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Offline MaineGirl

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2003, 05:37:02 PM »
I'm quite sure that as long as the surviving cast members are willing to show up, there will continue to be DS fan events around the country.  There's been an event that's been happening every year around Halloween at Lockwood Mathews House in Norwalk, CT for several years now, for instance.

I also think it might be fun for fans to think of getting together just to socialize and share the weirdness that is DS.  That, for me, is why I kept going back.

The NYC Festivals have turned into cattle calls in recent years.  I would prefer something a little more intimate and low-key, myself.


I've done this, I've done it! And it works, I swear. I make plans, I fly down to a fellow DS friend's house, and we do nothing but commune through DS. Very low key, very inexpensive, and only the friend and I need coordinate on when and where.

Okay, I'm done now, thanks for listening!

Maine Girl

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2003, 05:41:12 PM »
the thing that i noticed with more professionally run fan gatherings is that you pay for autographs and a higher fee.  for some, this would get too expensive.

i like MaineGirl's idea where we just get together in smaller venues to watch, share fan fiction, and talk about our show.  don't forget the costume gala and talent show!

at a recent fan club event in los angeles (no stars), we had great fun for 3 hours just getting to know one another and chatting about the show.  no autograph lines.  it was great!

we also have DS sites to go see such as the Lyndhurst Estate, Seaview, the "Blue Whale", Lockwood, Greystone in Beverly Hills (used for the 1991 series), etc. etc.  then some other sites, particularly for a halloween party came to mind such as Salem, Massachusetts or like a Western "ghost" town.

when i came back to fandom in 2001 it was mostly though a google search, not the fest.  i didn't even know they had fests.  most of my "friends" i met were purely through group chats or message boards.  it was just that added bonus of actually being able to met you that made it more special.

as far as sci-fi channel and the rest of that goes, it's all based on advertising revenue.  if it makes them money, they will show it.  if it doesn't, then they won't.  the same goes for the dvds and videos.  everything concerning dark shadows airing or not airing is decided with focus groups and marketing studies.  it's all very business and cut and dry.  i doubt the festivals have had much to do with any of that type of decision making. 

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2003, 06:52:09 PM »
I suspect that this announcement probably marks the end of organised Dark Shadows fandom, and without regular sustainance of a headline event, I question what future the show has as a viable entertainment property.


I mean, it's unfortunate that this is occurring and all, but even if a Fest brings in say, 1000 people a year (does it? I'm not sure of the numbers), that's not enough to keep a TV show on the air. I've never been to a Fest (not going to this one either) and I imagine there are a lot of viewers who haven't and don't plan on going to one either.

There are plenty of old shows airing on cable networks that don't have an organized fan base and they still get air time. The networks care about ratings, pure and simple. Not much else.
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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #48 on: April 24, 2003, 07:13:13 PM »
Hope that thye continue to have the DS Fests
better get myself down there this August to
see The Q-man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                 Love Anne ;) ;D
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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #49 on: April 24, 2003, 07:28:59 PM »
And may I say that I plan to align myself with Julia99?  All we ask for is a one-line mention along the lines of, "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D



Make sure PansyFaye sees what we want!! Forget Barnabas . . Julia + Chris/Tom  . .whichever. . one hunk a burning man!   I like the idea John . . Julia runs off to the Caribbean with Chris/Tom and little Amy . ..Barnabas and Sabrina get together!  there ya go!


Offline Debra

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2003, 08:28:20 PM »
I hate to bring this up but do you think that last years incident involving those two fans who met at a DS fest possibly had any thing to do with this decision?   Im just trying to make some sense out of all this.

Gosh Cassandra I never even thought about that but you could be right.   Since we do not know the real reason for this very sudden news, we are only left to assume anything!  But I would sincerely hope that this wouldn't be the case as it surely wasn't the fest's fault,  yet the way it was plastered all over the media,  one never knows.
It was a sorry incident but if they dont want festgoers to assume the worst than they should give us a good reason!   I feel this is a terrible injustice on the part of the fans.

Offline MaineGirl

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2003, 10:58:36 PM »
And may I say that I plan to align myself with Julia99?  All we ask for is a one-line mention along the lines of, "Well, after Dr. Hoffman cured Chris Jennings, they ran off together and are living happily ever after in a tropical paradise."  ;D



Make sure PansyFaye sees what we want!! Forget Barnabas . . Julia + Chris/Tom  . .whichever. . one hunk a burning man!   I like the idea John . . Julia runs off to the Caribbean with Chris/Tom and little Amy . ..Barnabas and Sabrina get together!  there ya go!

Send your ideas about the play! Put in your two cents worth! I sent a nice letter saying that it shouldn't be all one sided and focused on, if fans will excuse me for saying so, only Quentin an Angelique. All sorts of characters played good, impactful parts in the Collinwood drama. All of the actors deserve their moment in the sun, so to speak, on the stage. Can we leave out Willie? Of course not! He's the one that let Barn out of his coffin!

And here's a question: Should absent friends be portrayed by other actors?
I say: Perish the thought!!

Maine Girl

Offline Darren Gross

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2003, 11:42:59 PM »
Selby's son is writing it and Dan Curtis will have some input or approval.

Offline murph

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2003, 05:11:00 AM »
Speaking for myself.....................................

I respect the Festivals and all that goes into them but at least for now it wasn't anything that was of interest to me.  I say this because I am not a person who likes crowds.  I prefer more intimate settings. A few people sitting around chatting.

I personally have never understood autographs.  They have never appealed to me and I've never understood the desire people have in getting them. But hey thats just my opinion and I respect those who really enjoy getting someone famous' signature.

Another thing that baffles me is the desire to stand in endless lines to shake the hand of a Dark Shadows actor/actress and exchange brief pleasantries.  And I mean brief because there are probably two hundred people behind you who want to do the same thing.  And then I've seen those pictures of a fan with an actor/actress of the show.  The star very often appears to have a painted on smile as if to say "get me out of here". And hey who can blame them after probably 50 pictures, they are only human after all so I'm not faulting the star.

I will admit I would love to have quality time with one of the stars, for me especially Jonathan Frid and/or Lara Parker.  I would love to have dinner in a nice restaurant and find out who they are as a person and not just who they were 30+ years ago when we were all a lot younger than we are today.  That to me would be very enjoyable, much more so then exchanging very brief pleasantries and probably saying the same thing to them that the 300 people ahead of me already said.  I say this because we all know, what can you say to someone that is a total stranger, at least we are to them, that is new and fresh when you probably have less than two minutes to talk to them.  I guess those who attended frequently may get to know them but otherwise you wouldn't.  Do I expect to ever have the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with Jonathan, Lara or any of the others over dinner?  Of course not but I would certainly welcome it if the opportunity ever presented itself.

Truth be told I am basically a quiet person and have felt most alone in a room full of people when I don't know anyone or I know the host/hostess who is busy mingling with everyone.  I can be very outgoing when I'm with people I know well or I'm with a small group of people that I'm comfortable with.  It's hard for me to get comfortable in a room full of strangers which is why the Fests didn't interest me.  If they had been held in Phoenix I certainly would have checked it out but they were either in LA or New York and to be honest I didn't want to deal with the hassle.  I read about all the horror stories on this Forum that people went through and as I said at least for me it didn't seem the benefits would outweigh the hassles.

I got involved in this Forum because of the show airing on SciFi and I hope that the end of the Fests does not mean the end of the show being aired or the DVD's being sold, or this Forum for that matter.  I am all for small groups getting together to chat or whatever and I think if people get committed to it it could work.  Now I understand the stars would probably never come to a small group gathering especially those that would be out of town but that would be fine as far as I'm concerned.

Honestly, if there are some of you in the Phoenix area drop me a line and I'd be interested in starting up a small group gathering.  Or if you happen to be passing through Phoenix drop me a line and I'd be interested in meeting for dinner.

I hope I didn't offend anyone because that honestly wasn't my intention.  I just thought I'd give my two cents worth.  Obviously not everyone will agree with what I said but as I stated it's my opinion only and that's one of the great things about living in this great country of ours. We all have the right to voice our opinions and we can agree to disagree.



Offline murph

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2003, 05:31:13 AM »
One thing I forgot to mention is that I'm sure that the Fest was more than just getting autographs and shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with the stars.  To be honest I'm not sure what else the weekend consisted of but it was obviously very worthwhile for many of you because of your reaction to the news that this will be the last Festival.

Thanks again,


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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2003, 06:21:14 AM »
So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl

I am presently in the process of ordering some software that will hopefully allow me to create some DS music videos. I've done some in the past but was never totally happy with the quality. I'll post here when I get something done with which I am truly satisfied.


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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2003, 04:13:37 PM »
Wow!! Where to begin.  This years event will be my 13th consecutive year of attending the Dark Shadows Festivals. Depending on your stance on these fan gatherings, some may applaud that number, others might think I need therapy.  ;)

The responses to the announcement that this will be the last of the 'Dark Shadows Festivals' has really been thought least for me. I agree with Nancy that I believe this to be more a case of Jim getting tired with organizing these massive events rather than the actors not wanting to attend. Murph, who admittedly has  never attended a 'Dark Shadows Festival' made a comment above about seeing photos of fans with actors who have smiles painted on their faces. I know Murph meant no malice, but I think that is an unfair statement to make of people whom one has never met. I have always found the majority of the actors to be very kind and genuine in their willingness to pose for photos and sign programs for fans. Lorraine mentioned having made friends with some of the actors over the years. Who would have ever thought that as a child or young adult growing up and watching Dark Shadows in the late 1960's that any of us from that generation would get to meet, let alone befriend any of these people.

I understand where Stuart is coming from, but I think LuciaPhil makes a good point, ratings are what the stations are looking for. With that said , there is not a more loyal group of fans for any, and I mean "ANY" (Star Trek included) show like there is for Dark Shadows, so I don't see the removal of a once a year event such as the festival, as a motivating force for fans to stopping watching or Sci Fi to stop airing DS.

Gothick my dear lad, it has been quite a while since you  last attended a Halloweenathon ;), it hasn't been held at Lockwood-Mathews since 2000.  ;D(It is now held at a hotel in the Tarrytown area) I agree with Gothick 100% that as long as there are groups of fans willing to put on events such as the Halloweenathon, some of the actors will continue to attend. Personally, I have never seen Lara Parker smile and have as much fun as she appeared to be having dancing with the fans at last years Halloween party.  The smaller gathering make these peripheral events much more intimate and relaxing for both the actors and fans. Jim Pierson has hosted similiar peripheral events that have been very successful as well. Off the top of my head I can think of :1992 DS Days at Tarrytown, The 1996 30th Ann. Gathering at LeBar Bat,(Gothick was there  ;)) and the 30th Ann Celebrations for Both House and Night of Dark Shadows at the Vista theater.

I can certainly understand Prof.Stokes emotions. I remember how excited I was to share my Festival experience with my friends when I returned home from my first Festival experience at the 25th ann celebration in Los Angeles back in 1991. I had so much fun meeting the actors and fellow fans that I could hardly wait until the next so that I could see everyone again. Like Bette mentioned, the main reason many fans go to the Festivals every year is to meet up with friends thay have made at the events in past years. I think that is the part I will miss the most. With so many of us spead out across the country ( and across the pond in Stuart's and others cases :)) it is virtually impossible for everyone to get together at one time, unless it is to attend an organized event such as the Festival.  The smaller peripheral events are usually held at venues that are not set up to accommodate large numbers of people, so unless the Festival concept is reinvented like Carol and Claude suggested in their posts, it is unlikely most of us will all gather together again as a group at one time. That does indeed sadden me. :-[

Victoria makes a good point. Fandom will only die when we say it will.  I think it was Mainegirl who mentioned fans getting together on their own and sharing fan fic , poetry, or memories of the show. Many of us already do this. Several years back Darksman hosted a Halloween party at his home in IN. and several of us from Ill, Missouri, and Ohio all got together for that weekend. The Central Fla Fan Club gets together a few times a year as well and they have their own Halloween party. On other occasions many of us who have met and become friends in fandom have gathered for trips to DisneyWorld, Wash DC, or gotten together for trips up to Seaview and other DS related locations.

I think SelbyDPearson summed it up best when he said he views the end of the festivals as a transformation.  Perhaps the gathering of us as fans does indeed need to be reinvented, and this is the first step in that process.   :)

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Offline MaineGirl

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2003, 04:15:41 PM »
So, now that there is no "official" fandom, I invite songvidders to step into the light. If you have made any, I would be very interested in setting up a deal.

Maine Girl

I am presently in the process of ordering some software that will hopefully allow me to create some DS music videos. I've done some in the past but was never totally happy with the quality. I'll post here when I get something done with which I am truly satisfied.


How marvelous! I'd be very interested in seeing those vids. We could trade. I've made all of two myself.....

Speaking of which, I've started a new thread about songvids - over there in the new topics area.


Maine Girl

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2003, 09:46:48 PM »
others might think I need therapy.  ;)


hey Bob get in line! ;D glad to hear you are going i'm dying to meet you! 8)

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Re:2003 Fest info
« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2003, 10:14:41 PM »
Speaking for myself.....................

I hope I didn't offend anyone because that honestly wasn't my intention I just thought I'd give my two cents worth.  Obviously not everyone will agree with what I said but as I stated it's my opinion only and that's one of the great things about living in this great country of ours. We all have the right to voice our oinions and we can agree to disagree.



Murph i applaud your freedom to speak your mind
and won't "dixie chick" you!

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