Author Topic: Robservations 5/15/03 - #940-941 - Carolyn Whisked Away; Maggie in Danger  (Read 1263 times)

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940 - Collinwood - Carolyn sits by the fire, thinking. Lara Parker does the intro--Angelique will be in this episode.

We repeat the ending of the previous show, and it's different--Barnabas is smiling more, behaves more affable than nervous, as he did yesterday.

Jeb drains his glass and asks for another. Barnabas refuses; Jeb insists.  I don't have more than one drink at a time, says Barnabas. Jeb wonders--is that the real reason? Of course it is, says Barn. You're lying, accuses Jeb, your whole mood has changed--why?  You tend to forget that we are constitutionally different, says Barn. Maybe you forgot, suggests Jeb--you put something in that drink, didn't you?  Don't be absurd, says Barnabas.
You didn't mean a word you said! Jeb says--you came here to kill me! You can't go around suspecting everyone's motives all of the time, insists Barnabas. Jeb looks at him--I just don't like you, he says. It's the symbol of authority you don't like, says Barnabas. You have no authority over me, remember that, says Jeb--we should review our plans for this evening--you do remember it's tonight, right?--you are to pick up Carolyn at the Old House at 8 o'clock--then you'll invent an excuse and bring her back here--once here, I'll take her upstairs and we will prepare for the wedding--does that meet with your approval? Of course, says Barn, I've told you before that I have no reason to distrust you judgment--may I go now? See you tonight, says Jeb. Barnabas leaves.

Old House - Julia, I find all this hard to believe, says Quentin--the children who appeared at the antique store were all different ages, and yet they showed up only a few weeks apart? Don't try to understand, just to believe, advises Julia--those children were all one and the same--he's grown up now, and his name is Jeb Hawkes. No human being can grow from infancy to manhood in a few weeks, says Quentin. That's true, she says, but it's not human--when Barnabas first came back from the past, he brought a box with him, a carved wooden box--once, when I was alone in this room, I heard breathing inside it
--I never saw the contents, but Barnabas told me it contained an essence of something not human, something formless and terrifying, capable of growing at an alarming rate and of taking human form. What do these creatures want? asks Quentin, and why did they take over Barnabas when he was in the past? Julia explains--they're descended from creatures who lived on earth before the time of man--they're incredibly evil, and their aim is to become dominant on the earth again--the young man, who lives upstairs at the antique shop, is planning to marry Carolyn Stoddard--it's frightening, isn't it? There must be some way of stopping him, says Quentin. That's what Barnabas is trying to do this afternoon, says Julia. The door opens, Barnabas enters.  The poison I gave Jeb had no effect on him, reports Barnabas. Then the plan is for you to bring Carolyn to Jeb tonight? she asks. I am to have her here at 8 o'clock, he replies--have you told Quentin?  Everything you told me, yes, says Julia. We have so little time, perhaps not even enough, to get Carolyn away from Collinsport, frets Barnabas. Do you think we can persuade her to leave? asks Julia. I've already tried that, says Barnabas, but it failed--we will have to use trickery or force. Where can we take her? asks Quentin. Julia, what about Angelique, asks Barnabas--where is she?  I gave Angelique my word not to involve her with any of the Collinses, Julia reminds him.  That was before Carolyn was in so much danger, insists Barnabas--where is Angelique? Julia considers...

Little Windward Island - Angelique speaks pleadingly on the phone with hubby Sky--I don't care about your meeting, she coos, I haven't seen you  in a week--I want to be with you, for just a little while...I miss and love you...all right, she says, if you promise to call me back as soon as the meeting is over--I'll be waiting. She hears the doorbell and hangs up. Upon opening the door, she finds herself face to face with Barnabas.  Angelique bites her lower lip.

What are you doing here? demands Angelique.  I must discuss an urgent matter with you, he says. How did you find out where I was? she asks--silly even to ask, only Julia could have told you, and she gave me her word she wouldn't tell. I forced her to break her word, says Barnabas. Agitated, she invites him in.  Leading him into her living room, she begs, leave me alone--my whole life has changed, I'm very happy living here with my husband and want to stay that way. We're in terrible danger, explains Barnabas--with the help of your powers...  I've forsaken all my powers, she says, and my past, and am married to a man who loves me--if I revert to what I was, I'll lose him. Then you don't have to use your powers, says Barnabas, but there is a very simple way you can help us--Carolyn's life is in danger, and I must get her out of Collinsport--perhaps, without using your powers...  I still have them ALL, says Ang, but I'm forbidden to use them. All I ask if that you keep her here, says Barn--a few days, a week at the most--you have nothing to lose. They have wandered into the alcove where Angelique's ancient painting hangs. I have everything to lose, insists Ang--if my husband learns what I was--Carolyn knew me as Cassandra!  She won't recognize you, insists Barnabas, you had dark hair--please, he begs, help me this once--I'll never ask another favor again. Oh, she says bitterly, we both know that isn't very likely, don't we?--why is Carolyn's life in danger? Have you ever heard of the Leviathan people? he asks. They're creatures of the Underworld, she says, stunned. They don't plan to be that way much longer, he says. How did you become involved with them? she asks. Would it  matter if I explained or not? asks Barn. Yes, she says, please do.  And they sit so he can tell her the story.

Carolyn is playing the piano when someone comes to the door--Quentin.  I came by to see you, he says, and say thanks--I'm robust and healthy now, he says, his memory is back--and it's very nice to see you. Julia told me you'd begun to remember, says Carolyn, and I'm very happy for you--Grant. That's another thing, he says, we must discuss it right away--my name isn't Grant Douglas--can we speak in the drawing room?  Of course, she says. He closes the double doors once they're inside.  Is it a deep, dark secret? she asks. Prepare for at least a mild shock, he says--we are distantly related--I happen to be the great-grandson and namesake of a man who used to live here--Quentin Collins. Quentin? she asks, remembering nasty ghosts chasing them from the house--did you know you were Quentin before you lost your memory? Yes, he replies. Why did you introduce yourself as Grant Douglas, then? she asks.  I'm a writer, says Q, I've used Grant as one of many names--pseudonyms. It's a pleasure to meet you, she says. I stressed that we were distantly related for a reason, he explains--given half the chance, I'd like to take up a lot of your time, beginning tonight. I'm not free tonight, she apologizes. Tomorrow night? he asks. Completely open! she says, smiling. Good, he says. Jeb enters the drawing room--I let myself in, he says. Nothing you could do would surprise me, sighs Carolyn. She introduces Quentin to Jeb, who asks, are you a close relative?  "Distant enough to be reckless," promises Quentin. You talk right up, observes Jeb, don't you?  I have the feeling we met before--you don't mind if I call you Jeb? Not at all, says Jeb, but I don't think we've met before--I stopped by to confirm our date-- meet me at the Old House. This puzzles Carolyn.  Quentin comments, the Old House--how romantic!  Megan and Philip asked me to pickup something from Barnabas, says Jeb, so can you meet me at 8?  Carolyn agrees.  You shouldn't do that, warns Quentin--your father's killer is still loose, and it might not be safe. She'll be safe--with me, promises Jeb, smiling--Quentin, it's nice meeting you--you don't mind if I call you Quentin, right? Of course not, says Q, I want you to feel free. I'll see you at 8, says Jeb.  Carolyn escorts Jeb to the door while Quentin contemplates how much he already despises Jeb.

There was nothing I could do, Barnabas tells Angelique, I was their prisoner, and up until recently, they had complete control over my willpower. Now you mean to fight them? she asks. Either that, or see everyone at Collinwood destroyed, he says. You're taking a terrible risk, she says, concerned. I'm all right if I can maintain the deception, he says, but Carolyn is in extreme danger--please say yes. If I say no, says Ang, you're in a position to destroy my relationship with my husband. If you say no, I'll leave you in peace, Barnabas assures her. She agrees, very reluctantly--since my husband will be away for a week, but she must be out of the house before he comes back. Barnabas is cool with that--and very grateful. "And Barnabas, remember this, and remember it well, she says--I still have all of my powers
--if because of you, and because of this favor I'm doing for you, if my happiness is ruined, I will never forgive you--never!"  She and Barnabas exchange a look.  He leaves. We get a shot of Angelique's portrait.

Old House - Go over it once, Barnabas tells Julia--what are you going to tell Carolyn? That a close friend of her father's got in touch with me, and I promised I would go to Portland to pick him up--I'd like Carolyn to come with me for company and will have her back at 8.  And your car will break down on the designated place on the way to Portland, says Barn. Julia nods. Nonsense, says Quentin, I don't see why you won't let me go to the antique shop and take care of Hawkes myself.  I'll explain in a minute, promises Barn--Julia, go get things ready.  She leaves.  We must proceed with care, Quentin, says Barn--to deal with him at the antique store would be suicidal. Why? asks Quentin. I already told you everything, says Barn--he isn't human; there are certain physiological needs he must go by--he has a room upstairs at the shop--he can change from his natural self to Jeb anywhere he wants, but to change from Jeb back to his true form, he must be in that room, there's no other way he can do it. Then why not kidnap him and keep him away from the room? asks Quentin. Risky as it is, my way is best, insists Barnabas.

6:45 - Julia comes downstairs at Collinwood, calling to Carolyn. The front door opens--it's Barnabas and Quentin. Carolyn isn't here, reports Julia.  She isn't due at the Old House until eight, says Barnabas. I've looked everywhere, she isn't here! says Julia, upset. The phone rings, Julia answers--it's for Barnabas. What are you doing at Collinwood? asks Jeb--you're supposed to be at the Old House--or have you made other plans? I'm not due at the Old House until 8, it's only a quarter to seven, says Barnabas. Forget about going there, says Jeb, because I've made other plans--I decided to obey my instincts, which tell me you aren't to be trusted--I called Carolyn and changed our date to seven. You can't proceed with this without my help! protests Barnabas. That's what the book says, Jeb retorts, and I decided the book is as obsolete as you are--"You'll have to excuse me--she just walked in." Jeb grins. Carolyn has entered the antique shop. Jeb hangs up, despite Barnabas' protests of "Listen!"  Barnabas hangs up and tells Julia and Quentin, "It's too late, Carolyn is there now, at the shop."

Antique shop - Some sixth sense must have told me to dress early, says Carolyn, or I wouldn't have gotten here by now. She smiles. You're here--that's what matters, he says, walking around her in a circle, staring at her. The way you're looking at me makes me uncomfortable, she says. I won't do it, then, he promises, I don't want you to feel that way. Do we have plans or are we going to keep the shop open? asks Carolyn. I'm waiting for the Todds to come back, they stepped out a moment, he says. What are we gong to do? she asks.  I'll surprise you, he promises. She agrees. You're everything I thought you'd be, he says, I'm going to be very happy with you. What made you say that? she asks. I felt it, he says--haven't you ever said or done what you felt? Sometimes, she says. I do it all the time, he says--everyone should, I always do as I feel...right now, he says, picking up a statue, I feel like doing this--and he drops it on the floor. You shouldn't have done that, she says, horrified--it was an antique and doesn't belong to you. Haven't you ever felt like breaking something? he asks, handing her another piece of statuary--go ahead, break it. And, staring into his eyes, she says, I wish I could begin to understand you. Maybe you can, if you just free yourself, he urges--go on, let it drop from your hand.
She looks at it, then simply opens her hand. It drops to the floor and breaks. Jeb is pleased. He brings over some booze to celebrate her liberation. I don't get it, she says.  You will--soon, he assures her. He hands her a drink.  I'm not sure I want to, she murmurs. "Drink," he orders.  They both do, staring into each other's eyes. She looks out the window and says, I don't see any sign of the Todds. They'll be back soon, he promises. I hope so, she says, I'm anxious to leave. She puts her hand to her forehead and starts to pass out. He catches her--are you all right? he asks. I feel strange, suddenly, she says--everything is so blurry. She passes out. Jeb lifts her into his arms and says, "You're all mine now, Carolyn, this is the beginning of your new life." And he carries her toward the stairs.

NOTES: What is this, rufies he put in her drink? This is no way to get a woman to care for you, Jeb, what are you thinking?

941 - Jeb is about to carry Carolyn upstairs, but a familiar voice--Quentin's--orders, put her down--I don't know what you've done to her, but I'm taking her back to Collinwood. Jeb puts Carolyn down on the stairs and, a murderous look in his eyes, commands Quentin, get out
--"You're not taking her anywhere." Yes I am, says Quentin.  He and Jeb get into it, tossing each other around, sending delicate antiques falling to the floor. Jeb grabs a stool and goes to break it over Quentin's head; Quentin ducks and Jeb misses. Jeb grabs a letter opener and tries to stab Quentin with it, but again doesn't hit his target.  It all ends when Quentin hits Jeb over the head with a bottle. Jeb falls unconscious to the floor.

Barnabas closes the drawing room window at Collinwood, fretting over why Quentin isn't back yet--if Jeb manages to get to his room and transform...I must go myself, now! He's about to leave when a cheerful Maggie comes downstairs, putting on her coat. I'm going into Collinsport, says Barnabas.  I'll come with you, she says, I need to go there, too. Noticing the too-serious expression on his face, she asks what's wrong.  Nothing, he says. "Are you lying to me?" she asks--"When are you going to tell me what's going on around here?--you asked for my help, I thought you trusted me."  I do, he assures her. Prove it, she says, getting right into his face.  Carolyn went to the antique shop--unexpectedly, he says. Then let's go get her, insists Maggie, hurrying away. It's not that simple, says Barnabas.  Explain, she says. Perhaps I'll tell you more, he says, we'll meet tonight at 10, but in the meantime, promise not to go to the shop.  Maggie agrees--10 o'clock. Liz comes out and asks Maggie, haven't you left yet?--Mrs. Sinclair said she'd keep the shop open until you came to pick up the needlepoint. Buttoning up her coat, Maggie says, I'm on my way. She heads out, giving Barnabas a look before exiting. Have I done something wrong? asks Liz--just tell me that. Nothing at all, he assures her. I've tried to follow the few rules I know, says Liz--you can testify to my faithfulness--David and Barnabas have seen our leader. . ..  Jabez? asks Barnabas. Is that what he calls himself now? she asks--no matter what name, he's the same boy who used to play here--surely he must remember me with some affection. He only recently matured enough to appear to us, says Barn. "Why have I been ignored?" demands Liz--"Barnabas, you haven't answered my question."  You'll meet him soon enough Barnabas promises, but now is not the time.  Does the book specify when I am to meet him? asks Liz--is that why you're so against it now? There's a knock at the door--perhaps that's he! she exults--perhaps Jabez has come to me. She opens the door, but it's Quentin standing there, an unconscious Carolyn in his arms. Liz screams. Barnabas helps Quentin bring Carolyn in.

Jeb awakens, touches his sore head, finds blood. He staggers to his feet, infuriated, and sends a bunch of pots and pans clattering to the floor. "I will get Quentin Collins!" he vows. "I will!"

8:15 - Barnabas speaks on the phone while Quentin paces. Doctor, says Barnabas, tell Dr. Hoffman that it's urgent she come to Collinwood immediately--she'll be right here, he tells Quentin after hanging up.  Quentin, I never should have sent you to the antique shop--I should have gone myself. We couldn't risk losing the only advantage we have, insists Quentin--if you don't keep up your pretense of being a Leviathan, we won't be able to find out what we need to know--be sensible, he urges his cousin. Then both of us must be sensible, insists Barnabas, leave Collinsport--I know Jeb will be after you, and don't want anything happening to you--I still feel guilty about what happened to Paul. Nothing will happen to me, says Quentin, but what are you going to tell Mrs. Stoddard?  I will think of something, says Barn--Jeb must not be mentioned to Liz, they have too much of a hold on her--and you will have to speak to her--she'll want to thank you. I'm not too sure about that, says Quentin--when she heard my name, she was shocked--with reason--what will we do about Carolyn now?  We'll do something, says Barnabas, I'm not sure what, but we will do something--stay here with her. He leaves. (The dialogue between these two was a real mess in this scene.)

Carolyn lies on her bed. Liz calls to her, but gets no response. Barnabas enters--Julia is on her way, he says. What happened to her? demands Liz. She went to the antique shop, says Barnabas.  Alone? asks Liz. Mr. Collins came, and she fainted, Barnabas lies--at least he had the foresight to bring her back to Collinwood--you must thank him. If she only fainted, says Liz, why hasn't she revived?  Julia will have to answer that one, says Barn--go talk to Mr. Collins.
It all seems too strange, comments Liz, his being a descendant of Quentin--perhaps that's why I don't want to see him. We can hardly blame this Quentin for being the ghost, says Barnabas. Perplexed, Liz says, I didn't know the original Quentin had any children. We never really knew him, points out Barnabas--please go down and thank him. Liz agrees--Barnabas, let me know if there's any change in Carolyn's condition. She leaves. Barnabas stares out at the thunderstorm.

Outside, Jeb stares at Collinwood, his face a mask of determination and anger.

Drawing room - There's no need to thank me, Quentin assures Liz. Did you simply find Carolyn on the floor of the shop asks Liz. Yes, he replies. I don't understand, says Liz.  She glances out the window, then gasps--I thought I saw someone standing at the edge of the woods!  Quentin checks, but reports, no one is there now. If it's my imagination, says Liz, I must be more upset than I realized--I'll have Mrs. Johnson bring you some coffee--or would you prefer brandy?   Coffee, says Quentin, smirking. (COFFEE?)

9:30 - Quentin drinks his coffee in the living room.  Barnabas comes downstairs.  Liz runs out and asks, has Carolyn revived? She's beginning to, says Barnabas. Thank God, says Liz. Liz, says Barn, Julia has some very firm recommendations and I want to discuss them with you. If Carolyn is all right, says Q, I'll be on my way. Wait, says Barnabas.  I've intruded long enough, says Q--Elizabeth, I'll see you very soon.  Yes, she agrees, after this is all over. Don't go, Barnabas urges Quentin.  Nonsense, says Quentin. There's a storm coming, warns Barnabas, trying to keep Quentin there.  I'll be all right, says Q, and goes. What's going on? Liz asks Barnabas. Julia blames Carolyn's attack on the general state of her nerves and her poor health since her father died, explains Barnabas, so we decided you must take her away. Oh, have you? queries Liz. Julia is only speaking medically, says Barn, but personally, I feel...  Liz interrupts--is Carolyn in any danger?--I know our group must eliminate certain people...but there's no reason for Carolyn to be one of those, is there? No, answers Barnabas. I want Carolyn to be one of us, says Liz--they don't consider her an enemy because she isn't, do they?  No, they don't consider her an enemy, says Barnabas evasively. Thank heavens, says Liz, you have no idea how much I long to meet our leader--perhaps then he will honor me by allowing me to see him in his room as he really is. (yuk!)  It's not a pleasant sight, says Barnabas. What a strange thing to say, says Liz, shocked--whatever form our leader takes, I think will be beautiful--as you should, too. He doesn't respond to that, but says, when Carolyn becomes one of us, she must be in the best possible condition--we would want it no other way, so take her away. I'll make arrangements tomorrow, promises Liz.  You must go tonight, insists Barnabas--I've made arrangements for a charming retreat for both of you--a nearby, isolated island. What island? asks Liz.  I'll tell you along the way, promises Barnabas. I must leave some word! she protests. No one will want to speak to you or Carolyn for a few days, insists Barnabas--we will leave within the hour!

Jeb is lurking in the woods when Quentin passes, but he leaves the latter alone. Maggie comes by. She hears the sound of leaves rustling and abruptly finds herself face to face with Jeb. "YOU!" she cries.

What are you doing here? asks Maggie.
He eyes her evilly, and smiles when she says, you shouldn't be here. Why not? he asks. Are you on the way to Collinwood? she asks. Is Carolyn there? asks Jeb, I've been waiting for her. She tries to walk past him, but he grabs her.  Why are you in such a hurry? He asks. Because it's going to storm, she starts to say.  Is that the real reason? he asks--don't go, he orders, staring into her eyes, not yet--not yet at all.

Liz helps Carolyn downstairs.  Why do we have to leave, Mother? asks Carolyn--it doesn't make any sense!  Julia thinks we should, says Liz. I want to know what happened to me in the shop, says Carolyn--I was there with Jeb, a photographer living in the shop--why didn't he bring me home? I don't know, says Liz. Before I leave this house, I have to find out, insists Carolyn. Don't upset yourself, says Liz. This is ridiculous, insists Carolyn, dialing the phone.  What's this Jeb like? Liz asks. I don't know him well, Carolyn says, dialing the phone five times--he's contradictory--sometimes he seems quite mad, other times, very charming. Carolyn gets no answer.  Barnabas enters--do you feel any better? he asks. She makes a face.  You will soon, he assures her. This is absurd, complains Carolyn--I can't go away until I learn what happened to my father. Forget about him, says Barnabas, take care of your health--and that's the end of it!--I'm meeting Maggie at 10. "Why are you treating me like this?" demands Carolyn. Because we love you want you to be happy again, says Barnabas--now come. And the three of them leave.

10:20 - antique shop - Jeb returns and begins picking up the items he threw on the floor earlier. Barnabas enters. Where is she? he asks. Carolyn? asks Jeb, don't you know? I'm talking about Maggie Evans, says Barnabas--where is she?  I guess you heard about Carolyn by now, huh? asks Jeb--have you hidden her away yet?  Her mother has taken her away, says Barnabas. You know what you were supposed to do, accuses Jeb, and you knew what I wanted, and you could have stopped her!  I believe the book, says Barnabas, and this isn't the time to bring Carolyn here--now where is Maggie?--I know something has happened to her, because she failed to keep her appointment, and I've learned from experience that when something happens, "You are involved." OK, Mr. Collins, says Jeb, I know where Maggie Evans is, and I don't care. You lie as well as you kill, says Barnabas--have you killed her? Jeb asks, "Why should I?"  You find reasons no one else can understand, says Barnabas. "You don't like me, do you?" asks Jeb--"You and your friend, Quentin--he is a friend of yours, isn't he?" I would hardly call him that, says  Barnabas--when he came to Collinsport, he was interested in Carolyn, and I kept him away from the scene so she'd be available to you. (you hit him with a car!)  But you brought her back to the house, says Jeb, not to me. She came back to Collinwood, he happened to be there, yes, says Barnabas. Why did you take her away? demands Jeb--perhaps he was...Jealous?--well, he's going to be a very unhappy man. Jeb, says Barnabas, you must listen to me--leave Quentin to me--now where is Maggie Evans? Grinning, Jeb asks, "You dig her, don't you?" (LOL)
WHERE IS SHE? thunders Barnabas. "Don't talk to me like that!" shouts Jeb, his amused mood gone--I don't know where she is--besides, she's not my type, which I guess is pretty lucky for you, he smirks. I'm going to find Maggie, vows Barnabas, and if I discover you had anything to do with this, I'll... What, Mr. Collins, asks Jeb, what will you do? I'll call upon Oberon, Barnabas threatens, he understands punishment, he will tell me what to do about you. He leaves. Jeb is laughing, "He's in love with her!" he crows. "Where is she? Where is Maggie Evans?" And he laughs.

In a mausoleum (not that of the Collins, but a much larger one filled with gravestones), Maggie lies unconscious on her coat, arms crossed over her breast.

NOTES: There seemed to be a lot of trouble remembering dialogue in today's ep, but I always get a kick out of Jeb accusing Barnabas of being in love with Maggie. They've surely been showing them behaving rather intimately in a few scenes, especially when he hooked his finger over her hands, which were holding both of his. Jeb is behaving like his nasty SOB self, and it was fun watching Quentin give him a thrashing and walk away the victor, Carolyn in his arms. Carolyn doesn't seem to know what to make of Jeb, but she's definitely interested in this bad boy who seems three parts Buzz and one part petulant little boy.  Barnabas is really bucking the system; note how upset Liz got when he implied Jeb in his true form isn't pretty to look at. He's tipping his hand dangerously, and Jeb already doesn't like him and would clearly love to eliminate him.

Love, Robin