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Topics - kuanyin

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Current Talk '02 II / I'm going out on a limb here,
« on: September 05, 2002, 03:43:05 AM »
and going to say that I tried to keep an open mind today. I honestly think Betsy Durkin did a good job! Not great, but not bad enough to warrant the comments. (SORRY, Minja!)  Just have to call it as I see it. Don't get me wrong, I ain't plannin' to start a fan club. It's just that any actor coming into an established role has a totally thankless job. I thought the gal who played CaroLINE was OK too. It isn't their fault they are not the original actor! I tried to feel the same way about Anthony George, didn't work just can't stand him in the role of Burke. (He was fine as Jeremiah.) Mainly cos' he played Burke as such a wuss. I think Betsey did her best to act Vicky-like and succeeded better than we give her credit for.

I like her hair better than AM's. I don't know why, all that heavy, thick hair just looks painful to me. Somewhere in between that and Grayson's wisps would be where I want to be! (I am a wispy hair person myself and can sympathize).

I WILL acknowledge that BD can be a little shrill, but I would take her over Amanda Harris ANYDAY.....

Current Talk '02 II / "You must be related to Tom Jennings"....
« on: September 05, 2002, 03:22:43 AM »
No duh, Nicholas! Golly, that was a quick deduction, what was your first clue?

I've never been able to figure out why DB was so much better at being Chris Jennings than Tom. In today's show, he was both,  hamming it to the hilt as Tom and great as Chris. Did ya' catch the tongue wiggle? And to think that noone else ever added that quintessential thespian touch!

OK, I can understand Barney getting all protective of Vicky, nothing new there. BUT, doesn't it strike a false note when he gets on his high horse about Maggie??!!! Puh-leeze! I wish I could have bitch slapped him!

Sorry to digress, but some of us HAD gotten to talking about the movie not long ago. And, hey, no DS fix today or Monday anyway, so why not?

Saw it. IF I had been seeing it simply as a movie, I probably would have loved it. Since it was a movie from my favorite book of all time, I merely liked it. They did a LOT right. But the wrong part, was just painful.

Now, I admit it has been years and I don't remember all the details of the book. What I thought was melodramatic and made up at the end actually was toned down a little from the quick check I just made of the book. (Ok, they threw in a nose punch, but took out the tree falling on the car, which I don't think would have been very believable in a movie . And at least there were no car chases or guns involved!)

I pictured Ash as being older and LaMotte as being younger, but that is quibbling. That part of the movie was superb. What stuck in my craw was Aaron Eckhart as Roland. As if ANYONE could believe this guy as a subserviant academic! And how in the world could he ALWAYS have a 3 day beard growth? Too hunky, too macho, too stupidly adamant about avoiding relationships because he "hurt" someone deeply once. Accckkk, give me a break. I thought the lovely Gwyneth was perfect in the role, I may be prejudiced there, I ALWAYS like her.

Anyway, overall, can't help but have mixed feelings. There is no way a movie can capture the depth of the book, but they did do a good job of getting the essence of it. I just wish the part they screwed up hadn't been so integral to the credibility.

Current Talk '02 II / If I'm really Peter Bradford....
« on: August 29, 2002, 12:53:31 AM »
then I CAN'T marry you!

Huh? Isn't that like saying "If I'm really Peter Bradford, then I crossed centuries and broke the time barrier for one reason, to find the woman I love. Since you are the woman I love - for whom I miraculously made this transition.... I CAN'T BE WITH YOU!"

Would he actually prefer to have been Dr. Lang's FIRST human creation?  [twch2] Would that make it better? Huh, would it, Jeffy? Geesh, what a moron. [silly]

Current Talk '02 II / Thank you, everyone
« on: August 27, 2002, 10:57:27 PM »
I KNOW I don't deserve it, because I never seem to have the time to add to other people's greetings....:-[

Actually, this has not been one of my better days AT ALL. I was just let go from my temporary position, two weeks before being set to go permanent. Basically, I feel like a 47 year old loser with no life. Sigh....I spied the birthday wishes immediately and it really is a bright spot in my day! It means a lot, thanks.

Current Talk '02 II / Master/slave
« on: August 24, 2002, 05:55:39 AM »
There was some hardcore stuff hinted at today, folks!  :D Don't you just love Little Nicky being Angie's MASTER?! Can just see them in the little leather outfits!  :o

And with her lording it over Barney, I think I am seeing why the tried and true formula involves a nubile young woman. There is just something pathetic about a grown man bleating as the passive victim.

And....didn't we get a hint of another possibility for Julia in the "hot date" category? I just LOVED her reaction to Little Nicky's admiration! Hmmm, I suspect he wouldn't be leading her on endlessly, talking about "friendship".

Current Talk '02 II / My hero
« on: August 23, 2002, 07:08:44 AM »
Wasn't Roger just GREAT today? OK, it doesn't take much to reduce Jeffy to a stammering idiot.  But, Roger just ripped him to shreds! Too bad he lost his steam in the face of Vicky's happy little camper act.

What is really sad is that I have KNOWN people like Jeffy and Vicky, with the "What can I do? I love him!" attitude  that somehow justifies putting up with the unacceptable. Though why she should be so huffy about Jeff's secretiveness makes no sense when she was thrilled and seemed actually proud of the fact that she had no idea what Burke did.

As for yesterday, poor Joe. What a loser character. I enjoyed him early in the series, but he lost the niceness without gaining anything. Now he's suicidal, he's homicidal and he's STILL BORING. I am so glad that we had Nathan Forbes to demonstrate that it is only the character and the writing....

Current Talk '02 II / Oh, oh! I almost forgot!
« on: August 12, 2002, 02:32:47 AM »
To compliment MB on an outstanding weekend montage!  :D

I love the picture of Liz in the corner. She looks so lovely in it. Am I the only one who thinks Angie just looks silly as vampire? There is a portrait of her as vamp that is used quite frequently and I get the tee hees everytime I see it.

Congrats for a job above and beyond your usual great work!

Current Talk '02 II / I think I have it figured out
« on: August 08, 2002, 10:34:05 PM »
The writers for several episodes now felt they were in need of a vacation. Dan Curtis didn't agree. So they paid the cleaning crew an extra $20 to sit down and whip out a few scripts. Cleaning people were happy to comply and noone ever caught on.

Let's see, Nicholas Blair DESPERATELY wants in on this creating a human action. So.....he picks the spirit of the most evil woman, one that he has NO control over whatsoever. Uh huh.

Barney and Julia do their little 2nd human life experiment. It goes EXACTLY as the 1st one was supposed to. They are completely mystified by this outcome and highly suspicious that Eve has her awareness and intelligence intact. Mmmmhmmmm.

Adam discovers that he is actually a reasonable, tolerant and loving person. (He and Julia even had a fleeting conversation like two people, did you catch it?) It only took dear Eve to bring it out in him! I do hope we have heard the last of him saying someone else is RE - SPAWNS - EEE - BULL for anything and everything that he himself has insisted on. (Is that TOO much to ask?)

The human "life force" seems to actually require a death force. It worked with Barney who was one of the living dead. So it worked differently than intended and Adam came out with the physical aspect of Superman and the mental knowledge/awareness of a big block of tofu. It didn't work with Carolyn at all, naturally enough with her being ALIVE and all. With completely dead old Leonard Eldridge it worked perfectly!

Current Talk '02 II / Where are you GOinnnnggg, Docccturrrr??
« on: August 06, 2002, 07:12:36 AM »
I swear if the big dodo says that ONE more time....I'm screaming! [scrm]

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Dark Shadows Memories DVD
« on: August 03, 2002, 09:29:57 PM »
Does anyone know if this is going to be released in the foreseeable future? Is it the compilation of a couple of videos? I can't find much info about it.

Current Talk '02 II / Contract time
« on: August 03, 2002, 09:10:40 PM »
Barney's recent discussion with Adam about not expecting to live through the experiment reminded me that I hadn't ever asked this question. At that point of the show, it seemed they really might have been writing Frid out of it. Does anyone know whether he was in negotiation for more money at that time?

I know on the Special Edition DVD Michael Stroka made an hilarious comment about David inquiring about another actor's salary and commented that they were all to have made the same amount per show except for Joan Bennett and Jonathon Frid. (David's comment to Dan Curtis was something like "I don't need this Dan, I can always go back to high school!")

Also, the discussion about the disturbing death of Dr. Woodard makes me wonder. I have always thought it was probably hastily arranged due to the absence of Robert Gerringer. Has this been verified or disputed publically?

Current Talk '02 II / Which is the dullest knife in the drawer???
« on: August 02, 2002, 12:33:50 AM »
Each of you can cast your vote! The nominees are:

Earth to Barnabus: HELLOOOOO, Maggie Evans is NOT the only woman on the face of the earth! There are even some others who CAN be hypnotized!

Adam: Once more, HELLOOOOO, Maggie Evans is NOT the only woman on the face of the earth! You question Barney about everything else, but take his word that the experiment is off without her????

Julia: The stand-by-your-man thing is cute, but not when he is acting dumber than a box of cheese.

Willie, the gallant dork:  So sweet and the ONLY one with the nads to stand up to Barney and protect his gal. (Nicholas would have, but it took a lot more gumption for Willie to do it!) Then, he just walks away and leaves the door open! Ka-thunk is the sound of my hand hitting his head!

Maggie: The amnesiac kidnap victim who has NEVER known who her abductor was. "Why would Barnabus want to hurt ME? He's nice to me!" "Why would you say that someone wants to hurt me, YOU must be CRAZY!" She and Willie were made for each other.

Jeffy Clark: he doesn't even have to be in the episode to be included in this vote. Just because. (Is it ONLY 70 times, I would have sworn he grabbed his head at least that many times in the last show he was on!)

PERSONALLY, I have to go with Maggie on this one.

Current Talk '02 II / Dark Shadows: Special Edition DVID
« on: August 01, 2002, 06:25:56 AM »
I just saw this for the first time. It was rather funny when Dan Curtis talked about how if he really liked an actor he would bring them back for role after role, "like Roger Davis." Isn't that an amazing admission?  ::)

I was further shocked by another element of it.  :o When they were on "On Location" it was narrated by Nancy Barrett. They showed the "Evans cottage" along with a clip. They actually used Mark Allen instead of David Ford playing Sam Evans! What was he in three or four episodes and David Ford was on for about two years?

I'm not intending to break the rules here, though I am probably getting close. The Barrett/Ford marriage is a matter of record, therefore not gossip, right? And the choosing to ignore Ford as THE Sam Evans in the DVD would be pretty public too. I can only surmise that there was a lot of animosity after the marriage broke up, which isn't surprising, what surprises me is that it would apparently continue for so very long. The DVD is probably two or three years old at most and Ford died in 1983. IF any comments can be made, I would find it most illuminating. If they can't be made here, perhaps I could get an IM?

Current Talk '02 II / Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« on: July 27, 2002, 08:51:26 AM »
You're not yourself! I thought Diana Parker (is that right?) did a fine job with a totally thankless task. While you might be able to be blonde and learn your lines, it is hard to literally be someone else. Carolyn by now IS Nancy Barrett. It has always irritated me when a tv show replaces an actor as though they were interchangeable. The only time it worked for me was on Roseanne, and they made fun of it.

A while back it was much agreed upon how "childlike" Adam was. I still disagree and think it pretty much takes adult hormones to act THAT badly, but I did decide tonight that he is definately in the "teenager" mode now. Nothing anyone says to him is right, he reacts hatefully to everything and everyone,  and thinks of noone but himself. I didn't like teenagers when I WAS one, and his character is getting on my last nerve. They should put him up against Liz and her death banter. Who would kill first, her or him and would it be murder or suicide?????

Speaking of life force, if Nicholas wants so much to find an evil life force to bring the right attitude to the she creation, what does it say about Barney's life force that Adam is such a jerk?

And after reading about Roger Davis sucking the womens' faces off, wasn't it fun to watch him get attacked for a change? Only today, wasn't he the healthiest victim we've ever seen? No dark circles or pale complexion. No obsessing with Angie or worry about it being light or dark outside. He wasn't quite as whiny, and actually seemed happy a good part of the time. Being bit by a vampire suits him!

Why was Barney musing about the vampire disappearing after Tom Jennings, when in yesterday's episode he made it so obvious that he knew Joe was under one's power? Can't the writers remember the script from two days ago? Why didn't Barney just leave when Joe told him to and then spy on him?

And finally, why would I expect consistencies from a show that leaves a corpse for weeks on end without even the "injection" explanation? Are we supposed to think that females "keep" better?

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