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Discuss - Ep #0991
« on: October 08, 2015, 05:48:16 PM »
Robservations #991

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0991

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2015, 11:53:13 AM »
Welcome, Eagle bartender who was Rhoda Morgenstern's boss, and Baron Harkonnen in Dune.  Cyrus smiles, when told Yaeger was a tough character.  Jake Crowley, bar patron, survived by being off camera, but it was a close call... Yaeger almost broke his arm.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2015, 02:29:23 PM »
That Eagle bartender--wow! Did not know that, MT.

Quentin insists that he doesn't believe in séances, etc. But as so many others have found out before him, [spoiler]it doesn't pay to be a freethinker in the Collins universe[/spoiler]. Alexis tries to find out why Angelique died at the séance. Quentin, looking attractively sad, refuses to discuss his relationship with her.

Sabrina knows all about Cyrus's relationship with Angelique, who taught the doctor all about séances and maybe other things too. Poor Sabrina actually asks point blank if Cyrus killed Angelique. No! he exclaims, horrified. I was afraid for a moment, Sabrina says, relieved. Cyrus reminds her, Yesterday you said you loved me because I was a gentle man. I still believe it, Sabrina insists, but sometimes you’re so fascinated with evil. I loathe evil! Cyrus shouts. You know that. I would do anything in the world to get rid of it. Quietly Sabrina says, You are attracted to it and fascinated by it. That’s why you loathe it so much. That’s nonsense, Cyrus insists, his voice scaling up a little. I didn’t kill Angelique. I believe you, Sabrina replies, but someone else did--someone who was in that room.

Quentin apologizes to Alexis. Daniel is disappointed at the prospect that Maggie will return--sometime. But the moment he sees Alexis, he rushes to her, thinking she's his mother. Later, Alexis has to burst that bubble.

Meanwhile, Sabrina tells Cyrus more about the intruder. With great concern, Cyrus asks her how she felt when the stranger broke into her room. I was terrified! she says. He brought a sense of evil so overwhelming that it paralyzed me. Cyrus tells her, The police followed the stranger and saw him enter my house. It’s someone who has a grudge against you, she hypothesizes, even though Cyrus says nothing was taken from the lab. But why did he take my engagement ring? Sabrina asks. We’re still engaged, Sabrina insists. Cyrus promises to find her ring. Sabrina is worried that what happened tonight might make a difference to him, but he says it was the evil that sent her into shock. I’ll make sure you’re never frightened like that again, he assures her--though of course without explaining (and most likely not knowing) how he's going to make this happen. We leave the lovers for the moment in a chaste embrace.

Up in his room, Daniel tells Alexis he loved his mother, “but it wasn’t all mushy.” Alexis says she knows so little about him. He protests, but she says he must accept the fact that she is a different person. Daniel wants her to go away and let him think. Eventually she does.

Sabrina and Cyrus prepare to leave Collinwood. Sabrina wants to apologize to Quentin and wonders what she has started with the séance. Cyrus replies that it probably would have happened anyway, in fact it started with the first séance. Suddenly she wants to leave, utterly convinced that some great evil is in the house. Neither of them sees Alexis at the top of the stairs as they go.

Cyrus phones Horace Gladstone to report, Your contribution to the chemical compound worked, but I want you to adjust it so that it doesn't bring on a loss of memory. He refuses to say what he tested the formula on and wants Gladstone to start work tonight. He takes out the matchbook from the Eagle, still wondering how he got it.

Quentin tells Daniel that Alexis isn’t his mother--she is dead. Daniel refuses to believe it. Quentin tries again, but Daniel pulls the covers up and refuses even to look at his father. Eventually Quentin says goodnight and leaves. Daniel starts to cry.

Cyrus then goes to the Eagle, looking very ill at ease, and orders a sherry. Like the Blue Whale, the Eagle hasn’t changed its jukebox records since 1966. [We hear the Blue Whale theme, and the window looks like the Blue Whale window through which the werewolf jumped.] The bartender smiles at his choice of drink and has to open a bottle. Did you see me here last night? Cyrus asks. The man doesn’t remember, but chalks it up to the excitement. He tells Cyrus, A big bruiser came in, his pockets all loaded with money. He was tough and big, not the kind of guy you would want to met on an empty street--or anywhere else. He slapped a hundred-dollar bill on the bar and ordered an unopened bottle of Scotch. He must have drunk half of it and got meaner with every slug. Then he started a fight with Jake Crowley, nearly breaking his arm, even though Jake never fought with anyone. Great strength? Cyrus asks, keeping his head averted. Yeah, the bartender agrees. I came around the bar to break it up and whammo! [touches his chin] I never got hit like that before in my life! Then three guys jumped him, but he shook them off like they were kids. He grabbed Lefty Blaine and threw him right through that window! [points at the window] I just got it fixed today. Did they know what caused it? Cyrus asks. The bartender answers, Oh, we know what caused it, all right. This guy was ... he was nuts. The bartender looks frightened at the thought, then finishes the story: After he threw Lefty he just stood there and dared anyone to tackle him. No one did. Then he straightened his coat out and laughed. It was this crazy laugh, and then he walked out. Left all of that money on the bar too. Brother! I don’t want to be here when he comes back for it. Cyrus is dismayed at the story but says he doesn’t expect the man will be back. The bartender thinks he will. Cyrus angrily insists he won’t. The bartender looks at him strangely, and Cyrus recollects himself, thanks the bartender and departs, leaving his sherry untouched.

Daniel has a dream about his mother. He hears her calling his name. But when he sees her and tries to go to her, he's paralyzed. She simply laughs and disappears. Daniel begs her not to go away. We can hear Angelique laughing as Daniel begs her not to laugh at him. Passing by in the hallway, Alexis hears him calling his mother and wakes him. Please don’t lie to me, he begs her. Are you really my mother? Just as she's about to answer, we see Quentin standing in the doorway, looking on with great interest....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2015, 01:44:48 AM »
Seance aftermath. Sabrina is okay again and quite lucid. She makes a lot of statements throughout the episode that eventually turn out to be true. Everyone seems extremely uncomfortable with the idea that Angelique could have been murdered during the original seance. They are probably equally uncomfortable with the idea that one of them may killed her.
Sabrina also seems uncomfortable with the relationship that Cyrus had with Angelique. She pretty much had Angelique's number and apparently did not like the influence that she had over Cyrus. We have heard that Carolyn, Chris and Elizabeth didn't like the first Mrs. Collins but we get more information about Sabrina's issues here.
Sabrina correctly sensed that there is an evil in the house. She just doesn't realize that there may be more than one.
Quentin is in denial about what happened at the first seance and will remain so for awhile. Alexis is understandably shocked and wants to get to the bottom of it. She is understandably bitter towards her father, another reason that she stayed away from Collinwood. Poor Alexis barely has time to recuperate from the seance when her nephew insists that she is his dead mother. Alexis is very patient and tender with him here. Lara Parker does such a good job as Alexis. Sure, she has a few of Angelique's characteristics and mannerisms. Sisters would. But Alexis is such a different type altogether and Alexis quickly became one of my favorite characters.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2015, 11:45:00 PM »
 [hall_rolleyes] Quentin looks guilty when Sabrina says someone in the room killed Angelique.  I notice the bun that Alexis is wearing is a different color than her other hair.  She finally meets Daniel on the stormy night. 
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2015, 02:24:39 PM »
Good catch, David! If LP had been wearing more wigs, switches, etc., she would have fallen on her face. But I also liked Alexis a lot--not her fault that she had such big hair.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2015, 04:30:22 PM »
Most of the DS ladies wore wigs and/or falls at one time or another. Some were a decent match with the actress's real hair. Others were not.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2015, 05:23:31 PM »
I remember a few early episodes in which Alexandra Moltke, who had beautiful thick, dark hair of her own, wore one or even two falls!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2015, 05:26:50 PM »
It appears that KLS is wearing one now as PTM.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2015, 05:44:48 PM »
The KLS one is approaching a Deborah Harry color scheme.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0991
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2015, 06:29:15 PM »
 [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin] [hall2_grin]