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Discuss - Ep #0395
« on: February 16, 2013, 05:25:19 PM »
Robservations #395

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 05:33:05 PM »
Oh man, get back to me later, I just took too many notes on this one to take it on now, when I'm wired from pain killers and have been up all night.  Well, what can I say briefly....

I like the word "temerity" and wish it was on TV more.    Did Mr. Frid ad-lib "playing for time", a total anachronism?   If so, Louis, rather than covering his error, called attention to it in a totally Joshua-like way, staying in-character, which was more interesting.   "Playing for time?"  (sputtered indignance)   "What is that expression supposed to mean?"   Fast thinking.   Or scary total channeling of his character.

More later.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 09:18:35 PM »
MT, please feel better ASAP!

We start out with another fine LE-JF row. Barnabas realizes that his father doesn't believe anyone could love him (B.) for himself. But that isn't the world that Joshua inhabits. No doubt his own marriage to Naomi was an arranged one.

Josette's room at the New House will eventually become Vicki's. Elizabeth tells Vicki that it was her own room--before she was married (and we know how that turned out). There does seem to be something unfortunate about it.

The scene with Angelique, Barnabas and Josette is just heart-rending. KLS looks absolutely radiant in her sorrow and is the epitome of grace. The continuation after Angelique has left is even sadder. Kudos to KLS and JF. I remember shedding a tear or two myself the first time I saw Josette's eyes fill with tears even before Barnabas leaves the room. Then she sits down on the bed--the bed she would have shared with Barnabas--and weeps, heartbroken.

Naomi's good deed is so typical of her! She has always been practically my favorite character. And of course I love it that she stands up to Joshua.

Barnabas leaves Angelique alone at the Old House while he fetches the minister. Alone in the drawing room, Angelique is at last free to exult in being the mistress of a fine house, with everything she could ever want--till Jeremiah suddenly materializes in a corner of the drawing room. He refuses to obey her command to depart, and advances menacingly, Ping Pong ball and all….

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 06:36:26 AM »
I enjoyed all of Edmonds' scenes as Joshua. He must have loved this role. At times Barnabas sounds like a kid but at some point he gets defiant and very adult and stays that way. Joshua disinherits Barn - no surprise there. Naomi usurps her husband's authority by making Barn and his impending bride a present of the Old House. Not really too much of a surprise except if one might think it odd that a married woman of that time to hold the deed to such a valuable property. Gotta love her. She played on Barn's sympathetic nature, and unfortunately he took the bait. Barn would have done better to go to Boston and live unhappily ever after with Ange.

I have to admit that to my own amusement, I found it something on the order of sacrilege that Angelique could open a window and enjoy the sights and sounds of a beautiful day.

Everyone looked so short in this episode, especially KLS as Josette -- the camera angle obviously.

I was very impressed with Parker's performance at the Old House. I can't improve on the way you splendidly described it, DarkLady. I wonder if her loss of control over the resurrected (or is he a ghost?) Jerimiah is the first true failing of Ange at her craft, or her first experience with her craft getting away from her? I don't recall any previous examples of this.

BTW, anybody know where Trask is staying? Anyone under the impression that he was staying at the Old House and is now at Collinwood?

I hope someone is remembering to feed Vicki.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2013, 05:04:20 PM »
Thanks for your kind words, dom!  [snow_blush]

I'm sure Joshua arranged for Naomi to own the Old House as some kind of tax dodge. It is unusual, considering that our story happens during those dark days before states started enacting laws that allowed married women to own property. In 1795, any property that Naomi owned as a single woman--including every stitch of her clothing AND her own person--would have become Joshua's property to do with what he would.

I would assume that Trask has also moved to the New House along with everyone else.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2013, 06:21:46 PM »
I assume people are staying in town until told otherwise.   I like to think Trask sleeps in the stable next to his horse, though, amongst all the road apples...

I think so many parmanent family rifts must happen because people like Joshua feel free to exert total punishments against offspring, ruthlessly, justifying it by telling themselves and others that they actually mean no ill will and will continue to be a concerned devoted parent just as always, as long as the big rule isn't violated.  Therefore anything bad that results is totally in the offspring's control, his/her choice, especially since the parent sees no sensible reason for the offspring even wanting to break the big rule.  So, it's all the most loving and least harmful of toughlove measures, he thinks, meant just to wake the offspring up a little.

What's overlooked completely is that even if it is a whim on the part of the offspring to break the rule, the harshness of the punishment itself sends a huge message and can change forever how the parent is seen, and can become THE only important fact to the son/daughter, outliving the original issue.   It ends up not even mattering if the parent was right originally, which Joshua is.   I'd like to take apart why someone like Joshua can't perceive this, and I'd love to analyze it somehow, because if we could, we might address and change a key point of human misunderstanding that we've had since humans could talk.

I chuckled at Ang going all girly, and having her sweet, innocent, romantic moment with her (Josette's?!) wedding dress, like any bride.... when she's just done... well, just about everything to everybody!

What a bizarre mixture she is, of almost admirable true love for Barnabas, not being concerned at all with his fortune... combined with blind ruthlessness and self-absorption.   She'll go anywhere with him, doesn't care if he's poor.... but she doesn't care if he gives up everything for the sake of a marriage he absolutely does not want!   

That's the one thing supporting this entire storyline, making it remarkable and gripping, even when it gets stiff and stagey... the fact that those two opposites are somehow, magically, inexplicably combined in one character, and we buy it.   The most magical thing about Angelique isn't her powers, but who she manages to be.

I can hear Barnabas's thoughts as Ang reacts to hearing he'll lose his money and job... She loves me!  She really loves me!  Oh crap!!!
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2013, 08:26:14 PM »
Great observations as always, MT! That's a nice image of where Trask sleeps, although Abigail no doubt has made sure he gets his creature comforts.

I guess Joshua's idea of parenting is to expect absolute, total, unquestioning obedience from his children. Any punishments he hands are for their own good, and eventually (he thinks) they will see how right and just he was. Really, it's probably not his fault. Most likely that's how he was brought up himself.

And yes, it's funny that Angelique's girly moment involves a stolen wedding dress. Nothing about her is straightforward. Even her love (insofar as she can love) for Barnabas is permeated with ruthless selfishness.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2013, 06:26:08 AM »
Nice Family drama. I have to say that Louis Edmonds creates a character that is so totally different that I don't even think of him as the guy that plays Roger in the present. Can't say the same for Grayson Hall as she often seems like Julia playing dress up with her speech and mannerisms.
I like that Jeremiah is not obeying Angelique. It makes her more interesting and closer to the character as I enjoy where she thinks she is in control but things fall apart.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0395
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2013, 07:30:56 AM »
I totally buy GH as Natalie.   I'm not reminded at all of Julia, because Julia is tight and clenched and devious and pressured, especially with Barnabas around.   Natalie is very French, capricious, enjoys life, unpressured, seemingly impossible to intimidate, nearly gasp-free (I counted only one) and her superior relationship with Barnabas shattered any connection to Julia for me.  The problem may be the lack of a French accent, but I prefer the lack of accents.

The difference was made clearer for me when in a recent VO, Grayson read it very definitely as Julia, not Natalie, and I could tell right off, that's Julia talking-- not because the writing was modern, but because of the attitude.
"One can never go wrong with weapons and drinks as fashion accessories."-- the eminent and clearly quotable Dark Shadows fan and board mod known as Mysterious Benefactor