Author Topic: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?  (Read 1100 times)

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Offline kuanyin

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Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« on: July 27, 2002, 08:51:26 AM »
You're not yourself! I thought Diana Parker (is that right?) did a fine job with a totally thankless task. While you might be able to be blonde and learn your lines, it is hard to literally be someone else. Carolyn by now IS Nancy Barrett. It has always irritated me when a tv show replaces an actor as though they were interchangeable. The only time it worked for me was on Roseanne, and they made fun of it.

A while back it was much agreed upon how "childlike" Adam was. I still disagree and think it pretty much takes adult hormones to act THAT badly, but I did decide tonight that he is definately in the "teenager" mode now. Nothing anyone says to him is right, he reacts hatefully to everything and everyone,  and thinks of noone but himself. I didn't like teenagers when I WAS one, and his character is getting on my last nerve. They should put him up against Liz and her death banter. Who would kill first, her or him and would it be murder or suicide?????

Speaking of life force, if Nicholas wants so much to find an evil life force to bring the right attitude to the she creation, what does it say about Barney's life force that Adam is such a jerk?

And after reading about Roger Davis sucking the womens' faces off, wasn't it fun to watch him get attacked for a change? Only today, wasn't he the healthiest victim we've ever seen? No dark circles or pale complexion. No obsessing with Angie or worry about it being light or dark outside. He wasn't quite as whiny, and actually seemed happy a good part of the time. Being bit by a vampire suits him!

Why was Barney musing about the vampire disappearing after Tom Jennings, when in yesterday's episode he made it so obvious that he knew Joe was under one's power? Can't the writers remember the script from two days ago? Why didn't Barney just leave when Joe told him to and then spy on him?

And finally, why would I expect consistencies from a show that leaves a corpse for weeks on end without even the "injection" explanation? Are we supposed to think that females "keep" better?
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Offline Josette

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2002, 09:29:25 AM »
I was going to mention some continuity problems, so this seems a good place to add them.

First, the obvious kind - at the end of the episode with Elizabeth's dream and it's "repeat" in the next episode.  In Robservations, Robin says Carolyn was in nightclothes in the one and fully dressed in the next.  I didn't realize that one (!), but Elizabeth was wearing a light blue robe and there was a green blanket the first time.  When they replayed the scene at the start of the next show, she was in the bright red-pink and had "Maggie's" colorful afghan.


Why was Barney musing about the vampire disappearing after Tom Jennings, when in yesterday's episode he made it so obvious that he knew Joe was under one's power? Can't the writers remember the script from two days ago? Why didn't Barney just leave when Joe told him to and then spy on him?

That was one I had thought about.  Barnabas really seemed to suspect what Joe's problem was when he was at the house with him, but now seems to be totally puzzled by the lack of any other vampire victims.

I also found the Evans' painting to be rather funny.  Maggie showed that she had it all wrapped up for Nicholas at the time that he wrote the check for $2000.  Apparently Joe's surprise entry threw them all off.  So, he said he'd come for it at 5 the next day, at which time Maggie shows him that she has it ready (he clearly already knew that from the day before!).

Stokes really surprised me today.  The other day he tells Jeff that he knows all about the experiment and that he knows that Jeff is working on it - Julia had told him.  They then have quite a dramatic scene with Adam followed by Stokes following him to Collinwood to try to talk him into returning to work instead of going out with Vicki.  Today he seems to be surprised that Jeff is working with them.  I wondered if there could be a reason that he was pretending for Barnabas, but that not only doesn't make sense, but some of the things he says to Jeff would imply that none of the previous events had happened.

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2002, 10:45:49 AM »
And after reading about Roger Davis sucking the womens' faces off, wasn't it fun to watch him get attacked for a change? Only today, wasn't he the healthiest victim we've ever seen? No dark circles or pale complexion. No obsessing with Angie or worry about it being light or dark outside. He wasn't quite as whiny, and actually seemed happy a good part of the time. Being bit by a vampire suits him!

LOL!! Kuanyin, you're right! Jeff does seem to be behaving much more calmer now that he's gotten the "bite" on him. [fangs]  Maybe they should have done that to him long ago.  Although, I did notice he looked a bit pale today, he surely didn't look half as bad as Joe or Julia did.  I could just hear him arguing with the make up department and telling them not to make him look "too bad" adding dark circles under his eyes because he doesn't want to "ruin his image!" [nerv]

Why was Barney musing about the vampire disappearing after Tom Jennings, when in yesterday's episode he made it so obvious that he knew Joe was under one's power? Can't the writers remember the script from two days ago? Why didn't Barney just leave when Joe told him to and then spy on him?

I thought the same thing. Not only did I figure that Barnabas knew what was going on with Joe,  but I also had to wonder why on earth he didn't stay with him instead of dropping him off at Maggie's place? Knowing first hand what vampire victims are going through, did he really think that Maggie would be able to keep him there all night without a fight?  He should have taken him home with him to the old house and locked him up in the basement cell for the night.  I know this sounds cruel but in the long run Joe would thank him for it.

Also, that was odd how the Professor acted totally clueless when Barnabas told him about Jeff's involvement with the experiement.  Maybe he just didn't want Barnabas to know that he invited himself down his basement the other day to see how everything was going with the experiement.

Another thing that doesn't add up for me is during Tuesday's episode when Adam invites Carolyn to join him in a game of chess, she says that she doesn't play chess. To this he replies, "how can you be on earth for such a long time and know so little?"  Then Carolyn replies, "How can you be here for such a short time and know so much!?"  That tells me that she knows that he was created. When did she learn this? Did I miss something along the way? [hdscrt]
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Offline Gerard

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2002, 03:32:48 PM »
You're not yourself! I thought Diana Parker (is that right?) did a fine job with a totally thankless task. While you might be able to be blonde and learn your lines, it is hard to literally be someone else. Carolyn by now IS Nancy Barrett. It has always irritated me when a tv show replaces an actor as though they were interchangeable. The only time it worked for me was on Roseanne, and they made fun of it.


I always just pretend during that episode that Nancy Barrett, being the thespian trooper she is, decided to come to work regardless of that nasty flu which had waylaid her that day, and she just looked and sounded differently because of congestion and puffy eyes.  If Gene Kelly could sing in the rain while he suffered from a massive flu (with a temp that was over 102 and, when they finished shooting that scene, it had risen to a dangerous 104), splashing in all that studio water, so can our Nancy.

A coupla years back, I believe it was on this board but it might've been the newsgroup, we had some fun trying to imagine what it would've looked like if many of our stars became ill and had to be temporarily replaced (ala when Joan Crawford had to step in for her daughter Christina on "Secret Storm").  The best scenario - and one that would've produced the most fireworks - would've been if Joan Crawford had to stand in for Joan Bennett and Bette Davis had to fill in for Grayson Hall.  Someone called it the Nouveau Film Diva Smackdown.


Offline Bob_the_Bartender

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2002, 04:22:59 PM »
Hey Gerard,

I love your suggestion that Joan Crawford and Bette Davis could have filled in, respectively, for Joan Bennett and Grayson Hall.

How about Claude Raines and Victor McLaughlin filling in, respectively, for Dr. Eric Lang and Bob Rooney?


Bob the Bartender

PS Charles Middleton ("Ming the Merciless") for Nicholas Blair?

Offline Gerard

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2002, 03:09:39 AM »
Hey, Bob, I could even see Claude Rains filling in for Louis Edmonds as Roger!  He could swirl a brandy snifter with the best.

Gerard (Who Would Ask Miss June Lockhart to Fill In For Grayson Hall Should She Become Ill and Miss Bette Davis was Unable to Participate)

Offline Luciaphile

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Re: Carolyn, what's wrong with you?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2002, 07:02:23 AM »
A while back it was much agreed upon how "childlike" Adam was. I still disagree and think it pretty much takes adult hormones to act THAT badly, but I did decide tonight that he is definately in the "teenager" mode now. Nothing anyone says to him is right, he reacts hatefully to everything and everyone,  and thinks of noone but himself. I didn't like teenagers when I WAS one, and his character is getting on my last nerve. They should put him up against Liz and her death banter.

Adam's a teenager and the parents obviously have not spent any time inculcating him with some fairly basic concepts.  Such as:

1. Sorry, sonny, sometimes you get the fuzzy end of the lollipop.
2. Just because you love someone doesn't mean they love you back.
3. Love does not equal possession.
4. Nothing's certain but death and taxes
5. We don't murder people to get our way.
6. We don't threaten to murder people to get our way.
7. Yeah, it's not fair, but nobody ever said life was fair.
8. Freud was a sex-obsessed idiot who has ruined modern literary criticism.

Of course (ahem), the parents with the exception of Stokes, who should know better, aren't very good with these little rules.

What killed me though was Carolyn's handling of Adam's infatuation.  She seemed surprised at how bad he was taking her rejection of him.  I mean, c'mon, is she that inexperienced?  She did go to the local high school; I would think she would have at least, heard or seen how unsuccessful it is to dump the guy and then say, "but I still want to be friends."

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