Author Topic: Robservations 1/24/03 - #780-781 - Senseless Death; Barnabas in Dutch  (Read 1331 times)

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780 - (David Selby) - Collinwood before the turn of the century--a time which promises death and disaster for Barnabas Collins.  His secret has been discovered by two men, and one has turned on the other and locked him in the secret room where the vampire lies, knowing that when Barnabas rises, the man will be killed...

Karlen doesn't grab onto the cross in the re-do of the previous episode's ending.  Morose, Quentin listens to his music in the drawing room.  He ignores the knock at the door, turning up the volume.  Trask enters and suggests that Quentin should play reverent hymns (as IF!).  This is MY hymn, says Quentin, grinning, calling him "Mr." Trask. The Reverend asks him to turn off the music.  Does it lead you into some unknown temptation--REVEREND--dancing, beautiful women in low-cut gowns, whispered laughter? taunts Quentin.  Trask soberly says, I've come to see Judith.  Then you'll have to wait, says Quentin; I can't keep you company, I have a meeting at dusk.  He leaves him the record playing, and suggests Trask "imagine" to his heart's content.

Cark stands outside the front door of Collinwood, knowing he must finish it now, whether Quentin is there or not!  He enters the house.  Carl is glad to see Trask.  Is Quentin here? asks Carl, his voice shaking.  He's gone, says Trask.  I want to see Judith, says Carl.  She's in town, says Trask, due back soon.  Carl doesn't know what to do; it will be dark soon--can I trust you?--I know I can, except people I think I can trust, I find out I can't!  Trask assures him, "Trust is my business."  (oh, please)!  Yes, agrees Carl, it's true.  Turning, he says, I know all about it--this vampire. . .I know how it sounds, but BARNABAS is the vampire, and I can prove it!  Trask seems to find this VERY interesting.  Come to the coffin with me, Carl urges Trask, where he spends the day, awaiting the night.  Trask starts to protest, but Carl talks him into it--we can then decide what to do.  It's my duty to investigate this possibility, says Trask.  It will be dark soon, says Carl, we must hurry--he'll be up, and that's dangerous.  I have the greatest weapon in the world, says Trask, holding up a large gold cross on a chain looped around his neck--this has the power to defeat the Prince of Evil himself
--if what you say is true, this will keep us safe!

Dusk - Barnabas rises from his coffin and closes the creaking lid (WD 40, anyone?)  He looks up and sees the secret panel is ajar.  He turns his back.  Quentin enters the mausoleum.  He and Barnabas face each other.  Barnabas has his fangs bared, about to strike to protect his secret.  "Wait!" orders Quentin--"I know!  Yes, you're my only hope, I now understand why you're trying to help me escape my curse.  I know what your offer of help means."  Barnabas asks, "You can look upon me without fear?"  Quentin assures him, I'm never without fear, but we don't have time to think of that--is my brother Carl dead?  This puzzles Barnabas.  Didn't you kill him? asks Quentin--he was here.  "Carl. . .here?" asks Barnabas.  "He KNOWS!" says Quentin, to Barnabas' horror.

Quentin tells Barnabas about Carl's dream, and how he went to find Judith and Edward and instead found me.  Face to face, Barnabas asks how long ago he escaped.  I don't know, says Q--I didn't see him at Collinwood.  Go to Collinwood, orders Barnabas, at once--find him.  You should do that yourself, says Quentin.  Barn insists, I have other things to do.  What if Carl's already talked, and I can't stop him? queries Quentin.  Barnabas reminds him I offered to help you, so do as I say--go to Collinwood, and if it's too late, come to the Old House--I'll be there after I finish what I must do--HURRY--do what you can to stop him from talking.

Cemetery - Carl tells Trask, you aren't taking this seriously; he is a vampire--are you sure the cross will work?  You're in desperate need of faith, says Trask.  Oh, I've got faith, Carl assures him.  In the wrong things, insists Trask.  Carl hears a sound, but Trask doesn't.  Someone's here, says Carl, and if he's in there, what will we do?  Trask reminds him--you said it was highly unlikely Barnabas would be here, if he's what you say, he'll be out working his evil ways.  They enter the tomb.  Carl points out the secret door, which Trask says he's known about for months.  Carl is, at first, afraid Trask is on Barnabas' side, but Trask sadly says, I knew about it because Rachel Drummond was once in there.  This surprises Carl, who points out that panel was open, now it's closed.  You must open it again, says Trask.  Carl, scared, takes a deep breath and does so, assuring him, you'll find no Rachel in there now.  Trask goes in first, holding out his cross.  The secret room is once again empty, and Carl is quite put out.  IT was here! he cries.  Trask asks if he's given much to visions.  No, no, listen! cries Carl.  Judith told me, in confidence, how high-strung you are, says Trask.  Carl says half an hour ago, there was a coffin here.  Trask accuses Carl of engaging him in a charade, to make him look the fool.  You're wrong, wails Carl, I was locked in all day, and there WAS a coffin there--Quentin was here.  Then we shall ask him, says Trask.  But he won't admit it, insists Carl.  I wonder why, says Trask.  Carl doesn't know--I don't understand any of it.  Obviously, says Trask.  Stop looking at me like that, demands Carl, I'm NOT crazy, I'm NOT!!  Carl advances on Trask and screams in his face, "And don't you think I am, because you're wrong!"  There is no question of right or wrong, the devil has told you to say these things, says Trask, you're in the hands of a someone far stronger than yourself.  I'll prove what I say, says Carl, somehow, I will!  He runs out, Trask calling after him.  We must help him, the reverend tells himself, I can drive these devils of suspicion and delusion from his mind...he holds up his cross like a weapon against his enemies.

Carl stomps into the drawing room and picks up the phone.  He's calling frantically for the operator.  Spotting a bat is hanging around outside the house, Carl is terrified.  The window blows open, Carl has lost his connection--the phone isn't connected at all!  Carl stares around wildly, demanding, Who's there?"  The lights all go out and the double doors swing shut, locking Carl in.  He goes to the open windows, which close before he can escape.  "Carl!" says Barnabas' voice, filling Carl's head--"What have you done, Carl?"  Carl begins to cry.  "Whom have you told, Carl?" asks Barnabas.  Carl runs through the darkened room toward the doors, trying to get out.  No one will help you, warns Barnabas.  (This is scary!)  Carl talks back:  "Listen to me--I'll do whatever you want, I won't tell anybody, I promise--all right?  Just let me leave this room and I won't speak a word!  I swear it!  Do you believe me?"  Barnabas doesn't reply at first, then materializes before Carl, standing near the window.  "You know you will tell," says Barnabas.  Carl's lips quiver--"Don't come near me!" he cries.  "I must, Carl," asserts Barnabas--"Who else have you told?"  No one, says Carl.  Barnabas starts to throttle him.
"Tell me the truth, Carl!  Tell me the truth!"  He squeezes.  Carl's tongue begins to protrude from his mouth.

Carl lies on the floor, Barnabas staring down at his lifeless body.  Barnabas kneels.  Quentin comes downstairs.  Barnabas hears a sound and hides, his back against the wall by the door.  Quentin spies his brother and kneels.  Barnabas closes the door, revealing his presence.  "You had to do it," says Quentin.  "I know that, but. . .oh, God, will tonight ever see an end to all of this?"  Tonight may be a new beginning, says Barnabas solemnly--we had to do it, for both our sakes--this may give us time.  "May?" shouts Quentin, horrified--"You mean you did this without knowing for sure that it would?"  He may have told someone else, says Barnabas, but he wouldn't admit it.  There's a knock at the door.  Answer it, Barnabas orders Quentin.  I don't want to, says Q.  You must, says Barnabas, and keep whoever it is out of here
--"If I'm going to help you, you must help me!" insists Barn.  I don't know how I can do this, says Quentin.  You must, insists Barnabas.  The knocking gets louder, more impatient.  Quentin answers--it's Trask, looking for Carl.  He isn't here, says Q.  I want to wait in the drawing room for him, says Trask.  Wait in the study instead, Q hastily suggests--I have a fire going there.  Carl might return without my hearing, says Trask, and goes to open the drawing room door.  "Mr. Trask!" blurts Quentin--are you in the habit of going into other peoples' homes as if you own them?--I asked you to wait in the study.  This is most important, insists Trask, or I wouldn't take the liberty.  He opens the double doors.  Quentin nervously wipes his mouth.  The body is gone.  Your brother seems to be in a most deplorable state, says Trask.  (if only he knew!)  I fear another tragedy unless something is done--certainly your sister doesn't need more worry and more concern.  Quentin sees Carl's arm drop out from behind the curtain, and doesn't hear Trask asking him, "Do you have any interest in sparing Judith more worry?--if you don't, I do!"  Then he notices Quentin's ashen face, and asks him what's the matter--are you listening to me?  Carl's body suddenly drops out from behind the curtain.  Trask, aghast, accuses Quentin of knowing about this--so Carl was not mad!  "What do you mean, I know about it?" demands Quentin, kneeling, trying to rouse Carl, screaming his name.  "He's dead!  He's dead!" Quentin cries.

Old House - Barnabas paces, a nervous vampire wreck.  He answers a knock at his door--Trask--you're out late, remarks Barnabas.  As long as it's dark, it's not too late for you, says Trask significantly, entering his house.  I don't know what you mean, says Barnabas.  "I accuse you of the murder of Carl Collins!" announces Trask.  Murder? asks Barnabas.  No need to act surprised or deny it, says Trask--I know the truth about you--you're a foul, evil creature, a bloodthirsty creature of the supernatural--beholden to Satan, sworn enemy of the Almighty.  Barnabas approaches him, calling him "Mr. Trask" in an ominous voice.  Trask pulls out his cross, holding Barnabas at bay.  The sight of the cross disturbs you, notes Trask with satisfaction--and with very good reason--a vampire is powerless before this symbol.  Barnabas, back turned, says, you have no facts, you're the victim of your fanatic imagination.  I didn't imagine Carl's dead body, points out Trask.  Nor did you witness me killing him, counters Barnabas--you merely assumed.  With good reason, says Trask, "Carl told me what you are--he saw you yesterday in your coffin!"  But he will speak no more, says Barnabas, so you have no proof against me, none whatsoever.  Smugly, Trask says, I intend to get proof, here and now--if you are innocent, you should have nothing to fear, not even the dawn of a new day--a vampire cannot exist in daylight!
--"I challenge you, Barnabas Collins, stay in this room with me until the sun rises--if you survive the dawn, then and only then will I believe you are innocent."  At that moment, the cock crows.

NOTES:  Uh oh, this is one challenge poor Barnabas can't win.  Excellent performances from all.  I know folks say there were other ways to deal with Carl, other than killing him--hypnotize him, send him abroad, bite him, etc., but John Karlen was leaving for a long time, and they had to dispense with his character.  Angelique took herself out of the equation, even though she could have easily helped out.  Sure, they could have sent him to Europe on an extended vacation, but they dealt with it this way.  It makes Barnabas--and Quentin--seem so cold and calculating.  What kind of brother locks his sibling in with a creature he knows is going to kill him?  We've taken a couple of steps back here to see the self-centered Quentin.  The scene in the mausoleum where Barnabas and Quentin face each other, now knowing the full truth, is just riveting.  This last scene with Trask is tense and thrilling, both men turning in superb performances.

Yet another death.  Sad.

781 - (Nancy Barrett) - Collinwood before the turn of the century--Barnabas Collins has returned to this time and a series of evil and terrifying events in order to solve a mystery to help him save two lives in the present.  But as time has passed, Barnabas Collins' own dark secret has come under ever-increasing suspicion.  But now, as the promise of dawn lingers below the horizon, the Old House is the scene of a bizarre waiting game, and Barnabas Collins knows that his secret will not last another night.

Trask asks Barnabas, are you getting nervous?  "This is your moment--you might as well make the most of it," says Barnabas--"But we will meet again, Mr. Trask.  I will deal with you then as I dealt with your ancestor before you."  (a confession!)  And he disappears right before Trask's eyes.  The Reverend, very excited and disbelieving, whirls around and says, "I was right--you ARE a disciple of the devil.  But I know your secret now, Barnabas Collins, I know you are vulnerable during the daytime, and I will destroy you!"

We see the bookcase, where Barnabas is now climbing into his coffin--just on the other side of the wall from where Trask stands!

7:10 - Collinwood - A stoic Edward tells the police on the phone that the body was discovered in the drawing room about an hour ago--my brother Quentin has been no help at all.  Come at once, advises Edward, and bring the coroner--I'll be expecting you.  The front door opens--Trask.  Edward, angry, demands to know, where ha you been?--you discovered Carl's body, and thus had no right to go to the Old House, you were obligated to stay here.  You will understand my behavior when I tell you what I have discovered, Trask assures him.  He looks around, then suggests going into the drawing room.  Trask closes the doors.  Well, speak up, orders Edward.  Trask tells him Barnabas, your cousin, is the source of evil plaguing this house, and Carl is dead because he discovered Barnabas' secret--fortunately, Carl had a chance to reveal it to me before Barnabas killed him.  What secret? demands Edward.  Barnabas is a vampire, says Trask, and Dirk was only used by Barnabas to divert suspicion from himself--the secret is out now, I witnessed proof with my own eyes--the living dead can't exist in the light of day, and I challenged Barnabas to meet the dawn with me--but he was forced to vanish before my very eyes to save himself, a power he has, among others. Edward finds this incredible.  But true, says Trask.  I believe you, says Edward--a great many things are beginning to make sense now.  It's imperative to find and destroy Barnabas Collins, insists Trask.  It won't be easy to find him, says Edward.  I believe we'll find him at the Old House, says Trask.  No, says Edward, now that he knows he's been exposed, he wouldn't leave it there.  He was there until dawn, says Trask, and couldn't possibly have moved it since then (has Trask associated all this with the marks on his own daughter's throat?)--I think we should send the police to the Old House.  Edward shoots that idea down--for the sake of this family's peace of mind, no one else must ever know this terrible secret.  (Now Edward is showing emotion!)--we must go to the Old House now and do what must be done.

Old House - Through the bars of the basement door, we see Barnabas' cane hanging on the coat rack.  Magda exits the cellar, closing the door behind her.  There's a knock at the door.  Edward and Trask barge in.  Edward advises her, things will go much easier if you tell us where Barnabas is.  He's away for the day, on business, claims Magda.  You're lying, says Edward, and you couldn't have lived in this house all these months without knowing his secret.
Magda plays dumb--all people have secrets, she says.  Trask grabs her arms, hurts her, accuses her of knowing the secret and helping Barnabas Collins--after we attend to him, he says, we can see you are punished, too, if you don't cooperate with us--where does he keep his coffin?  Magda insists she doesn't know what they are talking about.  Edward threatens to search the entire house.  Do it, she says, you won't find him here.  Edward, disgusted, tells Trask to come along, but the Reverend gives Magda one more chance.  She behaves haughtily.  I'm speaking to you! he says, and grabs her again, warning that the Almighty has ways of dealing with those who do the devil's bidding.  He slaps her across the face, shouting, He will smite you for the sins you have committed!   Magda nurses her hurt cheek.  Damnation and hellfire shall be yours, he warns her.  I think you've made the mistake in mixing yourself up with the Almighty, says Magda--I will remember this, and tell you an old gypsy saying--walk fast and misfortune will overtake you--walk slow and misfortune will catch you!--you'd better not walk slow, because I will never be far behind, she warns him. (Trask is a bully, and I love the way Magda handled him in this scene.)

Collinwood - Trask pores over the architectural plans of the Old House.  Edward comes.  I was able to get the silver bullets, he says, six of them, from Brathwaite.  Trask remarks, your ancestors had a penchant for secret rooms.  I'm aware of that, says Edward, I know they were a curious lot long ago.  This wouldn't be necessary, says Trask, if that old gypsy had been willing to help us.  We must get back to the Old House before Magda can help him, says Edward.  I've found four secret rooms/passageways at the Old House, says Trask, and we'll begin with the one behind the bookcase.

Barnabas rises, sits up.  Magda comes to him after first having checked downstairs, clearly perturbed.  Barnabas comes out.  I didn't know you were here, she says.  I never had the opportunity to tell you I moved my coffin, he says.  Well, you'd better move it again, advises Magda, and fast--Edward and Trask know about you.  I know, says Barnabas, it happened this morning before dawn.  They searched the entire house, plus the cellar, says Magda--where will you go?  The question isn't where, but do I have time to move anywhere else? he wonders.  I promise to help in any way I can, says Magda  I find your sympathy somewhat disturbing, says Barn--you have something to gain if I am destroyed: your Sandor will be free again.
I would rather help you than MEESTER Trask, says Magda--he's an animal--we can't stand talking, we have to get you out.  There's a knock at the door.  I'll get myself out, says Barnabas, you should stall them as long as you can--I will find you, he vows, and disappears behind the bookcase.  Magda answers the door.  Trask orders her out of the way--we will search the places we didn't know about earlier today.  You're wrongs, says Magda--you searched every room.  It's too late now, says Edward, we know all about the secret rooms.  Like the one behind that bookcase, adds Trask--stand aside.  She doesn't move.  Edward icily says, "I give you one last warning--there are enough bullets here to dispose of Barnabas and you."  And he holds up the gun, pointing it at Magda.  She knows she is beaten when he says, if you don't step aside, I will shoot--your choice.  She steps aside.  The men go to the bookcase, and Trask opens it, knowing just where the secret lever is.  Edward tells Trask to raise the coffin lid, which he does.  Barnabas is gone.  Dead by day, alive by night, says Edward, revolted.  On the loose somewhere, probably in search of another victim, says Trask.  "That woman knows where he is!"  says Edward--"And this time, she's going to tell us."  But when they exit the bookcase, Magda, too, is gone.  Edward regrets not bringing her in there with him.  We have no need of her, says Trask, pleased--we have already made considerable progress by finding the coffin, to which Barnabas will have to return by morning--when he does, he will find it no longer usable, and without a coffin, he cannot exist.

Old House - Trask closes the secret bookcase and asks Edward, are you sure you don't want me to remain here with you?  No, says Edward, brandishing his pistol, I've got this.  I'll return at dawn, promises Trask.  Edward sits down on the Dreaded Purple Furniture and looks at the bookcase.  Barnabas appears inside there.   Edward hears a sound and listens through the bookcase, but returns to his seat, holding the gun ready.  Barnabas glances down and sees how coffin is chained, a cross is sitting on top of it!  (Oh, no--do they have a Motel 6 for vampires?)

Worthington Hall - Charity, dressed for bed, glances into the fire and hears the sound of a squeaking bat.  Barnabas appears before her.  You never should have come here, she says.  I had to, says Barnabas.  If my father were to find you...  Barnabas explains that Daddy Trask already knows about me and is searching for me.  Oh, no, says Charity, appalled.
I'm in serious trouble and need your help, says Barnabas.  How?  she asks.  Your father wouldn't look for me at the school, says Barn, so you must hide me here.  No, objects Charity--I can't do that!  You must do it and protect me, orders Barnabas.  It's much too dangerous, objects Charity.  There's danger for me everywhere now, he says, except when I'm with you.  He'll know, says Charity, Daddy always knows when I'm trying to hide something from him!  "Charity, look at me," commands Barnabas.  She doesn't want to, but of course, she does.  "You haven't the will to resist me," he says hypnotically--"you understand that."  Yes, she agrees, softly.  You must not fail me, says Barn--I must find another coffin to rest in.  I understand, she assures him--what do you need?  I need a small amount of earth from the grave in the basement of the Old House, he says--it's too dangerous for me to go there, so you must go for me.  She's set to leave immediately, but he warns her, Edward is guarding the house, and if he sees your there, you won't be able to explain yourself.  How can I do it, then? she asks.  I'm going to tell you another way to get into the Old House, promises Barnabas, and Edward will never know you've been there.

4:20 AM.  Old House drawing room - Edward paces, then sits on the sofa.

Old House basement - Charity picks up a neat little black purse that looks rather fancy for one such as she.  She scoops some of the earth from the floor into it, but knocks over a crate with a candle on it.  Edward calls out, "Who's there?"  Charity, still in nightclothes, her eyes wide with terror, hides in a doorway as Edward comes downstairs into the basement.
He orders her out of the alcove, warning her that he's prepared to use the gun--"Come out!" he demands.  Charity does so, looking absolutely terrified.  Now Edward's eyes go huge when he sees who it is.

NOTES:  I'm surprised that Trask hasn't yet made the connection between Charity and Barnabas.  Or did he think Dirk her attacker?  In any event, Charity has been found--what will Edward do now?  What will Charity do now?

Edward and Barnabas had become close friends, and I wonder how Edward feels now about his cousin?  They've talked at great length, I'm sure, Barnabas being forced to fabricate much of what he told Edward, but doesn't Edward feel badly at wanting to destroy the man he called cousin?

What a bully Trask is!  Manhandling Magda to the point that she'd rather be on Barnabas' side than his and Edward's!  Somehow, you can't wait to see Magda punish Trask, can you?

Love, Robin