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Discuss - Ep #0960
« on: August 15, 2015, 06:22:46 PM »
Robservations #960


And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0960

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0960
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2015, 05:06:11 PM »
I've been waiting for that!  [ghost_grin]

This episode features an all-male cast (unusual for a soap in those days, I imagine) and a lot of screaming by Chris Jennings.

Bruno takes Chris to the same crypt where Maggie was a prisoner not long ago. [The opening voiceover says it’s at Eagle Hill, but the names on the wall are all Stockbridges--is it perhaps the same crypt that Vicki Winters and Frank Garner investigated long ago?] Bruno tells Chris to make himself comfortable, since he'll be there for 24 hours. He also provides Chris with company, no less than the late Sheriff Davenport. Chris screams with horror at the sight of him. Bruno gives the sheriff the gun, loaded with silver bullets, and tells him to shoot Chris after moonrise.

At the carriage house, Jeb castigates Bruno to someone--maybe Elizabeth?--on the phone. Bruno soon arrives, carrying a briefcase like an ordinary office worker. He had intended to show Jeb the mildewed rope--but when he opens the suitcase, the rope has vanished. Bruno suggests telling Nicholas about it, but Jeb snaps that he'll handle it himself. Even though he paces up and down, he can't think of what to do and gets mad when he spots Bruno watching almost condescendingly. He slaps Bruno around a bit until Bruno gets it right: Jeb leads, Bruno follows. Smiling, Jeb lets him go, but Bruno is furious and humiliated. Jeb doesn’t seem satisfied, even after beating him up, and is still in a state. He asks Bruno what happened after he left Collinwood. Bruno is still angry, so he tells Jeb, Sabrina was at Collinwood, and I took her back to town. I couldn’t find out anything about the werewolf. Why didn’t you use a little “persuasion” on Sabrina? Jeb wonders. Bruno insists she knows nothing either. Jeb is still nervous, but he forces himself to laugh as he remarks, Hey, Bruno, that doesn’t sound like you. Are you soft on her? Bruno doesn’t answer, instead asking what Jeb’s next move will be. Jeb tells him, Tomorrow morning, I’m going to see David. He might remember something from the book about how to deal with the spirits of the dead. Then, despite insisting earlier that he doesn’t want to change to his true form--or maybe he can’t fight it any longer--Jeb goes into the Leviathan room. Still angry, Bruno throws his glass to the floor, shattering it. There is a way to deal with you too, Jeb, he thinks to himself. Maybe I will use it.

Twenty-four hours later, the sheriff tells Chris that he has to chain him to the wall. Chris screams again at the touch of the sheriff's cold, undead hand. The sheriff tells him to manacle himself, but the cuffs are so loose that Chris could easily get out of them.

Jeb saunters into Collinwood, a large white envelope in hand. Roger steps out of the drawing room and glares at him with disgust. Why didn’t you knock? he asks angrily. Mrs. Stoddard told me to feel free to come and go as I please, Jeb replies carelessly. Then feel free by all means! Don’t let me stop you! Roger says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I won’t, Jeb says and starts upstairs. Why are you here anyway? Roger asks. Waving his prop, Jeb says, I’m going to show David some of my photos. I don’t like you asking so many questions. I don’t like my son’s choice of friends, Roger retorts. In fact, since David hasn’t been himself lately, I forbid you to see him. I don’t know how you’re going to stop me, Jeb says and goes upstairs. Roger goes back to the drawing room and phones Quentin--who has had the grace not to impose himself on the family but is still staying at the Collins Port Inn. Roger tells Quentin, I’ve had my first run-in with Jeb--and I hope it will be the last. I refuse to stand by and let Jeb corrupt the lives of everyone around me! Quentin apparently tries to argue him out of it, but Roger declares, I’ll have him run out of Collinwood, off the property, even out of the state if necessary. Somebody has got to stand up to Jeb and tell him what a cheap, insufferable pig he is! He slams down the phone and turns around to find Jeb in the doorway, listening to him.

I don’t care if you heard everything, Roger says defiantly. I know you were talking to Quentin, Jeb replies--and if so, then you know a lot more than I thought you did. I must say your boldness surprises me, Jeb comments. You’re surprised? Roger asks. Jeb tells him: You probably thought that Quentin's stories about us were exaggerations. But let me tell you, Mr. Collins, they were not. It is all true about us. Let me tell you another thing--while you are still in one piece. We don't tolerate defiance. If you think that you can break me, that you can ruin me, you can't! You must think about your son, and your sister and all the other people. Think about how much you love them. Think how you would feel if something happened to them! Because something could happen to them, he winds up with a sarcastic smile--and to you too. You are a monster! Roger says, horrified and infuriated. Jeb warns Roger, Don’t mess with me. Don’t rock the boat, Mr. Collins. You just leave things the way they are. He leaves the house, and Roger immediately calls Quentin again.

Bruno is still at the carriage house, pacing and thinking to himself, I’m a lot smarter than Jeb thinks. I wasn’t born to follow but to lead. Jeb will know it soon enough. I’m glad I said nothing about the werewolf, because it would have spoiled the greatest chance I’ve ever had. If anything happens to Jeb, Nicholas will appoint a new leader. I’m sure I can convince Nicholas that I’m the best qualified. It will be dark soon--and then Jeb will be dead. He is about to leave when Jeb returns and wants to talk. Oh, man, Bruno asks, are you still uptight? I am, Jeb replies--our enemies increase instead of decreasing. I just met Roger, but I’m more worried about that spirit. I have a feeling it isn’t Paul Stoddard. Bruno says he has to go find the werewolf. Why are you in such a hurry to leave? Jeb asks. Sit here and cool it. You won’t leave till I tell you to.

At the crypt, the sheriff tells Chris it’s almost time. You can’t go through with this! Chris exclaims. I have my orders, the sheriff replies in his usual dull tone. I can’t disobey even if I wanted to. Why not? Chris asks. You have nothing to lose! Yes, I have, the sheriff disagrees. Even as I am now, I have something to lose. The moon rises, and Chris screams in pain as the transformation starts. He screams even louder when he sees with despair that his hand has become a hairy paw. Soon the transformation is complete, and the sheriff aims the gun with silver bullets.....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0960
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2015, 04:47:55 PM »
Louis E VO.  Bruno's using the old 1967 Laura crypt to keep Chris Jennings prisoner, to witness the change.  They've gotten rid of the entryway though, now you just walk directly in from the right.  Davenport is back, guarding Chris.  I'm glad.  I have a soft spot for the big old walking decomposing side of beef. 

Now we're what... is this entering the home stretch, when we start to see the heroes unexpectedly start succeeding, because the villains are turning on each other?  In one conversation, Jeb and Bruno go from a dedicated in-synch duo to enemies, by accident, because Jeb suspected non-existent disloyalty, and got it into his head to bully his hired goon.  I like how Bruno suddenly rethinks his werewolf plans, saving him to kill Jeb rather than protect him.  So not a total idiot, but you wouldn't know it a minute later, when he thinks that Nick might "appoint" Bruno the new Leviathan "leader", as if you can do that as easily as putting on a Burger King cardboard crown.

Chris transforms, chained to a Stockbridge stone from early 1967 that's supposed to be in different cemetary than Eagle Hill, where this is.  End.
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