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Topics - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 II / Ghost
« on: July 20, 2002, 07:04:05 AM »
Subject: Ghost

This is pretty neat. Apparently the owners of this house had been seeing images and hearing voices for quite a while. They did some research and found that a lady once lived in the house who lost her husband during the civil war. Legend says that she used to sit at the table and look across the fields in anticipation of her loved one returning home. He never came. So, they say she still waits. They caught this photo of what they claim to be her.

This one was wild and a little spooky once you find the ghost in the picture. It took me a few seconds to find it, but when you do, it just stands out. Like one of those optical illusions.

To save you some time, concentrate around the table. Best not to focus too much on one spot. Look around the table and toward the window.

Click on the link below for the picture. Best to enlarge. For an added touch turn the volume up quite a bit, it's faint & creepy, but the low murmur you hear was what got the photographer's attention first. Be quiet and patient. It might take a few seconds for the image to come into your focus......

Click here:

Current Talk '02 II / Isn't she lovely?
« on: July 17, 2002, 06:58:23 AM »
I am really enjoying this Joe/Angie thang. My goodness, he has Angie all demure, twitterpated and excited at the same time! We've never seen Angelique be so, so.....human.

Which is rather funny, when you think of the horrid transformation Barney went through as a vampire. Yet, with a she-devil, it seems to have the opposite effect! Had she ever acted like this with Barney as a newlywed, he would have been her love slave. But, no with him, she acted like a Nazi commando demanding his affection. [fangs] [batang] [frkoff]

Current Talk '02 II / Weekend montage
« on: July 15, 2002, 12:14:14 AM »
Oh my goodness, do I actually see    -     a person of color??? Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Was this a first and last happenstance?

Current Talk '02 II / My name is Victoria Winters....
« on: July 11, 2002, 09:29:19 AM »
I stopped by Best Buy tonight and got the DVDs. Happily, mine work fine. I did have some sparklies in the middle of the last disc for a few moments that I'm not sure if are from the original source or my specific disc.

To tell you the truth, I was not overly excited about this period of DS. I would have preferred 1795. But, having watched part of it, I am more thrilled than I expected to be. Woohoo, Mitch Ryan, Robert Gerringer, AND Dennis Patrick! (Will the REAL Burke Devlin and Dr. Woodard PLEASE stand up?)

I am SO looking forward to getting them all! I can't wait to see the color episodes on DVD! The black and white look great. I suspect that I may be a DVD shopping whore, do they have support groups for that????

Current Talk '02 I / the alternate script
« on: June 27, 2002, 10:36:28 PM »
Julia: "David, try to remember...what was on the tape?"

David: "I can't! I can't remember! I can't think! I'm just a stupid kid! AND, I've been...."

Julia: "...stricken by the dumb soap opera character disease???"

David: "Yes!" (Eyes glaze over, drool forms at lips.)

Julia: "GASP!" (Eyes widen in surprised look of shock. She  then gets a look of steely resolve.) "YESSSSSS, this is obviously going around. I must be careful".

David: "Grgggllleeeahhh...."

Julia: "Let me get you a sedative, David."

Current Talk '02 I / Gotta love him....
« on: June 27, 2002, 10:22:40 PM »
Nicholas, that is. He is the greatest - pure evil and loving it. Has anyone else read the classic C.S. Lewis "Screwtape Letters"? Nicholas turning on his partner from hell, is very reminiscient of the book, which is from the perspective of a senior demon writing to his protege demon.

I admit that I thought Humbert was a little hammy last time I watched, but he is striking me as perfection now.

Current Talk '02 I / Mod Maggie
« on: June 23, 2002, 04:15:06 AM »
Did anyone else dig Maggie's groovy threads on Friday? OH MAN, did that take me back in time! I saw it and blurted out "Barnaby Street!" I think she did look cute, and the colors were quite nice. For some reason Maggie gets to be the trendy one.

Current Talk '02 I / Joe/Nathan Forbes
« on: June 21, 2002, 06:52:21 AM »
I should be old enough to know better. I would have sworn that I was over that "bad boy" thing that most of us women have when we are younger. I guess I'm not.

Joe does nothing for me. It is hard to think of Joe as anything but a Ken doll. Nathan Forbes,  well, that is another story. I love his smirk, his swagger, the look in his eyes..... :-*

I can't get over what a difference the role makes for me. Obviously, Joel Crothers was a very handsome man. But the player Nathan wins out in the appealing category everytime. Even when Joe is being a jerk, it isn't the same.

Current Talk '02 I / Adam, had 'em
« on: June 14, 2002, 03:04:37 AM »
I just want to set the story straight. Adam is NOT childlike. Babies have more understanding in their eyes. Toddlers may lurch around a bit, but they certainly don't act like that when they are hurt. My bipolar son does a fair Adam impersonation when he is being impossible, but it has taken him 8 years to get that bad. He was much better as an even younger child.  

Now, Adam and his vengeful nature, overiding emotions, and lack of intellectual process to sort out his feelings DO remind me of something. I hesitate to say it because it will sound so bad, and I really don't mean it that way. I used to work with mentally retarded adults and some of them are just that way. Not all by any means, some were just the sweetest people you could meet. But, even one of the sweet ones erupted in Adam-like violence once when he was upset. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it. Now, that I'm thinking about it, the incident was VERY much like Adam.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Vampire/creature movies?
« on: June 13, 2002, 04:13:31 AM »
What is your favorite? I'm asking, and drawing a blank about my own answer. I'm sure that I'll get reminded in your answers though.  I can tell you what I HAVEN'T liked though. Have seen the Dracula movie with Bela Lugosi (was it the first one?) and found it pretty darn bad. Sorry, I know some here like it very much, but I was quite disappointed. And I HATED "Shadow of the Vampire" with Willem Dafoe. I want a traditional vampire, not what one might be like if there really were such a disgusting thing.

I really liked "The Lost Boys" a lot at the time. Recently saw most of it on tv and it held up quite well, was as good as I remembered. Haven't seen "An American Werewolf in London" in ages, but it was very good to me then. I'm looking forward to seeing "Rosemary's Baby" again, it's on my Netflix dvd list. It may not belong in this list, but it IS a great movie.

I've heard mixed things about "Blade" and "Blade II". What did those who have seen them think?

Current Talk '02 I / Naggie?
« on: June 12, 2002, 11:25:10 PM »
Can't remember who used to call her that? The girl is in serious trouble. She ends one episode telling Willie she will NEVER let up on finding out about that terrible creature that she hates so intensely.....then it's like, you know, it was all a misunderstanding, Pop thought he wanted to hurt me. HELLO??? What part of "kill Maggie" do you think Pop misunderstood? Then she actually gets it right and says that it would have been OK if SHE hadn't flipped out and tried to hit Adam with a hammer.

And little Miss "I can't lie to people even to save my life when I'm a time traveler" Winters sure didn't have any trouble lying to Professor Stokes, now did she?

Current Talk '02 I / The neighborhood saint
« on: June 08, 2002, 08:07:27 AM »
Isn't it wonderful the effect blindness has had on Sam? It has taken the local drunk who is regularly nasty and emotionally abusive to his daughter (whose perkiness would grate on me too, give him that) and turned him in a kindly, tolerant dogooder. Geez, if we had only known what to do to him sooner!

Oh, and this is another topic completely BUT, watching this part of the show over again as confirmed for me what I suspected before. Professor Stokes KNOWS about Barnabas. It doesn't matter that he was never confided in, he knew and Julia/Barney knew he knew. I am really appreciating the subtlety of their relationship.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / What is "good horror"?
« on: June 06, 2002, 08:26:53 PM »
Many thanks to Raineypark and Castlebee for helping me to launch a different aspect of a previous discussion!

Rainey, for me "good horror" is what I enjoy! I think people who don't watch either tend to lump slasher and horror films together. I despise the first and love the second. Give me a scary, sad monster, a vampire, a ghost, or similar creatures and I'm there eating it right up. To me there is a huge difference to being scared or grossed out. Love scared. Seeing "The Others" in the theater was incredibly intense for me and it scared me to pieces in parts. It is now one of my all time favorites! Ditto with "The Shining" and "Fallen" with Denzel Washington. But I also enjoy older or campier horror movies that were not made on any where near as professional a level. Not as much, but I do like them. I haven't seen "From Hell" or "Dracula 2000" yet, so can't comment on them. But a friend from church said "Dracula 2000" was fun and had a very interesting religious quality in it that intrigued me.

Yes, I am a VERY religious Christian. I would EVEN say that God and my faith are more important to me than DS! My kids too, but not much else. (I may or may not be kidding, I'm not sure of it myself!) I actually did struggle with the issue of my horror fixation for a while. I decided-oh, to heck with it, I do love it and it doesn't harm my faith. I think it interesting that horror themes are frequently the only ones that allow mention of God and glimpses of crosses. It seems it is hard to show evil without it's holy counterpoint. I find that a good movie/tv show will often get my thinking on some deep theological points. Not something that I got from "Friends", back when I did watch it.

As for kids, I would protect them from the scariest stuff. The midlevel stuff they pretty much decide for themselves. "The Mummy" was too scary for them, they don't want to watch it. It's there when they think they are ready.  A priest at church was commenting once that he just didn't understand why people let their kids dress up as evil characters at Halloween. I told him that I felt the same as he did, before I had children. (The priests in my church CAN marry, but this one is single). Now, I realize that their understanding of vampires and such is so innocent and I want to let them enjoy that aspect of it. I don't need to bring them to another level of understanding the evil those beings represent, they will come to that when they are old enough. My son was a vampire on Halloween, he wanted to be like Barnabas. I would never ruin that for him for some knee jerk reaction that doesn't really understand children.

SO, enough about ME, what constitutes good horror for YOU?

Current Talk '02 I / Dream curse question
« on: June 04, 2002, 11:53:09 PM »
I just love how Julia was so blase about explaining it to Willie. Oh yes, it is a dream curse, we've all been having it. As though, it was quite commonplace. Is the dream curse concept an original idea? It is one of the few themes which I am not familiar with from other sources.

Current Talk '02 I / Let's have a vote!
« on: May 25, 2002, 05:13:18 AM »
Ok, who is your MOST irritating DS character? [hdscrt]

For me, I have say that Burke Devlin #2, Amanda Harris, Dr. Lang and EVEN Jeb Hawkes get ruled out even though they are mighty contenders.

My #1 most irritating character? You guessed it, ADAM! [madan]

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