Author Topic: Robservations 5/30/03 - #960-961 - Hideous Kinky Bruno  (Read 1292 times)

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Robservations 5/30/03 - #960-961 - Hideous Kinky Bruno
« on: May 29, 2003, 08:37:50 PM »
960 - Bruno takes Chris to an abandoned crypt in the cemetery and orders him inside at gunpoint. For the next 24 hours, it will be your home, so make yourself comfortable, advises Bruno.  Who are you? Chris asks.  I suggest you stop asking me that question, says Bruno--I won't tell you. Why did you bring me here? asks Chris.  I told you, says Bruno--I have certain suspicions about him, and they will either be proved or disproved tomorrow night, when the moon is full. Chris, his face tense with apprehension, wonders what does this man suspect about me? Does he know the truth?

Holding the gun against his back, Bruno asks Chris, does the thought of a full moon frighten you?  Why should it? asks Chris.  You should tell me, says Bruno. Nothing you've said makes any sense, says Chris.  Are you sure "something" doesn't happen to you when the moon is full? queries Bruno. Chris denies all. I don't blame you for playing dumb, says Bruno--I'd do the same thing, if I were you. You're crazy, Chris accuses him.
No, says Bruno, if I'm wrong and nothing happens to you when the full moon rises, you're a free man, but if I'm right, I have no choice but to kill you. I see, says Chris, grinning sickly--so we just sit around and wait? No, I haven't time for that, says Bruno, I have other things to do--but I wouldn't dream of leaving you alone, nor would I want you to be lonely, so your jailer will be someone you know--he opens the crypt door to reveal the shuffling figure of Sheriff Davenport. Chris cries out in terror.  Does he look familiar? asks Bruno. Chris gulps, unable to believe it--"He's dead!"  True, he did die, says Bruno, but was temporarily brought back from death--we do have that power, but he refuses to tell Chris who the WE is.  Shake hands with him, suggests Bruno.  Chris, grossed out, doesn't want the zombified sheriff to touch him. Chris back away, bellowing, I don't want it to come near me!  He won't harm you, promises Bruno, as long as you behave yourself.  Davenport asks Bruno, why is he here?  Bruno asks the dead sheriff, do you know who this is?  Yes, says Davenport.  What you'll find even more interesting, says Bruno, is WHAT he is. Tell me, says Davenport. When there's a full moon, he turns into an animal that prowls the woods, looking for victims, explains Bruno. Chris  shoots a resigned, pissed off glance at Bruno. Ironic, says Bruno, that Sheriff Davenport, while he was alive, couldn't bring you to justice, but now, in death, he just might have that satisfaction. Davenport asks, what are my instructions?  Chain him to the wall, orders Bruno, and never leave him alone. Chris is stunned and dismayed. Davenport understands what he is to do. Bruno hands him a gun filled with six silver bullets--when the moon rises, he'll go through a transformation--wait until it's complete, then kill him. Davenport understands. Bruno goes to Chris and says, you look so pathetic, I could almost hope I'm wrong.  Bruno leaves. Chris' face contorts with disgust as he gazes at Davenport, who now holds the deadly gun on him. (Davenport really needs to get his hair washed, it's still covered with grave dirt.)

At his cottage, a pissed off Jeb is on the phone, asking how long ago "he" left Collinwood. Two hours ago? He should have been here long before that! shouts Jeb--Idiot! Imbecile! Incredible, no--you call me here, let me know if anything happens. I'll wait here. Jeb hangs up, furious. Bruno returns.  Why did it take you three hours to get a little information? demands Jeb. Bruno hangs up his coat--something very interesting happened after I left Collinwood, he hints. I don't want to know about that, says Jeb--what happened with David?  Bruno accuses him of being uptight.  Jeb again demands to know what happened--are those things real?  Oh, yes, I almost got myself killed while there, says Bruno, pouring a drink--just as he was about to leave, the lights went out, the room got cold, I felt something cold and damp at my neck, trying to strangle me.
Did you see anything or anyone? asks Jeb.  No, says Bruno--next thing I knew, I was on the floor, almost unconscious--the lights came back on, and there was a noose around my neck, a very old one covered with mildew. He reaches into a briefcase to show Jeb, but it's gone.  Someone is trying to get us from beyond the grave, says Jeb--I'm sure it's the spirit of Paul Stoddard. The spirit is behaving oddly, remarks Bruno--you'd think it would be after you, not me. We have to do something, insists Jeb.  I want to talk to Nicholas, says Bruno.  I want to handle this myself, insists Jeb. (who is clearly, really scared.)  Just let me think, says Jeb. He paces, considering everything. Bruno watches him.  Why are you looking at me as if you're afraid? asks Jeb.  Afraid of what? demands Bruno. Spirits of the dead, says Jeb--I'm not and don't want you thinking it. Bruno denies Jeb's accusation.  I could see that smug, contemptuous expression on his face, says the Leviathan leader, grabbing him--I'm not afraid of any spirits, and I'm not afraid of you! He pushes his henchman and reminds him, "I lead, you follow, Bruno, don't ever forget that!" And Bruno looks at Jeb with absolute hatred.

Nobody does that to me, not even you, warns Bruno, and punches his fearless leader. They get into a fight.  You've got guts, says Jeb--that's the only reason I keep you here. Jeb gets him in an armlock.  Let me go! says Bruno. Not until we settle something, says Jeb, and either we will settle it, or I'll kill you--who leads, Bruno? Jeb squeezes his arms hard, hurting him. You do, gasps Bruno. Who follows? asks Jeb. I do, responds Bruno, under painful duress. Jeb, satisfied, grins and releases him.  Remember that, if you want to stay alive, orders Jeb, still obviously a frightened man. You were going to tell me something, Jeb reminds him--what happened after you left Collinwood? Bruno doesn't answer at first, then explains, the woman I rescued in the woods was at Collinwood; I took her back to town, that's why I was late. That was all you were going to tell me? asks Jeb--does she know anything about the werewolf? If she does, says Bruno, she didn't say anything to me about it.  The moon will be full tomorrow night, says Jeb--perhaps you should have used a little persuasion. I don't think she knows a thing, says Bruno, so that wouldn't do any good. Jeb smiles and says, it doesn't sound like you--are you soft on her? What's your next move? asks Bruno, annoyed. Tomorrow morning, I'll go see David, says Jeb, perhaps he'll remember something from the book, and how to deal with spirits of the dead. He enters the other room.  Bruno smashes his glass to the floor, enraged. There's a way of dealing with you, too, Jeb, he says to himself, and maybe I'll use it!

Cemetery - Chris sits in the crypt, knees drawn up to his chin.  Davenport holds the gun on him. Chris stands.  I'll chain you to the wall, says Davenport. What if I refuse to be chained to the wall? asks Chris.  The formerly living sheriff says, it won't do you any good--I have my orders. Chris attempts escape; Davenports grabs him around the throat. Horrified at the zombie's touch, Chris screams, get your hands off me!  Davenport comments, you don't like the touch of death, do you? He retrieves the gun from his pocket and points it at Chris, forcing him to the wall--stay there, he orders--put the manacles on each of your wrists.
Chris does so, cowering from the walking dead man. (jeez, one supernatural creature to another--get over yourself, Chris!)

Collinwood - Roger paces. The front door opens; Jeb enters. Roger, angry, says, it's customary to knock before entering this house. Jeb grins--Mrs. Stoddard gave me free reign of the house, he says. Oh, I see, says Roger sarcastically, then feel free, by all means, don't let me stop you. I won't, Jeb assures him. What are you doing here? asks Roger--or would that be out of bounds?  I dropped by to see David--to show him some photos I took, says Chris. Of what? asks Roger. You ask a lot of questions, Mr. Collins, says Jeb darkly. I care about my son's welfare, says Roger crisply--it concerns me, the company he keeps. Nothing to worry about, Jeb assures him. That's for me to decide, retorts Roger.  Let me finish, says Jeb--David and I have become good friends, and like each other. But he is my son, says Roger, and if I don't like his choice of friends, then it's up to me to do something about it. I suppose it is, says Jeb--what do you plan to do, Mr. Collins?  David hasn't been himself, says Roger--I forbid you to see him (bravo, Rog!)  Jeb nods and says, that may present some sticky problems--because I don't know how you're going to stop me--he heads upstairs. Roger enters the drawing room and dials Quentin--I had my first run-in with Jeb, and it will be my last--I intend to put up with no more of this insanity--I won't stand by while he corrupts the lives of everyone around me...don't tell me that, Quentin, there is something I can do--have him run off Collinwood, off this property, out of the state if I have to--I no longer care about the risks involved--somebody has got to stand up to him, tell him what a cheap, insufferable pig he is--and I'm going to do it--I'm going to do it, Quentin! He turns to leave the drawing room and finds Jeb standing in the doorway, half-smiling at him.

Wondering how much I heard? asks Jeb.  I don't care if you heard all of it, says Roger. I heard enough, says Jeb.  Get out of this house--and stay out!  I know it was Quentin you were talking to, says Jeb. Makes no difference, insists Roger. It DOES make a difference, says Jeb, because if you were speaking to Quentin, you know a lot more than I thought you did--and your attitude really surprises me. Why? asks Roger.  Jeb grins--you probably thought Quentin's stories about us were exaggerated, but I assure you they're not--it's all true about us--and another thing, while you're still in one piece--we don't tolerate defiance, and if you think you can break me, ruin me, you can't--think about your son, your sister, and all the others, and how much you love them, and think of how you would feel if something happened to them
--and something COULD happen to them, Jeb assures him, and to you, too.  Roger, chastened, turns away and mutters, "You're a monster." Get one thing straight, orders Jeb, don't mess with me, don't rock the boat, leave things as they are. He turns and leaves the house. Roger goes to the phone and dials Quentin again, speaking in a soft and defeated voice.

Bruno paces the cottage, letting his anger simmer. I'm a lot smarter than Jeb thinks I am, he says to himself--I wasn't born to follow, but to lead!  He'll know that soon enough--I'm glad I didn't tell him about the werewolf, if I had, it would have spoiled the greatest chance I ever had--if anything happens to Jeb, Nicholas would have to appoint a new leader, and I'm sure I can convince him that I'm the best qualified--yes, there's no one else! (I thought Jeb was one of a kind?)  It will be dark soon, says Bruno, and Jeb will be dead. He grabs his fur coat and puts it on. Jeb returns.  Darkness is coming, says Bruno--I had better start prowling the woods. Stay here, orders Jeb--I want to talk to you about a lot of things. Are you still uptight? asks Bruno, annoyed. Yes, says Jeb, I am--things keep getting worse, our enemies increase, rather than decrease--I just put Roger Collins in his place, but it's the spirit I'm worried about, I don't know what to do about it. Don't worry, we will think of something, says Bruno. I have a gut feeling it isn't Paul Stoddard, says Jeb.  Let me go, urges Bruno--I must get ready for the werewolf's appearance. Why are you in such a hurry to leave? asks Jeb.  I'm not, Bruno assures him, I just want to play it safe and be outside when he gets there. Plenty of time to go outside, says Jeb--stay here and cool it--and don't leave until I tell you to leave. Bruno sits in a chair.

The werewolf pains are wracking Chris.  It's almost time, says Davenport. You can't go through with this, gasps Chris. I have my orders, the zombie reminds him, I can't disobey them even if I wanted to. Why not? asks Chris--you've got nothing to lose! Yes, I have, says Davenport--even as I am now, I have something to lose (what)? Davenport opens the door and looks at the rising full moon. He returns to hear Chris screaming in pain, his hand already transformed into the werewolf's claw.  Davenport stands, gun pointed at Chris, ready to fire.

NOTES: Jeb doesn't get it--there are certain people he can't push around, or they will seek revenge on him. Bruno is one of them, and he apparently plans to use the werewolf to murder his now-detested leader.  It is true that ANYONE can be the Leviathan leader? They give us the impression that only Jeb is the true messiah, or whatever.  Also, what happened to slavish, never-wavering loyalty like Megan's?  I thought it was like once you're a Leviathan, you're a Leviathan all the way, from your first killing spree to your last dying day...

Poor Chris, such a nice guy, having to go through this agony and now imprisonment. He deserves better. Now Bruno wants to use him as an instrument of murder.

I loved the fight between Bruno and Jeb. It was actually ridiculous, two little boys fighting for playground supremacy--who leads? You do? Who follows? I do! Hilarious!  They're both idiots!

Poor Roger, too, a mass of bluster and rage, and all it took was for Jeb to threaten his family, and all the stuffing was knocked out of him. He'd rather let everything go on as it is than risk Liz and David. He sounded so defeated when he called Quentin back--my heart ached for him.

961 - The werewolf is chained to the wall in the crypt, seemingly asleep. Davenport checks the full moon outside and returns to the animal, who awakens, growls at him and tries to attack him. Davenport takes the gun from a table conveniently located in the crypt, and aims it at the snarling creature.

Davenport surveys Chris' alter ego and is about to shoot him when Bruno enters and orders him to stop. You told me to, says Davenport.  My plans have changed, says Bruno. Why? asks the zombie.  I didn't get here a moment too soon, did I? asks Bruno, grabbing the gun from him--my suspicions proved to be correct, didn't they?--my, my, Mr. Jennings, how you've changed! He laughs. Does the tone of my voice anger you? Good, I want you to be good and mad, mad enough to rip a man to shreds--that's what you'll be doing later on tonight--you should be grateful to me for saving your life, I'm going to give you the chance to show your gratitude, I have new plans for you, important new plans.

Old House - Barnabas summons Megan--wherever you are, my mind will reach you, you will know I need you, you will come to me! Come to me, Megan!  You must!

Flames leaps in the fireplace at the carriage house. Megan sits in a chair while Jeb paces. I'm surprised you're not with Carolyn tonight, she remarks--is that why you're so upset? You KNOW why I'm so upset, he says petulantly. Yes, says Megan, quoting, "Even the man who is pure at heart and says his prayers at night, can become a werewolf when the wolfbane blooms and the moon is full and bright!" That's enough, Jeb snaps at her. You were the one who taught me that poem, she says. He points--that thing is in the woods looking for me, and Bruno had to find and kill him tonight, says Jeb. Megan hears Barnabas calling to her--come to me now, I need you. She closes her eyes, her face reflecting pleasure, and caresses the spot on her throat where Barnabas bit her. Noticing how distracted she is, Jeb asks, what's the matter with you?  Nothing, I was just remembering something I must do at Collinwood, says Megan. She rises, intent on leaving. It's something that disturbs you, notes Jeb.  Megan denies that. Your whole mood has changed, he points out--is there something you haven't told me? I've never kept anything from you, she says--"May I go now?" Sure, he says, annoyed, go ahead. She takes her coat and leaves the carriage house. Jeb sits by the fire.

Davenport asks Bruno, what are you going to do to the werewolf?  First, I'm going to get him in a proper frame of mind, says Bruno, removing his fur coat.  He takes down a whip hanging conveniently on the wall and pushes the silver handle in the animal's face, commanding him, "Look at it!"  The animal cringes and tires to get away. He might get loose, warns Davenport.  Go outside and wait by the door, orders Bruno--I'll handle this alone--GO ON! The zombie leaves.  I want you mad enough to rip a man to shreds, Bruno tells the werewolf, because that's what you're going to do for me later on tonight...his name is Jeb Hawkes, and you're going to kill him for me!  He begins to whip the cruelly whip the chained-up werewolf, who howls in pain. Over and over, eyes bulging, teeth gleaming, Bruno applies the whip to the protesting creature--"Get yourself worked up--that's what I want!" he shouts, sounding nearly orgasmic.

Barnabas, gazing out the window, is pleased to see Megan appear. He opens the door and invites her in, a smile of welcome on his face. She gracefully trails into the house--I got here as fast as I could, she murmurs. I'm glad, he says--I need your help. "I came here to be with you," she says. That will come later, promises Barnabas, but there's something I want you to do for me first. Tell me what it is, she says, eager to serve.
I received a note from Julia Hoffman a short while ago, he explains, Chris Jennings has been missing from his cottage since early last evening--I've told you about Chris. There's a full moon tonight, says Megan. He'd agreed with Julia to go to Windcliff, but when she went to look for him, Sabrina told her he'd been missing since last night--I'm afraid Jeb may have him, says Barn. I was just with Jeb, says Megan, no, the way he was behaving, I can't believe he knows anything about Chris. He wouldn't just go away without telling Julia or Sabrina, says Barnabas--what about Bruno?--what if he's found out? Bruno hasn't been around the carriage house much since... says Megan.  Since when? demands Barn. Since last night, says Megan. Go back there right away and find out what you can, he orders--Jeb must know what Bruno is doing and where he is. I don't want to go back to Jeb anymore, she says, it's too risky, and I think he's already suspicious. You must do this for me, protests Barnabas, it's vitally important. Megan unfurls the scarf from around her throat and says, "I just want to be here with you." Megan, says Barnabas impatiently, don't force me to make you go, I don't want to do that. But I want you to, she says, turning around to face him--"Go on, Barnabas, I want you to, go on!"  Unable to resist, he obliges her by sliding his fangs into her throat.

Bruno is sweaty and exhausted from torturing the werewolf, his tongue lolling from his mouth. And one more, for good measure, he says, slamming the werewolf with the tip of the whip again. The werewolf collapses to the floor. Bruno opens the door and has Davenport come back in. What have you done to him? he asks Bruno. Showed him who was master, says Bruno, he'll be pretty mad when he wakes up--you can loosen up the chains. You want him to be free? demands Davenport. Only from the chains, says Bruno, I don't want him out of this crypt. Why do you want him loose in here? asks Davenport. I have my reasons, answers Bruno.  Is that the way Jeb wants it? asks Davenport--if it isn't, I don't think we ought to do it. Well it IS the way Jeb wants it, says Bruno warningly, and we do what Jeb wants, don't we? Yes, agrees Davenport.  I'm glad we're in agreement, says Bruno--now loosen up those chains--wait until I get outside, loosen the chains, then you come out. Bruno puts on his suit jacket, takes his fur coat, and hurries from the crypt, closing the door behind him. Davenport frees the werewolf.  Bruno locks the door from the outside. Freed from the chains, the werewolf drops to the floor. Davenport tries to leave, but finds himself locked in
--and the werewolf awakens. Davenport bends down to pick up the whip, but the werewolf, faster, grabs and savages him.

Cottage - Jeb paces. Bruno returns and to report there's no sign of the animal. Upset, Jeb says if we don't, we'll have to wait a whole month. Sorry, says Bruno, I'm doing my best, but if I can't find him, I can't kill him. I don't think the animal is out in the woods, says Jeb--I don't hear him howling, like in previous months. I haven't, either, says Bruno--perhaps the police have caught him. No, says Jeb, I couldn't be that lucky.  I'll go look for him again in a few minutes, says Bruno--you should plan on spending the night here.
Oh, no, says Jeb, I'm going to Collinwood to see Carolyn. It's not safe, warns Bruno. I can't stand being cooped up in here! bitches Jeb--I want to see Carolyn, and I'm going to see her--you are to call me if anything happens. I'll do that, promises Bruno.  After Jeb has gone, he pours himself a drink and sits down by the fire. Megan returns.  What are you doing here? asks Bruno. Weak, her voice frail, she says, I came to talk to Jeb.  He went to Collinwood to be with Carolyn, says Bruno. As usual, says Megan. There's a full moon tonight, Bruno says--you shouldn't be out alone. She staggers a bit--I know, she says--you haven't found the werewolf yet, I take it, nor learned his identity. Is there any reason why I should have? asks Bruno suspiciously. Oh, it's just that I haven't been around much the past few days, he says.  Megan starts to sway on her feet.  Are you all right? asks Bruno. Yes, she says. You don't seem yourself--very pale, he says. Distracted, she starts to speak, then passes out in Bruno's arms. He helps her to a chair--can you hear me? he asks. He removes her scarf and discovers Barnabas' marks.
So that's your trouble, says Bruno, then says, to himself, "You've nothing to worry about from Jeb, Megan, I won't tell him." He loops the scarf back around her throat. "This is going to be our secret. Yes my dear Megan, you may be able to help me; in the unlikely event that my plan fails, you can give me the protection I need." He goes over to a drawer and takes a gun from his pocket.  He replaces the silver bullets with regular ones. Without silver bullets into he pistol, Jeb won't stand a chance, thinks Bruno--and that animal will rip him to pieces!

Bruno gently slaps Megan awake, calling her name--can you hear me?--that's it, open your eyes, he encourages. She looks at him and immediately checks for the scarf. You passed out, he says--you're not as well as you thought you were, gave me quite a scare. She apologizes. Jeb will be very upset when he hears about this, says Bruno.  Oh, no, she protests, I don't want him to know, please don't tell him. You know how concerned Jeb is about you, says Bruno, if there's anything wrong with you... There isn't, she says, please believe me. A person doesn't pass out for no reason, he says, enjoying toying with her. It was just fatigue, she says--I have so much on my mind, with Philip in jail and Jeb feeling he's in constant danger, I haven't had much sleep--that's all it is, please don't tell Jeb. He promises not to tell--on one condition--go back to Collinwood and get the rest you need. She promises to do that, smiling gratefully.  I'll take you, says Bruno.  I can get back by myself, she assures him.  Grabbing her coat, she thanks him and leaves. He closes the door--goodnight, Megan, he says--picks up the phone and calls Collinwood. He asks Carolyn if he can speak with Jeb. "Your worries are over--I've captured the werewolf," says Bruno--it was a pure stroke of luck, I have him trapped in the crypt at the Eagle Hill Cemetery--how soon can you meet me there?--good, I'll be waiting.

Barnabas opens the door to Megan.  I didn't find out anything, she reports, but Bruno almost found out about me when I fainted when I was there--but I don't think Bruno suspects the truth--he hasn't found the werewolf, she says, nor his identity, either. He could be lying, suggests Barnabas. Why would he lie, if he thinks I'm still one of them? she asks. I don't know, says Barnabas, but I fear something terrible has happened to Chris.

Bruno waits outside the crypt. Jeb shows up, breathless--is he still in there? he asks.  Of course, says Bruno--you don't think that after all the work we've done, I'd let it get away, do you? This is too good to be true, says Jeb--I want to wait, see him change, find out who he really is. You'll find out, Bruno assures him--as soon as he's dead, the transformation will take place.  Get in there and finish him off, orders Jeb. Me? asks Bruno. Yeah, you, says Jeb. If I'd thought I was going to be the one to do it, I'd have done it first, then called you, protests Bruno. Why didn't you? asks Jeb. You're the one he's been after, says Bruno, I thought you should have the honor of killing your principal enemy--and besides, after that little misunderstanding we had, earlier this evening, I didn't want to do anything without consulting you--remember, I lead--rather, you lead, I follow? (Cute Freudian blooper on Bruno's part.)  I remember, says Jeb. Bruno hands him the gun--the honor is really yours, he says. Jeb takes the gun n his hand. Go in--I'll close the door after you so he can't get away, says Bruno--unless of course you WANT him to do it for you? No, I'll do it, says Jeb. Bruno opens the door.  Jeb walks in, faces the werewolf, fires the gun, once, twice, but the werewolf comes tearing after him, very much alive.  "Bruno, it didn't work!" screams Jeb. Bruno stands in the doorway, grinning with satisfied glee.

NOTES: I always watch the scenes in which Bruno tortures the werewolf and think to myself how much pleasure the actor seemed to take in doing so. He just gets into it so much, doesn't he?

Marie did a wonderful job vamping the vampire. She really seems to enjoy playing the role of victim to Barnabas, and seducing him into biting her. Basically, she said, no bitey, no favor. Who's the leader between these two?

You have to give Bruno credit for a great plan to do away with Jeb. The question is, who's going to save the Leviathan leader--if anyone?

Love, Robin