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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #75 on: December 21, 2003, 02:48:34 AM »
sounds for all the world as though the WB was frantic for a new Vampire series to replace "Buffy" (since they were dumb enough to loose "Angel")

Rainey, it was Buffy that moved to UPN; Angel is still on the WB.

Dark Shadows has always been serious at what it does. It cannnot be like al the other so called supernatural shows like flufffy buffy, angel or any other of that garbage
All i can say is that the Wb better not make it into one of those other "so-called" supernatural garbage like fluffy buffy and angel, dark shadows is not like that,

With all due respect, picard, you're repeating yourself.

and that will turn dark shadows fans of the original off on it in a snap, i know it will for me if that is what i see on the new pilot

Actually, I'd love a DS done in either show's style.

Offline Raineypark

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #76 on: December 21, 2003, 02:54:11 AM »
Rainey, it was Buffy that moved to UPN; Angel is still on the WB.

Of course it is....and I've obviously had more than my share of the egg nog...[lghy]

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Offline Midnite

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #77 on: December 21, 2003, 03:10:12 AM »
had more than my share of the egg nog...[lghy]

Ooh, SHARE!!!


Offline Raineypark

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #78 on: December 21, 2003, 03:29:41 AM »
Ooh, SHARE!!! :D that we have to treat eggs like toxic waste it's all the commercial stuff and that's nothing like my Auntie's eggnog used to be.

Oops!....we've slipped off topic, haven't we?  [sure]
"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Offline Mark Rainey

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #79 on: December 21, 2003, 03:30:59 AM »
had more than my share of the egg nog...[lghy]

Ooh, SHARE!!!


You took the word right out of my beak.

Actually.... I told the missus the other day that we needed some egg nog. She asked how much. I said lots. She bought five gallons. It might last a day or two.


Offline jimbo

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2003, 08:37:41 AM »
;D It doesn't take a genius to figure out the proposed Fox series was going to be the third remake of the same storyline!

 :D I hope WB and Wells take the show in a different direction.  I heard a 'next generation" approach was out of the question.

 ;D I don't think all those "teenagers" on WB are all in their 20s... some must be in their 30s!

I am not sure I agree with your position that it does not take a genius to figure out the proposed Fox series was going to be the third remake of the same storyline, especially since I was the one who originally asked the question as why Fox had passed on the DS pilot script. When Fox ordered the pilot I have to assume that they did not want a rehash of the previous used storylines.It was my opinion that Dan Curtis would then deviate from the repeated storylines and come with a more fresher approach. My curiosity was peaked when Fox then passed on the series pilot and it was not until Darren who provided us the answers we long sought. So here we are again with the WB odering a new script and again I have to believe that since its their investment money output that they have made suggestions as to what they would like to see in the DS pilot script. So hopefully Dan Curtis has learned his lesson of ignoring Fox's wishes and refusing to make the changes they requested.
I do agree with you that the new version must deviate from how Barnabas being released from his box. I do not think we need to see again Loomis release him a 4th time. How about in the beginning have the Collins family hire Julia to actually really do a history of the Collins family and when doing her research and based on the relentless inquisitive nature of her character she comes across the dark buried family secret. Just an example of how storylines could change.

Offline Darren Gross

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2003, 10:29:32 AM »
I think that a fresher approach is being sought, simply by the inclusion of John Wells in the mix. He's not just co-writing he's sharing executive producer credit with Dan Curtis. The exec producer is the one who truly holds the power AND gets the most money.

This was not the case with the Fox pilot where the co-writer was just a collaborator authorized by Fox (from a list of possible writers) to work on the pilot script with Curtis.

For Curtis to agree to share exec producer credit is a bold and positive move for him and shows his strong interest in getting this thing going.

Wells is a man with mucho clout and if he wants the pilot to be fresher with a new approach then most likely Curtis will ultimately acquiesce, if Curtis wants it made. Because of the development deal Wells has with WB they will probably be more open to discussions and revisions of the pilot script in order to get it into greenlight-able shape...

Of course, keep in mind these are all speculations on my part, based on the information printed in those articles..

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2003, 06:26:47 PM »
 ;D I agree that FOX probably rejected the guidlines (IE storylines, ownership, rights, budget, etc) their DS revival would have had to follow.  I think that was wise.

 :) I also agree that DC done DS right by bringing another person (IE Wells) into the mix... it certainly is about time!

Offline jimbo

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2003, 07:39:43 PM »
I think that a fresher approach is being sought, simply by the inclusion of John Wells in the mix. He's not just co-writing he's sharing executive producer credit with Dan Curtis. The exec producer is the one who truly holds the power AND gets the most money.

This was not the case with the Fox pilot where the co-writer was just a collaborator authorized by Fox (from a list of possible writers) to work on the pilot script with Curtis.

I am a bit torn about all of this. On one hand I am upset with DC for possibly blowing a golden opportunity to have a new version of DS on Fox, a major network, that would have been seen far above the WB's limited audience if he had only submitted a more imaginery modern version DS pilot script and had been more open to post script suggestions. On the other hand I respect him for not making dramatic changes to the  traditional story lines. Part of me believes that a new version of Dark Shadows based on its traditional story lines with new actors and better special effects (please do not use a model of Collinwood in the opening credits which in my opinion cheapened the look of the 1991 series)  could work. On the other hand part of me believes that it is time for a change but not a dramatic change like completely ditching the Vicky character.
I am really encouraged that DC has agreed to share exec producer credit something I do not think he would have done years ago. Based on reading his interviews he comes across to me not to be an individual to let another person have input/control over his baby. And for that he certainly should be applauded. I agree that having Wells aboard gives us fans our best shot in years to see a new version of DS on the small screen. I shudder to think of a better chance in future years if the WB passes on the new DS script.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #84 on: December 22, 2003, 04:54:59 AM »
Don't know if anyone read this article in the Boston Herald 11/30/03 edition ,a bit out- dated but very informative about the proposed series. Here are some of the important quotes from the article "WB turns to "Dark" side for vamp revamp" by Terry Morrow:

In hopes of holding onto viewers who have been devoted to supernatural adventures during the last seven years, WB is dusting off the coffin of Dark Shadows.
"We made a deal with John to do it" says Pam Morrison, WB's head of programming publicity. "It's one of our top priorities. The fact it has been off the air for so many years, and there is still a following for the franchise, makes it appealing to us."
With WB involvement, the new "Shadows" will have "a slightly younger slant with the characters" said Jim Pierson, marketing and promotional director for Dan Curtis Productions.
What will the new Dark Shadows be like?
" A new Dark Shadows would be adapting ( the franchise) to the times, but keeping the original flavor intact," Pierson said. " It's an old-fashioned gothic story with a romantic slant".
"Certainly the WB plays genre programming well", Pierson said. "(The network is) a little more niche oriented. If you look back at Dark Shadows when it first aired, many of the characters were in their early 20s. You did have young lovers on the show. The WB has had shows like Felicity and Dawson's Creek, so it is not so much of a stretch (to emphasize) the youth aspect of Dark Shadows. It's very much the basis of the show anyway."
end of article

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #85 on: December 22, 2003, 06:04:53 PM »
All i can say is that the Wb better not make it into one of those other "so-called" supernatural garbage like fluffy buffy and angel, dark shadows is not like that,


and that will turn dark shadows fans of the original off on it in a snap, i know it will for me if that is what i see on the new pilot

Actually, I'd love a DS done in either show's style.

As would I. And truthfully, any new WB DS would be extremely lucky to garner the critical respect/praise given either show.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2003, 12:57:49 AM »
(please do not use a model of Collinwood in the opening credits which in my opinion cheapened the look of the 1991 series) 

Bwah! So true. I wonder why they did that? Also, it was impossible to differentiate between the Old House and the New House.

With WB involvement, the new "Shadows" will have "a slightly younger slant with the characters" said Jim Pierson, marketing and promotional director for Dan Curtis Productions.

I knew it.

Five words:

Travis Fimmel as Barnabas Collins.

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2003, 02:17:29 PM »
I also really do not know why they decided to use a model of Collinwood in the 1991 series. I guess the special effects people were a bit bored and needed work. lol  I guess one reason they used the model was because the actual mansion ( Greystone) was not located on the top of a cliff, its grounds too massive for special effects to work,  and I guess they thought with full control of the special effects they could make the model of Collinwood look dark and gloomy which they failed to do. They need to use the actual mansion in the next series. I did see part of the actual model at one of the fests and whoever created it did a great job. It just did not work as a good visual effect on the series, in my opinion.

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Dark Shadows: Return To Collinwood
« Reply #88 on: December 28, 2003, 03:31:05 AM »

I always wondered why instead of making Night of Dark Shadows about a parallel universe, why didnt they make a movie like Dark Shadows: Return to 1971. They should have told what happened to every character in a movie instead of making a movie about different characters.

I know the new WB Dark Shadows will most likely be a remake of the original show, but I think they should make this show a present day Collinwood. Elizabeth Stoddard could really be dead and Carolyn is now the mistress of Collinwood. I think the new show would have a better chance if they made the show about the offspring of Carolyn, Maggie, and others. Maggie (KLS), Carolyn, Quentin, and others could make guest appearences through the show.

By making the new Dark Shadows show about the next generation, there are more Storyline possibilities and could recreate a whole new generation of fans.

I wish the show would be like this. It would also be a cool idea if they made the audio play of Return to Collinwood, a movie or TV movie, I think it would do well.

Victoria Winters

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Re:Anyone know anything new on WB dark shadows pilot
« Reply #89 on: January 01, 2004, 11:01:05 PM »
I'm looking forward to the new Dark Shadows. It doesn't matter to me if they attempt to remake the original show or if they create a whole new version and reinvent (some) characters and storylines. As long as they remain at least a little faithful to the most basic plotlines I'd watch it.  A good serious anime version of DS would be fine by me.  I'm pretty easy to please, Dark Shadows-wise.