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Discuss - Ep #1019
« on: December 05, 2015, 05:22:35 AM »
Robservations #1019

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2015, 01:08:16 PM »
Grayson kittenish VO... Ang should feed off Maggie since she gets cold with her, alone in the room, maybe the house?  I forget.  Precipitous, but Alexis is well established as wanting Maggie back.  Sloppy I suppose, Ang had no time to think of a good alibi or decide if she needed one. 

Uknown visitor turns Collinwood's front door knob... cold-blooded Ang salivates.  end.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 06:14:32 PM »
Angelique and Maggie are in the master bedroom (Maggie is unpacking) when Ange starts to feel cold. I'm assuming that like most villains, Ange wants to take her time getting rid of Maggie so that she can enjoy it to the fullest. Just stealing Maggie's warmth would be too fast--and would leave Ange with too much explaining to do.

GH does a good job as Hoffman complaining about Maggie: I hate taking orders from her. Angelique (now sporting a new hairdo) counsels patience and says that it's all going according to plan.

Cyrus makes a house call--now we know it's Parallel Time! Quentin tells him about finding the clay doll in Maggie's suitcase. At least Cyrus suggests that maybe somebody planted it. I did tell you that your attack was caused by something supernatural. Impatient and angry at first, Quentin says resignedly, I shouldn’t be surprised about anything that happens at Collinwood anymore. Cyrus suggests Quentin investigate. Quentin agrees and thanks him. Cyrus is about to return to the lab when Quentin says, Something has been puzzling me. Larry Chase said you had asked him to change your will. I want to know why. All of Cyrus’s quiet authority on matters scientific and supernatural instantly drains away as he answers evasively. Quentin asks bluntly, Does your changing the will have anything to do with John Yaeger? Cyrus looks away guiltily before he stammers, John Yaeger is gone forever. I told Yaeger I had no more use for him in my experiments. I told him to go away and never come back. I’ll call Larry Chase and have him revise the will again. A relieved smile overspreads Quentin’s face as he walks Cyrus out.

"Alexis" checks to see whether Maggie is falling apart yet and gushes that she wants them to be good friends. But she's miffed when she finds out that no one told Maggie that Angelique was murdered. This is "Alexis"'s cue to retell the story about the second séance, listing the attendees: Elizabeth, Roger, Sabrina, Cyrus, Bruno, Quentin and “Alexis” herself. She describes how Sabrina went into a trance and revealed that someone in the room murdered Angelique. Maggie ponders the list and asks if “Alexis” thinks it’s true. “Alexis” is in the middle of declaring that Angelique was much too young and healthy to die of a stroke when she suddenly feels a chill. With a few garbled words she runs out the door. Maggie wonders, Why didn’t Quentin--or anyone else--tell me that Angelique was murdered?

Quentin has summoned Hoffman to the drawing room and declares that he’s reopening the subject of Hoffman’s appearance in the master bedroom. He asks, Did you place anything in the bedroom? Hoffman becomes increasingly cold and distant as she reiterates her concern for Mrs. Collins’s safety. Sternly Quentin tells her to answer the question. She answers no and adds, I’m beginning to be sorry I was concerned about Mrs. Collins’s safety. My integrity and motives have never been questioned before, she huffs. I thought that you at least believed I was loyal and honest. I do, Quentin agrees. I can only say that this didn't happen with the first Mrs. Collins, Hoffman starts. She-- I know what you’re going to say, Quentin interrupts, freezing her in her tracks. Will that be all, sir? she asks. Yes, Quentin answers and adds, Now you may consider the incident closed.

Calling frantically to Hoffman, Angelique, now very, very cold and muffled in a shawl, runs downstairs to the drawing room and huddles by the fire. Hoffman arrives, and Angelique says, The cold has come on me again. I must have warmth to survive. I want you to find someone for me. No! Hoffman says, appalled. If I go back to the tomb again, I will never reawaken, Angelique reminds her. Hoffman still says no. I have very little time left, Angelique says. The next person that walks through the door will give me the warmth I need. And if you fail me, you will be the next victim. Horrified, Hoffman realizes Angelique means it and leaves. Angelique crouches before the fire again, but even the open flames bring her no warmth. Mentally she begs Hoffman to find someone for her, and hurry. Suddenly the front doorknob begins to turn. Who will it be? Angelique wonders, caring only that the perishing cold she feels will soon be ended......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2015, 07:29:44 AM »
Q gains some sense and suspects Hoffman put the doll in the suitcase. Cyrus is afraid and thinks it's black magic.
Alexis and Maggie have wind blown  hair. It must be some drafty room. Maybe that leads to Angelique's lack of warmth and threatening to take Hoffman's unless she finds somebody now.  Great way to treat a loyal servant.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2015, 01:06:00 AM »
Maggie is right to wonder why no one told her that Angelique was murdered. I'm surprised that Elizabeth didn't, as she has been painted as a busybody.
Angelique could off Maggie now or at any time, really. But she definitely enjoys playing with her target.
The cold kicks in and Angelique needs a new victim. Hoffman seems somewhat appalled at the idea of providing a victim. Latent conscience? A bit of one, anyway.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #1019
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2015, 01:10:42 AM »
I don't think Ange wants to off Maggie. She'd much rather enjoy watching Maggie crawl away from Collinwood, utterly destroyed, while she--Ange, that is--has Quentin in a vise-like grip.