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Discuss - Ep #0946
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:18:06 PM »
Robservations #946

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0946

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2015, 09:05:05 AM »
VO, who?  Jeb softens, no "ceremony", not wanting to alienate or mistreat (which?) Carolyn, thereby beginning the slow, gradual process of [spoiler]Jeb defeating his own cause, making him easier for mere mortals to deal with.  This seems to be a path DS resorts to too often.  It's unsatisfying for the job to be made do-able for the "hero" by the villain's threat being scaled down.  It may be more like real life, though.[/spoiler]

Sky's a Leviathan!  Fun I'm sure, for first time viewers, to see Sky just hover at the side of Jeb without speaking or acting for a few seconds, no tumult, no smiting by the intruder. 

A werewolf as the "B" story... only on DS.  Bruno's at Collinwood!  Liz's haughtiness attempts to rise to the occasion, but it turns out he's part of her new, exclusive club, so he's okay.  It's fun to see Bruno being as obnoxious as he likes, with Liz in a spot over whether to be disapproving, then deciding, oh of course he's such a wonderful servant of the Snake...  Feet up on the couch, be my guest...

Jeb races to the Old House to finish off Barnabas, then does a 180 the split second he hears the werewolf nearby, calling for Barnabas's help.  Wolf crashes through OH window, Jeb spazzes, end.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2015, 07:38:26 PM »
Geoffrey Scott (Sky Rumson) does the VO.

I like how this ep. uses the power of suggestion to get us to imagine the Supreme Leviathan appearing in all his/its glory to his/its chosen bride: Still screaming, Carolyn backs away from the doors, but she trips over an inconvenient pillow and falls unconscious to the floor on a convenient fur rug. We see the ensuing scene through the Leviathan supreme being’s eyes--or at least through whatever it uses for photoreceptors. The heavy breathing approaches. A huge, formless shadow looms over our insensible heroine as the creatures gazes down at her. After a moment, the breathing slows. The shadow recedes, and the breathing stops altogether. We hear human footsteps, then Jeb Hawkes is at Carolyn’s side. He kneels down, holds her close and murmurs, I couldn’t go through with it. If she could only hear me and understand. Oh, I want you so much to understand. Carolyn murmurs faintly but does not awaken.

Sky approaches the designated bridal suite and listens for a moment outside the door, perhaps with a prurient interest in Leviathan mating practices? In any case, he hears only silence (STILL no sex on this show!)

Also funny to see Jeb's shock and mortified vanity when he talks to Sky right afterward. Well, he is somewhat distressed for Carolyn's sake, but not very much. He seems to find her golden hair just as attractive as Adam did, long ago. He tells Sky to "clean up the evidence"--does he mean those acid-burned holes in the carpet?

Out in the woods, the werewolf clutches its chest in pain--even though Bruno shot it in the ribs.

Elizabeth is in full Mistress of Collinwood mode when Bruno arrives, but then she doesn't even blink when he invites her into her own drawing room, helps himself to Roger's brandy, and puts his feet up on the table. They hear the werewolf howl again, and Bruno decides to find it and finish it off, DESPITE what Jeb told him about silver bullets. A few moments later, Jeb saunters in as if he owns Collinwood and introduces himself to his prospective mother-in-law.

Bruno just misses seeing the werewolf. After he goes by, the creature stops and nurses its shoulder, even though Bruno shot it in the ribs.

Jeb tells Elizabeth that Barnabas is no longer in charge. He tells her, I’ve met Carolyn and I’m very impressed with her. I am as interested in her welfare as you are. She definitely has a future with us, he says as if Carolyn were a candidate for a middle-management job at a widget-making company.

Bruno returns to Collinwood. Elizabeth says goodnight and goes upstairs without showing her visitors out. Jeb charges out to find the werewolf, despite Bruno's warnings. Presumably Bruno stays at Collinwood and helps himself to more of Roger's brandy.

Jeb passes the rocks on his way to the Old House. The werewolf growls from somewhere nearby. Jeb makes a run for the Old House, with the werewolf not far behind. Jeb enters the house, then shuts and locks the door. Barnabas! I need you! he screams but gets no reply. A flash of lightning shows the werewolf staring in through the window; pure terror suffuses Jeb’s face as he spots it. The werewolf suddenly crashes in through the window as Jeb backs away. The creature knocks over a candelabrum, and the room is plunged into darkness.......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2015, 07:02:30 PM »
DL... Will have to look up "widget"... thanks, G Scott's voice is a bit generic.  Maybe Jeb's "courtship" at Sky's place was a hideously wrong-headed but innocent attempt to romance her "as he really is", a need to be accepted for himself, oblivious to the reality of it. 

I've always had a problem with subjective camera angles, from the point of view of some unknowable, mysterious threatening creature.  This seems to invite us to think and feel things from the monster's perspective, and we can't.  The creature should stay out there, at arm's length.  I can't know it, or see with its eyes.  It's a sort of fraud, for me.  I realize it solves problems for directors though, offering a way to look straight at the victim's terror, instead of being off to the side.

I want to see Jeb and Adam and Burke and Buzz and Joe around a table at the Blue Whale, sucking down beers, and discussing what they have in common...

The Warren Commission taught us that bullets travel around after they enter a body, DL!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2015, 01:35:32 PM »
Traveling bullets, my goodness!

MT, I hope you're not disappointed by the definition of "widget."

And I love your idea for a Blue Whale round table, maybe with Bob the Bartender as moderator.

I think the Supreme Leviathan/Jeb's ego is so vast that the concept that anyone--especially its/his intended bride--would find it hideous never, ever crossed what passes for its/his mind. Maybe not so much innocent as naive--although it's strange to think of a murderous being as naive.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2015, 07:37:56 PM »
OMG, what can you say about this capture from this ep -

- except, perhaps, priceless!!  [stfl]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0946
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2015, 12:00:42 AM »
 [ghost_cheesy] [ghost_cheesy] [ghost_cheesy]