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Discuss - Ep #0940
« on: June 15, 2015, 02:12:06 PM »
Robservations #940

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2015, 07:58:15 PM »
My Big Fat Leviathan Wedding! (or not)

Jeb suggests to Barnabas that they have a second drink. Barn says he has only one drink at a time--does this count for blood too? In any case, Jeb proves impervious to the poison and tells Barn to bring Carolyn to the shop at 8:00. Barn leaves without another word.

At the Old House, Julia has explained to Quentin all about the Leviathans and the succession of strange blond boys at the antique shop. Quentin (looking utterly divine in a gray three-piece suit) has trouble believing it (despite being a ninety-nine-year-old immortal and sometime werewolf as well as an ex-zombie). Don’t try to understand, just believe, Julia tells him. She explains that the Leviathans are EVIL. Quentin instantly agrees to help stop the wedding.

Barn and Julia exchange notes and hatch a plan to get Carolyn away to Little Windward Island.

Angelique finishes an affectionate phone call with Sky, who is away for a week. She hangs up a moment before the doorbell rings. She is stunned to find Barnabas Collins on her doorstep. Without giving her a chance to speak, Barnabas launches into his urgent plea. Angelique is furious that Julia broke her promise; Barn defends her by saying he forced her to. Angelique tells Barn that she's happily married to a man who loves her--and that she is forbidden to use her powers if she wants to stay married. I only want you to keep Carolyn here for a week at most, Barnabas tells her. You have nothing to lose. I have everything to lose! she retorts. Carolyn knew me as I was--what if she tells Sky? Carolyn won’t recognize you without the dark hair, Barnabas argues. (Only in the DS universe would this be true!) I promise never to ask you another favor again. Angelique laughs at this idea. Why is Carolyn’s life in danger? she asks. Have you ever heard of the Leviathan people? Barnabas asks. Angelique turns to face him in shock, thereby giving Barnabas his answer. They are creatures of the underworld, she says. Not for much longer, he adds grimly. Angelique asks Barnabas to explain how he got involved with them.

Quentin returns to Collinwood and finds Carolyn at home. He thanks her for her help and tells her he is hale and well and has his memory again. I’m very happy for you, Grant, she replies. We must talk about that right away, Quentin says. Why don’t we go into the drawing room. Carolyn is a bit nervous when he shuts the doors. We are distantly related, Quentin says. [This is true--he is her great-grand-uncle!] I happen to be the great-grandson and namesake of Quentin Collins. Although Carolyn never saw Quentin’s ghost, she is certainly taken aback for a moment. Quentin says he's a writer and that Grant Douglas was his pseudonym. And even though the dust has hardly settled on the boulder-strewn grave of Amanda Harris, Quentin says, I stressed the “distant” relation for a reason--may I see you tonight? Carolyn admits she’s booked for tonight, but tomorrow would be fine. Quentin is about to suggest where when Jeb pushes open the doors and walks into the room. I hope you don’t mind, he says, plainly not caring if she does and certainly hoping that Quentin does the moment he sets eyes on him. Their hostility is instant and mutual. Carolyn makes the introductions. explaining that Quentin is a relative of the family. A close relative? Jeb asks hopefully as he shakes Quentin’s hand. Distant enough to be reckless, Quentin answers, and the battle lines are drawn. He talks right up, doesn’t he? Jeb asks no one in particular. I’m sure we’ve met before, Quentin observes. Do you mind if I call you Jeb? Not at all, Jeb replies, but I don’t think we’ve met. He and Quentin have a brief staring match before Jeb tells Carolyn pointedly, I want to confirm our date. Can you meet me at the Old House? Very romantic, Quentin comments sarcastically, but Jeb ignores him and tells Carolyn, The Todds wanted me to bring them something from Barnabas. He and Carolyn confirm eight o’clock. Quentin reminds Carolyn that her father’s killer is still on the loose. Carolyn will be safe with me, Jeb says (and he ought to know). It was nice meeting you, Quentin, he lies. Do you mind if I call you Quentin? I don’t mind, Quentin replies and favors Jeb with a sarcastic smile. Carolyn excuses herself to walk Jeb to the door; over her head Quentin and the almost equally tall Jeb exchange glares.

Barnabas brings Angelique up to date on the Leviathan situation and says that now he is fighting them. You're taking a terrible risk, Angelique warns him. Barn thinks he can keep the deception going and pleads for her help. Angelique acknowledges that if she refuses, Barn could tell Sky the truth about her. Always a gentleman, Barn tells the witch that if she does refuse, he'll leave her in peace. Angelique reluctantly agrees. You can bring Carolyn here, she says--but she must be out of the house before Sky returns. Barnabas thanks Angelique and heads for the door, but Angelique has the last word: Remember this, and remember it well. I still have all of my powers. If, because of you, and because of this favor I am doing you, if my happiness is ruined, I will never forgive you--never! Barnabas gives her a long look to acknowledge that he knows exactly what she means, then leaves the house.

We never learn how Barnabas, still a mortal man, managed to make the hundred-mile round trip to Little Windward Island in time to make plans with Quentin and Julia, but later this afternoon, the trio are reviewing their strategy at the Old House. Julia is to tell Carolyn she wants to take her to Portland to meet an old friend of Paul’s--promising to be back by eight. [This must be the longest afternoon in history!] Her car will have a convenient breakdown on the way. Quentin is all for just going to the shop and beating Jeb up himself. Barn warns him not to. I’ll explain in a moment, he says and tells Julia to go and get ready. Then Barnabas explains to Quentin, Dealing with Jeb at the shop would be suicidal. Because Jeb is not human, he must obey certain physiological rules: He can change from his natural self to Jeb anywhere he wants--but to make the transformation from Jeb back to his true form, he must be in that room. There is no other way he can do it. Why don’t we just kidnap Jeb and keep him from the room? Quentin asks sensibly. Barnabas replies, My way, even with its risks, is the best.

At 6:45, Julia is coming downstairs in her overcoat and calling to Carolyn--and getting no reply. Quentin and Barnabas arrive a moment later, and she breaks the news that Carolyn isn’t in the house. Before they can do anything, the phone rings and Julia hands it to Barnabas. Why aren’t you at the Old House? Jeb asks. I’m not due there until eight, Barnabas replies. I’ve made other plans, Jeb tells him. With a laugh, he says, I’ve decided that you aren’t to be trusted, so I called Carolyn and changed the time. You can’t proceed without my help, Barnabas insists. That’s what the book says, Jeb replies, and I’ve decided that the book is as obsolete as you are. Adding that Carolyn just walked into the shop, he hangs up. Barnabas shouts into the receiver, then hangs up and tells the others that it’s too late.

At the shop, Jeb makes a complete circuit around Carolyn, appraising her up and down from every angle with satisfaction. You’re making me uncomfortable, she protests. I won’t do it, Jeb replies and stops. What do you plan for our date? Carolyn asks. We’re just waiting for the Todds to return, Jeb says, then you should let me surprise you. You're everything I thought you would be, he tells her. I am going to be very happy with you. Why did you say that? Carolyn asks. Because I felt it, he answers. Everyone should say or do what they feel. Picking up one of a pair of figurines, he says, Right now I feel like doing this. He deliberately lets the figurine fall from his grasp, crash to the floor and break. Carolyn is shocked. It didn’t even belong to you! she protests. I dare you to break the other one, he challenges her. I wish I could begin to understand you, Carolyn says as she slowly reaches for the figurine. Maybe you can if you would just free yourself, he tells her. Just let it drop from your hand. With a slight, nervous smile, Carolyn lets it fall. Pleased, Jeb gets a Champagne bottle and two glasses. To celebrate your liberation, he says. I don’t understand, Carolyn says. You will--soon, Jeb promises. When Carolyn hesitates, Jeb tells her to drink. Slowly she raises the glass and takes a small sip as Jeb drains his. Where are the Todds? she asks. They’ll be back soon, Jeb assures her as he moves closer to her. Carolyn starts to get dizzy and stumbles; Jeb catches her. Everything is all blurry, she murmurs, then collapses into his arms. He holds her up quite like a groom carrying his bride over the threshold, except that in most cases the bride is wide awake and eager to participate. Nonetheless he gloats over his prize: You are all mine now, Carolyn! This is the beginning of your new life! He starts up the stairs......

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2015, 06:43:59 AM »
Lara VO in Ang voice.  Julia enlists Quentin.  At least he won't be weirded out by talk of Leviathan people.  We now have the Super Trio, Barnabas, Julia, and Quentin, except when Stokes is around, then it's Barnabas, Julia, and Stokes I guess.  I don't see Quentin and Elliot (who still hasn't started being called Elliot yet) co-existing in any Super Quartet.  Do they just have to hope OberHaza aren't listening in as they discuss their plots?

The two tall guys of the show, Q and Jeb, face off.  It had to happen.  Way to work off that lost love, Quentin.  They're evenly matched, though you'd think Jeb would be as invulnerable to fists as he is to poison.  Well, maybe he isn't superhumanly poison resistant, just resistant because his biochemistry is different.  Immortal grand-dad fighting a guy only a few months old.... maybe Quentin's more clever and experienced, that gives you an edge.

I didn't notice until this viewing how different 1970 Q is from 1897 Q.  So many times, DS does something smart and right and I miss it, blinded by the screw-ups I guess.  The old Quentin will always be in there, but now, despite his life not being a rousing success, he's far more "centered" and grounded, mature.  The old irony is more reflective now. 

Jeb's Do As You Feel argument (to Carolyn in the antique shop) is a powerful one, which we all may have wrestled with at some time.  I'd actually be interested in hearing others' experiences with this.  Carolyn is especially susceptible, we know, having seen her previous rebellions against her proper upbringing.  Did she break the figurine?  I forget.  (Yes, I see, DL.)
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2015, 06:10:18 PM »
Aha, so DS invented the Power Trio!

I have to give Selby a lot of the credit for the new and improved Quentin versus the old one. I have to think that seeing the portrait, which documented every vile thing he'd done since 1897, had a big influence too.

And yes, the figurine does break when Carolyn lets it fall to the floor.

I don't know if I've ever had that kind of moment--too chicken, I guess.  [ghost_embarrassed]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2015, 10:39:04 PM »
Am I having a faulty memory, or

[spoiler] Weren't Levis 'scared' of werewolves? [/spoiler]

I completely love when Barn & Quentin are working together!!! They actually have a good chemistry between themselves.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2015, 11:22:05 PM »
No, Patti, your memory is correct but that addition to the Leviathan mythos hasn't been introduced just yet.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0940
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2015, 03:30:49 AM »
It's about to be.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor