Author Topic: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS  (Read 4465 times)

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Offline Taeylor Collins

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Re: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2008, 03:56:53 AM »
I still cry my eyes out at the end of Old Yeller, Bob. But then, at the end of "Titanic", when everyone was weeping, I thought the old bag was nuts for holding onto that jewel for so long and not cashing it in. Go figure.

OFF TOPIC:  I just wanted to share this. Funny because I understand perfectly why she threw it into the sea. Speaking of Titanic.  I was the last one to leave the theater and had to be helped out I was in such a state. I couldn't quit crying.  I was crying for the people who lost their lives and the fact that all of them didn't have to die, because they didn't want to clutter the deck. :( I also was crying for myself because I felt trapped like Rose. Again it was a time in my life when I was wanting to come out and I could identify with Rose because she thought there was no way to be who she wanted to be.  I came out just a few months after watching this movie and I think it gave me the courage too! Isn't it amazing the profound affect ART can have on our lives??


[spoiler]1. When in 1995 Julia told Barnabas to leave her and he said "NEVER WITHOUT YOU".   I cry ever time because to me this is the first time I think Barnabas begans to admit (to himself) his feelings for Julia.He bascially said "I LOVE YOU" without the words.
2. When Julia is locked alone in the basement room in Parallel Time.  I felt so sorry for her and I wondered (when watching for this first time) if this was Julia's swan song.  So it made it all the more poignant.  I still get a bit misty eyed when watching.
3. After Barnabas and Julia escape the PT band and they both lament on never being able to experience a life of love.  The close up on Julia's eyes is heartbreaking.  I bawl.  Yes I am a very tender hearted man.  [ghost_sad]
4. When Quentin finds out about his children and his boy that died.  DAVID SELBY could have won a daytime Emmy for that if they were around then.  Seeing that hard drinking woman chasing man show some humanity was gut wrenching.
5. Magda realizing she cursed her own.
6. Seeing Barnabas, Julia, Liz, and Roger for the last time on DARK SHADOWS is truly sad for me.
7. Julia realzing she has lead the police to Barnabas to have him staked.  HEARTBREAKING. Grayson was amazing.
8. Mrs. Johnson in 1995. What a heartbreaking character and man did CLARICE deliver.  She makes me cry and she deserved an Emmy as well.
9. Julia showing up to save Barney from being staked in Parallel Time.  The scene between them is so sweet. 
10. The scene where Willie basically tells Barnabas to admit he cares for Julia during 1968 when she is being tortured by Tom. It is indeed very poginant as Barney finally admits it.[/spoiler]

I could go on and on.  I will stop for now.

As for the 1991 show:

[spoiler]1. Sarah's Death.  I thought Ben Cross was amazing and so was Veronica Lauren.
2. The scream/cry Barnabas made when he realized what he had done to Carolyn to reverse his aging process.  Very sad.:(
3. The scene in the jail between Countess Natalie and Victoria as she was telling Victoria they were taking Josette home too late.  Joanna and Barbara Steele were both superb. 
4. Barnabas crying in the Old House when Angelique tricks Naomi into going there to see him
5.The aftermath with Naomi losing her sanity. 
6. Daphne's staking after she reverts to human and whispers Joe's name!!
7. Joshua discovering Barnbas was "alive" and the hug between the two men.  Very poginant and I thought Stefan Giersach and Ben Cross were both amazing.[/spoiler]

I am spent and may add more later!!
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Re: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2008, 11:31:22 AM »
Quote from: Taeylor
8. Mrs. Johnson in 1995. What a heartbreaking character and man did CLARICE deliver.  She makes me cry and she deserved an Emmy as well.

One of my big ones (sorry if I posted this here, eyes, can't scan through whole thread) is Nancy Barrett in 1995 [spoiler]pleading with Mrs. Johnson at the tree not to be dead.  Something like that I can have not seen for a year, but it gets me just thinking back on it.[/spoiler]

The original biting of Barnabas in 1795.   I know for a fact that I've gone on at length about that one, somewhere, multiple times...  that's the pivotal DS moment, it's the whole story concentrated into one scene.   Despite the rubber bat, the acting saves it.  It's as if all his innocence is being violently ripped out of him, and it is absolutely not his fault.   I've seldom been so angry and outraged at a fictional character as I was along with Barnabas, [spoiler]at Angelique, leading up to the gunshot.   That gunshot made it all visceral and real, too, when we're used to more fanciful supernatural attacks.   I may have come uncomfortably close to that feeling of absolutely needing to shoot someone dead.[/spoiler]

With Joe after [spoiler]seeing the transformation, it's just a series of emotional moments and scenes, especially the extended dream where he relives it all, then sees Tom and Chris attacking from both sides.[/spoiler]
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Re: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS
« Reply #32 on: August 30, 2008, 03:25:38 PM »
With Joe after [spoiler]seeing the transformation, it's just a series of emotional moments and scenes, especially the extended dream where he relives it all, then sees Tom and Chris attacking from both sides.[/spoiler]

That is definitely one of my favorite scenes. I feel so bad for Joe; he was always such a nice guy and didn't deserve any of the crap he had to go through towards the end.

A few of my other picks: (I know most of them have been mentioned already, but they're worth repeating.)
- Sarah's ghost finally appearing to Barnabas and telling him that he "must be good." Even though he was basically trying to kill Julia just a few moments before, when I see that look on his face when Sarah leaves as he's begging her to come back... all I can think is, "Poor Barnabas, he needs a hug!" [hug] Also, many of Barn's other scenes when Sarah is mentioned (such as Vicki seeing her on the stairs) are particularly touching.
- Barnabas telling Victoria and Carolyn the story of Josette's death.
- Barnabas talking to Josette's portrait when the first time he's in the Old House.
- The scene with Barnabas and Julia in Josette's room after Barn has staked Tom. So sweet!
- The first post-vampire curse scene between Barnabas and Joshua and the last one. Joshua could be a jerk - downright cruel sometimes - but deep down I really think he was a big softie. [ghost_cheesy]
- The scene with Barnabas and Magda at Sandor's grave.
- Many of the early scenes with Adam, where he is first learning to talk and trying to communicate with Barnabas and Julia. And all the scenes where Willie is bullying him. I feel so bad for Adam and I just want to smack Willie in those. No wonder Adam turned out the way he did!
- Chris visiting Amy at Wyndcliff.
- I don't remember the exact scene, but there was one in 1840 between Gabriel and Daniel that I really liked. I think it may have been just before Daniel's death and they were talking about how he had never loved Garbriel because he wasn't "perfect" like Quentin, etc etc. What a jerk! It really made me feel bad for Gabriel. Like Adam, no wonder he turned out they way he did!

Okay, that's enough. I know there are plenty more though.


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Re: Nominees-Most Poignant Moments on DS
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2008, 01:55:27 AM »
[spoiler]- I don't remember the exact scene, but there was one in 1840 between Gabriel and Daniel that I really liked. I think it may have been just before Daniel's death and they were talking about how he had never loved Garbriel because he wasn't "perfect" like Quentin, etc etc. What a jerk! It really made me feel bad for Gabriel.[/spoiler]

I don't like people who play favorites with their kids. You're right, Daniel was an absolute heel for treating Gabriel the way he did. However, any sympathy I had for Gabriel went out the window when [spoiler] we found out he faked being a cripple all those years. Not only that, he also killed Randall Drew to frame Quentin.

Gabriel stated that he didn't think anyone loved him, not even Quentin, which I don't think is true. I think Quentin did care for him somewhat despite his obnoxious, self-pitying behavior. I think Gabriel just wanted to believe that Quentin didn't love him in order to justify doing what he did to him. [/spoiler]

However rotten a father Daniel may have been to Gabriel, it doesn't justify Gabriel's horrible actions against Quentin.