.

I got one of these new-fangled laser mouses (very nice).  And I must say, catching floating thingys is much easier than with the old-fashioned rolling ball mouses.

VP/General Manager - Useless Posts, Inc.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: The Grass is Always Bloodier
« on: November 11, 2005, 01:29:30 PM »
I'd still be fearful that Nicholas Blair was somehow responsible for Aunt Bee's pickles.    Though, it'd be interesting to see Andy, Barney, and Gomer helping look in the woods for Chris Jennings.    Andy, don't give Barney more than one silver bullet, please.


You KILL me.  Your posts are an unending source of confusion and wonderment to me.
I was just about to bemone the fact that I never experienced the floating trousers when low and behold...
they're floating around before me at this very moment.
I think I figured out the connection.  It's Veterans Day!  Is that it?


PS  HI Heather Baby!   :-*

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: HAPPY HALLOWEEN - BOO!
« on: November 02, 2005, 06:07:53 PM »
Ya know, I thought I was finally done with all this Halloween stuff.... But NOOOOOOO.
Both my boys wanted costumes this year.  My 11-year old wanted this "Big Daddy" costume - purple, shiny pants and top, pimpish looking hat with a feather in it, gold chain with a huge glittery $ sign hanging from it, and big ring with $ sign on it.  "I wanna be a pimp", he said.   ::)

My 14-year-old couldn't find a particular mask he wanted, then spotted a penis costume.  (You believe this??)  I said,  "Absolutely NOT!"

I give up.
I'm tellin' ya.......television is the root of all evil.


PS  At the costume store there was a mask that looked exactly like the aged Barnabas -- even the wisps of hair on top.  I didn't see it close up, but it looked like it had fangs.  I swear it really looked like him at age 175.  If it wasn't so expensive I would have bought it!