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Discuss - Ep #0710
« on: May 24, 2014, 05:14:18 PM »
Robservations #710

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0710

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0710
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 06:50:42 PM »
Poor Jamison never realizes how his beloved uncle Quentin is using him.

One of the best chase scenes ever as Quentin has a dream in which Edith chases him around the room. In the dream he ends up strangling and burying her. Just as her hand (with her ruby ring) claws its way up out of the ground, Quentin wakes up. He walks over to the window, which was boarded up in 1967. Now the dawn’s early light streams through. His rooms are still trashed, and he still blames Barnabas.

Turns out that Evan is an amateur satanist as well as a lawyer.  [easter_grin] He suggests summoning "someone from the flames of the netherworld" to deal with Barnabas. Are you serious? Quentin asks, taken aback for once. If our plea is strong enough, the powers of darkness will respond, Evan replies. And to make sure our plea is strong enough, he adds, bring the boy with you this time. He will be our symbol of innocence--our sacrificial lamb, so to speak. To his dubious credit, Quentin immediately warns him, I won’t do anything to hurt Jamison! Evan blandly reassures him, We will merely use him. He won’t be harmed. We won’t know if it works until we try. If you want to do something about Barnabas, meet me at the cottage at eight--with the boy. Give me the will--I’ll get Sandor. Hesitantly, Quentin hands over the document.  Stop worrying! Evan chivvies him. In a few weeks, you will be the Master of Collinwood! As Evan leaves, Quentin smiles faintly, but he still looks worried.

Someone--presumably Beth?--has tidied up Quentin's rooms. Evan has returned. Sandor wants $500 in gold to forge a new will that will leave Quentin with everything. He says that Edith wrote with a fine hand--but wouldn't a lawyer's clerk do the actual writing? Jamison bounds in, glad to see his uncle, but checks himself at the sight of Evan. Quentin tells the boy that he's too unwell to attend Edith's funeral and would he please tell that to Judith--and then can he come back after the funeral is over. After Jamison leaves, Evan comments dryly, It would be nice if one of us attended the funeral. He takes himself off.

Later, Jamison, wearing what looks like a three-cornered hat, visits the OH, where Sandor is hard at work.  I didn’t think anyone would be here, Jamison tells him. What do you want? Sandor asks as he quickly turns his work over. Nothing, Jamison replies. I was going back to Collinwood. I stopped here because I often come here to play. What are you doing here? he asks. Sandor says, Your uncle Quentin wanted me to clean up. I don’t ask questions, I just do what I’m paid to do. How could my uncle pay you? Jamison asks ingenuously. I know he doesn’t have any money. You shouldn’t ask so many questions, Sandor warns him--do you understanding what I mean? No, Jamison says, prepared to argue. Jamison spots a long, narrow red box. To Sandor’s dismay, he opens it and finds black candles. I was hoping it was candy, he says lamely. Sandor takes the box, leans in very close and advises Jamison, Go back to Collinwood--it’s going to be dark soon! He laughs evilly as Jamison hurries off, forgetting to take his cap. Sandor returns to his work.

Jamison returns to report to Quentin, who is relieved that the old lady is buried at last. Quentin offers to take the boy on a long walk--and after dinner, he has a surprise for him. We are going to take a look into the future tonight, he says when Jamison presses him for just a hint. With a crystal ball? Jamison asks eagerly. No, that’s for gypsies, not for men like you and me, Quentin answers. I can’t tell you just how, but you have to promise not to be frightened. At first, what you see might be rather strange. Do you trust me? Yes, Jamison says. You trust Mr. Hanley, don’t you? Quentin asks. Jamison hesitates and asks, What does Mr. Hanley have to do with it? Quentin says solemnly, Mr. Hanley knows a lot more than people think he does. He knows certain words, magic words. When he speaks them, visions appear--visions of the future. This is heady stuff for Jamison. Quentin assures him, It’s nothing more than a game--but a secret one. Innocently thrilled to be part of something (1) secret and (2) with his uncle Quentin, Jamison promises not to tell anyone. With everything settled, the two set off for their walk.

That night, at the cottage, Evan supervises Sandor as he arranges black candles around the room and a black altar before the fireplace, which is now lit. Sandor wants to ask questions, but Evan tells him, Don’t be curious--just do as you’re told. Someone knocks, and Evan lets Quentin and Jamison in. Jamison tells Evan, Quentin told me that you can make people see into the future. Is that what he told you, Evan comments dryly. Well, I hope he didn’t tell you that I always succeed. What’s that table? Jamison asks. It’s a kind of altar, Evan explains. But don’t worry--it’s part of the game. We’ll start immediately. I want you to stand by the altar and look directly into the flame of the candle. While I’m talking, you’re to concentrate very hard and keep looking into the flame--or the spell will be broken. What will you be doing? Jamison asks Quentin. I’ll be looking with you into the flame, Quentin assures him. Evan begins by taking a black goblet from the altar. Holding it above Jamison’s head, he proclaims, I address myself and those with me to the powers of darkness. I call upon the flame to summon you. I call upon the raven and the viper, he intones, all of the dark creatures of nature, to draw you here like a rising mist from out of the darkness of the earth. As the wind begins to howl, Evan makes his appeal: Rise up and help us, for there is an enemy in our midst who must be destroyed. Still holding the goblet in one hand, he spreads his hands apart: Rise and help us, and we shall repay you with a gift of innocence! Thunder booms and Jamison calls out, No, no stop! Putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder, Evan warns him, Be silent--don’t break the spell. Jamison leans toward the fire and says, It is going to be here soon! I feel it! What are you talking about? Quentin asks. Be quiet! Evan orders him too. Jamison’s terror increases as he stares into the fire. It’s a woman, he cries, a woman! I don’t want to stay here! He starts to move away, but Evan takes his shoulder, assuring him, No one is going to hurt you. Jamison screams, Let me go! He runs out of the cottage. Quentin steps closer to the fireplace, staring into it with alarm. Evan tells Sandor to go after Jamison. Sandor hurries out. Keep him quiet and safe, Evan calls after him. Quentin steps over to the door too. We’ve got to get out of here! he says, his voice scaling up with fright. Sandor will find him, Evan says, assuming he’s talking about Jamison. Quentin exclaims, You’ve gone too far! Look, in the flames! Evan looks, his eyes widening. As they watch the fire with more alarm, a skull-like apparition--with blond curls--materializes in the midst of the flames....

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0710
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2014, 10:25:29 PM »
Glad Grandmama's not punishing Jamison for taking the will.  Welcome back, happy dead Edith!!  I wondered how much of the haunting was a dream, then DL you pointed out the room was still wrecked, after Q woke up.  How is Jamison a sacrifice, if he's not going to be harmed?  The black ceremony... skull appears in flames, end... Here comes one of the best episodes ever, and I believe the (credited) writing debut of Violet Welles!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0710
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 02:17:52 PM »
I'm afraid this is farewell to the wonderful Isabella Hoopes.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0710
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2014, 04:03:05 AM »
Sandor takes the box, leans in very close and advises Jamison, Go back to Collinwood--it’s going to be dark soon! He laughs evilly as Jamison hurries off, forgetting to take his cap. Sandor returns to his work.

This is one of my all-time favorite OS moments.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0710
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2014, 06:43:18 AM »
Glad you're back here, dom!
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor