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Discuss - Ep #0781
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:50:44 PM »
Robservations #781

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0781

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 06:47:58 PM »
Are you getting nervous, Mr. Collins? Trask inquires hopefully. Barnabas replies, This is your moment. You might as well make the most of it. But we will meet again, _Mister_ Trask, and I will deal with you then as I dealt with your ancestor before you. [This is the closest he ever gets to confessing!] Then he vanishes before Trask’s astonished eyes. Hardly able to believe what he’s just seen, Trask whirls around as if looking for Barnabas. He declares, I was right! You _are_ a disciple of the devil! But I know your secret now, Barnabas Collins! he gloats. I know you are vulnerable during the daytime, and I will destroy you!

Barnabas can surely hear him, because he has rematerialized behind the bookcase (though his cloak is now on the coat tree near the door). He is climbing into his coffin--just on the other side of the wall from his enemy!

Edward phones the police to tell them about Carl's death. Edward shows no trace of emotion except when he says irritably that his brother (Q.) has been no help at all. Trask walks into the house without even knocking, and Edward chides him for going to the Old House. Trask is bursting with the news that Barnabas is the vampire! Edward can't believe this of a Collins, but Trask reports his first-hand experience. I believe you, Edward says after a moment’s thought--perhaps he remembers how close he and Barnabas have become, even if Barnabas had to make up a back story out of whole cloth. Edward continues, A great many things are beginning to make sense now. It's imperative to find and destroy Barnabas Collins, Trask insists. It won't be easy to find him, Edward points out. I believe we'll find his coffin at the Old House, Trask says confidently. No, Edward says and points out, Now that he knows he's been exposed, he wouldn't leave it there. He was there until dawn, says Trask, and couldn't possibly have moved it since then. [Trask makes no mention of the marks he saw on Charity’s throat. Probably he connects that evidence too but may be too mortified to admit that his own daughter has been debauched by a vampire.] I think we should send the police to the Old House, Trask urges. That’s impossible, Edward declares. At last he reveals emotion as he declares, For the sake of this family's peace of mind, no one else must ever know this terrible secret! We must go to the Old House now and do what must be done. Accordingly they depart, presumably leaving poor Carl still lying dead on the drawing-room floor.

Just as his father did with Victoria in 1795, Trask shows what a bully he is when he threatens and then slaps Magda, trying to get her to show him and Edward Barnabas's coffin. When she refuses, he promises that she'll burn in hell. Drawing herself up, she warns him coldly, You have made a mistake, mixing yourself up with the Almighty. I will remember this. There is an old gypsy saying: Walk fast, and misfortune will overtake you; walk slow, and misfortune will _catch_ you. You’d better not walk slow--because I will never be far behind you.

Later, at Collinwood, Trask is poring over the architectural plans of the OH when Edward returns with six silver bullets that he had "old" Braithwaite (presumably the father of "old" Ezra of 1969) make. Trask says he's found four possible hiding places for the coffin and says they'll start with the one behind the bookcase. (But Gregory Trask never discovers where Barnabas sealed up his father.)

That evening, Barn emerges from behind the bookcase to find Magda waiting--and now eager to help him. I find your sympathy somewhat disturbing, Barnabas observes. Why aren’t you helping Edward and Trask? After all, you have something to gain if I am destroyed: Your Sandor will be free again. I would rather help you than that _Meester_ Trask, Magda snarls. He's an animal! We can't stand here talking, we have to get you out. But before they can do anything, they hear a knock at the door. I'll get myself out, Barnabas says. Stall them as long as you can. Where will you go? Magda asks. I will find you, he vows. Once again he slips behind the bookcase, leaving Magda to face Trask and Edward, who trains the gun on her. She watches helplessly as Trask--who knows exactly how to do it--operates the hidden lever, causing the bookcase to swing open. The coffin is still there, and the two men take a moment to gloat over their success. But in that moment, Magda runs out, as they discover when they turn to face the drawing room. The two aren't too disappointed, though--without the coffin, Barnabas can't exist.

Closing the bookcase, Trask asks Edward, Are you sure you don't want me to remain here with you? No, I've got this, Edward replies as he brandishes the pistol. (No doubt he is still hoping to keep it strictly a family affair.) I'll return at dawn, Trask promises and leaves. Edward sits down on the strange round purple settee and takes up his solitary vigil, pistol in hand.

Barnabas rematerializes behind the bookcase. Edward hears a sound and gets up to listen through the bookcase, but decides he imagined it. He resumes his vigil, still holding the pistol. Barnabas is dismayed when he sees that the coffin is chained shut. The chains would be a trifle to his unhuman strength--if he didn’t first have to deal with the large silver cross on the lid.

Charity is preparing for bed in her bright green room at Worthington Hall when Barnabas materializes. She's dismayed that he's at the school, but Barnabas tells her that's the last place her father will look for him. He has to use his vampire gaze to get her to do what he needs: She has to go to the Old House basement and get a little bit of earth for him to rest in, once he gets a new coffin. He promises to show her how to get into the OH without Edward's seeing her.

At 4:20 a.m., Edward is still on watch in the drawing room at the Old House. He paces the room, then sits on the sofa.

In the cellar, Charity--still wearing her nightgown under a shawl--scoops some earth into a little beaded black reticule that looks rather ornate for a reverend’s daughter. She straightens up--and promptly knocks over a crate with a candle on it. Edward hears the noise and calls out, Who’s there? Instead of sensibly running back the way she came, Charity freezes in panic. When she hears Edward coming down, she ducks into an alcove. Edward arrives and calls out, Come out of there! I can see your shadow! I have a gun--and I’m prepared to use it! He is amazed when Charity, looking terrified, emerges....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 07:19:39 PM »
Everything about 1897 from this point on seems to be about damage control.  "This is your moment" Barnabas says to Trask, as he disappears.  Later as Ed and Greg start the search, Trask hits Magda.  He loves hitting women in the name of God.  That hit is another moment where right and wrong get all tangled up.  It also apparently turns Magda so against Trask that she sides with Barnabas over him, for good.  It's a bad explanation, but it will have to do.  Magda's standing by Barnabas's side through all this is one of those plot expediencies that undermine DS storylines.  Sometimes they just say "no" to certain plot complications because they've got too much on their plates (writers, producers).

Good Barnabas fade-in, into compartment behind bookcase.  He finds a cross on the coffin.  What if  Barnabas stood really far away (which he can't, not there) and threw things at the coffin to knock the cross off?  Would he freeze in his tracks as he tried to throw?  I wouldn't think so.  Magda could have removed it.  (Chains might be holding cross down... but if they weren't?)

Barnabas must arrange for a new coffin for the first time in his death-life, I guess.  Charity is sent for grave-earth from the Old House basement, via Maggie's escape tunnel, I guess.  Ed discovers her, end.

I missed Ed and Greg gloating.  "Reticule", my word for the day.  Is that the crate with melted candle on it from Dirk's lair, on a tour of all vamp hangouts in the area?
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Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 07:33:03 PM »
I LOVE the idea of Barn throwing things at the cross, but I guess some viewers might have taken that as sacrilege. It would have been smart of Edward and Trask to chain the cross down, but it's simply resting on top of the lid, at least in the DS Wiki frame grab. And of course Magda could have removed the cross (unless Edward and Trask used epoxy) and taken bolt cutters to the chains, but that would put a serious crimp in the plot developments in the next few eps.

I guess writers had to get Magda permanently on Barn's side somehow. But by having Barn bite Sandor way back when, they (the writers) started painting themselves into a corner and now they have to get out of it.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0781
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 09:33:23 PM »
I think that like Barnabas, the crate with the melted candle has moved throught time and space. I first remember seeing it when David is in the fishing shack and nearly gets incinerated with his mother. Then it was in the fishing shack in 1795/6. I'm sure I've missed a few instances, and I'm sure we'll see it again.