Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0947  (Read 498 times)

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Discuss - Ep #0947
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:42:36 PM »
Robservations #947

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0947

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0947
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2015, 07:07:20 PM »
Lara VO.  Odd, only a werewolf having power over a Leviathan.  Werewolves don't have magical powers over others-- they just rend you limb from limb in the usual low tech unmagical way.  I suppose Jeb's magical defences don't work on them.

Hot wolf on snake action!!  I'm not big on fight scenes, but it adds some realism.  I keep cringing because they might knock a wall down or something, and maybe not re-shoot...  Gunshot from Bruno... delayed action?  Oh no, Chris transforms back in the Old House!  That would normally be a good thing.

Apparently Barnabas's rehabilitation with Jeb and Bruno's outing of him happen in the same episode.  My notes are vague.  Aw, Barnabas is going to a vamp again.  Very sad.  Richard Fairbanks, 1730-1770.  A random grave?  How does he help collect a bat?  Somehow Jeb going bat hunting in a graveyard with a portable little cage seems silly.  Presumably OberHaza wouldn't have had to go through these mundane steps.

Bat just appears in cage, in response to a big, dramatic spell-casting by Jeb.  What did Fairbanks do to help?  End.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0947
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2015, 01:48:02 PM »
According to my notes, during the fight, the werewolf falls back, breaking the newel post away from the staircase. The actors have to step over it throughout the episode. Sheesh, they couldn't have given a stagehand 5 seconds to get it out of the way?!

Barn returns to find that the drawing room Willie so painstakingly restored is a shambles. Barnabas hesitates when he sees Jeb lying on the stairs. Is he wondering whether to finish what Chris started? We’ll never know, because at that moment Chris comes to and realizes what happened. We must get you out of the house, Barnabas says urgently. Chris spots Jeb on the stairs. Did I kill him? he wonders. Not this time, Barnabas says. I’ll explain later--I’ve been out all night looking for you. I don’t understand why you’re still protecting me, Chris says dismally. Because you need to be protected from him! Barnabas answers, indicating Jeb. Chris doesn’t understand. Go home, Barnabas tells him. Change your clothes and come back later. I promise to explain everything.

Jeb revives with an unmanly, un-Leviathanly shriek and blames Barnabas for not rescuing him. Affecting a wounded air, Barn takes the opportunity to tell him that he (B.) beat off the werewolf with his silver-headed cane. All this time I thought you would be glad to see me dead, Jeb says with some wonder. Perhaps the attack was a blessing in disguise, Barnabas suggests, because it has led to a reconciliation. Jeb is not completely reconciled, however. Why did you take Carolyn to Little Windward Island? he asks suspiciously. Barnabas starts with surprise but recovers enough to reply, I thought you were moving too fast. I did it for your own good. How did you know where Carolyn was? Jeb says Elizabeth told him. Barnabas’s eyes widen with horror, but Jeb says, She didn’t do it to betray you. She assumed I knew. Then somewhat sheepishly, Jeb admits that he went there himself in his true form. What did you do to her? Barnabas asks worriedly. Still upset, Jeb answers, Don’t worry. I didn’t do anything. I changed my mind because she was terrified of me in my true form. I can't be that way. I don't ever want her to feel that frightened of me. She has got to feel the same way about me that I feel about her. That is the way I want to have her, he declares, his sheer possessiveness still undiminished despite his dawning concern for Carolyn’s feelings. I have made up my mind, he finishes. Surprised and pleased, Barnabas smiles and comments, You’ve matured considerably and made a very wise decision. I guess I should have trusted you all along, Jeb replies. Amazingly, he adds, I apologize for not trusting you before. It’s all right, Barnabas assures him. The important thing is our reconciliation. Barnabas agrees to bring Carolyn back. Jeb even thanks him but luckily doesn’t see Barnabas’s relieved smile.

Angelique returns home the following morning, wearing a completely different hairdo (ringlets and so on) and outfit--a pink suit with a mink coat. She is furious with Sky for making her drive to the airport when he got himself home. Why did you send me on a wild-goose chase? she demands. Why did you want to get me out of the house? Sky laughs and apologizes, but although Angelique may have renounced her powers, she still doesn’t hesitate to show her displeasure. Sky explains, While I was waiting for you, I learned I was going to get an important phone call at home. Angelique practically weeps with relief that that was all, and they embrace. Sky reveals that Carolyn was alone in the house for a while. Angelique is immediately concerned, but Sky reassures her that Carolyn is all right. He suspects that Angelique is keeping a secret from him about Carolyn, but at that moment Barnabas arrives, and Angelique performs the introductions. He does a passable job of following Angelique’s improvisations. Angelique sends Sky to get Carolyn and tells Barnabas, Sky called me away from home, but I felt something awful might have happened. Jeb came to the house, Barnabas says and tells her what happened. Angelique is extremely concerned that Jeb was here--for an hour, according to Barnabas. They figure that Jeb came and went before Sky returned. I hate to think what would have happened if Sky had caught him! Angelique says. Does Jeb know you brought Carolyn here? He does, Barnabas replies, but because of something that happened earlier, I’m sure Jeb believes I’m still loyal. [Forever a gentleman, Barnabas is nothing if not discreet when necessary.] Therefore it will be easier for me to fight him. Jeb is a dangerous creature, Angelique warns. I’m extremely grateful for your help, Barnabas tells her. I was glad to help, she replies, but it’s been a terrible week and I’m glad it is over. While they wait for Sky and Carolyn, Barnabas gazes thoughtfully at Angelique’s portrait.

Sometime later, Angelique tells Sky her houseguests are gone. What is your secret? Sky asks. From the moment you told me about your visitors, and today when Barnabas came, you seemed very worried and nervous. I was upset about what happened last night, Angelique replied. I had to do with Barnabas and those people, Sky says. Carolyn was under a strain after her father’s death, Angelique says. I don’t believe you, Sky replies. Carolyn seemed fine last night and this morning. Why did Barnabas come pick her up? Sky demands. He was concerned, Angelique says. I am concerned about us, Sky replies. Remember what we agreed to before we were married--no secrets. Was Carolyn brought here for another reason than what you told me? Angelique avoids answering and assures him, I have never kept anything from you that concerns us. But Sky instantly infers, There was another reason why Carolyn was here. Sad and upset, Angelique admits, There was--but please don’t ask me. We’ll play by your rules, Sky says angrily. Obviously secrets are now allowed. Angelique hurries to him and actually kneels before his chair in contrition. Please don’t bother about the Collinses anymore, she pleads. I was never involved, Sky answers. You were, and I’m sorry you don’t trust me enough to say what happened. I do trust you, Angelique insists. Sky says, Let’s go back to Rule 1: No secrets. Angelique turns away in sadness, and Sky coldly gets up and starts to leave. Finally she breaks down and agrees to tell him everything she knows. She tells him, Carolyn was here because her life was in danger from the Leviathans, dangerous creatures, completely evil, who mean to start a whole new society. For a long time Barnabas was associated with them, but now he has become their most dedicated enemy. He means to use every power he has to stop them. Sky listens intently to Angelique’s unwitting confirmation of Barnabas’s betrayal.

Still later, Sky comes to the shop to see Jeb. Jeb is concerned that Sky has blown their cover, but Sky says, I’ve come to tell you the truth about Barnabas Collins. Barnabas was lying, Jeb fumes, everything he said was a lie! And here I thought he had saved my life. I’m grateful to you--and your wife. Sky says, Angelique doesn’t know I’m here. She will never know, Jeb replies. What will you do? Sky asks. Have you ever known a vampire? Jeb asks with a wry smile. Laughing, Sky says no. Well, you will--very soon, Jeb says grimly.

Meanwhile, Chris Jennings returns to the Old House. His first question is, The man I attacked--is he still alive? I’m sorry to say he is, Barnabas replies. Chris is amazed. Barnabas explains, His name is Jeb Hawkes. Remember that name. He is the most dangerous enemy that you have. Chris assumes Jeb knows about him, too. Barnabas explains, He knows about the werewolf. He doesn't know it is you. Between now and the next full moon he will do everything he can to find out. When he does, you are as good as dead when the moon is full again. With his great-grandfather’s own bitter humor, Chris opines, Since I haven’t found an answer to my problem, maybe I should just introduce myself to Jeb and tell him to make a clean job of it at the next full moon. Barnabas nixes that idea: He is not only your enemy, but he is mine and Carolyn's and Sabrina's. What about Sabrina? Chris asks anxiously. She has nothing to do with it, Barnabas replies--except that she is human, and Jeb is against all humanity. What kind of man is he? Chris asks in amazement and horror. A man that deserves to be destroyed, Barnabas answers grimly. I am going to destroy him--as soon as I can find the way.

That night, Jeb goes to an unknown cemetery, carrying a small wire cage. He searches the headstones till he finds a satisfactory one: Richard Fairbanks, 1730-1770. Since we are in 1970, Jeb is pleased at the date of Fairbanks’s death--and even more pleased that Fairbanks was hanged for murdering his wife and children. You’re just the man to help me now, and this is just the place to make it happen, he says with satisfaction. Jeb performs his incantation: Here at the unquiet grave of a murderer, next to a hangman's work, I beseech the dark spirits of the underworld to hear me--to release from its fiery depths the avenger I need to strike down the traitor Barnabas Collins! He is an enemy to us all--especially to me! Your death is suitable for a murderer. But for Barnabas Collins, there has to be more! MORE!! MOOOOORE!!!! he howls in conclusion. The elementals apparently agree with him as yet another storm starts up with the usual thunder, lightning and roaring wind. He opens the cage and waits till he hears what to us is a horribly familiar squeaking sound. A bat flies out of the night and voluntarily enters the cage, which Jeb then closes again.........