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Discuss - Ep #0965
« on: August 26, 2015, 04:14:10 PM »
Robservations #965

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0965

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 10:33:24 PM »
No dirtnap for Quentin.  Maggie and Barnabas dig him up.  "I cast that love spell just to save your life later" Angelique may lie, later.  "You don't know what you're missing," the separate parts of Davenport on the crypt floor may say later, if questioned on the subject, and Quentin's there.

Welcome back Nicholas Blair!  Did you leave just so Jeb could ruin your whole plan?  That's how it seems.  Nick bursts upon the scene to  save the big plan, then he wanders off somewhere, and Jeb was left to sink it all.  Then he gets all mad. 

It occurred to me today that Nick's thing was that he wanted to start up another Big Plan, but he distances himself from it, so that he could escape blame if it's screwed up.  You just can't get good help these days, he whines.  Then the Devil said, what a shocking lack of a sense of responsibility in you Nicholas, really, I expected much better, and has him step in to fix things.  But he knows he can't, despite all the bluster and threats-- that was all for show.  The boss was watching. 

So after wailing on Jeb, he drifts off to the Blue Whale, or someplace seedier and more secluded.  More bad stuff happens with Jeb's rebellion and the Plan.  The Devil notices.  So Nick reappears and tries to get the Wedding over with fast.  See, I think Nick is the closest the Devil is ever going to get to a servant with a real work ethic, and look at him.  He's a flim flam man who's trying to impress the Devil as long as he can.  What can you expect?  Evil isn't very responsible.

Bruno and Nick are both trying to be high livers on the Devil's tab, with the fancy outfits and everything, but Bruno believes the lie, and Nick is surfing on top of it all, or trying to.  Nick knows there's no pot of gold at the end of it all, there are only passing moments of power and self-indulgence to enjoy.  He may have no escape/retirement plan, knowing he's just playing for time.

So Maggie was sheltered at Wyndcliffe... but not when Chris is there.  Nick bursts in on Julia at the carriage house, blows things for Jeb, lets Julia go.  He even helps her on with her coat!  That's why we enjoy Nicholas. 

Real, affecting love dialogue from Carolyn and Jeb.  Did V Welles write this?  Maybe I don't even need to ask.  Carolyn basically proposes first.  Jeb now knows what her answer would be.  I like how VW, presumably, reached into this crazy, contrived relationship, and squeezed from it every ounce of whatever importance and reality could be found in it, or imagined in it.  That's the most she could have done, not having been responsible for the plotting at all, I think, and she did it.  Jeb, at least the part of him revealed only when with Carolyn, is totally human (keeping in ming that "human" is nor always a good thing), vulnerable, and if I can get away with saying such a thing, "innocent".

Maybe Jeb is an innocent, in the sense that his basic nature is evil.  He didn't form his evil over time because of corrupting experiences.  He was "hatched" that way mere months ago.  He's an infant of evil in the same way that a new human is an infant of innocence.  It's an innocent evil because he knows no better.  Then he learns and starts to develop and change.  It doesn't let him off the hook, but may diminish his responsibility a bit.  I don't really believe this, not much anyway.

Quentin is dug up.  I said this didn't I?  Notes sort of scrambled.  Jeb had said to his zombies that Quentin at least knew Jeb was a man of his word, when he threatened him.... then Barnabas digs Q up (for once doing the work-- would have been funny to see Maggie doing it because Barnabas never does), and Quentin brushes himself off or whatever, and says "Whatever that man is, he's a man of his word." LOL. DS is full of jokes now, if you listen... 

Carolyn and Blair get a scene, at the carriage house, after Jeb has gone off to finalize a plan with Barnabas.  Nicholas comes in. Carolyn is unsurpised to see him, even though he just sauntered into Jeb's cottage like he owns the dump.  Should she know he's even in town?  Did she find out in 1968 that he was a bad guy?  Her memory's been wiped more often than ... I typed that hoping a good punchline would come to me.  A White House tape recorder, how about that.

"Find the center of this cigarette case, Miss Stoddard!!  Sorry I have no ugly medallion!!  It was either this or my cufflinks!!"  She is hyp-motahzed and led away by zombies. 

The Big Fat Evil Wedding goes kerflooey, thanks to inadequate supervision of the events leading up to it (plus lack of refreshments), on the part of Nicholas Blair.  Yes, I'm fully prepared to lay the fault completely at Nick's door, should the Devil subpoena me.  Reasons given above.  (I've spent so long writing this one post that I had to go back and check if all that Blair stuff at the top of the post was in there, or something vaguely remembered from some post yesterday or something.)  It all went totally wrong so simply and so fast, too.  Couldn't they just have glued the box together again?  It wasn't "destroyed" really.  Jeb just knocked the lid off mostly.  New hinge, bit of glue, good as new.

So I wonder how little damage to the Box could have destroyed this silly cause utterly.  A little chip off the corner?  A stray drop of wood-stain remover?  Anyway, the Cairn blows up, end.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 10:53:49 PM »
Reading the WP's remarks on episodes from last time (2010) is usually worthwhile, but today's is more so I think.  For one thing, I found completely different bits of the episode to comment on, than in 2015.  Janet the Wicked, Lydia, and Taeylor all were entertaining, and maybe others, soory if I forgot anyone.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 05:44:13 PM »
I found completely different bits of the episode to comment on, than in 2015.

As I often say, one of the most fun things about rewatching DS is that each time you're likely to pick up/focus on something different from your previous viewings.  [nodassent]  That's why rewatching the show simply never gets old...

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 06:10:02 PM »
According to DS Wiki, Sam Hall wrote this ep. Who knew he could write such a good love scene? Although NB and CP use up their very small stock of chemistry on it.

Nicholas comes back from-- somewhere and tries to force Julia to tell him what she's doing. She uncharacteristically stays silent, but he figures it out anyway and smashes all her stuff.

Barn isn't out looking for Megan but sitting in front of his fireplace when Maggie arrives and says they have to save Quentin. Meanwhile, Quentin wakes up, realizes where he is, and sends a signal to Maggie. She runs out of the Old House, so Barn follows her.

I must have missed Nicholas helping Julia into her coat after warning her to steer clear of the Leviathans--thanks, MT. Jeb arrives, and Julia practically runs out. Nicholas and Jeb argue, but in the end Nicholas lays down the law. And it's never a good sign when he has to repeat a question.

Barn has followed Maggie to a cemetery, where she realizes that Quentin has been buried alive. Unable to delegate the task to Willie--where is he anyway??--Barnabas starts digging with a shovel that one zombie carelessly left behind. Maggie is so desperate that she starts tearing up the dirt with her bare hands.

Carolyn and Jeb are at the carriage house. What was so urgent? she asks. Suddenly shy, he kneels in front of her on the floor (she’s sitting on the stone bench in front of the fire). I can’t say the things I feel, he replies. Stroking his hair, Carolyn encourages him to try. I have never met anyone like you, he starts. This only happens to me when I am with you. Whenever you look at me or touch me, I feel like the way I am meant to be--the way I always want to be. I don’t understand why you should want to be any different, Carolyn says. I am not what I seem, he answers. There is another me, one that you have never seen--one that I don’t want you to see. What are you trying to say? Carolyn asks, mystified. Only that I love you! he answers as she cradles his face in her hands. I always want to be this way. I always want to be this way--no matter what happens. What will happen? Carolyn asks. I shouldn’t have told you, Jeb replies brusquely. Nothing is going to separate us, Carolyn promises. We’ll be together. She kisses him and recalls, When I was little, I wondered what falling in love would be like. I was afraid it would never happen. It happened soon after I met you--and nothing is ever going to change that. They kiss again.

Presumably Barnabas has used his unhuman strength to lift Quentin’s coffin out of the ground. In any event, Maggie is presumably too distracted to wonder how he did it. He pries open the lid while she practically dances with impatience. Quentin is alive and begins to revive with the fresh air. He and Maggie embrace, and Barnabas helps him up to start the journey back to the Old House. How did this happen? Maggie asks. Jeb Hawkes, Quentin answers. He warned me that he had something special in mind for me. Whatever that man is, he is a man of his word.

Carolyn and Jeb are still snogging away, but she senses that something is still disturbing him. I can’t tell you what it is, he says, but I have to do something very important. Please wait for me to come back. Just trust me, he pleads, please wait for me. Carolyn promises to wait.

Julia is already at the Old House when Barnabas and Maggie bring Quentin back. Jeb tried to kill Quentin! Maggie reports. We’ll take him upstairs, then I will come down and tell you everything, Barnabas promises. I also want to speak to you, Julia replies. After they go upstairs, Julia paces around the drawing room, then starts in surprise as Jeb enters the house. They stare at each other for a few moments, then he bursts out, You must find a way to help me--tonight, now! Julia regards him coldly. I just found out you tried to kill Quentin, she says. I had a score to settle with him, Jeb says, but right now I don’t even care if Quentin is alive or dead. There are a great many things I want to change about myself. I’m willing to live and let live if you’ll help me. I don’t trust you, Julia says flatly. Now I see things differently, Jeb protests. Julia, being Julia, wants to know what. I don’t have time! Jeb argues. Just believe me that I want to be a changed man. But Doctor, it has got to be possible! he says frantically. It has got to happen tonight! Shocked at his urgency, Julia asks, Why tonight? Because if it doesn’t happen tonight, it will be too late, Jeb answers. Just trust me. Then he notices Barnabas standing in the foyer, staring at him with a cold and piercing gaze.

Nicholas returns to the carriage house, but Carolyn greets him coldly. What are you doing here? she asks. I’m sorry we have never become good friends, he replies blandly, but now I’m confident that we soon will be. He produces his shiny gold cigarette case and quickly hypnotizes Carolyn. Then he orders the zombies to take her to the shrine.

Maggie comes downstairs to find the Old House drawing room deserted. Quentin soon joins her and shows her the mark on his hand, the match of hers. Now I know how you found me, he realizes. Why is this happening to us? Maggie asks. I don’t want to fight it, Quentin replies. The only thing I care about is you. I love you. They are soon kissing passionately.

Nicholas is at the head of the Leviathan altar, wearing a black robe with a wide sequined collar (the same one that Evan Handley wore in 1897, actually) and almost hidden by an unfortunately dangling tree branch. He has a large scepter in his hands, with a stylized horned head. Jeb, carrying the Leviathan box, escorts Carolyn into the clearing. They are wearing their ordinary clothes. (It’s apparently a come-as-you-are affair for them.) Still under Nicholas’s spell, Carolyn stares ahead vacantly, unaware of her surroundings. Jeb places the box in the center of the altar, directly in front of the Naga stele, then stands by Carolyn’s side at the foot of the altar. Nervously he tells Nicholas he is ready. Nicholas begins his incantation, which is a variation on one of Angelique’s standbys: Prince of darkness, I call upon the flames to summon you. I beseech all of the dark creatures of nature to summon you here. You must be a witness to this ceremony. You must give your blessing to these two creatures, who will soon become your obedient servants. I call upon the seven plagues and upon the charred and blackened stars which reigned on my beginning to drawing you from the darkness of the earth, that you may witness the vows that they are taking here tonight. Take the scepter and start the vows, he tells Jeb. Jeb doesn’t stir. Nicholas repeats his command, and Jeb reluctantly walks to him and takes the scepter. When he is in front of the Naga stele, he suddenly shouts, Barnabas! Now, Barnabas! Get her now, Barnabas! Barnabas rushes in, takes Carolyn by the arm and runs off into the woods with her. The enraged Nicholas moves toward Jeb. Stop her! he shouts, then screams, No! as Jeb raises the scepter high over head and strikes the Leviathan box with it until it is shattered. You fool! Nicholas shouts. Don’t you realize what you have done?

A slow rumbling starts deep in the woods and moves toward them. Nicholas pushes Jeb away from the altar into the woods, shouting, We had better get out of here, you fool, or we will both go up with it! As they watch, a bright white light illuminates the entire clearing, accompanied by the sound of crashing rocks. In a moment, the light goes out and the altar is merely a pile of tumbled stones. Suddenly Jeb collapses to the ground, screaming and convulsed with pain....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2015, 07:31:25 PM »
Okay, Quentin has been buried alive for an undetermined amount of time but when he's brought back to the old house, Julia doesn't examine him? This would seem like one time when someone could really use those sedatives that she's forever passing out.
Carolyn probably does not remember the stuff that Nicholas subjected her with the experiment and Danielle Roget. But I'm sure her memories of him as Cassandra's brother and seemingly eternal houseguest are intact. She probably also remembers that he proposed to Maggie and suddenly dumped her.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2015, 11:13:00 PM »
Ha, ha, you're right about Quentin! Maybe Julia had just run out of sedatives.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2015, 12:01:27 AM »
As I often say, one of the most fun things about rewatching DS is that each time you're likely to pick up/focus on something different from your previous viewings.  [nodassent]  That's why rewatching the show simply never gets old...

MB, you are preaching to the choir!!!  [ghost_grin] [ghost_grin]

This is definitely the "masters program" of my DS correspondence course!!  I probably would have never gone out of my way to watch the Leviathan era (or any other era for that matter) in repeated viewings, if it wasn't for this forum... (And for that I am eternally grateful for ALL the contributors here!) [salute]
Robot_Quentin: "I've never watched the last episode, so the show never ended for me."

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2015, 02:30:59 AM »
The WP is a sort of lifesaver to me, in my situation, so thanks Uncle Roger, DarkLady, MB, and all conributors!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #9 on: September 06, 2015, 12:05:53 AM »
You are more than welcome! I love your comments!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0965
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2015, 02:22:53 PM »
Thanks very much and reciprocated, DL!
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor