Author Topic: Robservations 5/20/03 - #946-947  (Read 1115 times)

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Robservations 5/20/03 - #946-947
« on: May 19, 2003, 10:04:44 PM »
946 - Carolyn lies under the covers in the bed, but in the previous show, she was lying on top of them. Face to face with the Leviathan Lung Brat, Carolyn screams in terror.

Carolyn trips on a pillow, falls backwards, and lies unconscious. The monster hovers over her, breathing more gently, then retreats. Jeb, in human form, kneels, lifts her into his arms and hugs her--I couldn't go through with it, he says, you can hear and understand me, I want that so much. Carolyn moans.

Sky listens at the doors to Carolyn's room, then opens them and looks in. Carolyn is back on the bed, Jeb sitting by her side. What went wrong? asks Sky.  Nothing, answers Jeb--there isn't going to be a ceremony, not tonight. Sky doesn't understand--why did you change back into this form? She was terrified of me, and the way I looked, says Jeb with self-loathing, gazing at Carolyn--it can't be that way, I never want to frighten her again. He plays with her long hair. If you'd gone through with it, points out Sky, she'd have changed into your true form, and wouldn't have been frightened of you anymore. I can't do it that way, insists Jeb. She'll remain unconscious for quite some time, says Jeb. We're going to have a problem when she wakes up, says Sky--she's seen you as you really are. She won't remember anything, Jeb assures him.  How do you know? asks Sky. Because I do, says Jeb, annoyed, stop questioning me. Both men gaze at the sleeping Carolyn.  You're really upset about this, notes Sky. Yes, I am, agrees Jeb, still pissed off.  What will you do now? asks Sky. The way I really look is repulsive to her, says Jeb, but she's attracted to Jeb Hawkes, and she will be attracted to me--I want her to come to me willingly. Then go through with the ceremony? asks Sky. I don't know, replies Jeb. What do you mean, you don't know? asks Sky--there's no other way, according to the book. Don't preach to me about the book, Mr. Rumson, commands Jeb, I know what I have to do, and the book has nothing to do with it--do you understand?  She's created doubt in your mind, hasn't she? asks Sky.  Yes, and I'm quite capable of handling it, says Jeb. Next move? asks Sky. Jeb grins and chuckles--you're a man of action, and quite successful at it, thanks to us (another man who became rich via the Leviathans)--what would your next move be? I don't think you should stay here much longer, advises Sky, you don't want the girl to know Jeb Hawkes was here, and I don't think Jeb should know. Right on both counts, says Jeb, and leaves the bedroom. Carolyn sleeps. The men talk outside her room.  Remove any evidence I was here tonight, orders Jeb. I'll take care of it, says Sky. After that, go to Carolyn and make sure she remembers nothing when she wakes up, adds Jeb--then report to me and call me--I'm going to Collinwood, not the shop, I thinks it's about time I had a meeting with my future mother in law--and he goes.

Collinwood - Liz paces the drawing room. She hears the wolf's howling and looks out the window.

The wounded werewolf falls from the rock to the ground. His clothing is covered with blood.

Liz closes the window and puts her hand on the foyer phone. She dials.  Bruno, on the landing, orders her to put down the phone. She stares at him, the phone still pressed to her ear.

Liz puts down the phone--who are you?--what are you doing in this house? she asks. I wanted to check out the place, familiarize myself with it, answers Bruno--I'm going to be spending a great deal of time here. Tell me who you are, she demands.  Bruno, he says, but the name won't mean as much as this does--and he holds up his hand to show her the Naga ring. You've come to give me instructions, she says. Exactly, he says--shall we go into the drawing room where we can be comfortable? They do. He pours himself a drink. Is something wrong? she asks--is that why Jeb wanted me to come back here?  I don't know why Jeb wanted you here, he says, but you are to STAY here and speak to no one until you hear from him. Why? asks Liz.  "Ours isn't to reason why, Mrs. Stoddard, we're obligated to obey everything Jeb says--aren't we?" he asks.  Of course, she agrees. I like this house, remarks Bruno--it will be ideal for us when the time comes. Liz agrees.  Sit down, says Bruno--make yourself comfortable (in her own home). Bruno has been lying with his feet on the sofa, but stands when the wolf howls. It's that animal again, says Liz, and very close to the house. Yes, I heard it before when I was upstairs, says Bruno--do you know what that animal is? The same one who tried to attack me in the woods some time ago, Liz, I thought it had been killed or captured since then--it looked like a wolf, but upright like a man. And wore clothes like a man? asks Bruno. Yes, says Liz, looking at him. So this animal isn't new to Collinwood? asks Bruno--it's been here for quite some time. Yes, says Liz--do you know something about it? I ran into it earlier this evening, says Bruno, wounded it with a pistol, but it got away. The wolf howls. Bruno pulls out his gun--maybe I can finish it off. Liz is concerned about his going outside.  That animal is a great threat, says Bruno--it's looking not for an ordinary victim, but Jeb Hawkes! He leaves.

Carolyn sleeps. Sky watches over her. She stirs, awakens. I'm beginning to think his house doesn't agree with you, he says. All I remember is having a bad dream, she says. It made you walk in your sleep, says Sky--I was doing work in my study, heard a crash and found you lying unconscious on the floor--you must have tripped and hit your head. My head does hurt, she agrees.  How do you feel? he asks.  I feel terrible being such a burden to you, she says. It's no problem, he assures her--I'm staying up until Angelique gets back. She hasn't gotten back yet? asks Carolyn. No, says Sky, it must be the storm--when it lets up, she'll take the first launch back to the island. Carolyn climbs out of bed--I wonder what's happening to me tonight? Must be the strangeness of the house, suggests Sky. No, I've been here nearly a week, says Carolyn, and I've been fine, until tonight. Are you quite sure you don't remember anything? he asks.
I recall hearing a banging sound, she says--I do remember getting out of bed to close the shutters--after that, however, I'm a blank--I must have started back to bed, tripped, fell, hit my head. Yes, he agrees--I guess there can't be any other explanation, can there? No, she says, returning to bed, I guess not.

Collinwood - Liz answers the door to Jeb, who saunters in as if he owns the place. You must be Jeb Hawkes she says.  I like you already, he says--we have lots of talking to do--where's Bruno? He went to hunt the animal in the woods, answers Liz. Let's hope he finishes it off, says Jeb.

Bruno stalks the woods, gun in hand.
The werewolf growls, holding his wounded shoulder. It leans against a tree to rest.

Was it your idea to take Carolyn to Little Windward Island? Jeb asks Liz.  No, she says, it was Barnabas'.
should have been notified, insists Jeb.  I thought it had been, says Liz. Next time, before you make such assumptions, says Jeb, think first. She apologizes--I had no idea. No harm done, says Jeb, but there is something you must do--Barnabas is going to want to know how I learned where Carolyn is, and you are to say you called from Little Windward and told me--but you are not to tell him I called you back to Collinwood--you're to say you came back on personal business. Why did you call me back? Liz asks. I heard how devoted you were to the cause, he says, and I was anxious to meet you. I've looked forward to this meeting, too, says Liz--I want Carolyn to become one of us, but Barnabas keeps saying the time isn't right. Barnabas is no longer in charge, says Jeb--I am--I've met Carolyn and am impressed by her, but I'm interested in your welfare, too, you definitely have a future with us. The phone rings; Liz answers. It's Carolyn, who asks, why didn't you call me as soon as you returned to Collinwood?  I was held up in the storm, says Liz, and only got back a few minutes ago--aren't you in bed yet? I woke up a few minutes ago and haven't been able to get back to sleep yet, says Carolyn. Everything is fine at Collinwood, says Liz--there's someone who wants to speak to you--and she puts Jeb on the phone. Carolyn grins, delighted to hear from him--what brought you to Collinwood so late? She asks.
I came because of you, he says--I was in my room in town, woke up, had a feeling you were in trouble and needed me--so I went to Collinwood to find out if you're all right. Yes, she says, delighted, I am--thanks for your concern. When are you returning? He asks. Sometime tomorrow, she says. I hope I can see you, he says. Yes, I think so, she promises--good night. Bruno returns and reports that the animal is no where to be found. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Stoddard, says Jeb--I'll see you soon. She says good night and heads upstairs. Bruno asks Jeb, what happened on the island--did the ceremony happen? No, and I'll explain why not later, says Jeb--right now, I have a personal score to settle--with Barnabas--I think we have a traitor on our hands. Bruno offers to go with him.  I'll handle this matter alone, insists Jeb. It's dark out there, says Bruno, you can't go through those woods alone. You said the animal wasn't out there, Jeb reminds him. That doesn't make a difference, says Bruno, he could still be out there--why not wait until the sun comes up? This is too important to put off, says Jeb, I want to see Barnabas Collins now. Bruno studies the portrait of Barnabas as Jeb exits.

In the woods near the Old House, Jeb hears the werewolf growling. He runs to the Old House, the creature in pursuit. Jeb screams--Barnabas, "WHERE ARE YOU??? I NEED YOU!", racing through the house like a madman. The werewolf spots his prey, Jeb, through the window and leaps through the glass...

NOTES: Always loved the stunts Alex Stevens performed as the werewolf on DS; far more impressive, in most cases, than the special effects which, while daring back then, are pedestrian and sometimes silly today.

This is the first evidence that Jeb is beginning to change, become good, to find redemption, that his love for Carolyn is transforming him. That he killed her father shows in her dream, even though she had no idea why his hands were covered with blood. That he thinks she would care for him if she knew what he had done seems ridiculous to me, but the ultimate message on DS is that love conquers all--doesn't Barnabas admit his love for Angelique in 1840 despite her having been at least partially responsible for the deaths of his loved ones.

You've got to love how submissive Bruno is to Jeb's needs. Kill a werewolf? No problem! Help you get revenge on Barnabas? No problem!

Now we know how Sky got his wealth and power--the same way Paul did. Did Rumson promise his future daughter to the Leviathans 20 years hence?  Imagine how Angelique would feel about a deal like that!

Barnabas is in trouble now!

947 - The werewolf leaps through the window to get at Jeb.  In the drawing room, the two fight wildly, pushing each other around, tossing furniture to the floor. It follows Jeb upstairs, nearly destroying the already-shaking banister.  The werewolf corners Jeb on the stairs and backhands him across the face, leaving him unconscious. This effort proves too much for the wounded werewolf, who grabs his injury and begins to lurch around the room, finally toppling to the floor and morphing back into Chris.

Dawn - Barnabas returns to find his home a wreck and two unconscious men lying sprawled in his living room.  He checks Jeb over first.  Chris begins to moan. Barnabas goes over to him--open your eyes, Chris! he encourages. "Oh my God, what have I done?" asks Chris when he sits up and beholds the damage he has caused. Be quiet and listen, urges Barnabas. He helps him get to his feet and hustles Chris to the door. Chris spies Jeb on the stairs and asks Barn, did I kill this guy? He's all right, Barnabas assures him, never mind who he is, keep moving. What else did I do--did I kill anyone else?  I've been looking for you all evening, says Barn, and just now found you, so I don't know.  I don't understand why you keep protecting me, says Chris.  You must be protected from HIM (Jeb), says Barnabas, but can't explain further--go home, get into fresh clothes and come back later on--I'll give you the explanation then--"Do as I say, Chris!"  After Chris runs off, Barnabas shakes Jeb awake. Jeb screams in fear--I tried to kill him, Barnabas, and falls to the floor in terror. The animal is dead now, says Barn--everything is all right. Where were you when I needed help, why didn't you come? demands Jeb. I wasn't in the house, protests Barnabas. You knew that creature was out there and he was going to get me, accuses Jeb, pointing to the door--you wanted him to kill me!  That's unfair, considering I saved your life, says Barn--when I came into the house, you were lying on the stairs; he was coming at you to kill you and I drove him off! How, do you have special powers over a werewolf? demands Jeb. Barnabas shows him his silver-headed cane--I beat him with it
--if not for me, you would be dead by now! "You could have let him kill me," realizes Jeb. Barnabas points out--I didn't want him to kill you, because of what and who you are--I am loyal to our cause!  All this time, I thought you would be glad to see me dead, says Jeb. You were wrong, counters Barnabas. I guess I was, says Jeb wonderingly. Perhaps this incident has been responsible for our reaching a reconciliation, and therefore a blessing in disguise, suggests Barnabas. Maybe, says Jeb, but I have one more question--why did you take Carolyn away to a place called Little Windward Island? Taken aback, Barnabas covers--because I was convinced you were moving too fast, and did it for your own good. You swear that was the only reason? demands Jeb. Yes, insists Barnabas, how did you find out? Mrs. Stoddard called me from there, says Jeb, but not to betray you--she assumed I knew, and I might as well tell you, Barnabas, when I heard, I went there myself. As you are now, asks Barn...?  No, I went in my true form, says Jeb. What did you do to Carolyn? asks Barnabas. Nothing, says Jeb, I changed my mind because Carolyn was terrified of me in my true form--and it can't be that way--I don't ever want her to fear me--she must feel about me as I do about her, that's the way I want to HAVE her--I've made up my mind. It appears you matured considerably, remarks Barnabas, I think you made a very wise decision. I guess I should have trusted you all along, says Jeb. I'm sorry I didn't trust you before. That's all right, Jeb, says Barn, the important thing is, we did reach a reconciliation--I'll go to the island and bring Carolyn back. Jeb thanks him. Barnabas looks like he's glad this succeeded, but what will he do next?

A clearly furious Angelique returns home. I'm glad you got back all right, he says. Are you, Sky? she asks--you sent me on a wild goose chase to that airport!--to get me out of the house last night--now I want to know the reason why, and it has better be a good one!

Sky laughs at his wife's accusation.  Don't laugh at me! snaps Ang.  What else can I do? he asks--what made you think that?  Women's intuition, she says. Your intuition it all wet, he says, I'm sorry about last night, but there's a logical explanation--while I was waiting for you to pick me up, I was sending and receiving important phone calls--one of the men was calling me back here, and so I grabbed a cab and raced home to make it for this important call--that's all there is to it! I'm very relieved to hear this, she says--when I got to that airport and you weren't there, I imagined all sorts of terrible things. Sky slides his arms around her and apologizes, holding her close. Forgive me? he asks. Yes, now that I know what happened, she says. I knows what you're worried about, he teases--the fact that I was alone here with a woman last night--when I arrived, only Carolyn was here--Liz was called back to Collinwood on important family business. "Is Carolyn all right?" asks Angelique anxiously. Sure, why wouldn't she be? asks Sky.  No reason, answers Ang, I just...Carolyn has been ill at ease since she got here, fumbles Ang. Sky puts his hands on her shoulders--I think you're hiding some deep, dark secret about your guests from me, he says--why do you tell me what it is?  She's saved from answering by the doorbell, which answers quickly--Barnabas, she says, I didn't expect you here so soon. Carolyn called me earlier, he says--she's anxious to return to Collinwood. This surprises Ang. She wasn't planning to, says Barnabas, but something came up that made her change her mind. Holding up a warning hand, Angelique says, Barnabas, I would like you to meet my (second) husband--she introduces him to Sky. The men shake hands.  "I understand you first met my wife in England," says Sky.  Barnabas glances at Ang to make sure this is the story she told him.  Yes, Angelique says, that was before you left England and came here, it, Barnabas? Her former husband agrees--almost three years ago. Sky, please let Carolyn know Barnabas is here, says Ang. After he leaves the room, Ang closes the doors. Is everything is all right? she asks--Sky called me away from the house last night--I didn't get back until just before you came--but not with Sky--there was a misunderstanding and he got back long before I did--but the whole time I was driving back, I feared something awful had happened here.  Something almost did, reveals Barnabas--Jeb Hawkes was here last night. Here? asks Ang, dismayed--for how long? About an hour, says Barnabas. He must have come and left before Sky got here, says Ang--I hate to think what would have happened had Sky caught him--does Jeb know you're responsible for bringing Carolyn here? Yes, says Barn, but fortunately, because of something that happened earlier, he thinks me completely loyal, which will make it easier to fight him. Are you sure Jeb believes you? asks Ang.  Positive, says Barnabas. Please be careful, she says--I don't know this Jeb Hawkes, but if he's what you say he is, he's a very dangerous creature. Barnabas expresses his gratitude for her help. "I was glad to help you," she says, "very glad it's over--it was a terrible week for me with Carolyn and Elizabeth here."  Angelique leaves to help Carolyn pack while Barnabas gazes at the ancient portrait of his former wife.

Sky paces the living room. Angelique joins him--Barnabas and Carolyn should be near the mainland now, she says, slipping off her fur coat. So we're finally alone, he says, but not really alone--there's you, me and the secrets you've been keeping from me. What secrets? she asks. When I spoke to you last week and you told me about the guests in the house, says Sky, it was obvious you were very worried
--today when Barnabas came to the house to pick up Carolyn, I noticed your nervousness again. I was upset about what happened last night, insists Angelique. It was Barnabas, says Sky, and has something to do with why you brought those people into our house...  I told you, says Ang impatiently, Carolyn's father just died, she had to get away from there, she's been under a terrible emotional strain. She was fine when I talked to her last night, says Sky, and again this morning--now why did Barnabas pick her up, she's old enough to get back by herself? He was just concerned about her, says Ang. I'm concerned about US, shoots back Sky. You needn't be, assures Ang. We promised there wouldn't be lies and secrets, he says. There haven't been any, she says. Then what you told me about the guests in the house, says Sky--Carolyn was brought here for no other reason...?  Angelique doesn't answer. All I want is a simple yes or no, says Sky--look at me and tell me. I have never kept any secret from you that concerned the two of us, she says--you've got to believe that. Then there was some other reason Carolyn Stoddard was here, says Sky. Yes, there was, but please don't ask what, she says. If that's how she's going to be, says Sky, we will change the rules of the game (marriage is a game?)--it's obvious that secrets are now allowed. "Sky!" she protests, flying over to sit by his knee--"They're gone! We're not involved with them anymore." I wasn't involved, he retorts, you were, and I'm sorry you don't trust me enough to tell me what happened here. I do trust you, she says, smiling desperately, upset. Tell me, let's clear the air, says Sky--go back to rule number one--no more secrets. Angelique looks at him, then turns her head away. We'll do it your way, he says coldly, I have some calls to make. She stops him as he's walking out. All right, I'll tell you everything I know, she agrees--Barnabas brought Carolyn here because her life was in danger, from the Leviathans, terribly dangerous, completely evil creatures--and they mean to start a whole new society--for a long time, Barnabas was associated with them, but has now become their most dedicated enemy (God, Ang, you were responsible the first time, and now, here we go again)! He means to use every power he has to stop them. Sky listens eagerly.

Jeb looks out the antique shop window. (Where have Megan and Philip been?) He sits at the desk and opens a book. The camera focuses on the doorbell, and someone walks in. "What are you doing here?" demands Jeb--"You know you're not to be seen here!" It's Sky Rumson, who closes the door and says, "I thought you might like to know the truth about Barnabas Collins." Jeb's eyes widen greedily.

In short, Sky reveals, Barnabas is out to destroy us, and especially you.  Then everything he told me this morning is a lie, and I thought he had saved my life! says an angry Jeb. Everything he told you was a lie, says Sky. Everything, agrees Jeb--I'm grateful to you and your wife. She doesn't know I'm here, says Sky. She never will know, promises Jeb. What will you do about Barnabas? asks Sky.
Have you ever known a vampire, Mr. Rumson? queries Jeb. No, chuckles Sky. Well you will, very soon, smirks Jeb.

Old House - Barnabas walks downstairs.  He's about to take his cape, intent on going out, when Chris stops by.  Is that man all right? he asks anxiously.  I'm sorry to say he is, answers Barnabas. What do you mean, sorry? Asks Chris.  His name is Jeb Hawkes, the most dangerous enemy you have, says Barn. He knows about me, states Chris. He knows about the werewolf, but doesn't know it's you, says Barnabas, but between now and the next full moon, he'll do everything he can to find out, and you'll be as good as dead when he does, when the moon is full again. Perhaps, since there has been no other answer, this Jeb Hawkes is it, says Chris, maybe I should go introduce himself to him, tell him to make a clean job of it when the moon is full. You won't do that, says Barnabas, he's the enemy of you, me, Carolyn and Sabrina, too. The last name surprises Chris--what does he have to do with her? Nothing, says Barn, except that she's human, and he's against all humanity. What kind of man is he? Chris asks.
A man who deserves to be destroyed, vows Barnabas, and I am out to destroy him, as soon as I can find the way...

Jeb goes to the cemetery, a small animal cage in one hand.  He checks gravestones with a flashlight, finding Richard Fairbanks, who was born in 1730 and died in 1770, hung for the murder of his wife and children--just the man to help me now, the place to make it happen. He puts down the cage and calls to the murderer, beseeching the dark spirits of the underworld to release from its fiery depths the avenger I need to strike down the traitor, Barnabas Collins, enemy to us all, and especially to me!--death is suitable for a murderer, but for Barnabas Collins, there has to be more...more...MORE!!!!  Jeb's face contorts with ecstasy and the heavens fill with thunder. He takes and opens the cage, looking upward. He hears the squeaking of a bat, sees it fly from the sky toward him. The bat, captured in the cage, has a pig's snout and damned ugly fangs.

NOTES: OK, the bat in the cage is more of a joke than the spider in the web that wanted Amanda. You have to give Curtis an A for trying. Please, sir, may I have some more? MORE?? MORE??? Yes, Pennock played it way over the top, but it sure was fun, wasn't it?  I've heard it said that Pennock was sometimes on drugs while working.  It wouldn't surprise me to know he was high here.

Angelique's carefully ordered life is falling apart already. Sky was interrogating her as if she were a criminal, and she spilled the beans that will get Barnabas in very serious trouble, very shortly. This time, she didn't mean it, but she will be the author of her former husband's latest misery. And did you see how desperate she became at the thought that Sky wanted to "change the rules" of their honesty pact? He really bullied the truth out of her, sealing Barnabas'--and her own--fate.  I really don't like him, and it isn't just that he's one of DS' worst actors, IMHO.

Love, Robin