Author Topic: Robservations 6/3/03 - #964-965 - Jeb's Odd Request; Quentin, Buried Alive!  (Read 1387 times)

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964 - The zombies carry Julia downstairs, where Roger interrupts them. My God! he cries.  One of the zombies holds his arms behind his back. Put her down! Roger orders, let her go!  Another zombie whacks him across the face, leaving him unconscious, too. They let Roger slump the floor and carry Julia out of Collinwood, their faces deadly white, shuffling along, leaving the door open. Roger lies on the floor, unmoving.

Julia awakens in a chair and finds herself in Jeb's carriage house--why, she wonders, did they leave me alone? She opens the door and finds a zombie barring her way. No! she cries, and closes the door on him. She runs her hand over her face. Sky Rumson exits the other room and says, it's good to see you again--of course, you don't think so. No, I do not, she answers--why have I been brought here? No questions, he says--you are here, and fine, just enjoy it. Impossible, she retorts. You're impatient, says Sky, always so eager to get to the bottom of things.  Those men that brought me here are dead! she says. That should satisfy your curiosity, I should think, he says. I don't know what powers you have, she says. Very few, he admits, unfortunately. Who has the power to raise the dead, she asks, Nicholas Blair? I suppose it would be Jeb, then, she realizes. No questions, he repeats. Yes, questions, she insists--why have I been brought here and why are you the one to greet me, and where is Jeb? He's here, he assures her. She looks at the door to the other room and asks, is that Jeb's new room?--why have you told me all this--does it mean he's going to kill me?  (She sounds so brave, too!)  I won't kill you if you do as I ask, he says, and you'll know what, soon enough.

Roger awakens just as Quentin arrives at Collinwood. What happened? he asks, helping him up.   Roger says, "Dead men." What are you talking about? asks Quentin. Dead men, I know it, says Roger--they got Julia!

Sky offers Julia a glass of sherry.  When she refuses, he asks, do you mind if I have one?  I don't care what you do, she says. He goes over and pours a drink. I will never tell you where Barnabas' coffin is, if that's what you want to know, she says. You never stop thinking, do you, doctor? Asks Sky--use your imagination--ask one more question. The sound of Jeb's Leviathan lungs emanates from the room.  He's in there, Julia realizes, in his other form. Sky offers to let her see what he looks like, but Julia waves a dissenting hand at him, runs from the door and says, "No, no!" I believe you're afraid, says Sky. Julia reminds him--I've seen what he does to people. That's right, you saw Paul Stoddard after they'd met, says Sky--I'm sorry you're not interested, it would make it much easier, because, you see, you are going in that room, doctor. No, protests Julia. You must, says Sky, he wishes it. I will not do it! she cries. Sky opens the door and says, Come, Dr. Hoffman. She tries to escape through the front door, but the zombie awaits her.  Sky grabs her, twists her arms behind her back and says, you are going into the room. She struggles.  I won't release you until you're in the room, says Sky--"Get in there!" he insists, tossing Julia in.  She leans against a coffin and beholds Jeb's true form.  She begins to pound on the door, sobbing, begging Sky, let me out, help me, let me out! The creature comes closer.  Julia's face contorts in horror. She holds her hand up to her face. "Don't touch me!" she wails. "Don't touch me!"  However, Jeb comes closer.  Julia screams.

Julia begs Jeb, don't touch me!  He retreats, breathing more gently, and she calms down. Jeb appears to her in human form and says, "You thought I was going to kill you, didn't you, doctor? Well, I may. It all depends on you, entirely on you, so play it cool." She looks at him, scared.

Collinwood - Roger asks Quentin, why did they take Julia?  Q replies, it's Jeb's declaration of war on all of us
--Barnabas, Julia, me and you. Are they going to kill her? asks Roger anxiously.  Unless we can stop them, says Q. How do we know where they went? asks Roger. Not the carriage house, says Quentin, he's too smart for that--they'll try the crypt at the cemetery. It may be a trap, says Roger--they'll know you or Barnabas would try to rescue her. You're right, says Q, but we can't simply forget about her. Of course not, says Roger, but we must be clever--more clever than they. Both men try to think of a plan.

Jeb knocks at the door, signaling Sky, who enters the room. You may go now, Doctor, says Jeb, not the house, that would be impossible, but you may leave the room, you seem to hate it so. Julia exits the room. I think you confused the good doctor, Jeb, says Sky. Go to Collinwood, Sky, orders Jeb--find out if Megan's back--you didn't know Megan was missing, did you, doctor? asks Jeb. No, says Julia. I thought, somehow, that Megan might be at the Old House, says Jeb--she wasn't no, one was.  Why would she be there? asks Julia. Why don't you tell me? counters Jeb. The only reason she'd be there, says Julia, would be if you sent her there. Jeb tells Sky, Mrs. Stoddard will fill you in; Rumson leaves. Why did you do it, why did you let me in that room? asks Julia--did you think I'd be so terrified, I'd die of shock, like Paul?  No, I want you alive, says Jeb, I know what you're doing for Barnabas--curing him--you did it once before. You want me to stop curing him? asks a puzzled Julia. If you want to help Barnabas, you're going to help me, insists Jeb--you saw me in that room, do you think I like being like that?--that's it, doctor, that's the ballgame, you know I go into that room, and can't help myself--I change into that--that thing! You have no control over it? she asks. Sure, I can hold it back for five or ten minutes, says Jeb, but then I can't, I just used to accept it, got kicks from it, but now I never want to be that again--not until I saw a look in someone's eyes when she saw me like that--I don't ever want to go to that room again. They make you go in there? Julia asks. They do now, says Jeb. And you want to be human, like us, lose your power? she asks. I don't want my power, says Jeb, I want to be human, I want you to help me!  I can't, Julia says.  Don't say that, please! He begs. I don't understand anything about what happens to you in there, she explains--there's some kind of chemical change. You did know about the vampires, didn't you? he asks. She looks reluctant to answer, then suggests, there might be certain experiments we could make--try hypnosis, perhaps some chemical way of prolonging the periods before you change, I don't know. Promise you'll try, he asks. If you'll promise me to do something for me and keep your word, she says
--leave Barnabas alone!  Jeb thinks it over, then agrees--I'll leave Barnabas alone. Send someone to Collinwood for my medical kit, she says, if your servants haven't destroyed everything--I'll need blood tests to see what can be done, set up a table and work in this house.

Collinwood - Quentin and Roger fret. Quentin paces--we're wasting time, he complains. We have no plan, insists Roger.  I want to go to the cemetery, says Q. That's suicide, says Roger. If he isn't there, I'll go see Jeb at the carriage house, says Q. Someone knocks at the door; Roger answers. It's Sky Rumson, here to see Mrs. Stoddard. Is she expecting you? asks Roger. Quentin answers quickly, saying yes she is, show the gentleman in. Quentin is grinning. Sky enters the foyer.  Do we know each other? asks Roger.  I've met Sky, says Quentin--heard a lot about him from his wife. Tell Mrs. Stoddard I'm here, Sky asks Roger.  She'll be down shortly, says Quentin--why don't the three of us have a nice chat?  He introduces Sky to Roger and ushers him into the drawing room. Roger gives Quentin a weird look, but Quentin waves his hand in a "trust me, I know what I'm doing" gesture. I know you like art, Mr. Rumson, says Q--you might find some of the paintings enjoyable. Something is cut out here, but Sky apparently says he isn't interested.  I'm sure you can find some things fascinating, says Quentin--do you collect weapons?  No, says Sky--are you sure Mrs. Stoddard will be down shortly?  Quentin, standing by the crossed swords on the wall, yanks out one sword, knocking the lamp to the floor as he does so. It makes a loud crash, but none of the three actors seems to notice. Quentin holds the sword threateningly at Sky, and says yes, I'm sure you'd like to see both of them, that would be a treat, wouldn't it?--there's someone we would also like to see--Julia Hoffman--now where is she?  He holds the sword up to the frightened Sky's throat.

Sky stands stiffly, claiming not to know where Julia is. You're a bad liar, accuses Quentin--where is she?  This is insane, Sky insists.  WHERE IS SHE? shouts Quentin--do you  want me to move the point closer?--it IS very sharp. I don't know anything! protests Sky.  Maybe a nice long scar across your throat will help you remember, suggests Quentin venomously, or am I going to have to kill you?--I'll do anything to find out where she is. The coach house, confesses Sky.  I don't believe it, says Quentin. I swear--he brought her to the coach house for a reason, explains Sky. What reason? asks Roger.  Is Nicholas Blair is with them? asks Q. He doesn't know anything about it, says Sky. Are those other men with them? barks Quentin. Four! responds Sky. Where are they stationed? asks Quentin?  Outside each door, says Sky.
All right, says Q, tell me, is there a password I can use to get by--come on, tell me!  "Live," says Sky, it's the only word they respond to. There, that wasn't so hard, after all, says Q, handing Roger the sword--watch him, I'm going after Julia. Quentin hurriedly leaves. Roger offers Sky a seat.  I prefer to stand, says Sky. I said, sit down! orders Roger.  Sky does, in a chair, remarking, this isn't quite the reception I expected in this house. Roger assures him curtly, I'm not here to offer you any explanation whatsoever.  Roger looks out the window and spots Megan Todd, her fangs bared. The sight distracts Roger enough so that Sky jumps him and escapes. He locks Roger in the drawing room. Roger pounds on the door, demanding to be let out.

In the woods, Sky tells Megan, "You can never go back there, you know--Mr. Collins will never forgive you for this. He's onto us."  I don't want to go back there anyway, says Megan in a sultry voice, eyeing his throat. You can't go back to Jeb, either, says Sky--for some reason, he's very angry with you, I don't know why. Don't you? she asks--I'll be all right. Somehow, he says, I think you really will be--I have to go. Why? she asks, must we go back there?--I don't want to see Jeb, only you--"Look at me! Are you afraid to look at me?"  Why would I be afraid of you? he asks--you're beautiful.
Her mouth falls open to reveal her sharp new fangs, which she buries into his throat.

Jeb watches sand flowing through an hourglass (I thought that was DAYS OF OUR LIVES), musing, all I need is time. Quentin bursts in--where is she?  Jeb applauds his marvelous entrance. Have you killed her? asks Quentin. Ah, old Sky told you the password, realizes Jeb--I hadn't dared hoped you'd be here. They begin to grapple, fighting wildly. The four zombies enter and subdue Quentin.  Jeb introduces the foursome as "my forces." Quentin struggles, assuring Jeb, I'll be back.  I've heard enough, says Jeb. One of the zombie punches Quentin unconscious; they lift and carry him to the back room, where the coffin that confused me so much sits. They open it. Careful with him, gentleman, cautions Jeb, he bruises easily. They dump Quentin into the coffin and close the lid. "Do not grieve, gentlemen," says Jeb, "he is old...very old indeed, and he will soon join you."

Lightning fills the night sky as the zombies carry the coffin containing Quentin to the cemetery. They set it down. Bury him, orders Jeb, and using straps, they lower the coffin into the fresh grave. "May Quentin Collins soon learn to rest in peace," says Jeb. "Soon he will find himself in a coffin, and the air he breathes will become less and less and less, until there is none. I promised you a surprise, Quentin Collins, you know I keep my promises."  He nods.  The zombies begin shoveling dirt onto the coffin, burying Quentin alive.

NOTES: Can Quentin die? Won't the portrait absorb anything that might kill him? And didn't Jeb stop and think that Julia might have almost as many problems with him harming Quentin as she does Barnabas? Why would she help him if he murders her friend?

Love those zombies, they're so ugly and helpful. Wish I had a few to help me with my housework!

Jeb wants to be human now, just because Carolyn hated him in that other form! It would have been plausible of developed slowly, but this seems to have just suddenly happened. Jeb used to love his Leviathan form, now he wants to be rid of it forever. Too fast!

Julia's outfit was flattering. She looked very attractive. Notice how quickly she moved to doctor mode? As scared as she was, as determined to protect Barnabas, here's another weird life form she can play with--although nowhere near the remorse of Barnabas.  You've got to love it!

965 - Jeb orders his zombies to bury Quentin, "May Quentin Collins learn to rest in peace," says Jeb. "Soon he will find that he is in a coffin, and the air he breathes becomes less and less and less, until there is none. I promised you a surprise, Mr. Collins, and you know I always keep my promises." He nods at one of the zombies (the one with one bad eyeball), who picks up a shovel and begins to pile dirt on Quentin's coffin. The second zombie helps the first, quickly covering the coffin with dirt.

Lightning flashes overhead.  Their task complete, Jeb orders the zombies leave--the only regret I have, he says, is not being able to see Quentin's face when he opens his eyes and realizes what has happened. Goodbye, old man, says Jeb, leaving the grave.
Inside the coffin, Quentin opens his eyes. "Oh my God!" he thinks--I've been buried alive--and there's no way out!

Nicholas, looking quite dapper, hears the sound of glass against glass as he enters the carriage house.  He finds Julia mixing things up in a beaker in what is normally Jeb's transformation room. He greets her cheerfully.  I was told you'd come back, she says in carefully modulated tones. Who told you? he asks.  When she doesn't respond, he takes a guess--Barnabas Collins--what are you doing here.  Again, she gives no answer  Have you switched your alliance from Barnabas to Jeb? asks Nicholas. When she still doesn't reply, he says--come, come, I've never known you to be at a loss for words, Doctor!  She remains tight-lipped.
You're leaving me to my own powers of deduction, he says, and grabs her arm, hurting her, dragging her away from the assortment of beakers and fluids. What is this equipment? he demands--and why is it here?--start talking!  I can't tell you, says Julia, you'll kill me.  Jeb? asks Nicholas--perhaps he didn't tell you *I* give the orders here, start talking or *I* will kill you. Jeb had me brought here and asked me to help him, admits Julia. Help him how? asks Nicholas. "You guess," snarls Julia in a delightfully husky voice. (I loved the way she said that!) Of course, he wants you to help him remain in his human form, Nicholas. Julia confesses he's correct. I don't know which of you--Jeb or Julia--is the greater fool--did you really believe you could help rid him of his true form? I told him I would try, says Julia. I'm glad I happened by, says Nicholas, because I believe your quaint little experiment is about to come to an end.  Blair knocks all the equipment to the floor as Julia cries out in protest.

A hysterical Maggie comes to the Old House, where Barnabas sits in a chair, contemplating, most likely, the sad state of his life. I had to come, she says, very upset--I had to see you!  You should have stayed at Windcliff, protests Barnabas, it's not safe here. I had to leave, she wails--I was sitting in my room and felt frightened--Quentin came to mind--something told me he was in danger--and I was the only one who could save him. You're imagining it, suggests Barnabas.  I never felt this way before, says Maggie--when did you last see Quentin? Last night, says Barn. You haven't seen him this evening? she persists. No, replies Barnabas, but I'm sure I could find him and show you he's all right. I've already looked and couldn't find him, frets Maggie.  What do you think has happened to him? asks Barnabas. I don't know, says Maggie, but I'm sure it's terrible, and he has very little time to live--maybe only an hour. She glances down at her hand upon which is etched the pitchfork of love.

In the coffin, air is running out.  Quentin is gasping--in a little while, he realizes, there will be none left at all...Maggie, if you could hear my thoughts...Maggie...Maggie, I love you!

Barnabas goes over to Maggie, who covers the pitchfork with her other hand.  You should have sent someone to me from Windcliff, rather than leaving, says Barnabas quietly.
"I'm going to go and find him," she says in a faraway voice. What? asks Barnabas. Quentin is counting on me to find him, and I will, says Maggie, rushing from the house. Wait! Barnabas calls.  When she doesn't, he grabs cape and cane and heads out after her.

Cottage - Julia and Nicholas have gone into the other room. What are you planning to do with me? she asks.  Calm your fears, he urges, I have no further need to dispose of you and am willing to let you go--as long as you promise to stay away from us and not interfere in something that is inevitable--you might impart that same info to Barnabas, he advises, helping her into her coat. He bids her goodbye, smiling at her (he does like her). Jeb, coming in as Julia is about to leave, is immediately incensed--we had agreed...  Your agreement has been canceled, says Nicholas-- now step out of the way and let the lady go--"I said, let her go!" Jeb steps aside, letting Julia exit. Nicholas looks totally pissed off. I'm getting very tired of you, says Jeb.  Your childish pranks are beginning to bore ME, says Nicholas.  They're not pranks, insists Jeb, I happen to enjoy being the way I am now, and intend to destroy the thing that's me in that room. Jeb, explains Nicholas, you can't do that because that is ALL you are--you destroy the thing in that room and Jeb Hawkes will cease to exist. How do you know that? asks Jeb. I know more about you than you do, says Nicholas, and I feel if I go on letting you make certain decisions, our entire plan will fail--therefore, I have come to a conclusion--we can no longer wait, the ceremony must go on tonight. I'm not ready for that! protests Jeb.  Do you love Carolyn? asks Nicholas. Yes, says Jeb, but...  Only as Jeb Hawkes, well, you cannot have her that way, says Nicholas, you can only have Carolyn after BOTH of you have reverted to the other form--that is the only way for both of you--we won't discuss this any further, continues Nicholas--I want you to call Carolyn at Collinwood and find some excuse to bring her here--she will then be taken to the shrine and the ceremony performed. Seething during Nicholas' entire speech, Jeb assures him, angrily, "The orders are clear."

Barnabas and Maggie search the cemetery.  Quentin is somewhere very close by, says Maggie. How do you know? he asks. I can feel his presence, she says. She stops at the newly-covered grave and kneels, touching the earth--come here, Barnabas.  He notices the grave has just been filled.  There's no headstone, she points out--Quentin is buried here, buried alive, cries Maggie.  She begins frantically digging into the dirt. Barnabas finds a shovel conveniently left behind by the zombies and begins to dig. He has so little time! Maggie wails as they feverishly work on the grave.

Carriage house - Jeb pours Carolyn a drink. She watches him carefully, then asks, "W'hat's wrong?--you sounded so urgent when you asked me to meet you here." He kneels beside her--I asked you here because...he begins.  Go on, she urges. He shakes his head--I'm not good at saying what I feel, he says. She touches his shoulder, his hair--try, she says. I have never met anyone like you; he says--something happens to me when I'm with you--whenever you look at me or touch me, I feel like I'm the way I'm meant to be, should always be. You are what you are, says Carolyn--why should anything make you want to be different? You don't understand, says Jeb--I'm not what I seem, there's another me, one you've never seen, one I don't want you to see. She pulls him around to face her--I don't know what it is you're trying to say, she says. "Only that I love you," he says, staring into her eyes--"And that I always want to be this way--and no matter what happens..."  What do you think might happen? she asks. "I wish I could tell you," he murmurs, gulping.  I'll tell you, says Carolyn--nothing will happen to separate us, ever, we will be together--she kisses him, hard.  When I was growing up, she says, I used to dream about falling in love, wonder when it would happen, how, and sometimes I'd be terribly afraid it would never happen--I'll never have that fear again, because it did happen--soon after I met you--Jeb, I love you very much, and nothing is ever going to change that. They kiss again, a deep, long, fervent one.

Hurry, Barnabas, pleads Maggie--open the coffin!  When he does, Quentin is inside.  Maggie takes him into her arms--are you all right? she croons. She and Barnabas help him out of the coffin. "I knew you'd come," says Quentin. We must get him out of here, insists Maggie.  My legs are a little shaky, says Q, but I'm all right. How did this happen? demands Maggie--who did it? Jeb Hawkes, says Quentin, who warned me he had something special in mind--whatever he is, he's a man of his word. Don't talk anymore, says Maggie, I'll help you back to Collinwood, and Julia will take care of you. (doesn't Barnabas notice how worried Maggie is about him--not to mention that psychic connection!--Angelique saved his life)

Carolyn and Jeb are making out pretty energetically.  I know you're terribly disturbed about something, aren't you? she asks.  Yes, he admits. Can't you tell me what it is? she asks. No, I can't, he says, but I've got to do something very important--I want you to wait here for me to come back--I can't tell you where I'm going, but trust me, wait for me. She holds his head between her hands--I'll wait for you, she swears, and gives him another kiss. (They kiss as if they mean it--whew, sizzlers.)

Old House - Barnabas and Maggie lead Quentin inside.  Julia holds the door open--what happened? she asks. Jeb tried to kill him! cries Maggie.  Julia, I must help Quentin upstairs, says Barnabas, and explain everything afterwards. Yes, I have things to tell you, too, says Julia. Maggie and Barnabas help Quentin upstairs. Julia, looking very unhappy, paces. Suddenly, the front door opens; Jeb stands there, staring at Julia.

What do you want? asks Julia.  You've got to find a way to help me, now, tonight! insists Jeb.  Coldly, Julia says, even if I were able, I just learned you tried to have Quentin killed tonight. I had a debt to settle with him, says Jeb calmly, as if that's a perfectly acceptable explanation. Fortunately, says Julia, he's still alive. I don't care either way, says Jeb, but there are a great many things I will change about myself--I will live and let live, I swear--if you will help me.  I have no reason to believe you, she says.  Believe me! he pleads--something happened to me that made me see things differently--I don't have time to tell you that now, but believe I will be a changed man. Even if it were possible...says Julia. It's got to be, he says desperately, and must happen tonight! Why tonight? she asks. If not, it will be too late, says Jeb. Too late for what? asks Julia, why? Just trust me! begs Jeb. He turns and sees Barnabas standing on the stairs.

Nicholas returns to the carriage house and greets Carolyn. She coolly asks, what are you doing here?  I wish you wouldn't be so formal, he says--your mother calls me Nicholas. That's my mother's business, says Carolyn--I asked what you're doing here. I'm sorry we were never able to become good friends, he says, but somehow, I am confident we soon will be. I wouldn't count on it, she says icily. I am counting on it, he says, grinning--I know how relationships can change, and I think you do, too. He holds up his cigarette case--keep looking at the light, Carolyn, find the center of the light, deeper, deeper, until you see the center, the center of the light. Hypnotized, Carolyn says, I see it.  Good, he says, then we can proceed--he puts away the cigarette case, opens the door, and orders two zombies, take her to the shrine and wait for me there. They move to obey.

Old House - Maggie comes downstairs, looking for Barnabas. Quentin joins her--he isn't here, he says, and it's just as well. You shouldn't be downstairs, says Maggie.  I couldn't help it, says Q--I had to come after seeing this mark on my hand--he shows her the pitchfork of love, which matches the one on her hand. I know, she says, I found it, too, earlier tonight. He covers her hand with his--I know now how you were able to find me, he says. I had to, says Maggie, falling into his arms, hugging him--I would have died if I hadn't!  Why is this happening to us? they wonder.  I have no desire to fight it, says Quentin--he brushes his hand across her hair--the only thing I care about is you--I love you.  She says it back, then they kiss, a nice, big, juicy one.

Shrine - Nicholas is dressed in cool black robes and holds a gold scepter. Jeb, he says, place the box on the altar and take your place beside Carolyn (who, hypnotized, stands docilely by.) Jeb obeys, placing the Leviathan box in the center of the altar. Are you ready? Nicholas asks.  Jeb takes Carolyn's hand in his. She stares blankly ahead. I'm ready, says Jeb. Nicholas puts in a call to the prince of darkness--I call upon the flame to summon you, beseeching all the dark creatures of nature to summon you here, to witness this ceremony, give your blessing to these two creatures who will soon become your obedient servants
--I call upon the seven plagues, and upon the charred and blackened stars that reigned at my beginning, to draw you from the darkness of the earth and to be witness to the vows that are taken here tonight. Jeb, Nicholas orders, take the scepter and begin the vows. Jeb merely stands there.  Nicholas repeats his order. Jeb takes the scepter, turns and screams, "NOW, Barnabas!!" Barnabas appears, grabs Carolyn and quickly leads her away. Nicholas, yelling in protest, orders Jeb, "Stop them, you fool!" Instead, Jeb takes the scepter and begins hammering at the Leviathan box. "You fool!" screams Nicholas, "Do you realize what you've done?" Nicholas' eyes fill with horror--Jeb, we must both leave, he warns, or we will both go up with it. He hustles Jeb away from the altar, which is bathed in light, glowing. Rocks come crashing down noisily as the shrine is destroyed. Jeb grabs his stomach and, writhing in agony, falls to the ground in a convulsion of pain.

NOTES: Seeing Jeb and Carolyn together in this episode made their love seem believable to me, even if a lot of other stuff isn't. His change was too fast, but apparently they decided to turn him into a good guy since he and Carolyn love each other so much (and I guess Chris Pennock caught on with the audience). That Jeb betrayed the Leviathans this way is actually pretty cool, even if it seems hard to accept/believe. I love that he asked Barnabas to help him save Carolyn--very appropriate.

Julia and Nicholas are always a delight together. Their sparring is a joy to watch, and it's clear that while she may hate him, he likes and admires her a great deal, and it comes through clearly.

The pitchfork love between Quentin and Maggie won't last much longer, I'm relieved to say. It's great that it helped save Quentin, but could he really die, anyway, with the portrait absorbing anything bad that might happen to him? Seemed forced jeopardy to me. It was good to see Barnabas digging someone else up for a change, LOL, he's usually the one dug up!

Love, Robin

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Quentin, standing by the crossed swords on the wall, yanks out one sword, knocking the lamp to the floor as he does so. It makes a loud crash, but none of the three actors seems to notice.

My absolute favorite blooper!

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Love those zombies, they're so ugly and helpful. Wish I had a few to help me with my housework!

     Oh Robin,  your house would be spotless but it would take you forever to rid your house of that funky, dead smell.  You had better let them work in your garden.  I'm sure they know alot about dirt and composting.
There are two means of refuge from the misery of life--music and cats.  Albert Schweitzer

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It was good to see Barnabas digging someone else up for a change, LOL, he's usually the one dug up!

And how convenient that the shovel was lying right there for him to do it!!!

As to the zombies, I find them rather funny!! ;D